• Ushank
  • 15 Points
  • Member since 2012
  • Architect

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My users are using custom mobile chatter app. Users are located across the globe. I want to make sure that use see feeds and comments as per their time zone.
I believe by default user see the feed and comments in their time zone. Do i need to make sure and do some other settings or acheive this functionality?
Is it possible to display PHP page in salesforce using Iframe probably without herko? which display data in XML and HTML formate. This PHP page is hosted inside corporate firewall and can't be accessed outside the firewall
My customer would like to design an application to allow sales team to locate customer and access data both in online and offline mobe.application may be accessed from multiple channel.
How should we design this system. Should be use salesforce 1 or native device SDK for andriod, Ios and BB? Also suggest if we can use sites and normal VF page which may not support offline mode though.
What is name binding in salesforce. Its a concept of oops but I never heard about it in salefroce. Please though some light.
Hello Guys,

I am trying to call apex rest api from Jquery Ajax functional which is giving me unauthorized "400 error status" in return. I am setting the request header with session information "xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', "OAuth " + session);" as this.
When I am trying to call the webservice from Chrome rest console, workbench and Soap UI its working fine and giving me result back but I am only facing issue while trying to call this service from java script.
Could it be because of cross site scripting? 
Please suggest me how to proceed further.