• tom_k
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I am developing a mobile app and using the REST API to interface with Salesforce.

One of our customer data sets has a huge "bulge" of notes so big that I cannot even

issue a Count() query on it.


This seems really odd, not to even be able to count the items in a Table.  If this were

an actual query to pull records, I would try to narrow the query.  But having to narrow

a Count() query seems like there is some deeper fundamental problem (especially

for such a small value as 20000 records).


Unfortunately, I don't have easy access to the customer's account to experiment with.

Any suggestions appreciated.  [I would love a "cold call" from a salesforce support

engineer for this one.]





Here is the failure:


SOQL "select Count() from Note"





    "message" : "exceeded 20000 distinct ids",

    "errorCode" : "OPERATION_TOO_LARGE"
