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How can I assign a numeric value to a text value in a picklist?
I have a picklist with 4 text values. I want to assign a numeric value to each text value. I then want to multiply the chosen value by a number field. Can anyone help me with the syntax?
Picklist field = Plan_object__c
Picklist Values = Low,High,Medium,None
Number Field = R_Complex__c
Picklist field = Plan_object__c
Picklist Values = Low,High,Medium,None
Number Field = R_Complex__c
- Ellsa James
- December 31, 2015
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How do I check against email subject in Apex class?
I have set up an email service and Apex class that handles inbound emails and creates a new task with the details from the email. The task is then related to a custom object based on the subject line of the email matching a custom field on the custom object record. This is working fine at the moment but I need to tweek the criteria the check if the subject of the email contains the value of the custom field. At the moment it is checking if the subject = the field. I need to check if it contains rather than =.
Custom object = Request
Custom field to check against email subject = Test
Here is the Apex class
Custom object = Request
Custom field to check against email subject = Test
Here is the Apex class
global class CreateTaskEmailExample1 implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler { global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.inboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope env){ // Create an InboundEmailResult object for returning the result of the // Apex Email Service Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult(); String myPlainText= ''; // Add the email plain text into the local variable myPlainText = email.plainTextBody; // New Task object to be created Task[] newTask = new Task[0]; // Try to look up any Request based on the email subject try { Request__c vCon = [SELECT Id, Name, Number__c, Test__c FROM Request__c WHERE Test__c =:email.subject LIMIT 1]; // Add a new Task to the Request record we just found above. newTask.add(new Task(Description = myPlainText, Priority = 'Normal', Status = 'Inbound Email', Subject = email.subject, IsReminderSet = true, ReminderDateTime = System.now()+1, WhatId = vCon.Id)); // Insert the new Task insert newTask; System.debug('New Task Object: ' + newTask ); } // If an exception occurs when the query accesses // the Request record, a QueryException is called. // The exception is written to the Apex debug log. catch (QueryException e) { System.debug('Query Issue: ' + e); } // Set the result to true. No need to send an email back to the user // with an error message result.success = true; // Return the result for the Apex Email Service return result; } }
- Ellsa James
- December 29, 2015
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How do I create an email service and class to associate inbound email with an existing record?
We are using a custom object (instead of Case object) to handle our requests. I am looking to add the functionality to attach incoming emails to their associated request record similar to the functionality offered by email to case. We will only be attaching to existing records and Not creating new ones.
I believe this can be accomplished via an email service and handler class. I am ok with creating the email service but I need some pointers or code example of what the handler class would look like?
Thank you.
I believe this can be accomplished via an email service and handler class. I am ok with creating the email service but I need some pointers or code example of what the handler class would look like?
Thank you.
- Ellsa James
- December 19, 2014
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I need help displaying a JFrame for my Java Project
I am trying to create a JFrame for my java project but cannot get the JFrame to display. I am getting a successful build but no JFrame appears. I have only been learning java for a couple of weeks and have written all the code while in class so I don't have a clue whats wrong or what a lot of the code does. The idea is to display a JFrame with some textfields and Combo boxes which will query a database and return a value. Its a program for a restaurant where the waiter will enter a starter,main and desert and the program gets the price of each dish from the database and returns the bill. Again I am a newbie to java and I don't know if I should have seperate classes that this program is calling or what is wrong so any help or pointers are much appreciated.
My code is below.
My code is below.
package restaurantbillcalculator; // Exercise 26.12: RestaurantBillCalculator.java // Calculates a table's bill. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class RestaurantBillCalculator extends JFrame { // JLabel for Restaurant private JLabel restaurantJLabel; // JPanel to display waiter information private JPanel waiterJPanel; // JLabel and JTextField for table number private JLabel tableNumberJLabel; private JTextField tableNumberJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for waiter name private JLabel waiterNameJLabel; private JTextField waiterNameJTextField; // JPanel to display menu items private JPanel menuItemsJPanel; // JLabel and JComboBox for beverage private JLabel beverageJLabel; private JComboBox beverageJComboBox; // JLabel and JComboBox for appetizer private JLabel appetizerJLabel; private JComboBox appetizerJComboBox; // JLabel and JComboBox for main course private JLabel mainCourseJLabel; private JComboBox mainCourseJComboBox; // JLabel and JComboBox for dessert private JLabel dessertJLabel; private JComboBox dessertJComboBox; // JButton for calculate bill private JButton calculateBillJButton; // JLabel and JTextField for subtotal private JLabel subtotalJLabel; private JTextField subtotalJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for tax private JLabel taxJLabel; private JTextField taxJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for total private JLabel totalJLabel; private JTextField totalJTextField; // constant for tax rate private final static double TAX_RATE = 0.05; // declare instance variables for database processing private Connection myConnection; private Statement myStatement; private ResultSet myResultSet; // declare instance variable ArrayList to hold bill items private ArrayList billItems = new ArrayList(); // constructor public RestaurantBillCalculator( String databaseDriver, String databaseURL ) { createUserInterface(); // set up GUI } // end constructor // create and position GUI components; register event handlers private void createUserInterface() { // get content pane for attaching GUI components Container contentPane = getContentPane(); // enable explicit positioning of GUI components contentPane.setLayout( null ); // set up restaurantJLabel restaurantJLabel = new JLabel(); restaurantJLabel.setBounds( 80, 8, 128, 24 ); restaurantJLabel.setText( "Restaurant" ); restaurantJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD , 16 ) ); contentPane.add( restaurantJLabel ); // set up waiterJPanel createWaiterJPanel(); contentPane.add( waiterJPanel ); // set up menuItemsJPanel createMenuItemsJPanel(); contentPane.add( menuItemsJPanel ); // set up calculateBillJButton calculateBillJButton = new JButton(); calculateBillJButton.setBounds( 92, 320, 90, 24 ); calculateBillJButton.setText( "Calculate Bill" ); calculateBillJButton.setBorder( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder() ); contentPane.add( calculateBillJButton ); calculateBillJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when calculateBillJButton // is clicked public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ) { calculateBillJButtonActionPerformed( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addActionListener // set up subtotalJLabel subtotalJLabel = new JLabel(); subtotalJLabel.setBounds( 28, 360, 56, 16 ); subtotalJLabel.setText( "Subtotal:" ); contentPane.add( subtotalJLabel ); // set up subtotalJTextField subtotalJTextField = new JTextField(); subtotalJTextField.setBounds( 92, 360, 90, 20 ); subtotalJTextField.setEditable( false ); subtotalJTextField.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() ); subtotalJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); contentPane.add( subtotalJTextField ); // set up taxJLabel taxJLabel = new JLabel(); taxJLabel.setBounds( 28, 392, 56, 16 ); taxJLabel.setText( "Tax:" ); contentPane.add( taxJLabel ); // set up taxJTextField taxJTextField = new JTextField(); taxJTextField.setBounds( 92, 392, 90, 20 ); taxJTextField.setEditable( false ); taxJTextField.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() ); taxJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); contentPane.add( taxJTextField ); // set up totalJLabel totalJLabel = new JLabel(); totalJLabel.setBounds( 28, 424, 56, 16 ); totalJLabel.setText( "Total:" ); contentPane.add( totalJLabel ); // set up totalJTextField totalJTextField = new JTextField(); totalJTextField.setBounds( 92, 424, 90, 20 ); totalJTextField.setEditable( false ); totalJTextField.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() ); totalJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); contentPane.add( totalJTextField ); // set properties of application's window setTitle( "Restaurant Bill Calculator" ); // set window title setSize( 280, 500 ); // set window size setVisible( true ); // display window // ensure database connection is closed // when user quits application addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when close button is clicked public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event ) { frameWindowClosing( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addWindowListener } // end method createUserInterface // set up waiterJPanel private void createWaiterJPanel() { // set up waiterJPanel waiterJPanel = new JPanel(); waiterJPanel.setBounds( 20, 48, 232, 88 ); waiterJPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Waiter Information" ) ); waiterJPanel.setLayout( null ); // set up tableNumberJLabel tableNumberJLabel = new JLabel(); tableNumberJLabel.setBounds( 35, 24, 90, 16 ); tableNumberJLabel.setText( "Table number:" ); waiterJPanel.add( tableNumberJLabel ); // set up tableNumberJTextField tableNumberJTextField = new JTextField(); tableNumberJTextField.setBounds( 128, 24, 88, 21 ); waiterJPanel.add( tableNumberJTextField ); // set up waiterNameJLabel waiterNameJLabel = new JLabel(); waiterNameJLabel.setBounds( 35, 56, 90, 16 ); waiterNameJLabel.setText( "Waiter name:" ); waiterJPanel.add( waiterNameJLabel ); // set up waiterNameJTextField waiterNameJTextField = new JTextField(); waiterNameJTextField.setBounds( 128, 56, 88, 21 ); waiterJPanel.add( waiterNameJTextField ); } // end method createWaiterJPanel // create menuItemsJPanel private void createMenuItemsJPanel() { // set up menuItemsJPanel menuItemsJPanel = new JPanel(); menuItemsJPanel.setBounds( 20, 152, 232, 152 ); menuItemsJPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Menu Items" ) ); menuItemsJPanel.setLayout( null ); // set up beverageJLabel beverageJLabel = new JLabel(); beverageJLabel.setBounds( 8, 24, 80, 24 ); beverageJLabel.setText( "Beverage:" ); menuItemsJPanel.add( beverageJLabel ); // set up beverageJComboBox beverageJComboBox = new JComboBox(); beverageJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 24, 128, 25 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( beverageJComboBox ); beverageJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in beverageJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { beverageJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener // add items to beverageJComboBox beverageJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Beverage", beverageJComboBox ); // set up appetizerJLabel appetizerJLabel = new JLabel(); appetizerJLabel.setBounds( 8, 56, 80, 24 ); appetizerJLabel.setText( "Appetizer:" ); menuItemsJPanel.add( appetizerJLabel ); // set up appetizerJComboBox appetizerJComboBox = new JComboBox(); appetizerJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 56, 128, 25 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( appetizerJComboBox ); appetizerJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in appetizerJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { appetizerJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener // add items to appetizerJComboBox appetizerJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Appetizer", appetizerJComboBox ); // set up mainCourseJLabel mainCourseJLabel = new JLabel(); mainCourseJLabel.setText( "Main Course:" ); mainCourseJLabel.setBounds( 8, 88, 80, 24 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( mainCourseJLabel ); // set up mainCourseJComboBox mainCourseJComboBox = new JComboBox(); mainCourseJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 88, 128, 25 ); mainCourseJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in mainCourseJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { mainCourseJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener menuItemsJPanel.add( mainCourseJComboBox ); // add items to mainCourseJComboBox mainCourseJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Main Course", mainCourseJComboBox ); // set up dessertJLabel dessertJLabel = new JLabel(); dessertJLabel.setBounds( 8, 120, 80, 24 ); dessertJLabel.setText( "Dessert:" ); menuItemsJPanel.add( dessertJLabel ); // set up dessertJComboBox dessertJComboBox = new JComboBox(); dessertJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 120, 128, 25 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( dessertJComboBox ); dessertJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in dessertJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { dessertJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener // add items to dessertJComboBox dessertJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Dessert", dessertJComboBox ); } // end method createMenuItemsJPanel // add items to JComboBox private void loadCategory( String category, JComboBox categoryJComboBox ) { } // end method loadCategory // user select beverage private void beverageJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method beverageJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user select appetizer private void appetizerJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method appetizerJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user select main course private void mainCourseJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method mainCourseJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user select dessert private void dessertJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method dessertJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user click Calculate Bill JButton private void calculateBillJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event ) { } // end method calculateBillJButtonActionPerformed // calculate subtotal private double calculateSubtotal() { return 0; } // end method calculateSubtotal // user close window private void frameWindowClosing( WindowEvent event ) { } // end method frameWindowClosing // method main public static void main( String[] args ) { // check command-line arguments if ( args.length == 2 ) { // get command-line arguments String databaseDriver = args[ 0 ]; String databaseURL = args[ 1 ]; // create new RestaurantBillCalculator RestaurantBillCalculator application = new RestaurantBillCalculator ( databaseDriver, databaseURL ); } else { System.out.println( "Usage: java " + "RestaurantBillCalculator databaseDriver databaseURL" ); } } // end method main } // end class RestaurantBillCalculator
- Ellsa James
- November 25, 2014
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Formula to pull an email address from a text area field
I am trying to pull an email address from the standard "Description" field on Cases object. The below formula is correctly pulling everything AFTER the "@" symbol in the email address, (for example "@sample.com").I cannot get it to pull the first part of the email address.
Here is the formula I am using
All help much appreciated.
Here is the formula I am using
SUBSTITUTE( Description ,RIGHT(Description, FIND("@",Description))+ LEFT(Description, FIND("@",Description)), NULL)
All help much appreciated.
- Ellsa James
- October 23, 2014
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Can someone please advise on the syntax for the below formula?
I am trying to create a validation rule that will prevent users from closing a record with a certain status. Only 2 users should be able to close the records with these statuses.
Object = Custom object called Application for stock
Criteria for the rule = If Type of Request= "Placement", "Demo" or "Consignment" And Status = Closed And user id = "005200000036LQs" OR "00520000003RRW6".
Type of request andstatus are picklist fields.
Current formula
(ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "Placement") ||
(ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "Demo")||
(ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "Consignment "))))
ISPICKVAL( Status__c , "Closed")
$User.Id <> "005200000036LQs" || $User.Id <> "00520000003RRW6"
At the moment the rule fires on every edit.
Object = Custom object called Application for stock
Criteria for the rule = If Type of Request= "Placement", "Demo" or "Consignment" And Status = Closed And user id = "005200000036LQs" OR "00520000003RRW6".
Type of request andstatus are picklist fields.
Current formula
(ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "Placement") ||
(ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "Demo")||
(ISPICKVAL(Type_of_Request__c, "Consignment "))))
ISPICKVAL( Status__c , "Closed")
$User.Id <> "005200000036LQs" || $User.Id <> "00520000003RRW6"
At the moment the rule fires on every edit.
- Ellsa James
- October 20, 2014
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I need some help writing a test class to get coverage
I have written the below trigger and helper class that adds a partner user to a specific public group when a checkbox is ticked on the contact record.
Helper Class
The trigger and class are working fine in sandbox. The problem is I am a newbie to apex and have no Idea how to write the test class for this. I pieced the trigger and clas together with assistance on this forum. Do I need a test class for the class and the trigger? Can anyone advise what it would look like?
Thank you
trigger Addtogroup4 on Contact (after insert, after update) { List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>(); Set<String> contactEmails = new Set<String>(); for(Contact con : Trigger.New) { //create a set with the contact email addresses contactEmails.add(con.email); } //query for the related users and put them in a map, //where the key is the email and the value is the user Map<String, User> emailUserMap = new Map<String, User> (); for(User aUser : [select id, email from User where email in : contactEmails]){ emailUserMap.put(aUser.email, aUser); } system.debug(emailUserMap); List<Id> userIdList = new List<Id>(); for(Contact con : Trigger.New) { if(con.Public_Group_Technology_Partner_Content__c == TRUE) { userIdList.add(emailUserMap.get(con.email).id); } } //dymanically get the get group id. Group theGroup = [select id from Group where Name = 'Technology Partner Content']; if(null != theGroup){ //call the contact trigger helper if the group exists. //This method adds the user to the group ContactTriggerHelper.addUsersToGroup(theGroup.id,userIdList ); } }
Helper Class
public class ContactTriggerHelper{ //future call to do the group adding. the future call will spawn a new thread. @future public static void addUsersToGroup(String groupId, List<Id> userIds){ List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>(); for(ID userId: userIds){ GroupMember gm = new GroupMember(); gm.GroupId = groupId; gm.UserOrGroupId = userId; gmList.add(GM); } if(gmList.size() > 0){ insert gmList; } } }
The trigger and class are working fine in sandbox. The problem is I am a newbie to apex and have no Idea how to write the test class for this. I pieced the trigger and clas together with assistance on this forum. Do I need a test class for the class and the trigger? Can anyone advise what it would look like?
Thank you
- Ellsa James
- September 23, 2014
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How do I write a cross object formula to copy multi-picklist values?
I am using the below syntax which I have seen posted as a solution but I am getting an error.
The error I am getting is Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'INCLUDES()'. Expected Picklist, received Text
I am positive the field "Service_Engineer__c" is a multi-Picklist field so i do not know why I am getting this error.
IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Alan Clarkson"), "Alan Clarkson; ","") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Alan Eadie"), "Alan Eadie; ", "") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Dave Matthews"), "Dave Matthews; ", "") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Dean Hunt"), "Dean Hunt; ", "") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Paul Beddard"), "Paul Beddard; ", "") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Paul Levay"), "Paul Levay; ", "") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Richard Hatch"), "Richard Hatch; ", "") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Veritek"), "Veritek; ", "") & IF( INCLUDES(Service_Engineer__c, "Dave Beswick"), "Dave Beswick; ", "")
The error I am getting is Error: Incorrect parameter type for function 'INCLUDES()'. Expected Picklist, received Text
I am positive the field "Service_Engineer__c" is a multi-Picklist field so i do not know why I am getting this error.
- Ellsa James
- September 09, 2014
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How do I edit my trigger to only fire when criteria is met once?
I have written the below trigger which creates a related record when a checkbox is updated. The problem is, it is creating a new record everytime the record is edited since the criteria is being met. Can anyone advise how I can edit my trigger so that it only fires once. (ie.The first time the criteria is met) ?
Trigger copyEquipmentonsite on Unit_Placements_Sales__c(after insert, after update) { List<Services__c> sub=new List<Services__c>(); for(Unit_Placements_Sales__c u : Trigger.new) { if(u.Service_Month_is_Next_Month__c == TRUE) { Services__c s=new Services__c(); s.Equipment_Onsite__c=u.ID; s.Equipment_Type__c=u.Equipment__c; s.Machine_Specific_Notes__c=u.Machine_Specific_Notes__c; s.Product__c=u.The_Product__c; s.Dell_Tag_Number__c=u.Dell_Tag_Number__c; s.Serial_Number__c=u.Serial_Number__c; s.XD_Number__c=u.XD_Number__c; sub.add(s); } if(sub.size()>0) insert sub; } } Thank you
- Ellsa James
- September 08, 2014
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How can I add a contact to a public group with Apex?
I am using the below code
trigger AddToPG on Contact (after insert, after update) {
List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>();
for(Contact U : Trigger.New) {
if(U.Add_to_Group__c == TRUE) {
GroupMember GM = new GroupMember();
GM.GroupId = '00Gg0000000afKH';
GM.UserOrGroupId = U.Id;
insert GMList;
However, this is giving the below error
Error:Apex trigger AddToPG caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: AddToPG: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, User/Group ID: id value of incorrect type: 003g000000HfUsiAAF: [UserOrGroupId]: Trigger.AddToPG: line 12, column 1
I think this is because I am trying the set the contact ID where I should be using the User or Group ID. The contacts will be Partner users so they will have a user record. Are there any changes I can make to my trigger which will allow me to do this?
trigger AddToPG on Contact (after insert, after update) {
List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>();
for(Contact U : Trigger.New) {
if(U.Add_to_Group__c == TRUE) {
GroupMember GM = new GroupMember();
GM.GroupId = '00Gg0000000afKH';
GM.UserOrGroupId = U.Id;
insert GMList;
However, this is giving the below error
Error:Apex trigger AddToPG caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: AddToPG: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, User/Group ID: id value of incorrect type: 003g000000HfUsiAAF: [UserOrGroupId]: Trigger.AddToPG: line 12, column 1
I think this is because I am trying the set the contact ID where I should be using the User or Group ID. The contacts will be Partner users so they will have a user record. Are there any changes I can make to my trigger which will allow me to do this?
- Ellsa James
- September 01, 2014
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Can anyone advise how to write a unit test to get coverage for the below code?
Trigger copyunitdetail on Unit__c(before insert,after insert, after update)
List<Services__c> sub=new List<Services__c>();
for(Unit__c u : Trigger.new)
if(u.Service_Date__c == 'THIS MONTH')
Services__c s=new Services__c();
insert sub;
List<Services__c> sub=new List<Services__c>();
for(Unit__c u : Trigger.new)
if(u.Service_Date__c == 'THIS MONTH')
Services__c s=new Services__c();
insert sub;
- Ellsa James
- August 12, 2014
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How do I check against email subject in Apex class?
I have set up an email service and Apex class that handles inbound emails and creates a new task with the details from the email. The task is then related to a custom object based on the subject line of the email matching a custom field on the custom object record. This is working fine at the moment but I need to tweek the criteria the check if the subject of the email contains the value of the custom field. At the moment it is checking if the subject = the field. I need to check if it contains rather than =.
Custom object = Request
Custom field to check against email subject = Test
Here is the Apex class
Custom object = Request
Custom field to check against email subject = Test
Here is the Apex class
global class CreateTaskEmailExample1 implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler { global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.inboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope env){ // Create an InboundEmailResult object for returning the result of the // Apex Email Service Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult(); String myPlainText= ''; // Add the email plain text into the local variable myPlainText = email.plainTextBody; // New Task object to be created Task[] newTask = new Task[0]; // Try to look up any Request based on the email subject try { Request__c vCon = [SELECT Id, Name, Number__c, Test__c FROM Request__c WHERE Test__c =:email.subject LIMIT 1]; // Add a new Task to the Request record we just found above. newTask.add(new Task(Description = myPlainText, Priority = 'Normal', Status = 'Inbound Email', Subject = email.subject, IsReminderSet = true, ReminderDateTime = System.now()+1, WhatId = vCon.Id)); // Insert the new Task insert newTask; System.debug('New Task Object: ' + newTask ); } // If an exception occurs when the query accesses // the Request record, a QueryException is called. // The exception is written to the Apex debug log. catch (QueryException e) { System.debug('Query Issue: ' + e); } // Set the result to true. No need to send an email back to the user // with an error message result.success = true; // Return the result for the Apex Email Service return result; } }
- Ellsa James
- December 29, 2015
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I need help displaying a JFrame for my Java Project
I am trying to create a JFrame for my java project but cannot get the JFrame to display. I am getting a successful build but no JFrame appears. I have only been learning java for a couple of weeks and have written all the code while in class so I don't have a clue whats wrong or what a lot of the code does. The idea is to display a JFrame with some textfields and Combo boxes which will query a database and return a value. Its a program for a restaurant where the waiter will enter a starter,main and desert and the program gets the price of each dish from the database and returns the bill. Again I am a newbie to java and I don't know if I should have seperate classes that this program is calling or what is wrong so any help or pointers are much appreciated.
My code is below.
My code is below.
package restaurantbillcalculator; // Exercise 26.12: RestaurantBillCalculator.java // Calculates a table's bill. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class RestaurantBillCalculator extends JFrame { // JLabel for Restaurant private JLabel restaurantJLabel; // JPanel to display waiter information private JPanel waiterJPanel; // JLabel and JTextField for table number private JLabel tableNumberJLabel; private JTextField tableNumberJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for waiter name private JLabel waiterNameJLabel; private JTextField waiterNameJTextField; // JPanel to display menu items private JPanel menuItemsJPanel; // JLabel and JComboBox for beverage private JLabel beverageJLabel; private JComboBox beverageJComboBox; // JLabel and JComboBox for appetizer private JLabel appetizerJLabel; private JComboBox appetizerJComboBox; // JLabel and JComboBox for main course private JLabel mainCourseJLabel; private JComboBox mainCourseJComboBox; // JLabel and JComboBox for dessert private JLabel dessertJLabel; private JComboBox dessertJComboBox; // JButton for calculate bill private JButton calculateBillJButton; // JLabel and JTextField for subtotal private JLabel subtotalJLabel; private JTextField subtotalJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for tax private JLabel taxJLabel; private JTextField taxJTextField; // JLabel and JTextField for total private JLabel totalJLabel; private JTextField totalJTextField; // constant for tax rate private final static double TAX_RATE = 0.05; // declare instance variables for database processing private Connection myConnection; private Statement myStatement; private ResultSet myResultSet; // declare instance variable ArrayList to hold bill items private ArrayList billItems = new ArrayList(); // constructor public RestaurantBillCalculator( String databaseDriver, String databaseURL ) { createUserInterface(); // set up GUI } // end constructor // create and position GUI components; register event handlers private void createUserInterface() { // get content pane for attaching GUI components Container contentPane = getContentPane(); // enable explicit positioning of GUI components contentPane.setLayout( null ); // set up restaurantJLabel restaurantJLabel = new JLabel(); restaurantJLabel.setBounds( 80, 8, 128, 24 ); restaurantJLabel.setText( "Restaurant" ); restaurantJLabel.setFont( new Font( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD , 16 ) ); contentPane.add( restaurantJLabel ); // set up waiterJPanel createWaiterJPanel(); contentPane.add( waiterJPanel ); // set up menuItemsJPanel createMenuItemsJPanel(); contentPane.add( menuItemsJPanel ); // set up calculateBillJButton calculateBillJButton = new JButton(); calculateBillJButton.setBounds( 92, 320, 90, 24 ); calculateBillJButton.setText( "Calculate Bill" ); calculateBillJButton.setBorder( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder() ); contentPane.add( calculateBillJButton ); calculateBillJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when calculateBillJButton // is clicked public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ) { calculateBillJButtonActionPerformed( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addActionListener // set up subtotalJLabel subtotalJLabel = new JLabel(); subtotalJLabel.setBounds( 28, 360, 56, 16 ); subtotalJLabel.setText( "Subtotal:" ); contentPane.add( subtotalJLabel ); // set up subtotalJTextField subtotalJTextField = new JTextField(); subtotalJTextField.setBounds( 92, 360, 90, 20 ); subtotalJTextField.setEditable( false ); subtotalJTextField.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() ); subtotalJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); contentPane.add( subtotalJTextField ); // set up taxJLabel taxJLabel = new JLabel(); taxJLabel.setBounds( 28, 392, 56, 16 ); taxJLabel.setText( "Tax:" ); contentPane.add( taxJLabel ); // set up taxJTextField taxJTextField = new JTextField(); taxJTextField.setBounds( 92, 392, 90, 20 ); taxJTextField.setEditable( false ); taxJTextField.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() ); taxJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); contentPane.add( taxJTextField ); // set up totalJLabel totalJLabel = new JLabel(); totalJLabel.setBounds( 28, 424, 56, 16 ); totalJLabel.setText( "Total:" ); contentPane.add( totalJLabel ); // set up totalJTextField totalJTextField = new JTextField(); totalJTextField.setBounds( 92, 424, 90, 20 ); totalJTextField.setEditable( false ); totalJTextField.setBorder( BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder() ); totalJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); contentPane.add( totalJTextField ); // set properties of application's window setTitle( "Restaurant Bill Calculator" ); // set window title setSize( 280, 500 ); // set window size setVisible( true ); // display window // ensure database connection is closed // when user quits application addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when close button is clicked public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event ) { frameWindowClosing( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addWindowListener } // end method createUserInterface // set up waiterJPanel private void createWaiterJPanel() { // set up waiterJPanel waiterJPanel = new JPanel(); waiterJPanel.setBounds( 20, 48, 232, 88 ); waiterJPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Waiter Information" ) ); waiterJPanel.setLayout( null ); // set up tableNumberJLabel tableNumberJLabel = new JLabel(); tableNumberJLabel.setBounds( 35, 24, 90, 16 ); tableNumberJLabel.setText( "Table number:" ); waiterJPanel.add( tableNumberJLabel ); // set up tableNumberJTextField tableNumberJTextField = new JTextField(); tableNumberJTextField.setBounds( 128, 24, 88, 21 ); waiterJPanel.add( tableNumberJTextField ); // set up waiterNameJLabel waiterNameJLabel = new JLabel(); waiterNameJLabel.setBounds( 35, 56, 90, 16 ); waiterNameJLabel.setText( "Waiter name:" ); waiterJPanel.add( waiterNameJLabel ); // set up waiterNameJTextField waiterNameJTextField = new JTextField(); waiterNameJTextField.setBounds( 128, 56, 88, 21 ); waiterJPanel.add( waiterNameJTextField ); } // end method createWaiterJPanel // create menuItemsJPanel private void createMenuItemsJPanel() { // set up menuItemsJPanel menuItemsJPanel = new JPanel(); menuItemsJPanel.setBounds( 20, 152, 232, 152 ); menuItemsJPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Menu Items" ) ); menuItemsJPanel.setLayout( null ); // set up beverageJLabel beverageJLabel = new JLabel(); beverageJLabel.setBounds( 8, 24, 80, 24 ); beverageJLabel.setText( "Beverage:" ); menuItemsJPanel.add( beverageJLabel ); // set up beverageJComboBox beverageJComboBox = new JComboBox(); beverageJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 24, 128, 25 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( beverageJComboBox ); beverageJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in beverageJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { beverageJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener // add items to beverageJComboBox beverageJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Beverage", beverageJComboBox ); // set up appetizerJLabel appetizerJLabel = new JLabel(); appetizerJLabel.setBounds( 8, 56, 80, 24 ); appetizerJLabel.setText( "Appetizer:" ); menuItemsJPanel.add( appetizerJLabel ); // set up appetizerJComboBox appetizerJComboBox = new JComboBox(); appetizerJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 56, 128, 25 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( appetizerJComboBox ); appetizerJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in appetizerJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { appetizerJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener // add items to appetizerJComboBox appetizerJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Appetizer", appetizerJComboBox ); // set up mainCourseJLabel mainCourseJLabel = new JLabel(); mainCourseJLabel.setText( "Main Course:" ); mainCourseJLabel.setBounds( 8, 88, 80, 24 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( mainCourseJLabel ); // set up mainCourseJComboBox mainCourseJComboBox = new JComboBox(); mainCourseJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 88, 128, 25 ); mainCourseJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in mainCourseJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { mainCourseJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener menuItemsJPanel.add( mainCourseJComboBox ); // add items to mainCourseJComboBox mainCourseJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Main Course", mainCourseJComboBox ); // set up dessertJLabel dessertJLabel = new JLabel(); dessertJLabel.setBounds( 8, 120, 80, 24 ); dessertJLabel.setText( "Dessert:" ); menuItemsJPanel.add( dessertJLabel ); // set up dessertJComboBox dessertJComboBox = new JComboBox(); dessertJComboBox.setBounds( 88, 120, 128, 25 ); menuItemsJPanel.add( dessertJComboBox ); dessertJComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener() // anonymous inner class { // event handler called when item in dessertJComboBox // is selected public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { dessertJComboBoxItemStateChanged( event ); } } // end anonymous inner class ); // end addItemListener // add items to dessertJComboBox dessertJComboBox.addItem( "" ); loadCategory( "Dessert", dessertJComboBox ); } // end method createMenuItemsJPanel // add items to JComboBox private void loadCategory( String category, JComboBox categoryJComboBox ) { } // end method loadCategory // user select beverage private void beverageJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method beverageJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user select appetizer private void appetizerJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method appetizerJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user select main course private void mainCourseJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method mainCourseJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user select dessert private void dessertJComboBoxItemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ) { } // end method dessertJComboBoxItemStateChanged // user click Calculate Bill JButton private void calculateBillJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event ) { } // end method calculateBillJButtonActionPerformed // calculate subtotal private double calculateSubtotal() { return 0; } // end method calculateSubtotal // user close window private void frameWindowClosing( WindowEvent event ) { } // end method frameWindowClosing // method main public static void main( String[] args ) { // check command-line arguments if ( args.length == 2 ) { // get command-line arguments String databaseDriver = args[ 0 ]; String databaseURL = args[ 1 ]; // create new RestaurantBillCalculator RestaurantBillCalculator application = new RestaurantBillCalculator ( databaseDriver, databaseURL ); } else { System.out.println( "Usage: java " + "RestaurantBillCalculator databaseDriver databaseURL" ); } } // end method main } // end class RestaurantBillCalculator
- Ellsa James
- November 25, 2014
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I need some help writing a test class to get coverage
I have written the below trigger and helper class that adds a partner user to a specific public group when a checkbox is ticked on the contact record.
Helper Class
The trigger and class are working fine in sandbox. The problem is I am a newbie to apex and have no Idea how to write the test class for this. I pieced the trigger and clas together with assistance on this forum. Do I need a test class for the class and the trigger? Can anyone advise what it would look like?
Thank you
trigger Addtogroup4 on Contact (after insert, after update) { List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>(); Set<String> contactEmails = new Set<String>(); for(Contact con : Trigger.New) { //create a set with the contact email addresses contactEmails.add(con.email); } //query for the related users and put them in a map, //where the key is the email and the value is the user Map<String, User> emailUserMap = new Map<String, User> (); for(User aUser : [select id, email from User where email in : contactEmails]){ emailUserMap.put(aUser.email, aUser); } system.debug(emailUserMap); List<Id> userIdList = new List<Id>(); for(Contact con : Trigger.New) { if(con.Public_Group_Technology_Partner_Content__c == TRUE) { userIdList.add(emailUserMap.get(con.email).id); } } //dymanically get the get group id. Group theGroup = [select id from Group where Name = 'Technology Partner Content']; if(null != theGroup){ //call the contact trigger helper if the group exists. //This method adds the user to the group ContactTriggerHelper.addUsersToGroup(theGroup.id,userIdList ); } }
Helper Class
public class ContactTriggerHelper{ //future call to do the group adding. the future call will spawn a new thread. @future public static void addUsersToGroup(String groupId, List<Id> userIds){ List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>(); for(ID userId: userIds){ GroupMember gm = new GroupMember(); gm.GroupId = groupId; gm.UserOrGroupId = userId; gmList.add(GM); } if(gmList.size() > 0){ insert gmList; } } }
The trigger and class are working fine in sandbox. The problem is I am a newbie to apex and have no Idea how to write the test class for this. I pieced the trigger and clas together with assistance on this forum. Do I need a test class for the class and the trigger? Can anyone advise what it would look like?
Thank you
- Ellsa James
- September 23, 2014
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How do I edit my trigger to only fire when criteria is met once?
I have written the below trigger which creates a related record when a checkbox is updated. The problem is, it is creating a new record everytime the record is edited since the criteria is being met. Can anyone advise how I can edit my trigger so that it only fires once. (ie.The first time the criteria is met) ?
Trigger copyEquipmentonsite on Unit_Placements_Sales__c(after insert, after update) { List<Services__c> sub=new List<Services__c>(); for(Unit_Placements_Sales__c u : Trigger.new) { if(u.Service_Month_is_Next_Month__c == TRUE) { Services__c s=new Services__c(); s.Equipment_Onsite__c=u.ID; s.Equipment_Type__c=u.Equipment__c; s.Machine_Specific_Notes__c=u.Machine_Specific_Notes__c; s.Product__c=u.The_Product__c; s.Dell_Tag_Number__c=u.Dell_Tag_Number__c; s.Serial_Number__c=u.Serial_Number__c; s.XD_Number__c=u.XD_Number__c; sub.add(s); } if(sub.size()>0) insert sub; } } Thank you
- Ellsa James
- September 08, 2014
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How can I add a contact to a public group with Apex?
I am using the below code
trigger AddToPG on Contact (after insert, after update) {
List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>();
for(Contact U : Trigger.New) {
if(U.Add_to_Group__c == TRUE) {
GroupMember GM = new GroupMember();
GM.GroupId = '00Gg0000000afKH';
GM.UserOrGroupId = U.Id;
insert GMList;
However, this is giving the below error
Error:Apex trigger AddToPG caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: AddToPG: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, User/Group ID: id value of incorrect type: 003g000000HfUsiAAF: [UserOrGroupId]: Trigger.AddToPG: line 12, column 1
I think this is because I am trying the set the contact ID where I should be using the User or Group ID. The contacts will be Partner users so they will have a user record. Are there any changes I can make to my trigger which will allow me to do this?
trigger AddToPG on Contact (after insert, after update) {
List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>();
for(Contact U : Trigger.New) {
if(U.Add_to_Group__c == TRUE) {
GroupMember GM = new GroupMember();
GM.GroupId = '00Gg0000000afKH';
GM.UserOrGroupId = U.Id;
insert GMList;
However, this is giving the below error
Error:Apex trigger AddToPG caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: AddToPG: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, User/Group ID: id value of incorrect type: 003g000000HfUsiAAF: [UserOrGroupId]: Trigger.AddToPG: line 12, column 1
I think this is because I am trying the set the contact ID where I should be using the User or Group ID. The contacts will be Partner users so they will have a user record. Are there any changes I can make to my trigger which will allow me to do this?
- Ellsa James
- September 01, 2014
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