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Easy Question (I think) - Apex Test Class Question
I'm writng a test class for a lead event trigger and I;m stuck on how to account for one part of my test class.
The select querey is covered - which reads:
List<Event> checkEvent = [select id from event where WhoId in :leadidset];
Now I have a part of code that looks like this that is not covered:
else if ((l.Call_Back_Requested_All__c <> null) && (CheckEvent.size() == 1) && (l.isconverted==false)) { | |
for(Event MyEvent : checkEvent) | |
{ | |
MyEvent.ActivityDateTime = l.Call_Back_Requested_All__c; | |
MyEvent.Description = 'Call back customer ' + l.firstname + ' ' + l.lastname + | |
' with Lead Party ID ' + l.Company + '.'; | |
MyEvent.Subject = 'Call back customer ' + l.firstname + ' ' + l.lastname; | |
MyEvent.DurationInMinutes = 15; | |
//calEvent.WhatId = Trigger.new[0].Id; | |
MyEvent.ReminderDateTime = l.Call_Back_Requested_All__c.addMinutes(-15); | |
MyEvent.IsReminderSet = true; | |
MyEvent.Whoid = l.Id; | |
updateEvent.add(MyEvent); |
When I'm creating my test for this - I can't get this part covered. How can I make sure I insert a lead with an id that matches the whoid? I can't assign an id in a test class, right? If I put in the lead first, it doesn't fit the flow and cover the class. If I try to say something like 'whoid = l1.id,' that deson't work because I haven't inserted that lead yet.
Does that quiestion make sense?
- AlphaP
- March 10, 2012
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Test Error Method
I have 90% test class coverage for a trigger with the exception of this one line in my code:
27 | else if ((tmpDNCList.size()<1) && (myLead.Sub_Status_ALL__c == 'DNC Requested')) |
28 | { |
29 | Trigger.new[0].Status.addError('Please add DNC record to Salesforce prior to saving.'); |
When I create a record in the test class that matches this critieria - it causes a DML exception (as it should) and halts all of my other tests if I run them all at once and it drops my code coverage to almost 50%. The class itself gets 100% coverage though.
Is there something sepcial about wiritng a test class when using the error method?
- AlphaP
- February 10, 2012
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Trigger to Create Calendar Event (Loop troubles)
EDITIED: Cleaned up code, added commnets and added some clarity
I'm working with a referal process where we work a lead one day and then get another list to call when documents are ready. The first part of the trigger works - the part where i'm assigning the value of the External Unique ID to the lead company.
For the rest - I want to find leads that have been converted - so that when I get the second lead for 'Docs Ready' - I can look at who converted the lead and create a calendar event for that person that contains some of the information on that customer.
So I pull a list of converted leads by matching the External Unique ID - they will already be in the system since this is a follow-up lead.
I looked at the system.debug logs and the ConvertedLeadList never seesm to populate when I'm inseting test files. Is it my blocking? The query looks fine. Any ideas?
Then what I would like to happen - is take the ConvertedLeadList and loop through that and create a calendar event based on data from that list. One item I am unsure how to do is assign the calevent onwer based on the last modified id of the converted lead from the ConvertedLeadList.
How do I write the for loop for that? I looked at the dev guide and i'm just not 'getting' it.
trigger Referral on Lead (before insert, before update) { //create a list of leads 'Converted:eadList' that looks for a mtach in the tmpEUIDset. These converted leads have agent owners and will need to have a calendar event created. List<Lead> ConvertedLeadList = new List<Lead>(); Set<String> tmpEUIDset = new Set<String>(); //referals are external these - referals and do not have Party IDs - map EUID to party ID (company) on insert and exit loop for(Lead l : trigger.new){ if((l.Lead_Type_ALL__c == 'LegalZoom Referral') || (l.Lead_Type_ALL__c == 'LegalZoom Docs Ready')) { l.company = l.External_Unique_ID__c; } //exit loop //add EUIDS to string from insterted leads to match against when creating the ConvertedLeadList for(Lead lead : Trigger.new){ tmpEUIDset.add(lead.External_Unique_ID__c); if(Lead.External_Unique_ID__c != null) system.debug('Here is the current count of items in the tmpEUIDset string:' + tmpEUIDset.size()); } // exit loop // pull a list of converted leads from the first referral call by querying leads aginst the tmpEUID list ConvertedLeadList = [select id, Lead_Type_ALL__c, External_Unique_ID__c, Lastmodifiedbyid, Name from Lead where SystemModstamp=LAST_N_DAYS:90 AND name in :tmpEUIDSet AND Lead.Status='Contacted' AND Isconverted=true]; system.debug('Here is the current ConvertedLeadList size' + Convertedleadlist.size()); //look for an existing opportunity when there is a 'Docs Ready' lead type if(ConvertedLeadList.size()>0){ for(Lead mylead : trigger.new) { if ((trigger.new[0].External_Unique_ID__c == ConvertedLeadList[0].External_Unique_ID__c) && (trigger.new[0].Lead_Type_ALL__c == 'LegalZoom Docs Ready')){ System.debug('Matching Converted lead record found - creating event for' + trigger.new[0]); //This will generate an event for the current user if one does not exist currently List<Event> checkEvent = [select id from event where whoid =: Trigger.new[0].Id AND ActivityDateTime =: Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested_All__c]; if(checkEvent == null || checkEvent.size() == 0){ //create new event Event calEvent = new Event(); //base date vand time on Call_Back_Requested_ALL__c field on inserted lead calEvent.ActivityDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested_All__c; calEvent.Description = 'Documents are ready. Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname + ' with Lead Party ID ' + Trigger.new[0].Company + '.'; calEvent.Subject = 'Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname; calEvent.DurationInMinutes = 15; calEvent.ReminderDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested_All__c.addMinutes(-15); // the cal event needs to go to agent that converted the lead calEvent.Ownerid = ConvertedLeadList[0].lastmodifiedbyid; calEvent.IsReminderSet = true; calEvent.Whoid = Trigger.new[0].Id; insert calEvent; } } } } } }
- AlphaP
- January 25, 2012
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Whatid, Whoid and Event in Apex
I am trying to make an event whenever a date/time filed is populated on an opportunity object. I thouight i could use "whatid" to point to the opportunity, but I may have misread the dev docs. I'm getting:
/* This trigger creates an event when call back requested is selected on the opportunity trigger OppEvent on Opportunity (before update) { if (Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c <> null){ //This will generate an event for the current user if one does not exist currently List<Event> checkEvent = [select id from event where WhatId =: Trigger.new[0].Id AND ActivityDateTime =: Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c]; if(checkEvent == null || checkEvent.size() == 0){ Event calEvent = new Event(); calEvent.ActivityDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c; calEvent.Description = 'Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname + ' with ID ' + Trigger.new[0].Company + '.'; calEvent.Subject = 'Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname; calEvent.DurationInMinutes = 15; //calEvent.WhatId = Trigger.new[0].Id; calEvent.ReminderDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c.addMinutes(-15); calEvent.IsReminderSet = true; calEvent.WhoId = Trigger.new[0].Id; insert calEvent; } }
- AlphaP
- December 08, 2011
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Blocking Help in Apex Code
Line 176 is bombing out because of the '}' I'm missing why my blocking is off on that line. Any ideas?
*/ trigger StandOffPeriod2 on Lead (before Insert, before update) { List<Opportunity> opptList = new List<Opportunity>(); List<Opportunity> tmpList = new List<Opportunity>(); List<Lead> leadList = new List<Lead>(); List<Lead> tmpleadList = new List<Lead>(); Set<String> tmpSet = new Set<String>(); Set<String> tmpPhoneSet = new Set<String>(); Set<String> tmpPartyIdSet = new Set<String>(); Map<Id, Lead> unConvertedLeadsToUpdate = new Map<Id,lead>(); Date myDate = Date.Today().addDays(-90); for(Lead lead : Trigger.new){ tmpSet.add(lead.Company_Phone__c); tmpPhoneSet.add(lead.Phone); tmpPartyIdSet.add(lead.Company); //tmpleadList.add(lead); } System.debug('tmpPhoneset = ' + tmpPhoneset); System.debug('tmpPartyIdset = ' + tmpPartyIdSet); //pull a list of all opportunities that match the company_phone__c field //tmpList = [select id, Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c, Lead_Status_All__c, Lead_Call_Date_ALL__c,Lead_Company_Phone__c from Opportunity where Lead_Company_Phone__c in :tmpSet]; tmpList = [select id, Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c, Lead_Status_All__c, Lead_Call_Date_ALL__c,Account.Name from Opportunity where Account.name in :tmpPartyIdSet OR Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c in:tmpPhoneSet]; //System.debug('tmpList2 information = ' + tmpList2.size()); //pull a list of all existing leads that match the company_phone__c field //tmpLeadList = [select id, Call_Date_All__c, Company_Phone__c from Lead where Company_Phone__c in:tmpSet]; tmpLeadList = [select id, Call_Date_All__c, Company_Phone__c,Party_ID_ALL__c,Company,Phone from Lead where isConverted=FALSE AND (Phone in:tmpPhoneSet OR Company in:tmpPartyIdSet)]; //pull a list of matching Do Not Call records tmpDNCList = [select id, Name from Do_Not_Call__c where Name in:tmpPartyIdSet]; //Build a map with all retrieved lead objects System.debug('The tmpList is currently ' + tmpList.size()); for(Lead myLead : Trigger.new){ if(myLead.status == 'Open' && Trigger.new.size() > 1){ //Check the lead Dates and set the status if necessary System.debug('Lead to look at...Here is the date -=> ' + myLead.Call_Date_All__c); System.debug('Comparing to myDate -=> ' + myDate); //Checking the opportunity Boolean opptCheck = false; if(tmpList.size()>0){ for(Opportunity o : tmpList){ if((o.Account.Name == myLead.Company) || (o.Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c==myLead.Phone)){ if(o.Lead_Call_Date_All__c == null){ System.debug('NULL Date found on the Opportunity...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; opptCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the oppt id = ' + o.id); break; }else if (o.Lead_Call_Date_All__c <= myDate){ System.debug('Earlier date found on the Opportunity...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; opptCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the oppt id = ' + o.id); break; }else if(o.Lead_Call_Date_All__c > myDate){ System.debug('Later date found on the Opportunity...setting status to Pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; opptCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the oppt id = ' + o.id); break; } } } } if(opptCheck){ System.debug('######################################## Opportunity has set the status #####################'); continue; } Boolean leadCheck = false; if(tmpLeadList.size()>0 && myLead.id == null){ for(Lead l : tmpLeadList){ if((l.Company == myLead.Company) || (l.Phone == myLead.Phone)){ if(l.Call_Date_All__c == null){ System.debug('NULL Date found on the LEAD MATCH...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; l.status='Open'; Boolean addLead = true; if(!unconvertedLeadsToUpdate.containsKey(l.Id)){ unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.put(l.id, l); } leadCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the LEAD id = ' + l.id); //break; }else if (l.Call_Date_All__c <= myDate){ System.debug('Earlier date found on the LEAD MATCH...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; l.status='Open'; Boolean addLead = true; if(!unconvertedLeadsToUpdate.containsKey(l.Id)){ unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.put(l.id, l); } leadCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the LEAD id = ' + l.id); //break; }else if(l.Call_Date_All__c > myDate){ System.debug('Later date found on the LEAD MATCH...setting status to Pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; l.status='Pending'; Boolean addLead = true; if(!unconvertedLeadsToUpdate.containsKey(l.Id)){ unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.put(l.id, l); } leadCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the LEAD id = ' + l.id); //break; } } } } if(leadCheck){ System.debug('######################################## Existing Lead has set the status #####################'); continue; } if(myLead.Call_Date_All__c == null){ System.debug('NULL Date found...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; //leadList.add(myLead); }else if (myLead.Call_Date_All__c <= myDate){ System.debug('Earlier date found...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; //leadList.add(myLead); }else if(myLead.Call_Date_All__c > myDate){ System.debug('Later date found...setting status to Pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; //leadList.add(myLead); } } } //Checking the Do Not Call Object Boolean DNCCheck = false; if(tmpDNCList.size()>0){ for(Do_Not_Call obj : tmpDNCList) { if((obj.Name == myLead.Company) { System.debug(Matching Do Not Call Record Found - setting status to 'pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; DNCCheck = true; break; } } } if(DNCCheck){ System.debug('######################################## Do Not Call Object has set the status #####################'); continue; } if(unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.size() > 0){ List<Lead> updateME = new List<Lead>(); updateME = unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.values(); System.debug('unConvertedLeadsToUpdate SIZE = ' + unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.size()); // update updateMe; } }
- AlphaP
- November 17, 2011
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Assign Record Owner to Custom Object based on matching a data element to User object
trigger CEWSowner on PSC_CEWS__c (before insert) { PSC_CEWS__c [] CEWSList = trigger.new; List <PSC_CEWS__c> updatedListToInsert= new List <PSC_CEWS__c>(); for(PSC_CEWS__c CEWS : CEWSList){ List<User> lookupCEWSUser = [select ID from User where CAI__c =: CEWS.CAI__c Limit 1]; if(lookupCEWSUser.size() > 0){ CEWS.Ownerid = lookupCEWSuser[0].Id; updatedListToInsert.add(CEWS); } } if(updatedListToInsert.size() > 0) { insert updatedListToInsert; } }
So I have a custom object 'PSC_CEWS__c' that is upserted/inserted with a unique identifier for each user 'CAI__c.' Before insert, i want to match the CAI__c to the correct User in Salesforce, and make that person the record owner. So far, this actually does nothing. I have something typed wrong, but have looked at it long enough and am thinking I'm missing something real basic here.
Any thoughts?
- AlphaP
- November 12, 2011
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Easy Question (I think) - Apex Test Class Question
I'm writng a test class for a lead event trigger and I;m stuck on how to account for one part of my test class.
The select querey is covered - which reads:
List<Event> checkEvent = [select id from event where WhoId in :leadidset];
Now I have a part of code that looks like this that is not covered:
else if ((l.Call_Back_Requested_All__c <> null) && (CheckEvent.size() == 1) && (l.isconverted==false)) { | |
for(Event MyEvent : checkEvent) | |
{ | |
MyEvent.ActivityDateTime = l.Call_Back_Requested_All__c; | |
MyEvent.Description = 'Call back customer ' + l.firstname + ' ' + l.lastname + | |
' with Lead Party ID ' + l.Company + '.'; | |
MyEvent.Subject = 'Call back customer ' + l.firstname + ' ' + l.lastname; | |
MyEvent.DurationInMinutes = 15; | |
//calEvent.WhatId = Trigger.new[0].Id; | |
MyEvent.ReminderDateTime = l.Call_Back_Requested_All__c.addMinutes(-15); | |
MyEvent.IsReminderSet = true; | |
MyEvent.Whoid = l.Id; | |
updateEvent.add(MyEvent); |
When I'm creating my test for this - I can't get this part covered. How can I make sure I insert a lead with an id that matches the whoid? I can't assign an id in a test class, right? If I put in the lead first, it doesn't fit the flow and cover the class. If I try to say something like 'whoid = l1.id,' that deson't work because I haven't inserted that lead yet.
Does that quiestion make sense?
- AlphaP
- March 10, 2012
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Test Error Method
I have 90% test class coverage for a trigger with the exception of this one line in my code:
27 | else if ((tmpDNCList.size()<1) && (myLead.Sub_Status_ALL__c == 'DNC Requested')) |
28 | { |
29 | Trigger.new[0].Status.addError('Please add DNC record to Salesforce prior to saving.'); |
When I create a record in the test class that matches this critieria - it causes a DML exception (as it should) and halts all of my other tests if I run them all at once and it drops my code coverage to almost 50%. The class itself gets 100% coverage though.
Is there something sepcial about wiritng a test class when using the error method?
- AlphaP
- February 10, 2012
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Non-selective query against large object type (more than 100000 rows).
FATAL_ERROR|System.QueryException: Non-selective query against large object type (more than 100000 rows). Consider an indexed filter or contact salesforce.com about custom indexing.
Even if a field is indexed a filter might still not be selective when:
1. The filter value includes null (for instance binding with a list that contains null)
2. Data skew exists whereby the number of matching rows is very large (for instance, filtering for a particular foreign key value that occurs many times).
trigger InsertFin on Case (after insert) {
list<Fin__c> falist = new list<Fin__c>();
if ((Trigger.new.size() == 1)&&(trigger.new[0].MID__c !=null)){
list<Contact> con = new list<Contact>([Select c.EmpId__c,c.branch__c,c.branch__r.name,c.Id,c.name From Contact c where c.EmpId__c!=null and c.EmpId__c =: trigger.new[0].MID__c limit 1]);
Fin__c f1 = new Fin__c();
f1.Case__c = trigger.new[0].Id;
f1.Branch__c = con[0].branch__r.name;
f1.name= con[0].name;
if ((Trigger.new.size() == 1)&&(trigger.new[0].MID_2__c !=null)){
list<Contact> con = new list<Contact>([Select c.EmpId__c,c.branch__c,c.branch__r.name,c.Id,c.name From Contact c where c.EmpId__c!=null and c.EmpId__c =: trigger.new[0].MID_2__c limit 1]);
Fin__c f2 = new Fin__c();
f2.Case__c = trigger.new[0].Id;
f2.Branch__c = con[0].branch__r.name;
f2.name= con[0].name;
if ((Trigger.new.size() == 1)&&(trigger.new[0].MID_3__c !=null)){
list<Contact> con = new list<Contact>([Select c.EmpId__c,c.branch__c,c.branch__r.name,c.Id,c.name From Contact c where c.EmpId__c!=null and c.EmpId__c =: trigger.new[0].MID_3__c limit 1]);
Fin__c f3 = new Fin__c();
f3.Case__c = trigger.new[0].Id;
f3.Branch__c = con[0].branch__r.name;
f3.name= con[0].name;
if ((Trigger.new.size() == 1)&&(trigger.new[0].MID_4__c !=null)){
list<Contact> con = new list<Contact>([Select c.EmpId__c,c.branch__c,c.branch__r.name,c.Id,c.name From Contact c where c.EmpId__c!=null and c.EmpId__c =: trigger.new[0].MID_4__c limit 1]);
Fin__c f4 = new Fin__c();
f4.Case__c = trigger.new[0].Id;
f4.Branch__c = con[0].branch__r.name;
f4.name= con[0].name;
if ((Trigger.new.size() == 1)&&(trigger.new[0].MID_5__c !=null)){
list<Contact> con = new list<Contact>([Select c.EmpId__c,c.branch__c,c.branch__r.name,c.Id,c.name From Contact c where c.EmpId__c!=null and c.EmpId__c =: trigger.new[0].MID_5__c limit 1]);
Fin__c f5 = new Fin__c();
f5.Case__c = trigger.new[0].Id;
f5.Branch__c = con[0].branch__r.name;
f5.name= con[0].name;
insert falist;
How to fix this trigger.Any Idea?
- kkr.dev
- January 25, 2012
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Trigger to Create Calendar Event (Loop troubles)
EDITIED: Cleaned up code, added commnets and added some clarity
I'm working with a referal process where we work a lead one day and then get another list to call when documents are ready. The first part of the trigger works - the part where i'm assigning the value of the External Unique ID to the lead company.
For the rest - I want to find leads that have been converted - so that when I get the second lead for 'Docs Ready' - I can look at who converted the lead and create a calendar event for that person that contains some of the information on that customer.
So I pull a list of converted leads by matching the External Unique ID - they will already be in the system since this is a follow-up lead.
I looked at the system.debug logs and the ConvertedLeadList never seesm to populate when I'm inseting test files. Is it my blocking? The query looks fine. Any ideas?
Then what I would like to happen - is take the ConvertedLeadList and loop through that and create a calendar event based on data from that list. One item I am unsure how to do is assign the calevent onwer based on the last modified id of the converted lead from the ConvertedLeadList.
How do I write the for loop for that? I looked at the dev guide and i'm just not 'getting' it.
trigger Referral on Lead (before insert, before update) { //create a list of leads 'Converted:eadList' that looks for a mtach in the tmpEUIDset. These converted leads have agent owners and will need to have a calendar event created. List<Lead> ConvertedLeadList = new List<Lead>(); Set<String> tmpEUIDset = new Set<String>(); //referals are external these - referals and do not have Party IDs - map EUID to party ID (company) on insert and exit loop for(Lead l : trigger.new){ if((l.Lead_Type_ALL__c == 'LegalZoom Referral') || (l.Lead_Type_ALL__c == 'LegalZoom Docs Ready')) { l.company = l.External_Unique_ID__c; } //exit loop //add EUIDS to string from insterted leads to match against when creating the ConvertedLeadList for(Lead lead : Trigger.new){ tmpEUIDset.add(lead.External_Unique_ID__c); if(Lead.External_Unique_ID__c != null) system.debug('Here is the current count of items in the tmpEUIDset string:' + tmpEUIDset.size()); } // exit loop // pull a list of converted leads from the first referral call by querying leads aginst the tmpEUID list ConvertedLeadList = [select id, Lead_Type_ALL__c, External_Unique_ID__c, Lastmodifiedbyid, Name from Lead where SystemModstamp=LAST_N_DAYS:90 AND name in :tmpEUIDSet AND Lead.Status='Contacted' AND Isconverted=true]; system.debug('Here is the current ConvertedLeadList size' + Convertedleadlist.size()); //look for an existing opportunity when there is a 'Docs Ready' lead type if(ConvertedLeadList.size()>0){ for(Lead mylead : trigger.new) { if ((trigger.new[0].External_Unique_ID__c == ConvertedLeadList[0].External_Unique_ID__c) && (trigger.new[0].Lead_Type_ALL__c == 'LegalZoom Docs Ready')){ System.debug('Matching Converted lead record found - creating event for' + trigger.new[0]); //This will generate an event for the current user if one does not exist currently List<Event> checkEvent = [select id from event where whoid =: Trigger.new[0].Id AND ActivityDateTime =: Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested_All__c]; if(checkEvent == null || checkEvent.size() == 0){ //create new event Event calEvent = new Event(); //base date vand time on Call_Back_Requested_ALL__c field on inserted lead calEvent.ActivityDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested_All__c; calEvent.Description = 'Documents are ready. Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname + ' with Lead Party ID ' + Trigger.new[0].Company + '.'; calEvent.Subject = 'Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname; calEvent.DurationInMinutes = 15; calEvent.ReminderDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested_All__c.addMinutes(-15); // the cal event needs to go to agent that converted the lead calEvent.Ownerid = ConvertedLeadList[0].lastmodifiedbyid; calEvent.IsReminderSet = true; calEvent.Whoid = Trigger.new[0].Id; insert calEvent; } } } } } }
- AlphaP
- January 25, 2012
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Whatid, Whoid and Event in Apex
I am trying to make an event whenever a date/time filed is populated on an opportunity object. I thouight i could use "whatid" to point to the opportunity, but I may have misread the dev docs. I'm getting:
/* This trigger creates an event when call back requested is selected on the opportunity trigger OppEvent on Opportunity (before update) { if (Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c <> null){ //This will generate an event for the current user if one does not exist currently List<Event> checkEvent = [select id from event where WhatId =: Trigger.new[0].Id AND ActivityDateTime =: Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c]; if(checkEvent == null || checkEvent.size() == 0){ Event calEvent = new Event(); calEvent.ActivityDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c; calEvent.Description = 'Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname + ' with ID ' + Trigger.new[0].Company + '.'; calEvent.Subject = 'Call back customer ' + Trigger.new[0].firstname + ' ' + Trigger.new[0].lastname; calEvent.DurationInMinutes = 15; //calEvent.WhatId = Trigger.new[0].Id; calEvent.ReminderDateTime = Trigger.new[0].Call_Back_Requested__c.addMinutes(-15); calEvent.IsReminderSet = true; calEvent.WhoId = Trigger.new[0].Id; insert calEvent; } }
- AlphaP
- December 08, 2011
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Blocking Help in Apex Code
Line 176 is bombing out because of the '}' I'm missing why my blocking is off on that line. Any ideas?
*/ trigger StandOffPeriod2 on Lead (before Insert, before update) { List<Opportunity> opptList = new List<Opportunity>(); List<Opportunity> tmpList = new List<Opportunity>(); List<Lead> leadList = new List<Lead>(); List<Lead> tmpleadList = new List<Lead>(); Set<String> tmpSet = new Set<String>(); Set<String> tmpPhoneSet = new Set<String>(); Set<String> tmpPartyIdSet = new Set<String>(); Map<Id, Lead> unConvertedLeadsToUpdate = new Map<Id,lead>(); Date myDate = Date.Today().addDays(-90); for(Lead lead : Trigger.new){ tmpSet.add(lead.Company_Phone__c); tmpPhoneSet.add(lead.Phone); tmpPartyIdSet.add(lead.Company); //tmpleadList.add(lead); } System.debug('tmpPhoneset = ' + tmpPhoneset); System.debug('tmpPartyIdset = ' + tmpPartyIdSet); //pull a list of all opportunities that match the company_phone__c field //tmpList = [select id, Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c, Lead_Status_All__c, Lead_Call_Date_ALL__c,Lead_Company_Phone__c from Opportunity where Lead_Company_Phone__c in :tmpSet]; tmpList = [select id, Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c, Lead_Status_All__c, Lead_Call_Date_ALL__c,Account.Name from Opportunity where Account.name in :tmpPartyIdSet OR Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c in:tmpPhoneSet]; //System.debug('tmpList2 information = ' + tmpList2.size()); //pull a list of all existing leads that match the company_phone__c field //tmpLeadList = [select id, Call_Date_All__c, Company_Phone__c from Lead where Company_Phone__c in:tmpSet]; tmpLeadList = [select id, Call_Date_All__c, Company_Phone__c,Party_ID_ALL__c,Company,Phone from Lead where isConverted=FALSE AND (Phone in:tmpPhoneSet OR Company in:tmpPartyIdSet)]; //pull a list of matching Do Not Call records tmpDNCList = [select id, Name from Do_Not_Call__c where Name in:tmpPartyIdSet]; //Build a map with all retrieved lead objects System.debug('The tmpList is currently ' + tmpList.size()); for(Lead myLead : Trigger.new){ if(myLead.status == 'Open' && Trigger.new.size() > 1){ //Check the lead Dates and set the status if necessary System.debug('Lead to look at...Here is the date -=> ' + myLead.Call_Date_All__c); System.debug('Comparing to myDate -=> ' + myDate); //Checking the opportunity Boolean opptCheck = false; if(tmpList.size()>0){ for(Opportunity o : tmpList){ if((o.Account.Name == myLead.Company) || (o.Lead_Phone_Number_ALL__c==myLead.Phone)){ if(o.Lead_Call_Date_All__c == null){ System.debug('NULL Date found on the Opportunity...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; opptCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the oppt id = ' + o.id); break; }else if (o.Lead_Call_Date_All__c <= myDate){ System.debug('Earlier date found on the Opportunity...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; opptCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the oppt id = ' + o.id); break; }else if(o.Lead_Call_Date_All__c > myDate){ System.debug('Later date found on the Opportunity...setting status to Pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; opptCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the oppt id = ' + o.id); break; } } } } if(opptCheck){ System.debug('######################################## Opportunity has set the status #####################'); continue; } Boolean leadCheck = false; if(tmpLeadList.size()>0 && myLead.id == null){ for(Lead l : tmpLeadList){ if((l.Company == myLead.Company) || (l.Phone == myLead.Phone)){ if(l.Call_Date_All__c == null){ System.debug('NULL Date found on the LEAD MATCH...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; l.status='Open'; Boolean addLead = true; if(!unconvertedLeadsToUpdate.containsKey(l.Id)){ unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.put(l.id, l); } leadCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the LEAD id = ' + l.id); //break; }else if (l.Call_Date_All__c <= myDate){ System.debug('Earlier date found on the LEAD MATCH...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; l.status='Open'; Boolean addLead = true; if(!unconvertedLeadsToUpdate.containsKey(l.Id)){ unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.put(l.id, l); } leadCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the LEAD id = ' + l.id); //break; }else if(l.Call_Date_All__c > myDate){ System.debug('Later date found on the LEAD MATCH...setting status to Pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; l.status='Pending'; Boolean addLead = true; if(!unconvertedLeadsToUpdate.containsKey(l.Id)){ unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.put(l.id, l); } leadCheck = true; System.debug('Here is the LEAD id = ' + l.id); //break; } } } } if(leadCheck){ System.debug('######################################## Existing Lead has set the status #####################'); continue; } if(myLead.Call_Date_All__c == null){ System.debug('NULL Date found...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; //leadList.add(myLead); }else if (myLead.Call_Date_All__c <= myDate){ System.debug('Earlier date found...setting status to Open'); myLead.Status = 'Open'; //leadList.add(myLead); }else if(myLead.Call_Date_All__c > myDate){ System.debug('Later date found...setting status to Pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; //leadList.add(myLead); } } } //Checking the Do Not Call Object Boolean DNCCheck = false; if(tmpDNCList.size()>0){ for(Do_Not_Call obj : tmpDNCList) { if((obj.Name == myLead.Company) { System.debug(Matching Do Not Call Record Found - setting status to 'pending'); myLead.Status = 'Pending'; DNCCheck = true; break; } } } if(DNCCheck){ System.debug('######################################## Do Not Call Object has set the status #####################'); continue; } if(unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.size() > 0){ List<Lead> updateME = new List<Lead>(); updateME = unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.values(); System.debug('unConvertedLeadsToUpdate SIZE = ' + unConvertedLeadsToUpdate.size()); // update updateMe; } }
- AlphaP
- November 17, 2011
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Assign Record Owner to Custom Object based on matching a data element to User object
trigger CEWSowner on PSC_CEWS__c (before insert) { PSC_CEWS__c [] CEWSList = trigger.new; List <PSC_CEWS__c> updatedListToInsert= new List <PSC_CEWS__c>(); for(PSC_CEWS__c CEWS : CEWSList){ List<User> lookupCEWSUser = [select ID from User where CAI__c =: CEWS.CAI__c Limit 1]; if(lookupCEWSUser.size() > 0){ CEWS.Ownerid = lookupCEWSuser[0].Id; updatedListToInsert.add(CEWS); } } if(updatedListToInsert.size() > 0) { insert updatedListToInsert; } }
So I have a custom object 'PSC_CEWS__c' that is upserted/inserted with a unique identifier for each user 'CAI__c.' Before insert, i want to match the CAI__c to the correct User in Salesforce, and make that person the record owner. So far, this actually does nothing. I have something typed wrong, but have looked at it long enough and am thinking I'm missing something real basic here.
Any thoughts?
- AlphaP
- November 12, 2011
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