• Ram@sfdc
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Is it possible to update Knowledge Article record using apex.

I am trying like this..
list<KnowledgeArticleVersion> kv=[SELECT Id,Title,UrlName,Summary,KnowledgeArticleId FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE Language =:'en_US' AND PublishStatus =:'Draft' WITH DATA CATEGORY NOWTVKnowledge__c AT Cancellations__c];
system.debug('@@@ '+kv[0].KnowledgeArticleId);
kv[0].UrlName='Test 1234';
update kv;

Like this I am getting error like urlname not writable.

Could you help me how to update article data using apex coding with small example...

Thanks in advance..

Please let me know, what are the elements and components that will be updated to developer sandbox while it is refreshed from production.

And what are the data will be updated to sandbox, i'e like users data...

It is ver helpful if you provide me one by one..

Thanks in advance.

I am getting the following Error through Workflows. I am not able to findout where the problem is.

Could you please help me in this. The below one is the error I am getting.

Object Type: Send Email

Record: s-22141

Workflow Rules attempted: Untill surevey created

Workflow Actions attempted: samplefield

Error Number: 1967221924-29480 (1918307596)

In salesforce I have a webservice class containing method.
Through this method I am creating records.

Again after creation of records from webservice method. I need to call PHP webservice class method.

I am calling PHP webservice class from salesforce webservice class method.

I dont know is it right or wrong. Can you suggest how to handle these type of scenarios.

I have urgent client requirement. Please help me in doing this.
Actually client has send me a php WSDL file which is containing "rpc" style. When I am including this WSDl file in salesforce. I am getting error that "rpc" style doesn't support.

So, How to call wsdl( php SOAP webservice) from salesforce, and in that i have to pass some field values to PHP server.
Please help me in doing this Integration... I tried to do by googling it. But I didn't find out correct solution.

I tried using http callouts as like....

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
HttpResponse response = http.send(req);

Here I am getting the XML in respose....
Please help me in passing values to php fields... So that it will be very helpful.


Using Dodge tool all the leads from "McGraw-Hill Construction" are updating to salesforce. This is there by installing package to salesforce. But now my client requirement is, I have to integrate to McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge tool for updating all records to salesforce using salesforce APex integration process. i'e using API s of Dodge tool. Is there any way to implement using rest Api or SOAP inorder to connect directly by salesforce coding.



I have created a public force.com site, In the page I have taken Lookup field. When I click on Lookup, it is showing any records..


How to make to display Records in Looup window.


Is it possible to update Knowledge Article record using apex.

I am trying like this..
list<KnowledgeArticleVersion> kv=[SELECT Id,Title,UrlName,Summary,KnowledgeArticleId FROM KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE Language =:'en_US' AND PublishStatus =:'Draft' WITH DATA CATEGORY NOWTVKnowledge__c AT Cancellations__c];
system.debug('@@@ '+kv[0].KnowledgeArticleId);
kv[0].UrlName='Test 1234';
update kv;

Like this I am getting error like urlname not writable.

Could you help me how to update article data using apex coding with small example...

Thanks in advance..

I am getting the following Error through Workflows. I am not able to findout where the problem is.

Could you please help me in this. The below one is the error I am getting.

Object Type: Send Email

Record: s-22141

Workflow Rules attempted: Untill surevey created

Workflow Actions attempted: samplefield

Error Number: 1967221924-29480 (1918307596)

In salesforce I have a webservice class containing method.
Through this method I am creating records.

Again after creation of records from webservice method. I need to call PHP webservice class method.

I am calling PHP webservice class from salesforce webservice class method.

I dont know is it right or wrong. Can you suggest how to handle these type of scenarios.