• Ravi_SFDC
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I want to generate an auto number for the existing contacts. Example as below

1. I do have 5 contacts (A, B, C, D and E) in prod, I want to have an auto number (generate the auto number). I have my format as R001. I want the auto number for A as R001, B as R003, C as 002, D as R005 and E as R004. How can I achieve this?

2. I want to have a record type AUTO NUMBER, once I complete the above scenario if I want to create a new contact (where I have a record type) based on the record type my new contact should have the auto number as R006 (as 5 has been completed for the existing contacts).

Your help would be really appreciated.

Thanks & Regards



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How can i remove the EDIT, Delete and Change Owner options on the record of a custom object.



I do have Date/Time DataType for Start Date and End Date

Start Date and End Date every time should be EQUAL and both can't be on future dates. But can be on previous dates.

The issue is Start Date is TODAY, but the End Date is taking the value as the Previous Date, which shouldn't happen.

FINAL OUTPUT needed, START DATE and END DATE should be the SAME every time. If we have the record for the same date, we shouldn't allow duplicate data record.

Your help would be really appreciated.

Regards Ravi


    Start_Date_Time__c >= DATEVALUE(NOW()),
    End_Date_Time__c >= Start_Date_Time__c,
            Start_Date_Time__c >= DATETIMEVALUE(FLOOR(TEXT(Start_Date_Time__c))),
            End_Date_Time__c < DATETIMEVALUE(FLOOR(TEXT(End_Date_Time__c))) + 1

I do have Date/Time DataTypefor Start Date and End Date

Start Date and End Date every time should be EQUAL and both can't be in future dates. But can be in previous dates.

Issue is Start Date is TODAY, but End Date is taking the value as Previous Date, which shouldn't happen.

FINAL OUTPUT needed, START DATE and END DATE should be the SAME every time. If we have the record for the same date, we shouldn't allow duplicate date record.

Your hep would be really apprciated.




I do have 2 fields Start Date (DateType: Date/Time) and End Date ((DateType: Date/Time) and Total Hours (Formula Field)

Example: When I select as
Start Date 26/02 11.30 AM IST and
End Date 26/02 10.30 PM IST   
Total Hours: 10 hours

Issue: I am using the below formula, your help would be really appreciated

ROUND( 8 * (
( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( End_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) +
MOD( DATEVALUE( End_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8), 7) +
MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD( End_Date_Time__c - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1 ) ) )
( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE( Start_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) +
MIN( 5,
MOD( DATEVALUE( Start_Date_Time__c ) - DATE( 1996, 1, 1), 7 ) +
MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD( Start_Date_Time__c - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1) ) )
0 )


How can i know (using query) a Permission Set is not assigned to any user in the ORG

I am having the as field as Text (Encrypted) Data Type and its displayed in the UI as XXX-XX-8369, but I want the display in the UI as XX-XXX8369. Need help on this.

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I am unable to see the custom buttons to display on the related list, your help would be really appreciated.




I do have a custom object with RecordType and the same object has files attached to it like JPEG, CSS, etc. 

The issue I  am facing is, how can I export the RecordType and Files associated to it in JSON file and import the same to other ORG with no issues. Your help would be really appreciated.


I do have a Custom Object with data when I open one record of the Custom Object referring to the below screenshot. How can write a SOQL so that I get the names of the HTML and Image file from the files which are part of the configuration data. Your help is really appreciated.

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How can I create a COMMUNITY Folder in FILES using JSON and upload all the needed images etc. Your help would be really appreciated.


1. I have a Custom Object and do have 5 record type's on the object.

2. I can add a record to the custom object manually.

MY QUESTION : At present I don't have any DATA in the object, the object is completely EMPTY. How can I query to see RECORDTYPEID's of the 5 record types of the object?

SELECT Id, RecordTypeId FROM CustomObjectName

But I would get an empty list.

Please suggest, your help is really helpful and appreciated.





I am using lightning-spinner and normally we get the DOT as spinner. 

But my requirement is, i need to have my TEXT to loaded instead of the DOTs untill my data loaded on the page. Your help would be really appreciated.

Thanks & Regards


I am getting the below error when i am trying to deploy the code from locale tot he scratch org

This error comes when i created a custom label in the Lightning Web Component.
Labels should have a section and a name: ProgramOverview
Hi All,
I am unable to complete the add languages to my custom community portal for both (English (default) and French language). Need inputs
I have built a community portal in my Developer Edition. Below are the key points.

1. I do have X and Y users as Sys Admins,
2. I have created the Community Portal using X user,
3. In the settings of the under the Build Workspace (please see the below screenshot)

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I have made this community portal PUBLIC and published it.

NOW when I am trying to access the community portal URL with the Y user credentials I am successfully able to access the needed. 

Issue: The Y user Language in Salesforce Manage User is set to FRENCH, but I am seeing the language is ENGLISH. 

You help is needed as such that I should be able to select the language as below

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Appreciate your help.