• b.nitesh
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I am trying to implement Salesforce-to-salesforce integration using SOAP APIs. I followed the links at http://developer.force.com/cookbook/recipe/calling-salesforce-web-services-using-apex and http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/forums/forumtopicprintpage/board-id/integration/message-id/1367/print-single-message/false/page/1 to create Apex classes for Partner WSDL.


Now I am able to query into another org. However, when I try to update an account object, the update does not modify the record. I am using a callout from a trigger to do this. I can see that the callout is successful and even the SaveResult.success is true. On the other org, the object has its last modified field updated but the updates to fields do not take place.


I tried updating a custom field and a standard field (Phone) as well but none of them get updated. I'm sure other people have done similar things. Any tips or pointers will be much appreciated.


If you need any sample code from my end to help you in your analysis, let me know and I can make it available here. Thanks.


I am trying to create a date range chart using the annotated timeline in Google Viz by which I can show 2 different date ranges represented by different lines spanning across certain time periods.

E.g.first time range gets a value of 1 and ranges for 2 months, the next range gets a value of 2 and ranges for a month.

These ranges can be overlapping or exclusive, the key is they have start and end date so they should only have a value within that range. I came across annotated timeline chart in Goggle Viz which seems to be able to do this with certain success. I tried my solution at https://code.google.com/apis/ajax/playground/?type=visualization#annotated_time_line by supplying values along the date range and then supplying null otherwise and the chart seemed to not draw the line when the value was null, which is perfect.

Then I started working with the GoogleViz component for TimeLine in a Visualforce page which lets me send my data from the controller in json format. I'm having trouble identifying the value I should send in my json payload to be read as null in GoogleViz. Have not found any examples for this as yet. Any advice or pointers will be greatly appreciated.

Let me know if more information or code from my side will help in getting an answer.


I have read about custom report types and reports and have created one using my custom object. Now I want to expose this report in my custom app. Is this possible using a tab or Visualforce page?

Any guidance will be much appreciated.




I have read about custom report types and reports and have created one using my custom object. Now I want to expose this report in my custom app. Is this possible using a tab or Visualforce page?

Any guidance will be much appreciated.

