• szesze21
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Our org has installed many managed packages but some are no longer used. What is the best way to 1) decide which package to uninstall? 2) analyse impact of uninstall on other objects that might be using these packages?. thanks.
I'm new to coding. On https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/apex_database/apex_database_sobjects, it says "creating an sObject doesn’t persist it as a record in the database. To save the sObject as a record, and do other things with it, you’ll need to use DML." I'm trying to understanding why and whether this is something specific to sObject (i.e. SFDC), or is this common with other programming languages too?
On https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/apex_database/apex_database_sobjects, it gives 2 examples on how to populate fields on a new record: is either one better than the other, in terms of taking up memory, or any governance limits? thanks.

1) Account acct = new Account(Name='Acme', Phone='(415)555-1212', NumberOfEmployees=100); OR
2) Alternatively, you can use the dot notation to add fields to an sObject. The following is equivalent to the previous example, although it takes a few more lines of code.view source
 Account acct = new Account();
 acct.Name = 'Acme';
 acct.Phone = '(415)555-1212';
 acct.NumberOfEmployees = 100;

Hi, does anyone have recommendations for a tool to create ERD from SFDC? We need to document objects, API names, primary key, and object relationships, etc.


I tried Schema Builder but doesn't seem to allow editing the text or display API Names.

