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how to detect checkbox checked/unchecked on visualforce page
I have a visualforce page where I select student type of freshman and display highschool information fields (that works fine). But I want to hide the highschool country if the person checks the homeschooled checkbox. I can't seem to get that to work. I am trying to use javascript to hide the fields. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
vfp code:
<apex:page Controller="RFIForm" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="FALSE">
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.jQuery}"/>
<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
<apex:define name="body">
$(document).ready(function() {
function HSReRender(){
var studentType = $("[id$=studentType]").val();
var HomeSchooled = $("[id$=homeSchooled]").val();
if (studentType == "Freshman"){
if (HomeSchooled.checked){
alert('testing homeschooled checked');}
alert('testing homeschooled not checked');}
alert('testing freshman first');
} else {
alert('testing freshman else first');
if ($(("#homeSchooled").is(":checked"))){
// if (studentType2 == "Freshman" && (HomeSchooled == null || HomeSchooled == false)){
alert('testing freshman and homeschooled checked');
} else if (studentType == "Freshman"){
alert('testing just freshman');
} else {
alert('testing else');
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:form Id="form">
<h1 id="page-title">Request for Information </h1>
<div style="width:100%">
<span class="contentText">Please enter your information in the fields below. When completed click on the <b>Submit</b> button at the bottom of page. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing your request for information.</span>
<span class="contentText"><strong>* Indicates a required field.</strong></span>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<th colspan="2">Name and Personal Data</th>
<td width="37%"><apex:outputText styleclass="req" value="*Type of Student:"/></td>
<td width="63%">
<apex:selectList id="studentType" value="{!studentType}" multiselect="false" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired" onchange="HSReRender();">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!studentTypeOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<th colspan="2" class="highSchoolPanelH">High School Information</th>
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<td width="37%" class="highSchoolPanelH">Home Schooled</td>
<td width="63%" class="highSchoolPanelH" onchange="HSReRender()">
<apex:inputCheckbox id="homeSchooled" value="{!interest.Home_Schooled__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%" id="highSchoolPanel" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<tr class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<td width="37%" class="hsPanelH" >*High School Country</td>
<td width="63%" class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<apex:selectList id="hsPanelH" value="{!hscountry}" multiselect="False" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!CountryOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!getHsStateRequired}" />
vfp code:
<apex:page Controller="RFIForm" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="FALSE">
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.jQuery}"/>
<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
<apex:define name="body">
$(document).ready(function() {
function HSReRender(){
var studentType = $("[id$=studentType]").val();
var HomeSchooled = $("[id$=homeSchooled]").val();
if (studentType == "Freshman"){
if (HomeSchooled.checked){
alert('testing homeschooled checked');}
alert('testing homeschooled not checked');}
alert('testing freshman first');
} else {
alert('testing freshman else first');
if ($(("#homeSchooled").is(":checked"))){
// if (studentType2 == "Freshman" && (HomeSchooled == null || HomeSchooled == false)){
alert('testing freshman and homeschooled checked');
} else if (studentType == "Freshman"){
alert('testing just freshman');
} else {
alert('testing else');
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:form Id="form">
<h1 id="page-title">Request for Information </h1>
<div style="width:100%">
<span class="contentText">Please enter your information in the fields below. When completed click on the <b>Submit</b> button at the bottom of page. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing your request for information.</span>
<span class="contentText"><strong>* Indicates a required field.</strong></span>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<th colspan="2">Name and Personal Data</th>
<td width="37%"><apex:outputText styleclass="req" value="*Type of Student:"/></td>
<td width="63%">
<apex:selectList id="studentType" value="{!studentType}" multiselect="false" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired" onchange="HSReRender();">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!studentTypeOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<th colspan="2" class="highSchoolPanelH">High School Information</th>
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<td width="37%" class="highSchoolPanelH">Home Schooled</td>
<td width="63%" class="highSchoolPanelH" onchange="HSReRender()">
<apex:inputCheckbox id="homeSchooled" value="{!interest.Home_Schooled__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%" id="highSchoolPanel" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<tr class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<td width="37%" class="hsPanelH" >*High School Country</td>
<td width="63%" class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<apex:selectList id="hsPanelH" value="{!hscountry}" multiselect="False" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!CountryOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!getHsStateRequired}" />
- Darlene Blaney
- October 19, 2017
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- 0
Problem with test class - can't get more than 48% coverage
I am having a hard time getting the test class to fire part of the code. I think the problem is with the owner of the custom object Territory__c, but can't figure out how to resolve it. Any help will be greatly appreciated...
Here is the class:
public class TestScoreReviewClass {
* When a new ACT or SAT test score is created, if
* the student application decision is Decision Pending
* or Postponed, create a task for the recruiter to
* review the test scores
Public static void sendTestScoreTask(Test_Score__c[] test_score){
// Select the Contact.Id that ties to the Test_Score__c
Set<string> contactId = new Set<string>();
Set<ID> recID = new Set<ID>();
for (Test_Score__c tz : test_score){
if(tz.Contact__c != NULL) {
// Select the latest application tied to the new test score
Map<ID,Application__c> ApplInfo = new Map<ID,Application__c>([select Id, Student__c, Counselor_Id__c
from application__c
where Student__r.Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic'
and Application_Decision__c in ('Decision Pending','Postponed')
and Student__c in :contactid
order by Entry_Term__c desc, Application_Date__c desc
limit 1]);
Date dt = Date.today();
List<Task> followupTasks = new List<Task>();
// Generate a list of tasks to be generated
Map<ID, List<Task> > tsks = New Map<ID, List<Task> >();
List<Task> tsksadd = New List<Task>();
For (Application__c c : ApplInfo.Values() )
if (c.Student__c != null && c.Counselor_Id__c != null)
List<Task> taskss = tsks.Get(c.Student__c);
If (taskss == null)
Task tasks = new Task(
WhoId = c.Student__c,
OwnerId = c.Counselor_Id__c,
Priority = 'Normal',
Type = 'Email',
ActivityDate = (dt.addDays(1)),
Status = 'Not Started',
Subject = 'Review New Test Score (ACT or SAT)');
// insert the entire list
if (followupTasks.size() > 0) {
insert followupTasks;
Here is the test class:
private class TestScoreReviewTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// Test Task
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='SNC Counselor Plus'];
User u1 = new User(Alias = 'standa', Email='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='ISO-8859-1', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Mexico_City', UserName='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com');
// Create Territory
Territory__c tr1 = new Territory__c(
Code__c = 'TestTerr',
County__c = 'Brown',
State__c = 'WI',
OwnerId = u1.Id);
insert tr1;
// Create Student
Contact c1 = new Contact(
FirstName = 'Test',
LastName = 'TestStudent',
Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic',
Territory__c = [Select t.Id from Territory__c t where t.Code__c = 'TestTerr' limit 1].Id);
insert c1;
// Create Application
Application__c a1 = new Application__c(
Student__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Student_Type__c = 'First Time UG',
Full_or_Part_Time__c = 'Full-Time',
Active_Application__c = true,
Application_Date__c = Date.today(),
Application_Status__c = 'Decision Pending');
insert a1;
// Create Test_Score
Test_Score__c t1 = new Test_Score__c(
Contact__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Test_Date__c = '09/01/2016',
Test_Type__c = 'School',
ACT_Composite__c = 30,
ACT_English__c = 16,
ACT_Math__c = 16,
ACT_Reading__c = 16,
ACT_Science__c = 16
insert t1;
Thank you for your time.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
Here is the class:
public class TestScoreReviewClass {
* When a new ACT or SAT test score is created, if
* the student application decision is Decision Pending
* or Postponed, create a task for the recruiter to
* review the test scores
Public static void sendTestScoreTask(Test_Score__c[] test_score){
// Select the Contact.Id that ties to the Test_Score__c
Set<string> contactId = new Set<string>();
Set<ID> recID = new Set<ID>();
for (Test_Score__c tz : test_score){
if(tz.Contact__c != NULL) {
// Select the latest application tied to the new test score
Map<ID,Application__c> ApplInfo = new Map<ID,Application__c>([select Id, Student__c, Counselor_Id__c
from application__c
where Student__r.Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic'
and Application_Decision__c in ('Decision Pending','Postponed')
and Student__c in :contactid
order by Entry_Term__c desc, Application_Date__c desc
limit 1]);
Date dt = Date.today();
List<Task> followupTasks = new List<Task>();
// Generate a list of tasks to be generated
Map<ID, List<Task> > tsks = New Map<ID, List<Task> >();
List<Task> tsksadd = New List<Task>();
For (Application__c c : ApplInfo.Values() )
if (c.Student__c != null && c.Counselor_Id__c != null)
List<Task> taskss = tsks.Get(c.Student__c);
If (taskss == null)
Task tasks = new Task(
WhoId = c.Student__c,
OwnerId = c.Counselor_Id__c,
Priority = 'Normal',
Type = 'Email',
ActivityDate = (dt.addDays(1)),
Status = 'Not Started',
Subject = 'Review New Test Score (ACT or SAT)');
// insert the entire list
if (followupTasks.size() > 0) {
insert followupTasks;
Here is the test class:
private class TestScoreReviewTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// Test Task
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='SNC Counselor Plus'];
User u1 = new User(Alias = 'standa', Email='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='ISO-8859-1', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Mexico_City', UserName='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com');
// Create Territory
Territory__c tr1 = new Territory__c(
Code__c = 'TestTerr',
County__c = 'Brown',
State__c = 'WI',
OwnerId = u1.Id);
insert tr1;
// Create Student
Contact c1 = new Contact(
FirstName = 'Test',
LastName = 'TestStudent',
Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic',
Territory__c = [Select t.Id from Territory__c t where t.Code__c = 'TestTerr' limit 1].Id);
insert c1;
// Create Application
Application__c a1 = new Application__c(
Student__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Student_Type__c = 'First Time UG',
Full_or_Part_Time__c = 'Full-Time',
Active_Application__c = true,
Application_Date__c = Date.today(),
Application_Status__c = 'Decision Pending');
insert a1;
// Create Test_Score
Test_Score__c t1 = new Test_Score__c(
Contact__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Test_Date__c = '09/01/2016',
Test_Type__c = 'School',
ACT_Composite__c = 30,
ACT_English__c = 16,
ACT_Math__c = 16,
ACT_Reading__c = 16,
ACT_Science__c = 16
insert t1;
Thank you for your time.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
- Darlene Blaney
- October 06, 2016
- Like
- 0
Too many SOQL queries: 101 Simple Test Class
Hi all,
I have a simple trigger and class that recalculates a SAT recentered score. The trigger works great, but I am having an issue with the test class. Because there are so many possibilities, the best I can achieve is 50% coverage and I'm concerned about not being able to install into production. I am including the test class for your viewing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
private class ContactSATRecenteredTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
ContactSATRecentered controller = new ContactSATRecentered();
Contact con = new Contact();
Contact con1 = new Contact();
Test_Score__c tst = new Test_Score__c();
Test_Score__c tst1 = new Test_Score__c();
con.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con.LastName = 'NewTest';
insert con;
tst.Contact__c = con.Id;
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 800;
insert tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 790;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 750;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 730;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 660;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 700;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 580;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 26
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 25
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 590;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 24
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 23
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 22
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 21
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 20
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 19
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 460;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 18
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 420;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 17
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 16
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 450;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 15
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 14
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 350;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 13
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 300;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 12
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 250;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 11
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
con1.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con1.LastName = 'OldTest';
insert con1;
tst1.Contact__c = con1.Id;
tst1.SAT_Critical_Reading__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math__c = 800;
insert tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 780;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 770;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 680;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 640;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 670;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
I have a simple trigger and class that recalculates a SAT recentered score. The trigger works great, but I am having an issue with the test class. Because there are so many possibilities, the best I can achieve is 50% coverage and I'm concerned about not being able to install into production. I am including the test class for your viewing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
private class ContactSATRecenteredTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
ContactSATRecentered controller = new ContactSATRecentered();
Contact con = new Contact();
Contact con1 = new Contact();
Test_Score__c tst = new Test_Score__c();
Test_Score__c tst1 = new Test_Score__c();
con.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con.LastName = 'NewTest';
insert con;
tst.Contact__c = con.Id;
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 800;
insert tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 790;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 750;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 730;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 660;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 700;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 580;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 26
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 25
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 590;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 24
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 23
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 22
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 21
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 20
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 19
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 460;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 18
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 420;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 17
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 16
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 450;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 15
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 14
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 350;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 13
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 300;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 12
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 250;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 11
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
con1.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con1.LastName = 'OldTest';
insert con1;
tst1.Contact__c = con1.Id;
tst1.SAT_Critical_Reading__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math__c = 800;
insert tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 780;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 770;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 680;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 640;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 670;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
- Darlene Blaney
- June 27, 2016
- Like
- 0
Missing test classes since server move
Hi all,
Has anyone run into a similar situation to this? -
We ran into an issue with installing new custom Apex Classes saying the code coverage was < 75%.
After further review, I noticed that quite a few of our test classes for older classes are missing.
I know for a fact (because I built and installed most of them) that I would not have been able to install these classes without a test class. Any ideas as to where to look? I would open a ticket with Salesforce, but they changed the Developer support for Standard users to be this forum.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
Has anyone run into a similar situation to this? -
We ran into an issue with installing new custom Apex Classes saying the code coverage was < 75%.
After further review, I noticed that quite a few of our test classes for older classes are missing.
I know for a fact (because I built and installed most of them) that I would not have been able to install these classes without a test class. Any ideas as to where to look? I would open a ticket with Salesforce, but they changed the Developer support for Standard users to be this forum.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
- Darlene Blaney
- September 09, 2015
- Like
- 0
What is the Picklist value object name?
I would like to retrieve all of the picklist values I set up for a field on an object for display. Does anyone know the object name to query to find this information?
- Darlene Blaney
- August 11, 2015
- Like
- 0
how to detect checkbox checked/unchecked on visualforce page
I have a visualforce page where I select student type of freshman and display highschool information fields (that works fine). But I want to hide the highschool country if the person checks the homeschooled checkbox. I can't seem to get that to work. I am trying to use javascript to hide the fields. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
vfp code:
<apex:page Controller="RFIForm" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="FALSE">
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.jQuery}"/>
<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
<apex:define name="body">
$(document).ready(function() {
function HSReRender(){
var studentType = $("[id$=studentType]").val();
var HomeSchooled = $("[id$=homeSchooled]").val();
if (studentType == "Freshman"){
if (HomeSchooled.checked){
alert('testing homeschooled checked');}
alert('testing homeschooled not checked');}
alert('testing freshman first');
} else {
alert('testing freshman else first');
if ($(("#homeSchooled").is(":checked"))){
// if (studentType2 == "Freshman" && (HomeSchooled == null || HomeSchooled == false)){
alert('testing freshman and homeschooled checked');
} else if (studentType == "Freshman"){
alert('testing just freshman');
} else {
alert('testing else');
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:form Id="form">
<h1 id="page-title">Request for Information </h1>
<div style="width:100%">
<span class="contentText">Please enter your information in the fields below. When completed click on the <b>Submit</b> button at the bottom of page. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing your request for information.</span>
<span class="contentText"><strong>* Indicates a required field.</strong></span>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<th colspan="2">Name and Personal Data</th>
<td width="37%"><apex:outputText styleclass="req" value="*Type of Student:"/></td>
<td width="63%">
<apex:selectList id="studentType" value="{!studentType}" multiselect="false" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired" onchange="HSReRender();">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!studentTypeOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<th colspan="2" class="highSchoolPanelH">High School Information</th>
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<td width="37%" class="highSchoolPanelH">Home Schooled</td>
<td width="63%" class="highSchoolPanelH" onchange="HSReRender()">
<apex:inputCheckbox id="homeSchooled" value="{!interest.Home_Schooled__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%" id="highSchoolPanel" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<tr class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<td width="37%" class="hsPanelH" >*High School Country</td>
<td width="63%" class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<apex:selectList id="hsPanelH" value="{!hscountry}" multiselect="False" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!CountryOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!getHsStateRequired}" />
vfp code:
<apex:page Controller="RFIForm" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="FALSE">
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.jQuery}"/>
<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
<apex:define name="body">
$(document).ready(function() {
function HSReRender(){
var studentType = $("[id$=studentType]").val();
var HomeSchooled = $("[id$=homeSchooled]").val();
if (studentType == "Freshman"){
if (HomeSchooled.checked){
alert('testing homeschooled checked');}
alert('testing homeschooled not checked');}
alert('testing freshman first');
} else {
alert('testing freshman else first');
if ($(("#homeSchooled").is(":checked"))){
// if (studentType2 == "Freshman" && (HomeSchooled == null || HomeSchooled == false)){
alert('testing freshman and homeschooled checked');
} else if (studentType == "Freshman"){
alert('testing just freshman');
} else {
alert('testing else');
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:form Id="form">
<h1 id="page-title">Request for Information </h1>
<div style="width:100%">
<span class="contentText">Please enter your information in the fields below. When completed click on the <b>Submit</b> button at the bottom of page. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for processing your request for information.</span>
<span class="contentText"><strong>* Indicates a required field.</strong></span>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<th colspan="2">Name and Personal Data</th>
<td width="37%"><apex:outputText styleclass="req" value="*Type of Student:"/></td>
<td width="63%">
<apex:selectList id="studentType" value="{!studentType}" multiselect="false" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired" onchange="HSReRender();">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!studentTypeOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<th colspan="2" class="highSchoolPanelH">High School Information</th>
<tr class="highSchoolPanelH">
<td width="37%" class="highSchoolPanelH">Home Schooled</td>
<td width="63%" class="highSchoolPanelH" onchange="HSReRender()">
<apex:inputCheckbox id="homeSchooled" value="{!interest.Home_Schooled__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" rerender="highSchoolPanel"/>
<table border="0" cellspacing="3" width="100%" id="highSchoolPanel" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<tr class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<td width="37%" class="hsPanelH" >*High School Country</td>
<td width="63%" class="hsPanelH" rendered="{!studentType=='Freshman' && (interest.Home_Schooled__c==null || interest.Home_Schooled__c==false)}">
<apex:selectList id="hsPanelH" value="{!hscountry}" multiselect="False" size="1" styleClass="inputRequired">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!CountryOptions}"/>
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!getHsStateRequired}" />
- Darlene Blaney
- October 19, 2017
- Like
- 0
Problem with test class - can't get more than 48% coverage
I am having a hard time getting the test class to fire part of the code. I think the problem is with the owner of the custom object Territory__c, but can't figure out how to resolve it. Any help will be greatly appreciated...
Here is the class:
public class TestScoreReviewClass {
* When a new ACT or SAT test score is created, if
* the student application decision is Decision Pending
* or Postponed, create a task for the recruiter to
* review the test scores
Public static void sendTestScoreTask(Test_Score__c[] test_score){
// Select the Contact.Id that ties to the Test_Score__c
Set<string> contactId = new Set<string>();
Set<ID> recID = new Set<ID>();
for (Test_Score__c tz : test_score){
if(tz.Contact__c != NULL) {
// Select the latest application tied to the new test score
Map<ID,Application__c> ApplInfo = new Map<ID,Application__c>([select Id, Student__c, Counselor_Id__c
from application__c
where Student__r.Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic'
and Application_Decision__c in ('Decision Pending','Postponed')
and Student__c in :contactid
order by Entry_Term__c desc, Application_Date__c desc
limit 1]);
Date dt = Date.today();
List<Task> followupTasks = new List<Task>();
// Generate a list of tasks to be generated
Map<ID, List<Task> > tsks = New Map<ID, List<Task> >();
List<Task> tsksadd = New List<Task>();
For (Application__c c : ApplInfo.Values() )
if (c.Student__c != null && c.Counselor_Id__c != null)
List<Task> taskss = tsks.Get(c.Student__c);
If (taskss == null)
Task tasks = new Task(
WhoId = c.Student__c,
OwnerId = c.Counselor_Id__c,
Priority = 'Normal',
Type = 'Email',
ActivityDate = (dt.addDays(1)),
Status = 'Not Started',
Subject = 'Review New Test Score (ACT or SAT)');
// insert the entire list
if (followupTasks.size() > 0) {
insert followupTasks;
Here is the test class:
private class TestScoreReviewTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// Test Task
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='SNC Counselor Plus'];
User u1 = new User(Alias = 'standa', Email='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='ISO-8859-1', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Mexico_City', UserName='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com');
// Create Territory
Territory__c tr1 = new Territory__c(
Code__c = 'TestTerr',
County__c = 'Brown',
State__c = 'WI',
OwnerId = u1.Id);
insert tr1;
// Create Student
Contact c1 = new Contact(
FirstName = 'Test',
LastName = 'TestStudent',
Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic',
Territory__c = [Select t.Id from Territory__c t where t.Code__c = 'TestTerr' limit 1].Id);
insert c1;
// Create Application
Application__c a1 = new Application__c(
Student__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Student_Type__c = 'First Time UG',
Full_or_Part_Time__c = 'Full-Time',
Active_Application__c = true,
Application_Date__c = Date.today(),
Application_Status__c = 'Decision Pending');
insert a1;
// Create Test_Score
Test_Score__c t1 = new Test_Score__c(
Contact__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Test_Date__c = '09/01/2016',
Test_Type__c = 'School',
ACT_Composite__c = 30,
ACT_English__c = 16,
ACT_Math__c = 16,
ACT_Reading__c = 16,
ACT_Science__c = 16
insert t1;
Thank you for your time.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
Here is the class:
public class TestScoreReviewClass {
* When a new ACT or SAT test score is created, if
* the student application decision is Decision Pending
* or Postponed, create a task for the recruiter to
* review the test scores
Public static void sendTestScoreTask(Test_Score__c[] test_score){
// Select the Contact.Id that ties to the Test_Score__c
Set<string> contactId = new Set<string>();
Set<ID> recID = new Set<ID>();
for (Test_Score__c tz : test_score){
if(tz.Contact__c != NULL) {
// Select the latest application tied to the new test score
Map<ID,Application__c> ApplInfo = new Map<ID,Application__c>([select Id, Student__c, Counselor_Id__c
from application__c
where Student__r.Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic'
and Application_Decision__c in ('Decision Pending','Postponed')
and Student__c in :contactid
order by Entry_Term__c desc, Application_Date__c desc
limit 1]);
Date dt = Date.today();
List<Task> followupTasks = new List<Task>();
// Generate a list of tasks to be generated
Map<ID, List<Task> > tsks = New Map<ID, List<Task> >();
List<Task> tsksadd = New List<Task>();
For (Application__c c : ApplInfo.Values() )
if (c.Student__c != null && c.Counselor_Id__c != null)
List<Task> taskss = tsks.Get(c.Student__c);
If (taskss == null)
Task tasks = new Task(
WhoId = c.Student__c,
OwnerId = c.Counselor_Id__c,
Priority = 'Normal',
Type = 'Email',
ActivityDate = (dt.addDays(1)),
Status = 'Not Started',
Subject = 'Review New Test Score (ACT or SAT)');
// insert the entire list
if (followupTasks.size() > 0) {
insert followupTasks;
Here is the test class:
private class TestScoreReviewTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// Test Task
Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='SNC Counselor Plus'];
User u1 = new User(Alias = 'standa', Email='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='ISO-8859-1', LastName='Testing', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id,
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Mexico_City', UserName='saplingstandarduser@testorg.com');
// Create Territory
Territory__c tr1 = new Territory__c(
Code__c = 'TestTerr',
County__c = 'Brown',
State__c = 'WI',
OwnerId = u1.Id);
insert tr1;
// Create Student
Contact c1 = new Contact(
FirstName = 'Test',
LastName = 'TestStudent',
Domestic_Or_International__c = 'Domestic',
Territory__c = [Select t.Id from Territory__c t where t.Code__c = 'TestTerr' limit 1].Id);
insert c1;
// Create Application
Application__c a1 = new Application__c(
Student__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Student_Type__c = 'First Time UG',
Full_or_Part_Time__c = 'Full-Time',
Active_Application__c = true,
Application_Date__c = Date.today(),
Application_Status__c = 'Decision Pending');
insert a1;
// Create Test_Score
Test_Score__c t1 = new Test_Score__c(
Contact__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1].Id,
Test_Date__c = '09/01/2016',
Test_Type__c = 'School',
ACT_Composite__c = 30,
ACT_English__c = 16,
ACT_Math__c = 16,
ACT_Reading__c = 16,
ACT_Science__c = 16
insert t1;
Thank you for your time.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
- Darlene Blaney
- October 06, 2016
- Like
- 0
Too many SOQL queries: 101 Simple Test Class
Hi all,
I have a simple trigger and class that recalculates a SAT recentered score. The trigger works great, but I am having an issue with the test class. Because there are so many possibilities, the best I can achieve is 50% coverage and I'm concerned about not being able to install into production. I am including the test class for your viewing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
private class ContactSATRecenteredTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
ContactSATRecentered controller = new ContactSATRecentered();
Contact con = new Contact();
Contact con1 = new Contact();
Test_Score__c tst = new Test_Score__c();
Test_Score__c tst1 = new Test_Score__c();
con.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con.LastName = 'NewTest';
insert con;
tst.Contact__c = con.Id;
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 800;
insert tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 790;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 750;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 730;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 660;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 700;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 580;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 26
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 25
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 590;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 24
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 23
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 22
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 21
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 20
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 19
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 460;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 18
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 420;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 17
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 16
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 450;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 15
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 14
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 350;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 13
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 300;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 12
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 250;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 11
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
con1.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con1.LastName = 'OldTest';
insert con1;
tst1.Contact__c = con1.Id;
tst1.SAT_Critical_Reading__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math__c = 800;
insert tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 780;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 770;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 680;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 640;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 670;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
I have a simple trigger and class that recalculates a SAT recentered score. The trigger works great, but I am having an issue with the test class. Because there are so many possibilities, the best I can achieve is 50% coverage and I'm concerned about not being able to install into production. I am including the test class for your viewing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
private class ContactSATRecenteredTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
ContactSATRecentered controller = new ContactSATRecentered();
Contact con = new Contact();
Contact con1 = new Contact();
Test_Score__c tst = new Test_Score__c();
Test_Score__c tst1 = new Test_Score__c();
con.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con.LastName = 'NewTest';
insert con;
tst.Contact__c = con.Id;
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 800;
insert tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 790;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 750;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 730;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 660;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 700;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 690;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 580;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 26
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 25
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 590;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 24
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 23
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 530;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 22
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 21
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 560;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 20
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 500;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 19
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 460;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 18
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 420;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 17
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 500;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 16
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 450;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 15
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 400;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 14
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 350;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 13
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
//tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
//tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 300;
//update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 12
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
tst.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 400;
tst.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 250;
update tst;
// Retrieve the new contact 11
//con = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con.id];
con1.FirstName = 'TestScore';
con1.LastName = 'OldTest';
insert con1;
tst1.Contact__c = con1.Id;
tst1.SAT_Critical_Reading__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math__c = 800;
insert tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 36
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 780;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 35
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 800;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 34
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 770;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 33
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 720;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 32
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 680;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 31
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 640;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 30
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 700;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 600;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 29
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
//tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
//tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 670;
//update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 28
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
tst1.SAT_Evidence_Reading_Writing_Section__c = 600;
tst1.SAT_Math_Section_R__c = 630;
update tst1;
// Retrieve the new contact 27
//con1 = [select SAT_Super_Score_Recentered__c from contact where id = :con1.id];
- Darlene Blaney
- June 27, 2016
- Like
- 0
Missing test classes since server move
Hi all,
Has anyone run into a similar situation to this? -
We ran into an issue with installing new custom Apex Classes saying the code coverage was < 75%.
After further review, I noticed that quite a few of our test classes for older classes are missing.
I know for a fact (because I built and installed most of them) that I would not have been able to install these classes without a test class. Any ideas as to where to look? I would open a ticket with Salesforce, but they changed the Developer support for Standard users to be this forum.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
Has anyone run into a similar situation to this? -
We ran into an issue with installing new custom Apex Classes saying the code coverage was < 75%.
After further review, I noticed that quite a few of our test classes for older classes are missing.
I know for a fact (because I built and installed most of them) that I would not have been able to install these classes without a test class. Any ideas as to where to look? I would open a ticket with Salesforce, but they changed the Developer support for Standard users to be this forum.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Darlene Blaney
St Norbert College
- Darlene Blaney
- September 09, 2015
- Like
- 0
What is the Picklist value object name?
I would like to retrieve all of the picklist values I set up for a field on an object for display. Does anyone know the object name to query to find this information?
- Darlene Blaney
- August 11, 2015
- Like
- 0