• saai.gane@salesforce.com
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Getting errors HTML Body : data value too large error in lightning
When trying to forward an email from Case in lightning console. Looks like the case description length is already set to maximum. The same is working fine in classic.
Any ideas how to get a proper error message instead of this HTML errors 
Using Live agent in Communities. I have a chat button and on click of that the Chat window is opening in a New tab rather than a pop up. Could you please let me know is this because of lightning ?
Hi. I've created an Email Template (Visualforce) and pass Visualforce Components in there. One of the components is an image of a dashboard component in the following format:
<apex:component access="global">

<apex:image value="https://instance.my.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.ChartServer?[...]">

It's displayed perfectly in the Email Template HTML preview, but of course when sending the email, the image can't be referenced.

Any idea how to overcome this? Thank you!



When I use to send a mail with my colleague in CC. I am getting the response mail when a comment is added and the CC person is not receiving the mail.


Because the CC persons in the case are different  not from the original mail.


Please let me know how can I enable the same CC person in Case CC field so that he also receives the notification.






I need to have a button in my case list view page such that by selecting some cases and  clicking on that button will change the status to cancelled.


When I checked there was already a functionality in salesforce like Standard buttons.


You can go to Setup-->Cases--->Search Layouts--->Case List View where you can find the standard buttons.


I enabled the 'Change Status' checkbox and now the button is visible for me as I am a System admin but not for others.


Can you please tell me how to make this available for other profile users.





I am using standard email to case functionality.


When I try to send mail to the respective mail address with a proper subject line and empty body then the case is created but HTML codes are displayed in place of the case comment.


Please guide me is this salesforce bug

In our application we are tracking the works with Requirement application.


I need to create a dashboard which shows the number of requirements completed as well as open per quarter.


For example if a requirement is created in Q1 and resolved in Q1 then the count should be added in completed.


If the requirement created in Q1 and resolved in Q3 then count should be added in open in Q1 and completed in Q3.


Please guide me how to do this?