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How can i extract all the permission of a profile into CSV
How can i extract all the permissions of a profile into CSV. Example Sys Admin
Assigned Apps
Assigned Connected Apps
Object Settings
App Permissions
Apex Class Access
Visualforce Page Access
External Data Source Access
Named Credential Access
External Credential Principal Access
Data Category Visibility
Flow Access
Service Presence Statuses Access
Custom Permissions
Custom Metadata Types
Custom Setting Definitions
System Permissions
Login Hours
Login IP Ranges
Service Providers
Session Settings
Password Policies
Default Experience
- Ravi_SFDC
- November 16, 2023
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Add a product description field to "Edit Selected Quote Line Items"
My requirement is to display the product description field in "Edit Selected Quote Line Items" page which opens after you go to Quote object-->Related List Tab-->Quote Line Items List-->Add Product-->Select a Product-->Click next.
- Ravi_SFDC
- November 15, 2023
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Validation Rule for Objects
I have 2 objects Contact (Standard Object) and Task (Custom Object). Contact has a lookup from Program Object.
1. I would assign a program to a contact as lookup
2. When a contact is trying a create a task, he/she should be able to create a task under the program he/she belongs to (as the program is assigned to a contact object).
3. if the contact is trying to create a task with respect to any other program it should through the contact an error as he don't have a prvilege to create a task for that program.
Your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- July 12, 2023
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Auto Number by Record Type
I do have 2 record types on a standard object, based on each record type I want to generate an auto number.
1. ABC Recordtype - Auto Number should be A2023001
2. XYZ Recordtype - Auto Number should be as Z23001
Your help would be really appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- June 26, 2023
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Auto Number for Contact Object
I want to generate an auto number for the existing contacts. Example as below
1. I do have 5 contacts (A, B, C, D and E) in prod, I want to have an auto number (generate the auto number). I have my format as R001. I want the auto number for A as R001, B as R003, C as 002, D as R005 and E as R004. How can I achieve this?
2. I want to have a record type AUTO NUMBER, once I complete the above scenario if I want to create a new contact (where I have a record type) based on the record type my new contact should have the auto number as R006 (as 5 has been completed for the existing contacts).
Your help would be really appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- June 20, 2023
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Hide Edit, Delete Options on a record
How can i remove the EDIT, Delete and Change Owner options on the record of a custom object.
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 27, 2023
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Datetime datatype Validation Rule
I do have Date/Time DataType for Start Date and End Date
Start Date and End Date every time should be EQUAL and both can't be on future dates. But can be on previous dates.
The issue is Start Date is TODAY, but the End Date is taking the value as the Previous Date, which shouldn't happen.
FINAL OUTPUT needed, START DATE and END DATE should be the SAME every time. If we have the record for the same date, we shouldn't allow duplicate data record.
Your help would be really appreciated.
Regards Ravi
AND( NOT(ISNEW()), ISBLANK(Id), NOT(ISBLANK(Start_Date_Time__c)), NOT(ISBLANK(End_Date_Time__c)), Start_Date_Time__c >= DATEVALUE(NOW()), End_Date_Time__c >= Start_Date_Time__c, NOT( AND( Start_Date_Time__c >= DATETIMEVALUE(FLOOR(TEXT(Start_Date_Time__c))), End_Date_Time__c < DATETIMEVALUE(FLOOR(TEXT(End_Date_Time__c))) + 1 ) ) )
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 14, 2023
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Datatime Datatype Validation Rule
I do have Date/Time DataTypefor Start Date and End Date
Start Date and End Date every time should be EQUAL and both can't be in future dates. But can be in previous dates.
Issue is Start Date is TODAY, but End Date is taking the value as Previous Date, which shouldn't happen.
FINAL OUTPUT needed, START DATE and END DATE should be the SAME every time. If we have the record for the same date, we shouldn't allow duplicate date record.
Your hep would be really apprciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 13, 2023
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Issue in the Business Hours
I do have 2 fields Start Date (DateType: Date/Time) and End Date ((DateType: Date/Time) and Total Hours (Formula Field)
Example: When I select as
Start Date 26/02 11.30 AM IST and
End Date 26/02 10.30 PM IST
Total Hours: 10 hours
Issue: I am using the below formula, your help would be really appreciated
ROUND( 8 * ( ( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( End_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) + MIN(5, MOD( DATEVALUE( End_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8), 7) + MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD( End_Date_Time__c - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1 ) ) ) ) ) - ( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( Start_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) + MIN( 5, MOD( DATEVALUE( Start_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1996, 1, 1), 7 ) + MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD( Start_Date_Time__c - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1) ) ) ) ) ), 0 )Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- February 26, 2023
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Regarding Picklist
Hi All,
I have a picklist with values as X, Y and Z and 3 text fields
Scenario : I have selected picklist value as X and entered the values in the 3 text fields and successfully able to save the record.
Requirement : Whenever i change the picklist from the exisitng value all the text fields should be cleared. (referring to the above saved record where i selected X as value from picklist and asaved teh record, now i come back to same record and change the picklist value to Y, now all the 3 text fields should be cleared.
Your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- January 04, 2023
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Issue on the Picklist
Hi All,
I have picklist1 (values as x, y and z) and picklist2 (x1, x2, x3, y1, y2 and z1). Picklist2 is dependent picklist on picklist1.
Example: If i am selecting x from picklist1 for the first time and saving the record, i amd continuing with the selection. After completing my selections the records are displayed as below
x - x1
x - x2
x - x3
y - y1
z - z1
My query is referring to the above case there are 3 x, how can get the count based on this. i need the output as below
x - 3
y - 1
z - 1
Youe help would be really appriciated.
Thanks & Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- December 28, 2022
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Regarding Permission Set
- Ravi_SFDC
- September 20, 2022
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Dynamic Related Lists
I am using the Salesforce Dynamic Related Lists. Can anyone help me as in below . How can i emove the highlighted once on the Dynamic Related Lists.
Thanks & Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- September 06, 2022
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Login Requirement
I don't want to provide a user sys admin and he is a tableau user.
Can i give him Standard User and add permission set. To achive this what all i need any specific permission set which Salesforce already provides with respect to use Tableau. You help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- July 20, 2022
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Regarding the Standard Objects Issue
Have Account and Retail Store where Account is in Private and Retail Store is Controlled by Parent Account.
The account is set to Read Only in sharing Settings and only Account Owners can their respective accounts (this is GOOD). Account Owners are not able to see the Retail Stores (Retail Store is Child of Account). Your Help would be really approciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- April 14, 2022
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SOAP Integration1
I am trying to run an anonymous code as below in a string
String XMLIn = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?><Query xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="businesobject.XSD"><Key> <SalesOrder>H000055421</SalesOrder> <Invoice></Invoice></Key><Option> <IncludeStockedLines>Y</IncludeStockedLines><XslStylesheet/></Option></Query>';instead of passing the SalesOrder ID <SalesOrder>H000055421</SalesOrder>, if i want to pass the dynamic value (like <![CDATA[]]>), so that i can fetch all the salesorder records from other system to salesforce. Please suggest and your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- February 16, 2022
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Regarding the Text (Encrypted) Data Type
- Ravi_SFDC
- December 24, 2021
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Custom buttons to display on the related list
I am unable to see the custom buttons to display on the related list, your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- December 09, 2021
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Issue with JSON
I do have a custom object with RecordType and the same object has files attached to it like JPEG, CSS, etc.
The issue I am facing is, how can I export the RecordType and Files associated to it in JSON file and import the same to other ORG with no issues. Your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- September 10, 2021
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Regarding SOQL for the Custom Object
I do have a Custom Object with data when I open one record of the Custom Object referring to the below screenshot. How can write a SOQL so that I get the names of the HTML and Image file from the files which are part of the configuration data. Your help is really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- August 29, 2021
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Salesforce DX Issue
1. Successfully created a package sfdx force:source:convert --outputdir mdapi_output_dir --packagename managed_pkg_name
2. Now I am trying to deploy in the needed ORG with this command
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy --deploydir mdapi_output_dir --targetusername me@example.com
getting the below errors
Error mdapi_output_dir/package.xml package.xml You cannot install or upgrade a package that has a NetworkBranding component. remove
components of NetworkBranding type from the package.
Error mdapi_output_dir/package.xml package.xml You cannot install or upgrade a package that has a Network component. Remove
components of Network type from the package.
Error mdapi_output_dir/package.xml package.xml You cannot install or upgrade a package that has a SiteDotCom component. Remove
components of SiteDotCom type from the package.
Error mdapi_output_dir/package.xml package.xml You cannot install or upgrade a package that has a CustomSite component. Remove
components of CustomSite type from the package.
But I want to deploy my package along with NetworkBranding, Network, SiteDotCom, and CustomSite.
Your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 28, 2019
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How to find the exact test class for the APEX Trigger
I do have a concern. How can we find the exact APEX Test Class for the respective APEX Ext Class and APEX Trigger.
Example: Someone in the org has written a APEX Trigger and now i need to change the code, i dodn't even know that whether that Trigger has a Test Class or not. How can i find the Test Class for the respective Trigger in the ORG. Your help would be really appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- January 03, 2018
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List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject
System.QueryException: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject
Class.AccountSearchUI.<init>: line 13, column 1
My VF Page
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountSearchUI"> <head> <title>Account Search UI</title> <style type="text/css"> </style> </head> <body> <table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td height="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td height="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td height="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td height="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td height="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="tablemain"> <tr><td height="1"></td></tr> <tr><td height="50" class="headingmain"> Account Search UI</td></tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" class="tablemain"> <tr> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Group Org Acc</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Vertical</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Account Name</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Type</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Owner Last Name</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Client Rank</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Account Plan</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">Last Modified</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">View Latest PDF</td> <td width="10%" height="23" class="headingsub1">PDF Upload Date</td> </tr> <apex:repeat value="{!accPList}" var="cp"> <tr> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Group_Org__c}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Vertical__c}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Name}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Type}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Client_Rank__c}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Group_Org__c}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Vertical__c}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Name}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Type}"/></td> <td height="23" class="headingsub1"><apex:outputField value="{!cp.Client_Rank__c}"/></td> </tr> </apex:repeat> </table> </td> </tr> </table></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top"></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top"></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </apex:page>
APEX Class
public with sharing class AccountSearchUI{ public ApexPages.StandardController stdController {get; set;} public Account acc {get; set;} public Account accPList {get; set;} public String accountName =''; public AccountSearchUI(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){ this.stdController = stdController; accPList = [select Group_Org__c, Vertical__c, Name, Type, Client_Rank__c from Account where Top_25_Client__c = true and Client_Rank__c < 26 order by Client_Rank__c ASC limit 5]; } }Can anyone help with the issue.
- Ravi_SFDC
- November 06, 2016
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Sort Issue
I am trying to update these numbers (sorting). If i see the repeated number it should give me an error only when i click the update button. Please find my APEX Code as below
public PageReference UpdateAction(){ Savepoint sp = Database.setSavepoint(); try{ if (strType=='AP'){ List<Company_Priorities__c> actPList = [select Field1__c, Name from Company_Priorities__c]; integer i = 0; integer j = 0; integer k = 0; for(i = 0; j< actPList.length–1; j ++); { for(k=(i+1); j< actPList.length; j ++) { if(actPList[i].number == actPList[j].number) { Raise Error Break; } } } update actPList;I am getting error. Can anyone help.
- Ravi_SFDC
- October 17, 2016
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Auto Number for Contact Object
I want to generate an auto number for the existing contacts. Example as below
1. I do have 5 contacts (A, B, C, D and E) in prod, I want to have an auto number (generate the auto number). I have my format as R001. I want the auto number for A as R001, B as R003, C as 002, D as R005 and E as R004. How can I achieve this?
2. I want to have a record type AUTO NUMBER, once I complete the above scenario if I want to create a new contact (where I have a record type) based on the record type my new contact should have the auto number as R006 (as 5 has been completed for the existing contacts).
Your help would be really appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- June 20, 2023
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Hide Edit, Delete Options on a record
How can i remove the EDIT, Delete and Change Owner options on the record of a custom object.
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 27, 2023
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Datetime datatype Validation Rule
I do have Date/Time DataType for Start Date and End Date
Start Date and End Date every time should be EQUAL and both can't be on future dates. But can be on previous dates.
The issue is Start Date is TODAY, but the End Date is taking the value as the Previous Date, which shouldn't happen.
FINAL OUTPUT needed, START DATE and END DATE should be the SAME every time. If we have the record for the same date, we shouldn't allow duplicate data record.
Your help would be really appreciated.
Regards Ravi
AND( NOT(ISNEW()), ISBLANK(Id), NOT(ISBLANK(Start_Date_Time__c)), NOT(ISBLANK(End_Date_Time__c)), Start_Date_Time__c >= DATEVALUE(NOW()), End_Date_Time__c >= Start_Date_Time__c, NOT( AND( Start_Date_Time__c >= DATETIMEVALUE(FLOOR(TEXT(Start_Date_Time__c))), End_Date_Time__c < DATETIMEVALUE(FLOOR(TEXT(End_Date_Time__c))) + 1 ) ) )
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 14, 2023
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Datatime Datatype Validation Rule
I do have Date/Time DataTypefor Start Date and End Date
Start Date and End Date every time should be EQUAL and both can't be in future dates. But can be in previous dates.
Issue is Start Date is TODAY, but End Date is taking the value as Previous Date, which shouldn't happen.
FINAL OUTPUT needed, START DATE and END DATE should be the SAME every time. If we have the record for the same date, we shouldn't allow duplicate date record.
Your hep would be really apprciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 13, 2023
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Issue in the Business Hours
I do have 2 fields Start Date (DateType: Date/Time) and End Date ((DateType: Date/Time) and Total Hours (Formula Field)
Example: When I select as
Start Date 26/02 11.30 AM IST and
End Date 26/02 10.30 PM IST
Total Hours: 10 hours
Issue: I am using the below formula, your help would be really appreciated
ROUND( 8 * ( ( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( End_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) + MIN(5, MOD( DATEVALUE( End_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8), 7) + MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD( End_Date_Time__c - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1 ) ) ) ) ) - ( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( Start_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) + MIN( 5, MOD( DATEVALUE( Start_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1996, 1, 1), 7 ) + MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD( Start_Date_Time__c - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1) ) ) ) ) ), 0 )Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- February 26, 2023
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Regarding Permission Set
- Ravi_SFDC
- September 20, 2022
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Regarding the Text (Encrypted) Data Type
- Ravi_SFDC
- December 24, 2021
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Custom buttons to display on the related list
I am unable to see the custom buttons to display on the related list, your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- December 09, 2021
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Issue with JSON
I do have a custom object with RecordType and the same object has files attached to it like JPEG, CSS, etc.
The issue I am facing is, how can I export the RecordType and Files associated to it in JSON file and import the same to other ORG with no issues. Your help would be really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- September 10, 2021
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Regarding SOQL for the Custom Object
I do have a Custom Object with data when I open one record of the Custom Object referring to the below screenshot. How can write a SOQL so that I get the names of the HTML and Image file from the files which are part of the configuration data. Your help is really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- August 29, 2021
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How can i create COMMUNITY folder
- Ravi_SFDC
- August 10, 2021
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Regarding RecordTypeID
1. I have a Custom Object and do have 5 record type's on the object.
2. I can add a record to the custom object manually.
MY QUESTION : At present I don't have any DATA in the object, the object is completely EMPTY. How can I query to see RECORDTYPEID's of the 5 record types of the object?
SELECT Id, RecordTypeId FROM CustomObjectName
But I would get an empty list.
Please suggest, your help is really helpful and appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- July 04, 2021
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About Spinner
I am using lightning-spinner and normally we get the DOT as spinner.
But my requirement is, i need to have my TEXT to loaded instead of the DOTs untill my data loaded on the page. Your help would be really appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
- Ravi_SFDC
- October 26, 2020
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LWC Issue
This error comes when i created a custom label in the Lightning Web Component.
Labels should have a section and a name: ProgramOverview
- Ravi_SFDC
- April 25, 2019
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Add languages to the Custom Community
I am unable to complete the add languages to my custom community portal for both (English (default) and French language). Need inputs
- Ravi_SFDC
- April 24, 2019
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Multi Lingual Community Portal Language Issue
1. I do have X and Y users as Sys Admins,
2. I have created the Community Portal using X user,
3. In the settings of the under the Build Workspace (please see the below screenshot)
I have made this community portal PUBLIC and published it.
NOW when I am trying to access the community portal URL with the Y user credentials I am successfully able to access the needed.
Issue: The Y user Language in Salesforce Manage User is set to FRENCH, but I am seeing the language is ENGLISH.
You help is needed as such that I should be able to select the language as below
Appreciate your help.
- Ravi_SFDC
- March 26, 2019
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