• geniousxu
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SforceServiceLocator locator = new SforceServiceLocator(); _logger.info( " -- Sandboxに接続します!! --"); locator.setSoapEndpointAddress( SOAP_ADDRESS_SANDBOX); SoapBindingStub binding = (SoapBindingStub)locator.getSoap(); LoginResult loginResult = binding.login( un, pw);



情報:-- Sandboxに接続します!! --
致命的:;nested exception is:
java.net.SocketException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.jsse2.SSLSocketFactoryImpl









Hello, I am an amateur about the PDF generation.

What I am doing now is that I want to render a page into PDF file and save it in database when I click a botton.

Source like this:


// botton action
public void pdfOutPut() { document dc = new document(); String pdfPageURL = '/apex/PdfOutputLayout?id=' + pageId; PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(pdfPageURL); dc.body = pageRef.getContent(); dc.name = 'pdftest' + System.DateTime.now() + '.pdf'; dc.folderid = folderId; insert dc; }


Now the problem is when I want to render mutiple pages into one PDF, how can I do?

My consideration likes this:


public void pdfOutPut() {
    document dc = new document();
    for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
String pdfPageURL = '/apex/PdfOutputLayout?id=' + pageId; PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(pdfPageURL); dc.body += pageRef.getContent(); }
dc.name = 'pdftest' + System.DateTime.now() + '.pdf'; dc.folderid = folderId; insert dc; }

I use "pageRef.getContent()" to get the PDF's binary data so I guess I could add each PDF's binary data into one. But there is error seems like "+=" is not supported.



Does anyone could help me?

Or maybe there is another way to achieve it?


Thank you.