• Rowallim Technology
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  • Rowallim Technology

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I need 1 GB storage for records, 5 GB storage for file (Data Storage = 1 GB, File Storage = 5 GB). I am using Developer edition. Can you please suggest me a great app which can provide me 1 Gb DataStorage & 5Gb FileStorage?  
How to buy additional storage from Salesforce? I am trying to contact Accounting rep, but failed to login to Power of US hub as it says my Salesforce Developer edition is not registered, & there is no signup button. I can’t free up spaces by deleting any object or anything from my SF org.
These apps seems good, but only for FILE STORAGE.
https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N30000008amNrEAI (review is not good)
  • November 15, 2016
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I am new to apex and wanted to know,why do we need a system static method?Is there a reason for this?
Dear All, any body can plz explain the above difference, when we need to create a VF component? Are those two things related to each others ?
As i can create a VF page and make it work without the need of a VF component, what exactly it is ? Thanks
Hello Team,

I would just like to know if setting Internal User's Id in setCCAddresses of SingleEmailMessage will be counted or not?

Please tell me.
Hello Team,

I need to copy a roll-up summary value on another field (on a different object) whenever the roll-up changes. How can I solve this? I tried with process builder but the value is not updated with the current roll-up value.

Should I use an After Update trigger?

Please suggest me the best.

Prabhat Kumar
Hi, I have the formula to be calculated the date difference(interms of hour) in between two Date/time fields but I have only calculated the number of hour in a day is to be in the 9 AM - 9 PM i.e 12 hours per day only the formula calculated and the  calculated days are weekdays not weekendsin a week.By here I seperated the past and future days compare to the NOW() value the future days are to be shhowing the result with negative sign answer .So as a statement in above it's should be provide the output correctly. and the if I seleceted to the Calculating date is a week end days like saturday and sunday it's given to the  previous week time (if the date difference is week) + NOW() 's value of time to the calculated  from the 9 AM and if the week end is to be  small to compare to the date difference (just like NOW() is a monday and Calculated date is a yesterday of sunday, saturday like days difference is 2, 3) in a week it's only showing the value of the NOW() value to be calculated to the time from 9 AM. Here the formula, 
IF((MOD(DATEVALUE( Calculating_Date__c )-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) < 5),
 (IF((NOW() > Calculating_Date__c),
(5*FLOOR((TODAY()-DATE(1996,01,01))/7) +
    MOD(TODAY()-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
    MIN(1, 24/12*(MOD(NOW()-DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 12:00:00'), 1)))
(5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE( Calculating_Date__c )-DATE(1996,01,01))/7) +
    MOD(DATEVALUE( Calculating_Date__c )-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
    MIN(1, 24/12*(MOD( Calculating_Date__c -DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 12:00:00'), 1)))
), 0))
IF( (21 > (VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)))) || (9 < (VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)))) , 
 (VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)) - 9), Null)),

(5*FLOOR((TODAY()-DATE(1996,01,01))/7) +
    MOD(TODAY()-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
    MIN(1, 24/12*(MOD(NOW()-DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 12:00:00'), 1)))
(5*FLOOR((DATEVALUE( Calculating_Date__c )-DATE(1996,01,01))/7) +
    MOD(DATEVALUE( Calculating_Date__c )-DATE(1996,01,01), 7) +
    MIN(1, 24/12*(MOD( Calculating_Date__c -DATETIMEVALUE('1996-01-01 12:00:00'), 1)))
), 0))
IF( (21 > (VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)))) || (9 < (VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)))) , 
 (VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)) - 9), Null)))),

IF((NOW() >  Calculating_Date__c ),
 (NOW() -  Calculating_Date__c ) * 5 -
 (MOD(DATEVALUE(Calculating_Date__c) - DATE(1970,1,4),7) - MOD(TODAY() - DATE(1970,1,4),7)) * 2
) / 7 -
IF(MOD(TODAY() - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 6,1,0) -
IF(MOD( DATEVALUE(Calculating_Date__c) - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 0,1,0))*12
(VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)) - 9)),
 (NOW() -  Calculating_Date__c ) * 5 -
 (MOD(DATEVALUE(Calculating_Date__c) - DATE(1970,1,4),7) - MOD(TODAY() - DATE(1970,1,4),7)) * 2
) / 7 -
IF(MOD(TODAY() - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 6,1,0) -
IF(MOD( DATEVALUE(Calculating_Date__c) - DATE(1970,1,4),7) = 0,1,0))*12
(VALUE(MID(RIGHT((TEXT(  NOW() + 0.2291)),9),0,2)) - 9)))

here what is the problem means the formula size is 5002 charector in time of compiling so it's provide the error to the formula sizeis big it's not to be allow to save the formula so please give the solution to reduce the size of the formula to be rectified this error "Compiled formula is too big to execute (5,002 characters). Maximum size is 5,000 characters".For answer's thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell the best practices of tracking the tasks?
  • October 13, 2016
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Hi Guys,
We have imported the contacts from CSV file to contact object using data import wizard. After importing done we get an email saying that import done succesfully and 2 records are rejected. We want the list of that two rejected record. How we can get that list?

Your assitance will be much appreciated.
When i have workfloew and Process builder for field updates, why should i use apex tirggers for field updates? 
Hi All,
Can anyone suggest if it’s possible to create new custom module/object for opportunities with same functionality as opportunity object where stage, probability and forecast are interlinked? Kindly suggest.

I am uploading the logo. but when logo is not selected i want to upload default image to the survey. How is it possible?

public with sharing class DocumentController {
 public Feedback_Main__c feedbackmain{get;set;}
 public ID folderid{get;set;}
 public Blob file{get;set;}

public DocumentController() {
feedbackmain = new Feedback_Main__c();
Organization org =[select Id,InstanceName from Organization limit 1];

//List<String>AcutalBaseUrl =BaseUrl.split('.');

public PageReference Manage(){
PageReference pg = new PageReference('apex/SBAddQuestionPage');
return pg;

public PageReference saveAndRedirect() {

 Id OrgId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
 Folder FolderObj = [Select Id From Folder Where Name = 'Survey Builder' limit 1];
 Document d= new Document();

 d.name = 'LOGO';
 d.body=file; // body field in document object which holds the file.
 d.IsPublic = true;
 d.ContentType ='image/png';
 d.Type = 'png';

 d.folderid = FolderObj.Id; //folderid where the document will be stored insert d;
 if (Document.SObjectType.getDescribe().isCreateable())
     insert d;
Organization org =[select Id,InstanceName from Organization limit 1];
//(Sandbox)feedbackmain.Image__c = '<img src="https://c.cs41.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id='+d.id+'&oid='+OrgId+'"></img>';
feedbackmain.Image__c = '<img src="https://c.'+org.InstanceName+'.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id='+d.id+'&oid='+OrgId+'"></img>';

  system.debug('++++++++++D ID+++++++++++'+feedbackmain.Image__c);
  insert feedbackmain; // This takes care of the details for you.
  PageReference redirectPage = Page.SBAddQuestionPage;
  return redirectPage;



<div class="formFeild"> <label>Upload Logo (5 MB Max. size)</label> <div class="feild"> <apex:inputfile value="{!file}" ></apex:inputfile> <!-- <apex:inputTextarea richText="true" value="{!feedbackmain.Image__c}" html-placeholder="Logo" styleClass="text-editor"/> --> </div>

Thanks & Regards,
.We have position object as a parent and employee is the child object, both of them having the master-detail relationship, we have no. of records in our system for child object. Now our business requirement comes that we have to change MDR to Lookup relationship. So what are the considerations you have to keep in mind while changing it.
one consideration I know is if there is any rollup on master  first remove it . 
 Now  suppose there is a roll-up summary in between them and we have lots of data and we don't want to lose data then how can you achieve this.

How i can able to query the salesforce core entity tables such as validation rules ,Escalation rules, Field Table of an object etc.

Having 2L of records how to retrive in pagination.By using offset cannot use more than 2000 records.Is there is any way to resolve it?  
  • November 21, 2016
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Hi All,
I am new to Salesfroce.
I have written a batch apex to delete data from custom object.
Now, my requirement is to get that data from custom settings.

How to create that custom setting and what changes I have to do my below batch apex
global class batchDelete implements Database.Batchable<sobject>
   global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
     return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id,CreatedDate FROM Obj1__c WHERE createdDate = yesterday]);     
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,List<Obj1__c> rec){     
  //some code        
  delete rec;           

global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){     


Please help me
Thanks in Advance!!
Hi all,
I want to make the check box as mandetory before saving my custom vfpage. Can anyone help me over here.
Is standard validation work here..?

What are force.com sites?
When a case is created, mail is sent to the customer and when a customer responds to an email from Salesforce ,we are getting 40+ emails with same timestamp. Did anybody face this problem ?

  • November 16, 2016
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 I have one pick list field called status which contain a values called draft,pre-publish, published and canceled if status is changed to pre publish the value draft should be disabled how can i achieve this in vf page
Hi ,
I have 3 visualforce pages, like A,B and C are pages.
my reuirement is A and B pages data i will add in C vf page. How to i can add that one..

Kindly do the needful.


  I am writing code ehre i e=want to refresh page after picklist value is change. not when it is save. please help me to achieve this.
<apex:page controller="QBsampleCon" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false">


            <div class="formFeildreport formFeild">
            <div class="feild formFeild">
       <!--<h2 style="color:black; "> Question Type:</h2> class="questionlabel"-->
             <label class="questionlabel" id="picvalchange">Question Type</label>

            <apex:selectList value="{!pickval}" multiselect="false" size="1" id="PickVal" styleClass="Picklist" label="Question Type:" ><br />
             <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!pickvalselect}" />   
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!SelectedOptions}"/>
            </apex:selectList><br /><br />
Thanks & Regards,
I need 1 GB storage for records, 5 GB storage for file (Data Storage = 1 GB, File Storage = 5 GB). I am using Developer edition. Can you please suggest me a great app which can provide me 1 Gb DataStorage & 5Gb FileStorage?  
How to buy additional storage from Salesforce? I am trying to contact Accounting rep, but failed to login to Power of US hub as it says my Salesforce Developer edition is not registered, & there is no signup button. I can’t free up spaces by deleting any object or anything from my SF org.
These apps seems good, but only for FILE STORAGE.
https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N30000008amNrEAI (review is not good)
  • November 15, 2016
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Hi Folks urgent requirement please help me and below is my code and pic.User-added image
<apex:page controller="Pagination_min"  showHeader="false" sidebar="false"  extensions="AccountController">
  <apex:form >
   <apex:outputpanel >
    <apex:pageBlock id="abc">
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1"  title="Accounts" > 
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accounts}" var="a" >
                <apex:column >
                   <apex:outputLink title="" value="/{!a.id}/e?retURL=/apex/{!$CurrentPage.Name}" style="font-weight:bold">Edit</apex:outputLink>&nbsp;|&nbsp;

                <apex:column value="{!a.Name}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!a.Type}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!a.BillingCity}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!a.BillingState}"/>
                <apex:column value="{!a.BillingCountry}"/>
            <apex:panelGrid columns="7">
            <apex:commandButton value="|<" action="{!setcon.first}" disabled="{!!setcon.hasPrevious}"  title="First page" reRender="abc"/>
            <apex:commandButton value="<" action="{!setcon.previous}" disabled="{!!setcon.hasPrevious}" title="Previous page" reRender="abc"/>
            <apex:commandButton value=">" action="{!setcon.next}" disabled="{!!setcon.hasNext}"  title="Next page" reRender="abc"/>
            <apex:commandButton value=">|" action="{!setcon.last}" disabled="{!!setcon.hasNext}" title="Last page" reRender="abc"/>
             <apex:outputText >{!(setCon.pageNumber * size)+1-size}   -    {!IF((setCon.pageNumber * size)>noOfRecords, noOfRecords,(setCon.pageNumber * size))} of {!noOfRecords}</apex:outputText>
                <apex:commandButton value="Refresh" action="{!refresh}" title="Refresh Page" reRender="abc"/>
                      <apex:pageBlock title="Account Creation Section" mode="edit" id="simha">
                          <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                               <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save" reRender="simha" />
                               <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!account.name}" required="false"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!account.type}"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!account.Billingcity}"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!account.billingstate}"/>
                                    <apex:inputField value="{!account.billingcountry}"/>
public class Pagination_min {

    Public Integer noofRecords {get; set;}
    public integer size {get; set;}
    public Apexpages.standardsetController setcon{
            if(setCon == null){
                size = 10;
                String queryString = 'Select Name, Type, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingCountry from Account order by Name';
                setcon = new apexpages.standardsetController(Database.getquerylocator(queryString));
                noofRecords = setcon.getResultsize();
            return setcon;
    Public list<Account> getAccounts(){
        list<Account> acclist = new list<Account>();
         for(Account ac : (list<Account>)setcon.getrecords()){
        return accList;
   Public PageReference Refresh(){
        return null;
public with sharing class AccountController {
    public Account account{get; set;}
    public AccountController(Pagination_min controller) {
      account = new Account();
  public PageReference save(){
        upsert account;
        account = null;
        return null;