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Hello all,


I am writting a visual force page for the task object, to display some activitives in a different page based on the Subject.


This is the error i am getting with my code. Can anyone point me in the rigth direction please:

Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from LIST<Task> to LIST<Task> at line 19 column 4




public class MarketingGeniusTasksController
       List<Task> tk;
 public MarketingGeniusTasksController(ApexPages.StandardController Controller)
  Public List<Task> getResults()
        return tk;
 public PageReference gettk()
   String userId=UserInfo.getUserId();
   tk=[Select Status, Subject, Priority, OwnerId, Owner.Name, WhatId, What.Name, WhoId, Who.Name, Vmail__c, RecordTypeId, LastModifiedDate,   from Task where Subject='Enterprise Marketing Genius Email'];   --> Line 19 error
   return Null;

    Static testMethod void testMarketingGeniusTasksController()
    user testUser=[Select Id from user where ProfileId='00e30000000eFWd' AND IsActive=true Limit 1];
    ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(testUser);
      MarketingGeniusTasksController testMGT = New MarketingGeniusTasksController(sc);


Hello all,


I am new to salesforce. And this is my first try at VisualForce Page in an organization.


The requirement is to display the activity history in a seperate page. Right now, since activity history is a related list in Accounts/Contacts, the information gets displayed in the same page as in Accounts/contacts.


I am planning to write a VF page and give a button on the related list, which will take the users to a new page of activity history.


Here is the VF page and the related class. I am getting a List has no rows for assignment to SObject errors.The error comes when i click the button.

Can anyone please help me out.


<apex:page standardController="Task" extensions="MarketingGeniusTasksController">
<apex:form >
<h1>Activity History: Marketing Genius Emails</h1>

<apex:pageblock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Task}" var="Task" >

<apex:column headerValue="Status"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!task.Status}"/>

<apex:column headerValue="Subject"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!task.Subject}"/>

<apex:column headerValue="Priority"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!task.Priority}"/>

<apex:column headerValue="TLC Activity Type"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!task.Vmail__c}"/>





public class MarketingGeniusTasksController 
    Task tk;
    Task tsk;
 public MarketingGeniusTasksController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController)
 this.tk = (Task)stdController.getRecord();
 tsk = [Select Status, Subject, Priority, Vmail__c from Task where Id=:tk.Id]; -->error at this line.
 public string getStatus(){
 return tsk.Status;
 public string getSubject(){
 return tsk.Subject;
 public string getPriority(){
 return tsk.Priority;
 public string getTLCActivityType(){
 return tsk.Vmail__c;

Trigger which creates Entitlements and also updates a field on Account. Since it is updating a field on Account, i cannot use (After Insert, After Update). When i use (before insert, before update) It gives me this error:

Apex trigger createEntitlement caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: createEntitlement: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Account Name]: [Account Name]: Trigger.createEntitlement:

I need some ideas on how to change the logic in this trigger to create the new Entitlement.

trigger createEntitlement on Account (before insert, before update) 
DateTime dt=System.now();

    set<Id> PersonAccountsId = new set<Id>();
    List<ServiceContract> newServiceContract=New List<ServiceContract>();
    List<Entitlement> newEntitlement=New List<Entitlement>();

    map<string, String> ServiceContractMap = new map<string,string>();
    map<string, String> EntitlementMap = new map<string,string>();
    RecordType accRecType=[Select Id From RecordType Where Name=:'Subscriber' And SobjectType=:'Account' limit 1];

if(Trigger.IsInsert )
       List<string> accIdList = new List<String>();
       Map<String,String> accConMap = new map<String,String>();
    for(Account acc : trigger.New)
     if(acc.RecordTypeId ==  accRecType.Id)   

    if(accIdList.size() > 0 )

   for(Account pa:Trigger.New)
        ServiceContract sc; Entitlement entl;
        if(pa.RecordTypeId==accRecType.Id && pa.JSC_Membership_Type__c=='Premium')
            sc=New ServiceContract(OwnerId=pa.OwnerId, Name='JSA', AccountId=pa.ID);
            sc.StartDate = dt.date();
            entl=New Entitlement (Entitlement_owner__c=pa.OwnerId, Name='JSA', AccountId=pa.ID,ServiceContractId=sc.Id, SlaProcessId='552R00000004CGs');
            entl.StartDate = dt.date();
           database.insert(newentitlement); <-- error here





What is the Exit syntax for Trigger?


REquirement is:



Exit();  --> it should exit the trigger without executing next block of code.






Hey guys,

I need some suggestions on how to write a trigger for this particular criteria.

Scenario is like this: An Account is created.And there is No activity on the account for 3 weeks. (no update, or delete).
I need to write a trigger for this inactivity, on Account. I am stumped because  until and unless there is some action on account, my trigger wont get fired.

so i need some suggestions on how to move forward with this.

This is the trigger i have written on Case object which updates a field in Account object. When i am closing a case, the following error shows up.



 for(Case ca:Trigger.New)
      Account acct=[Select a.id, a.Name, a.Last_Contacted_date__c, a.Contacted__c from Account a where a.Id=:ID1];
        if(ca.Subject=='New Member Outreach' && ca.Status=='Closed' && ca.AccountId==acct.Id)

                 database.update(acct);   --> Error: at this line       

Error is: updateAccount_Premium: execution of AfterUpdate
caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0
with id 001P000000GIss5IAD; first error:
INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Account: bad field names on
insert/update call: Name: [Name]: Trigger.updateAccount_Premium:

What is the syntax to know the Day of the week.


And also to subtract one date field with Today's date.


the requirement is like this:




  if( (account.createdDate - Today) > 21 || (Today - account.CreatedDate) >21 )


    Create case;




I need the help with the Blue Link part.