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way to skips client's validations rules in salesforce
Hello everyone,
I am seeking to know about is there any way to skip client's validations rules by programatically ..?
Thanks in advance..!
I am seeking to know about is there any way to skip client's validations rules by programatically ..?
Thanks in advance..!
- Jerry7
- July 03, 2017
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Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts in Test class..
Hello Guys I am facing the issue last few days let me know if anyone have good idea about this issue. I also got the 100% code coeverage of the class but the method is going fail with Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts in Test class..Error
global with Sharing class WebserviceCreateCME { webservice static Void CreateCME(Id ContractId) { CreateCasesByContract.CreateCase(); } }Test Class
@isTest Public with Sharing class TestWebserviceCreateCME { @IsTest Static void WebserviceTestMethod() { Id retailRecordTypeId = [ SELECT Id,Name FROM RecordType WHERE name='Retail Contract' AND SObjectType='Contract' limit 1].Id; NAICS_Code__c nacObj = new NAICS_Code__c( name = 'nac code01'); insert nacObj; Leasing_Agent__c l = new Leasing_Agent__c( name = 'Name', EmployeeID__c = 12, InActiveDate__c = date.today(), IS_ACTIVE__c = true, LeasingAgentID__c = 14 ); insert l; BP_Property__c bp_property = new BP_Property__c( name = 'BP_Property__c', AvailableArea__c = 22402, AvailableCount__c = 28, BD_Owner_Entity_ID__c = 45, BD_Property_ID__c = 32, Building_Count__c = 1, Colloquial_Owner__c = 'David Haug', InActiveDate__c = date.today(), IS_ACTIVE__c = true, Leasing_Agent__c = l.id, Lender__c = 'lender', Market_Name__c = 'market name', Occupancy__c = 46, Owner_Entity__c = 'owner entity', Pay_To_Name__c = 'pay to name', Payment_Address__c = 'payment address', Payment_City__c = 'payment city', Payment_State__c = 'payment state', Payment_Suite__c = 'suite', Payment_Zip__c = '12323', PropChargeCAM__c = 47, PropChargeElectric__c = 1234, PropChargeNNN__c = 48, PropCurrentYearExpenses__c = 49, Property_Fax__c = '1231231234', Property_City__c = 'property city', Property_Code__c = 'property code', Property_ID__c = 49, Property_Manager__c = 'manager', Property_Name__c = 'property name', Property_SQFT__c = 49, Property_State__c = 'property state', Property_Street__c = 'property street', Property_Zip__c = '12312', PropGrossArea_c__c = 1234 ); insert bp_property; Building__c building = new Building__c( name = 'building name', PropertyIDYardi__c = 1227, PropertyIDBD__c = 23, PropertyCode__c = 'm2323dh', BuildingIDBD__c = 33, Building_State__c = 'building state', BuildingStreet__c = 'building street', BuildingZip__c = '12312', Building_City__c = 'building city', IS_ACTIVE__c = true, BDBuildingName__c = '2323 South Voss Rd', Google_Review_URL__c = 'http://www.google.com', Yelp_Review_URL__c = 'http://www.yelp.com', InActiveDate__c = date.today(), BldgGrossArea__c = 40, BP_Property__c = bp_property.id ); insert building; BP_Unit__c bp_unit = new BP_Unit__c( name = 'bp unit name', BD_Availability_Status__c = 'status', BD_BuildingID__c = 50, BD_PropertyID__c = 51, BD_UnitID__c = 52, BD_UnitNum__c = '53', BP_Property__c = bp_property.id, Building__c = building.id, InActiveDate__c = date.today(), IS_ACTIVE__c = true, SF_Unit_Status__c = 'status', Size__c = 54, Type__c = 'type', Unit_Rate__c = 55, Unit_Recommended_Rent__c = 56, Unit_Sub_Category__c = 'sub category', Yardi_Unit_ID__c = 57, Yardi_Unit_Num__c = 'unit num'); insert bp_unit; Account account = new Account( name = 'account name', type = 'owner', NAICS_Code__c = nacObj.Id, NAICS_Code_4__c = 'Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services | 5412', Industry = 'Energy'); insert account; Contact contact = new Contact( lastname = 'nguyen', accountid = account.id); insert contact; Contact contractContact = new Contact( lastname = 'test', MailingStreet = 'MailingStreet', MailingCity = 'MailingCity', MailingState = 'MailingState', MailingPostalCode = 'MailingPostalCode', accountid = account.id); insert contractContact; Account brokeraccount = new Account( name = 'broker account', type = 'owner'); insert brokeraccount; Opportunity Oppt = new Opportunity( Name='test opportunity', Status__c = 'Actively Looking', StageName='Initial Inquiry', CloseDate= system.today(), Leasing_Agent__c = l.id, AccountID = account.id, LeadSource = 'Test Lead Source', Commencement_Date__c = Date.today(), Lease_Expiration_Date__c = Date.today(), Lease_Signed_Date__c = Date.today(), Lease_Square_Feet__c = 12345, Suite__c = 'Test Suite', Preferred_size__c = '100-500'); Insert Oppt; Contract c = new Contract( Absorbed_Explanation__c = 'explanation', Additional_Monthly_Charge_Notes__c = 'notes', After_hour_Utilities_Detail__c = 'utility details', After_hour_Utilities__c = 'yes', ATTN__c = 'attn', Breakpoint__c = 6, Broker_Comm_Paid__c = 7, Brokerage_services_info_given__c = 'info given', Broker__c = contact.Id, Broker_involved__c = 'Yes', CAM__c = 8, Rent_Commencement_Date__c = date.today(), Comments__c = 'comments', Net_TI__c = 9, ETIC__c = 10, Other_Expenses__c = 11, Space_Leased__c = '12', Tenant_Prepaid__c = 13, TI_Applied_To__c = 'Free Rent', TI_Credit__c = 14, Other_Description__c = 'other description', Contact_Email__c = 'minh@email.com', Base_Mo_Yr__c = date.today(), CPI_Cap__c = 15, Deposit_Transfer_Amount__c = 16, Elec__c = 17, Elec_Options__c = 'elec options', Escalation_Cap__c = 3, X1st_Mth_Rent_Received__c = 'first month rent recieved', Guarantor__c = contact.id, Holdover_Lease_Backdated__c = 'holdover lease backdated', Holdover_Not_Std__c = 17, How_Long__c = date.today(), Initial_Agreement_Start_Date__c = date.today(), Insurance__c = 18, Lease_Agreement__c = 'lease agreement', Lease_Type__c = 'lease type', Lease_Type_Comments__c = 'lease comments', MLS_Comment__c = 'mls comment', MLS_Type__c = 'Lease', Non_Standard_Fee_Desc__c = 'non std fee desc', Non_Std_Fee__c = '24', OPEX_Base__c = date.today(), OPEX_Stop__c = 25, Other_Monthly_Charge__c = 26, Other_Monthly_Charge_Desc__c = 'monthly charge desc', Other_Provisions__c = 'other provisions', Parking__c = 27, PT_Other_Desc__c = 'pt other desc', PT_Type__c = 'type', Payment_not_in_full_details__c = 'payment not in full details', Payment_Type__c = 'payment type', Percent_Rent__c = 28, Prior_Annual_Rate__c = 29, Pro_Rata_Share__c = 30, Promo_Mktg__c = 31, Renewal_Option_Detail__c = 'renewal option detail', Renewal_Option__c = 'renewal option', Rent_Adjustment__c = 'rent adjustment', Reserved_Parking_Detail__c = 'reserved parking detail', Reserved_Parking__c = 'reserved parking', Right_of_First_Refusal_Detail__c = 'refusal detail', Right_of_First_Refusal__c = 'first refusal', Security_Deposit__c = 32, Security_Deposit_Received__c = '33', Signage__c = 34, Special_Provisions__c = 'special provisions', Storage__c = 76, Taxes__c = 35, Tenant_From__c = 'tenant from', Term_Type__c = 'term type', Termination_Option_Date__c = date.today(), Termination_Option_Detail__c = 'termination option detail', Termination_Option__c = 'termination option', Unit_Num_On_Lease__c = 'a02', USA_Patriot_Act__c = 'usa patriot act', Prorated_rent_due__c = 37, What_Happened__c = 'what happened', Late_Fee_Pct__c = 38, Rent_Due_Date__c = 'rent due date', Hold_Over_Percentage__c = 39, //MLS_TRAN_ID__c, deactivation_reason__c = 'deactivation reason', deactivation_date__c = date.today(), CME_Case_ID__c = 40, accountid = account.id, Building__c = building.id, BP_Unit__c = bp_unit.id, Manual_Contract_End_Date__c = system.today(), Status = 'Lease Signed By Tenant', Contract_Contact__c = contractContact.Id, CustomerSignedDate = system.today(), Opportunity__c = oppt.id, RecordTypeID = retailRecordTypeId ); insert c; WebserviceCreateCME.CreateCME(c.Id); } }
- Jerry7
- April 07, 2017
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Code coverage of apex callout in rest api
Hello guys I am trying to get the code coverage of the apex callout in rest API. Method is getting failed and I am able to achieve only 40% code coverage of the class. Please give your valuable suggestions. Thanks in advance..!
Apex Class
Mock Class :
Test Class :
Apex Class
global with sharing class CreateCasesByContract { global static string GetToken(string userName, string password) { string accessToken; Http client = new Http(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint('-------------------'); req.setMethod('POST'); string encodedBody = EncodingUtil.urlEncode('grant_type','UTF-8')+'='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('password','UTF-8')+'&'+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('username','UTF-8')+'='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(userName, 'UTF-8')+'&'+EncodingUtil.urlEncode('password','UTF-8')+'='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(password, 'UTF-8'); req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.setBody(encodedBody); HttpResponse res = client.send(req); String Token = res.getBody(); system.debug('J!GS' + Token ); JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(Token); While(parser.nextToken() != null) { if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME)) { String fieldName = parser.getText(); parser.nextToken(); if(fieldName == 'access_token') { accessToken = parser.getText(); } } } return accessToken; } global Integer CreateCase() { Integer C; //Make POST call for getting AssocType object string assocData; String access_token = GetToken('API_Admin','Boxer@123'); Http client = new Http(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint('------------------'+ System.UserInfo.getName() +'&caseType= 82'); req.setMethod('GET'); req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); req.setHeader('Authorization', 'bearer ' + access_token); HttpResponse res = client.send(req); String assocString = res.getBody(); ApiResponse APIRes = new ApiResponse(); APIRes = (ApiResponse) System.JSON.deserialize(assocString, ApiResponse.class); system.debug('ApiRes object '+ APIRes); string CID2; List<Contract> ConList = [Select id,Property_Manager__c,DueDate__c,Region__c,PROPERTY_CODE__c, BP_Property__r.Name,bp_property_id__c,Region_ID__c, LeasingAgentSAM__c ,BP_Unit__r.Name from Contract where Id =: cid and Broker_Involved__c = 'Yes' ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC limit 1]; List<textValuescls> txstring = New List<textValuescls>(); string metadataValue = ''; String CurrentUserofSFstr = UserInfo.getName(); CaseData cd = New CaseData(); //Mapping the Contarct data With AssocDataTypes and Passing parameters. ****for(AssocType AC: APIRes.ResponseContent) { for(Contract C1 : ConList) { CID2 = C1.Id; string CaseTitelstr = C1.PROPERTY_CODE__c + ' X '+ C1.BP_Unit__r.Name + 'Broker Commission Request'; if(AC.Description == 'Property') { metadataValue += AC.AssocTypeID + ',0,' + C1.bp_property_id__c + ',' + AC.Description + ',' + C1.BP_Property__r.Name +'|'; } else if(AC.Description == 'Region') { metadataValue += AC.AssocTypeID + ',0,' + C1.Region_ID__c + ',' + AC.Description +',' + C1.Region__c + '|'; } else if(AC.Description == 'Status') { metadataValue += AC.AssocTypeID + ',3784,0,Status,New '; } else if(Ac.Description == 'Suite') { textValuescls tx1 = new textValuescls(); tx1.key = Ac.AssocTypeID; tx1.value = C1.BP_Unit__r.Name; txstring.add(tx1); } else if(Ac.Description == 'Due Date') { string duedate = string.valueOf(C1.DueDate__c); textValuescls tx2 = new textValuescls(); tx2.key = Ac.AssocTypeID; tx2.value = duedate; txstring.add(tx2); } else if (AC.Description == 'Case Title') { textValuescls tx3 = new textValuescls(); tx3.key = Ac.AssocTypeID; tx3.value = CaseTitelstr; txstring.add(tx3); } cd.currentUser = C1.LeasingAgentSAM__c; cd.metaDataValues = metadataValue ; cd.caseNotes = 'Testing REST API from Salesforce Please ignore this case ' + CurrentUserofSFstr; cd.textValues = txstring; cd.caseTitle = CaseTitelstr; cd.caseType = 82 ; cd.assignTo = 'xyz'; } } //Converting CaseData object and parameters in json fromat String JSONString = JSON.serialize(cd); System.debug('Serialized list of invoices into JSON format: ' + JSONString); Http client1 = new Http(); HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest(); req1.setEndpoint('------------------------------'); req1.setMethod('POST'); req1.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); req1.setHeader('Authorization', 'bearer ' + access_token); req1.setBody(JSONString); HttpResponse res1 = client1.send(req1); string caseDataFinal = res1.getBody(); system.debug('Final test ' + caseDataFinal); APIResponseCaseData APIResCaseData = new APIResponseCaseData(); APIResCaseData = (APIResponseCaseData) System.JSON.deserialize(caseDataFinal, APIResponseCaseData.class); Integer caseIdFinal = APIResCaseData.ResponseContent; system.debug('Final test ' + caseIdFinal); ID coid = Id.valueOf(CID2); system.debug('^^^^^^^ID^^^^^^' + coid); List<Contract> CList = new List<Contract>(); contract con = new Contract(); //con.Id = coid; con.BCR_Case_Id__c = caseIdFinal; CList.add(con); Update CList; return C; }** }
Mock Class :
global class CreateCasesByContractMock implements HttpCalloutMock { global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest request) { // Create a fake response HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(); response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); response.setBody(' {"caseTitle": "4200t X 520 Broker Commission Request ", "caseType": 82, "assignTo": "JigneshC", "currentUser": "Testing"}'); response.setStatusCode(200); return response; }* }
Test Class :
@isTest Public class TestCreateCasesByContract{ Public Static testmethod void mytest() { Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new CreateCasesByContractMock()); HttpResponse response = New HttpResponse (); test.startTest(); CreateCasesByContract.GetToken('userName', 'password'); test.stopTest(); } public static testmethod void testsaveDataToSF() { Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new CreateCasesByContractMock()); AssocType AC = New AssocType(); test.startTest(); CreateCasesByContract.CreateCase(); test.stopTest(); }** }
- Jerry7
- April 05, 2017
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- 0
Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts in Test class..
Hello Guys I am facing the issue last few days let me know if anyone have good idea about this issue. I also got the 100% code coeverage of the class but the method is going fail with Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts in Test class..Error
global with Sharing class WebserviceCreateCME { webservice static Void CreateCME(Id ContractId) { CreateCasesByContract.CreateCase(); } }Test Class
@isTest Public with Sharing class TestWebserviceCreateCME { @IsTest Static void WebserviceTestMethod() { Id retailRecordTypeId = [ SELECT Id,Name FROM RecordType WHERE name='Retail Contract' AND SObjectType='Contract' limit 1].Id; NAICS_Code__c nacObj = new NAICS_Code__c( name = 'nac code01'); insert nacObj; Leasing_Agent__c l = new Leasing_Agent__c( name = 'Name', EmployeeID__c = 12, InActiveDate__c = date.today(), IS_ACTIVE__c = true, LeasingAgentID__c = 14 ); insert l; BP_Property__c bp_property = new BP_Property__c( name = 'BP_Property__c', AvailableArea__c = 22402, AvailableCount__c = 28, BD_Owner_Entity_ID__c = 45, BD_Property_ID__c = 32, Building_Count__c = 1, Colloquial_Owner__c = 'David Haug', InActiveDate__c = date.today(), IS_ACTIVE__c = true, Leasing_Agent__c = l.id, Lender__c = 'lender', Market_Name__c = 'market name', Occupancy__c = 46, Owner_Entity__c = 'owner entity', Pay_To_Name__c = 'pay to name', Payment_Address__c = 'payment address', Payment_City__c = 'payment city', Payment_State__c = 'payment state', Payment_Suite__c = 'suite', Payment_Zip__c = '12323', PropChargeCAM__c = 47, PropChargeElectric__c = 1234, PropChargeNNN__c = 48, PropCurrentYearExpenses__c = 49, Property_Fax__c = '1231231234', Property_City__c = 'property city', Property_Code__c = 'property code', Property_ID__c = 49, Property_Manager__c = 'manager', Property_Name__c = 'property name', Property_SQFT__c = 49, Property_State__c = 'property state', Property_Street__c = 'property street', Property_Zip__c = '12312', PropGrossArea_c__c = 1234 ); insert bp_property; Building__c building = new Building__c( name = 'building name', PropertyIDYardi__c = 1227, PropertyIDBD__c = 23, PropertyCode__c = 'm2323dh', BuildingIDBD__c = 33, Building_State__c = 'building state', BuildingStreet__c = 'building street', BuildingZip__c = '12312', Building_City__c = 'building city', IS_ACTIVE__c = true, BDBuildingName__c = '2323 South Voss Rd', Google_Review_URL__c = 'http://www.google.com', Yelp_Review_URL__c = 'http://www.yelp.com', InActiveDate__c = date.today(), BldgGrossArea__c = 40, BP_Property__c = bp_property.id ); insert building; BP_Unit__c bp_unit = new BP_Unit__c( name = 'bp unit name', BD_Availability_Status__c = 'status', BD_BuildingID__c = 50, BD_PropertyID__c = 51, BD_UnitID__c = 52, BD_UnitNum__c = '53', BP_Property__c = bp_property.id, Building__c = building.id, InActiveDate__c = date.today(), IS_ACTIVE__c = true, SF_Unit_Status__c = 'status', Size__c = 54, Type__c = 'type', Unit_Rate__c = 55, Unit_Recommended_Rent__c = 56, Unit_Sub_Category__c = 'sub category', Yardi_Unit_ID__c = 57, Yardi_Unit_Num__c = 'unit num'); insert bp_unit; Account account = new Account( name = 'account name', type = 'owner', NAICS_Code__c = nacObj.Id, NAICS_Code_4__c = 'Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Services | 5412', Industry = 'Energy'); insert account; Contact contact = new Contact( lastname = 'nguyen', accountid = account.id); insert contact; Contact contractContact = new Contact( lastname = 'test', MailingStreet = 'MailingStreet', MailingCity = 'MailingCity', MailingState = 'MailingState', MailingPostalCode = 'MailingPostalCode', accountid = account.id); insert contractContact; Account brokeraccount = new Account( name = 'broker account', type = 'owner'); insert brokeraccount; Opportunity Oppt = new Opportunity( Name='test opportunity', Status__c = 'Actively Looking', StageName='Initial Inquiry', CloseDate= system.today(), Leasing_Agent__c = l.id, AccountID = account.id, LeadSource = 'Test Lead Source', Commencement_Date__c = Date.today(), Lease_Expiration_Date__c = Date.today(), Lease_Signed_Date__c = Date.today(), Lease_Square_Feet__c = 12345, Suite__c = 'Test Suite', Preferred_size__c = '100-500'); Insert Oppt; Contract c = new Contract( Absorbed_Explanation__c = 'explanation', Additional_Monthly_Charge_Notes__c = 'notes', After_hour_Utilities_Detail__c = 'utility details', After_hour_Utilities__c = 'yes', ATTN__c = 'attn', Breakpoint__c = 6, Broker_Comm_Paid__c = 7, Brokerage_services_info_given__c = 'info given', Broker__c = contact.Id, Broker_involved__c = 'Yes', CAM__c = 8, Rent_Commencement_Date__c = date.today(), Comments__c = 'comments', Net_TI__c = 9, ETIC__c = 10, Other_Expenses__c = 11, Space_Leased__c = '12', Tenant_Prepaid__c = 13, TI_Applied_To__c = 'Free Rent', TI_Credit__c = 14, Other_Description__c = 'other description', Contact_Email__c = 'minh@email.com', Base_Mo_Yr__c = date.today(), CPI_Cap__c = 15, Deposit_Transfer_Amount__c = 16, Elec__c = 17, Elec_Options__c = 'elec options', Escalation_Cap__c = 3, X1st_Mth_Rent_Received__c = 'first month rent recieved', Guarantor__c = contact.id, Holdover_Lease_Backdated__c = 'holdover lease backdated', Holdover_Not_Std__c = 17, How_Long__c = date.today(), Initial_Agreement_Start_Date__c = date.today(), Insurance__c = 18, Lease_Agreement__c = 'lease agreement', Lease_Type__c = 'lease type', Lease_Type_Comments__c = 'lease comments', MLS_Comment__c = 'mls comment', MLS_Type__c = 'Lease', Non_Standard_Fee_Desc__c = 'non std fee desc', Non_Std_Fee__c = '24', OPEX_Base__c = date.today(), OPEX_Stop__c = 25, Other_Monthly_Charge__c = 26, Other_Monthly_Charge_Desc__c = 'monthly charge desc', Other_Provisions__c = 'other provisions', Parking__c = 27, PT_Other_Desc__c = 'pt other desc', PT_Type__c = 'type', Payment_not_in_full_details__c = 'payment not in full details', Payment_Type__c = 'payment type', Percent_Rent__c = 28, Prior_Annual_Rate__c = 29, Pro_Rata_Share__c = 30, Promo_Mktg__c = 31, Renewal_Option_Detail__c = 'renewal option detail', Renewal_Option__c = 'renewal option', Rent_Adjustment__c = 'rent adjustment', Reserved_Parking_Detail__c = 'reserved parking detail', Reserved_Parking__c = 'reserved parking', Right_of_First_Refusal_Detail__c = 'refusal detail', Right_of_First_Refusal__c = 'first refusal', Security_Deposit__c = 32, Security_Deposit_Received__c = '33', Signage__c = 34, Special_Provisions__c = 'special provisions', Storage__c = 76, Taxes__c = 35, Tenant_From__c = 'tenant from', Term_Type__c = 'term type', Termination_Option_Date__c = date.today(), Termination_Option_Detail__c = 'termination option detail', Termination_Option__c = 'termination option', Unit_Num_On_Lease__c = 'a02', USA_Patriot_Act__c = 'usa patriot act', Prorated_rent_due__c = 37, What_Happened__c = 'what happened', Late_Fee_Pct__c = 38, Rent_Due_Date__c = 'rent due date', Hold_Over_Percentage__c = 39, //MLS_TRAN_ID__c, deactivation_reason__c = 'deactivation reason', deactivation_date__c = date.today(), CME_Case_ID__c = 40, accountid = account.id, Building__c = building.id, BP_Unit__c = bp_unit.id, Manual_Contract_End_Date__c = system.today(), Status = 'Lease Signed By Tenant', Contract_Contact__c = contractContact.Id, CustomerSignedDate = system.today(), Opportunity__c = oppt.id, RecordTypeID = retailRecordTypeId ); insert c; WebserviceCreateCME.CreateCME(c.Id); } }
- Jerry7
- April 07, 2017
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- 0
Trailhead T-shirt Address Confirmation
Dear Friends,
I have completed 11 Badges and I received two emails one with subject 'High five! Your t-shirt is on its way.' and another with subject 'Confirm your mailing address to receive your Trailhead t-shirt'. When I try to confirm my address the given link navigating to pardot account.But I don't have pardot account.Please help me...
I have completed 11 Badges and I received two emails one with subject 'High five! Your t-shirt is on its way.' and another with subject 'Confirm your mailing address to receive your Trailhead t-shirt'. When I try to confirm my address the given link navigating to pardot account.But I don't have pardot account.Please help me...
- Hussey
- February 26, 2015
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