• Roh
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  • American Express

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According to the documention (https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/components/icons/ ) we can chnage the icon color by suing the CSS. I am not able to do it. It always overides with the Salesforce style.
<lightning:icon class="icn"  iconName="utility:favorite" size="small" />
.THIS .icn{
 fill: white; 

Other css property like baground color are applying but fill is always getting overirdder by salesfroce defult color ( grey). Any one have any idea on how to fix this ?
I want to update a datetime field from a date field and a time pick list.  The SF system has users in a fixed time zone with a twice yearly daylight saving adjustment which I think means I cannot use a formula and therefore require an Apex Trigger on BeforeInsert and BeforeUpdate.  It's more than 12 months since I wrote any Apex so I hope someone can get me started on this !   Thanks.

I am having a Map
Map<String,Set<Id>> testmap= new map<String,Set<Id>>();
and values which i am giving to map are as below.
          testmap.put(text,new Set<Id>{u.id})
Now i want to collect id value and assign it to a field on account and update it.But When i use values from map method,i am getting below error.

Illegal assignment from List<Set<Id>> to Id

for(account acc:trigger.new){
acc.customtextfield__c =testmap.values();
I understand my mistake that i am assigning Map value to list.Could you please guide how can i solve this?
I would to like to push the visual flow from dev to prod sandbox. In dev dandbox  I deactivated it and created change set. Dev sandbox has a flow which has 6 versions .All 6 versions are inactive.
Please suggest me do i need to make inactive and create change set or the flow latest version should be active and make change set.


Hi ,

How to get the user field details from the lead object .


Hi Experts,

i wana to update account field value by batch class. But facing a error in attached images.

Please suggest.

User-added image

Hello Folks,

In Apex Class i'm using dynamic SOQL, below is my code:
 string soql='select id,name,Area__c,City__c,Address__c from User_Detail__c where name!=null';
            soql+=' and Area__c=:\''+usr.Area__c+'\'';
System.Debug('Query '+soql);
        List<User_Detail__c> userDetailRecords=Database.query(soql);

Debug is: 
DEBUG|Query select id,name,Area__c,City__c,Address__c from User_Detail__c where name!=null and City__c=VIJ

Error Message: 
System.QueryException: expecting a colon, found 'VIJ'

I thought everything i have given correctly, but missed something somwhere. Will you correct me where i'm supposed to change.
Please update me your thoughts ASAP
I am creating a VF page where students will choose their school from a dropdown list and then based on the selection, proceed to a registration page specific to that school. I am creating the list, grabbing the Name and ID, in a custom controller. I've the the dropdown working, but I'm stuck on how to get the ID once the school is selected and appending it to a URL so that the students are directed to the right page. Any thoughts?

My code for reference:
VF page:
<apex:page showHeader="false" sideBar="false" standardStylesheets="false" docType="html-5.0" applyBodyTag="false" applyHtmlTag="false" controller="SDPController">
<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
    <apex:define name="title">{!$Label.LBL_Page_Title}</apex:define>
    <apex:define name="body">
    <div class="container">
        <div align="center" style="font-size:20px;">
        <p>Welcome to the Digital On-Ramps ePortfolio! Please select you school and click "Next."</p>
        <apex:form >
        	<apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1"  required="false" style="font-size:20px;">
            	<apex:selectOptions value="{!PAIList}" />
            <div class="modal-footer">
            <apex:commandButton id="register" value="Next" />

And controller:
public without sharing class SDPController {
    public List<Account> PAISchools = new List<Account>();
    public SDPController(){

    public List<SelectOption> PAIList{
            PAISchools = [Select Account.Name, Account.Id From Account Where Account.ParentId = '0011700000BZkKR'];
            PAIList = new List<SelectOption>();
            for(Account temp : PAISchools){
                PAIList.add(new SelectOption(temp.id, temp.Name));
            return PAIList;

I have below these four fileds.

When the employee morning sign in and afternoon sign off for lunch break and after lunch login and evening logout. in between this situation i need calculate the total working hours of the day in 12 hours format

I'm currenty trying to master this use case:
Lets say we have an object and on the page we have the option to delete this object. Now the delete button gets clicked and a bootstrap modal pops up asking if this object really should be deleted. By clicking yes the object gets deleted.

My problem is to remember this clicked object so I know which one has to be deleted by clicking the modal yes button. 
So in a nutshell ... how can I pass the object id to a component parameter when the delete button gets clicked?

Thank you!