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I am having a requirement where 1st i will select a product and then click on link check quotes(previous sold products information must appear) in popup and complete information of quotes must appear in read only mode. How can i achieve the functionality. please some one help me out.
I am a having an external system which accepts xml file. I need a vf page with custom button after clicking button it must be added to "notes and attachments" and view and download xml file after some days. 

I am having a table where ranking will be given. Some fields are ranking,name,.. fields . There must be one field with down arrows and up arrows in table.1st ranker will be have only down arrow. 2nd... rankers will have both down and up arrows. If i click on 3rd rank up arrow then it must go to 2nd rank. If click 4th ranker down arrow it must go to 5th rank. Rank field must not change and just other fields will change. How can i achieve the functionality.
Want to display records to owner only in a customer portal how can i achieve it
How to update child record by updating parent record 
eg:- If i update phone in contacts then it must update it in account .

How can i do it??
I need help writing an APEX test class to increase code coverage i am new to salesforce and please give me some tips to increase code coverage what are the steps/tips i need to follow. please some one help.

Thanks in advacnce.
I want to add link to images using vf tags , if i click the image it must redirect to url
How can i save a salesforce .xls file to a shared location
I am having a database table where if i click the record it is going to next page but i want to expand in same page of the table how can i do it??

which tags can i use to do it 

eg:- if i am having a contact table i enable links in the table if i click the 1st record it must expand in the same page with loading image must visible 1st and then records must expand

visualforce page:

<apex:page controller="PageBlockTableSortingCon" tabStyle="Account">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Accounts List with Sorting"></apex:sectionHeader>
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="" id="pageBlock">
    <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
      <apex:commandButton value="View" action="{!ViewData}" id="theButton" rerender="pageBlock"></apex:commandButton>
    <apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="a" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(accounts))}">
       <apex:column >
         <apex:facet name="header">  
           <apex:commandLink action="{!ViewData}" value="Account Name{!IF(sortExpression=='name',IF(sortDirection='ASC','▼','▲'),'')}" id="cmdSort">
             <apex:param value="name" name="column" assignTo="{!sortExpression}" ></apex:param>
         <apex:outputLink value="/{!a.Id}" target="_blank">{!a.Name}</apex:outputLink>
       <apex:column value="{!a.Phone}">
         <apex:facet name="header">
           <apex:commandLink action="{!ViewData}" value="Phone{!IF(sortExpression=='Phone',IF(sortDirection='ASC','▼','▲'),'')}">
             <apex:param value="Phone" name="column" assignTo="{!sortExpression}" ></apex:param>
        <apex:column value="{!a.BillingCity}">
          <apex:facet name="header">
           <apex:commandLink action="{!ViewData}" value="Billing City{!IF(sortExpression=='BillingCity',IF(sortDirection='ASC','▼','▲'),'')}">
             <apex:param value="BillingCity" name="column" assignTo="{!sortExpression}" ></apex:param>
        <apex:column value="{!a.BillingCountry}">
          <apex:facet name="header">
           <apex:commandLink action="{!ViewData}" value="Billing Country{!IF(sortExpression=='BillingCountry',IF(sortDirection='ASC','▼','▲'),'')}">
             <apex:param value="BillingCountry" name="column" assignTo="{!sortExpression}" ></apex:param>


controller is:

public class PageBlockTableSortingCon {

   private List<Account> accounts;
   private String sortDirection = 'ASC';
   private String sortExp = 'name';

   public String sortExpression
        return sortExp;
       //if the column is clicked on then switch between Ascending and Descending modes
       if (value == sortExp)
         sortDirection = (sortDirection == 'ASC')? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
         sortDirection = 'ASC';
       sortExp = value;

public String getSortDirection()
    //if not column is selected
    if (sortExpression == null || sortExpression == '')
      return 'ASC';
     return sortDirection;

public void setSortDirection(String value)

   sortDirection = value;

   public List<Account> getAccounts() {
       return accounts;

   public PageReference ViewData() {
       //build the full sort expression
       string sortFullExp = sortExpression  + ' ' + sortDirection;

       //query the database based on the sort expression
       accounts = Database.query('Select id, Name, BillingCity, BillingCountry, Phone from Account order by ' + sortFullExp + ' limit 1000');
       return null;

want to display 10 records in a table in a single page and need to click on next/previous button and if i click a record in 1st record the record must expand and show in the same page. can any one help me in this .

I got sample to create table but how to get links in table each records

vf page is

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountTabView" >
      <apex:sectionHeader title="Account" subtitle="Details"/>
      <apex:form id="formId">
          <apex:pageBlock title="Account Records">
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accountRecords}" var="ac">
                <apex:column headervalue="Owner Name" value="{!ac.Owner.name}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!ac.name}"/>

controller is:

   public class AccountTabView

        public AccountTabView(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
            accountRecords = new List<Account>();

            accountRecords = [select id,Name,OwnerId,Owner.name from Account];
        String recordId;
        public List<Account> accountRecords{get;set;}

Want to create a table using vf which displays 10 records will be displayed in a single page and i need to click on next(or) previous button to view records and records number(1-10,11-20,..) must be displayed in the top of table. If i click on first record it must expand and show "loading image" and must disappear when record appears fully.
Want to create a table using vf which displays 10 records will be displayed in a single page and i need to click on next(or) previous button to view records and records number(1-10,11-20,..) must be displayed in the top of table. If i click on first record it must expand and show "loading image" and must disappear when record appears fully.
I am having 2 objects "account" and "contact" with common field "city" which is a lookup field. If i update city field in account (eg:mumbai to chennai) it must update it in all fields of contacts to mumabai to chennai in contacts also. How can i do it using formula fields
Account and a Contact have look up to a City object. When i change the city name in one record the changes must reflect in both objects. can i create workflow in this case. how can i do it can any one please help me out
I had created 4 Record Types i want to display only 2 Record Types to users and want to hide 2 record types how can i do it using security settings
trigger to update lookup fields in 2 object lookup fields My requirement is :
ex:- accounts and contacts objects has common field city if i update city field in accounts then it must update in contacts also.

 i am having 2 lookup fields in 2 different objects which is a common field named  "city"

If i update a city name using lookup for example california is changed to *washington* the change must update all records which have california must be changed to washington the changes must reflect in 2 objects same time.

I am a having an external system which accepts xml file. I need a vf page with custom button after clicking button it must be added to "notes and attachments" and view and download xml file after some days. 

How can i save a salesforce .xls file to a shared location