• RajeevlsHyd
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I am trying to send the input field value to the controller class from VF page and getting error inside the action funciton method :


Here I want to pass three parameters to the controller class :

prodcnt, dealcnt and obj.dsObj.NAS_QC__c ... i am getting the error :


Error: <apex:actionFunction> may not be used within an iterable component. You can use <apex:param> to define parameters for the function and pass iteration-specific values via the parameters.




<apex:variable var="prodcnt" value="{!0}" />  // To the get the row number of the product table
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedProducts}" var="product" id="dealSplitsPBTable">
<apex:column >
<div class="columnHeaderBox">
{!product.product.ProductCode}&nbsp; - &nbsp; {!product.product.Name}
<apex:variable var="dealcnt" value="{!0}" /> // To get the row number of the deal table
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!product.dealSplits}" var="obj">

<apex:column headerValue="Delete?">
<apex:inputcheckbox value="{!obj.isSelected}" rendered="{!NOT(obj.isSummaryRecord)}"/>

<apex:column headerValue="QC/DM Name">
<apex:inputField value="{!obj.dsObj.NAS_QC__c}" onchange="ChangeTheManager(this, prodcnt, dealcnt);" rendered="{!NOT(obj.isSummaryRecord) && NOT(obj.isFirstRecord)}"/>
<apex:outputLabel value="" style="text-align:right; font-weight: bold;" rendered="{!obj.isSummaryRecord}"/>
<apex:OutputField value="{!obj.dsObj.NAS_QC__c}" rendered="{!NOT(obj.isSummaryRecord)&& (obj.isFirstRecord)}"/>
<apex:actionFunction name ="setManager" action ="{!selectManager}" rerender = "dealSplitsPBTable">
<apex:param value = "{!obj.dsObj.NAS_QC__c}" assignTo = "{!currentUserId}" />
<apex:param value = "{!prodcnt}" assignTo = "{!currentProdIndex}" />
<apex:param value = "{!dealcnt}" assignTo = "{!currentDealIndex}" />



I am getting this error when I am selecting two items to be inserted from a list . This is working fine when I am inserting a single record, but giving error when multiple items are selected.


Please help here :




public PageReference addSelectedProductAction()
for(ProductWrapper pw: products){

//------------------------------------- Opportunity Line Item Insert
String OppId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
For (ProductWrapper p : selectedProds)
OpportunityLineItem oppItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
oppItem.OpportunityId = OppId ;
oppItem.PriceBookEntryId = p.product.Id;
oppItem.Roll_Call__c = p.summaryRecord.totalRollCall;
oppItem.UK_Setup__c = p.summaryRecord.totalSetup;
oppItem.ARC__c = p.summaryRecord.totalARC;
mapOppLineItems.put(p, oppItem);
p.firstDealSplit.dsObj.NAS_Opportunity__c = OppId;

Insert mapOppLineItems.values();
Insert lstDealSplitsFirstInsert; /// Giving error on this line of the code
return null;



I want to make the first row of a list non editable  ..but it has to display  and update value automatically through a logic.. While other rows will be editable.


I want to restrict the first row of the dealSplits list(given below) as non- editable while the other rows as editable



public PageReference addSelectedProductAction()
for(ProductWrapper pw: products){
return null;

public PageReference addDealSplitAction(){
DealSplitWrapper dealSplit = new DealSplitWrapper(product);

return null;







I want to throw an exception when the list size is more than 5. This code is not working



public PageReference addDealSplitAction(){

DealSplitWrapper dealSplit = new DealSplitWrapper(product);
throw new Exception('Test Common Exception'); // To throw if list size is greater than 5 ..not working
}catch(Exception ex) {
return null;



I have a requirement to have only 5 rows added to a list (dealsplit -  mentioned below).  here is the code . Ho can we implement it


public PageReference addSelectedProductAction()
for(ProductWrapper pw: products){
return null;

public PageReference addDealSplitAction(){
DealSplitWrapper dealSplit = new DealSplitWrapper(product);

return null;




I have written a method in controller class to pass two ids in the URL to the next vf page ... but it is not going properly in the URL..


public pagereference upload()
Id so ;
Id oppId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('OpId');
for(SOWrap sw :wrapper)
so = sw.SOID;
return new pagereference('/apex/DocumentUploader?Id=' +so+ '&OppId =' + oppId);




The URL it is passing is :




I am not able to use OppId in the new page, page not loading .. any help here

When I am redirecting from first VF to Second VF  , it is working fine, but when I am redirecting back(Second To First), it is not displying correct values.. how can I acheive this...


There is custom object SO mapped to Opportunity . For every opportunity there are multiple SO .

I am displaying all the SO of an opportunity in an VF page and want to add attachements againgst specific SO records.


Controlelr class :


Inside COntroller Method - Adding the list in a wrapper


SOL = new List<SO__c>([select Id, Processing_Region__c, Company_Code__c, Opportunity__c, Account__c,Company_Name__c,Start_Date__c,Promo_Flyer__c,Parent_Company_Code__c,Pays__c from SO__c where Opportunity__c =: oppID]);

for(SO__c s :SOL)
SOWrap sw = new SOWrap();
sw.ProcessingRegion = s.Processing_Region__c;
sw.ParentCoCode = s.Parent_Company_Code__c;
sw.CompanyCode = s.Company_Code__c;
sw.CompanyName = s.Company_Name__c;
sw.Pays = s.Pays__c;
sw.SOID = s.Id;


//Wrapper class inside the controller class

public class SOWrap
public String ProcessingRegion {get;set;}
Public String ParentCoCode{get;set;}
Public String CompanyCode{get;set;}
Public String CompanyName{get;set;}
Public Decimal Pays {get;set;}
Public String Product{get;set;}
public string SOID{get;set;}


On Click on add button on the VF page ...it calls the method upload from the controller :


public page reference upload()
Id oppId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('OpId');
PageReference pr = new pagereference('/apex/DocumentUploader?OpId=' +oppId );
return pr;


Instead of opportunity ID i want to pass the specific SO id.. so that i can use it in next vf page ..


Any suggestions?


I am getting this error on a VF page :


This page is redirected from another controller class : The details are coming on the URL but on the page it is displaying error as :Page DetailController does not exist 


External Controller Class : Method :


public PageReference SaveChanges()

String OppId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id');
Splits__c LitOrd = new Splits__c();
DSObj = new List<Splits__c>();
LitOrd.Opportunity__c= Opp.id ;
insert DSObj;
insert OppTeam;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/DetailController?Id='+opp.Id);
return pageRef;





VF page :

<apex:page controller="DetailController" tabstyle="Opportunity">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Region Details">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrappers}" var="wrapper" id="wtable">
<apex:column headerValue="Ident">
<apex:outputText value="{!wrapper.ident}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Region">
<apex:inputField value="{!wrapper.MSalesO.Region__c}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>



Controller Class :

public class DetailController

public List<SOWrapper> wrappers {get; set;}

public static Integer addCount {get; set;}
private Integer nextIdent=0;

public DetailController()
wrappers=new List<SOWrapper>();
for (Integer idx=0; idx<5; idx++)
wrappers.add(new SOWrapper(nextIdent++));
public void addRows()
for (Integer idx=0; idx<addCount; idx++)
wrappers.add(new SOWrapper(nextIdent++));

public PageReference save()
List<Order__c> MSO=new List<Order__c>();
for (SOWrapper wrap : wrappers)

insert MSO;

return new PageReference('/' + Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Order__c').getDescribe().getKeyPrefix() + '/o');

public PageReference SaveDS()

return null;
public class SOWrapper
public Order__c MSalesO {get; private set;}
public Integer ident {get; private set;}

public SOWrapper(Integer inIdent)
MSalesO=new Order__c(Opportunity__c='006f0000003afa5' + ident);


I want to extract ownerId and the user related details from Account , so writing the query :


SELECT Id,OwnerId,OwnerId__r.DefaultDivision FROM Account where Id in (....


Its giving error : 

Didn't understand relationship 'OwnerId__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.


Please suggest.

I have a class which is used in opportunity insertion ... but when I am running it, it is giving exception error (highlighted)



public static void OppInsert(Opportunity[] newOpportunity)
String Record_Type = '0145000000000fdAAA'
TestWeek__c TestWeek;

TestWeek = [select Wk_Nmbr__c, Year__c from TestWeek__c where Start_Date__c <= TODAY and End_Date__c >= TODAY]; // This is returniong values 

catch(System.QueryException e)
if(TestWeek !=null)
// loop thru the newly created opportunities
for (Opportunity opportunityLoop : newOpportunity)
if (opportunityLoop.RecordTypeId == Record_Type.substring(0, Record_Type.length()-3))




It is firing for other record types of opportunity and giving the exceprion on opportunity insertion as  : 

FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, List has no rows for assignment to SObject: []


Any suggestions here ?