• Dnyaneshwar
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I am trying to set the default value of "RelatedTo" field on activity to a custom object. In classic we can simply use URL hacking & custom button to set it. But in lightning i haven't figured out any solution.By default Related To has defaulted to Accounts...Also I know there is an Idea Pending with salesforce, But i was wondering what is current workaround.

User-added image

So if anyone know ANY way to set "Related TO" field on Activity please let me know. Is visualforce page to replicate the whole Activity section ..the only option?

Thanks for your time:)
Hello Guys,

I have a manages package (avaya cti ) installed with few "PRIVATE" static resources in it. So most of the users are not able to access the application properly.
But interesting thing is users with 'View setup and configuration' permission are able access application correctly. As per my knowledge this permission give view access to setup & configurations ....and nothing else. Is my understanding wrong?
So Is the 'View setup and configuration' permission provides access to private static resources? is it expected behavior?
I was wondering if there is any way i can transfer lead history tracking section data to account record when that lead gets converted to account.
eg. I have lead with lead History section. Now this lead gets converted to account then this new account record should show Lead histroy section.
 Any suggestions?
In my class i have a method: (Bold-Italic lines are not covered)
public PageReference sendBulkSMSToLeads(){
        //debug = leadStatus + ':' + intakeMonth + ':' + intakeYear + ':' + message;
        List<Lead> matchingLeadsList = [Select MobilePhone from Lead where Status =:leadStatus and Intake_Month__c =:intakeMonth
                                        and Intake_Year__c =:intakeYear];
        Set<String> uniquePhoneNumberList = new Set<String>();                                
        if(matchingLeadsList != null && matchingLeadsList.size() > 0){
            String commaSeparatedMobileNumbers = '';
            for(Lead lead : matchingLeadsList){
                if(lead.MobilePhone != null && lead.MobilePhone != ''){
                        commaSeparatedMobileNumbers = commaSeparatedMobileNumbers + ',' + lead.MobilePhone;
            if(commaSeparatedMobileNumbers.length() > 0){
                commaSeparatedMobileNumbers = commaSeparatedMobileNumbers.substring(1, commaSeparatedMobileNumbers.length());
            //debug = commaSeparatedMobileNumbers;
            String payLoad = 'username=global&password=muzztech&mobile=' +commaSeparatedMobileNumbers + '&sendername=SPJAIN&message='+message;
            Http h = new Http();
            HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
            HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
            ApexPages.Message myMsg = new  ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Bulk SMS initiated for ' + matchingLeadsList.size() + ' leads');
            ApexPages.Message myMsg = new  ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'No matching leads found to send SMS');
        return null;
For which i have written this test class method:
      global class SMSControllerTest {
      global class MockHttpResponseGenerator implements HttpCalloutMock
          global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req) {
            // Optionally, only send a mock response for a specific endpoint and method.
            System.assertEquals('http://priority.muzztech.in/sms_api/sendsms.php', req.getEndpoint());
            System.assertEquals('POST', req.getMethod());
            HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
            res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
            res.setBody('{"username":"global","password":"muzztech","mobile":"7854945777","message":"test message"}');//add your fake JSON here
            return res;
        static testMethod void sendBulkSMSToLeadsTest() {
          Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGenerator());
          SMSController ctrl = new SMSController();        
          ctrl.leadStatus = 'Hot';
          ctrl.intakeMonth = 'January';
          ctrl.intakeYear = '2017';
          //Assert the response here
How can i increase the code coverage of this method? Thanks a ton for suggestions!

I have a trigger to do lots of actions before and after DML's. but in my test class i am getting erro: System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101. I have followed best practises for test classes such as not using query or DML in for loops but still i am getting this error.  Can sombody locate cause of this error.
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (before insert, before update, after insert) {
    Group queue                    = [SELECT Id, name FROM Group WHERE type='Queue' and Name='TCC Counsellors' Limit 1];
    List<GroupMember> queueMembers = [SELECT Group.Name, UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE GroupId =: queue.Id ];
    integer val = 0;
    List<Lead> Exleads = [SELECT Id, name, email, MobilePhone, Program__c FROM Lead WHERE Id NOT IN : Trigger.new ];
    List<Duplicate_Lead__c> DupLeads = new List <Duplicate_Lead__c>();
    List<Lead> dupLeadsUpdate = new List<Lead>();
    List<Lead> dupLeadsDelete = new List<Lead>();
    List<Lead> LeadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();
    Set<Lead> myset = new Set<Lead>();
    List<Lead> result = new List<Lead>();

    for( Lead ld : Trigger.new ) {
    if(Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
       /*Remove Company field value*/    
       if(ld.Company != null){
          ld.Company = null;  
      /*Start - Set Assigned_to_Sales_Team value  */
       for( Group q : [SELECT Id, name FROM Group WHERE type='Queue' And name != 'TCC Counsellors']){
          if(ld.OwnerId == q.Id && ld.Assigned_to_Sales_Team__c == false){  
           ld.Assigned_to_Sales_Team__c = true;
     /*Start - FetchIntake */
       for( Calender__c cal : [SELECT Id, Start_Date__c, End_Date__c, Program__c, Intake_Month__c, Intake_Year__c FROM Calender__c WHERE Start_Date__c <= :System.Today() and End_Date__c >= :System.Today() ]) {
           if(Trigger.isInsert && ld.Program__c == cal.Program__c) {          
              ld.Intake__c        = cal.id;
              ld.Intake_Month__c  = cal.Intake_Month__c;
              ld.Intake_Year__c   = cal.Intake_Year__c;           

        /*Start - FetchTccValues*/
        for (GroupMember qm :queueMembers  ) {
             if( ld.ownerid == queue.Id ) {
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Owner__c  = qm.Group.Name;
             } else if( ld.ownerid == qm.UserOrGroupId ) {
                 User us               = [SELECT Id,name FROM User where id =: qm.UserOrGroupId];
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Owner__c  = us.name;
        /*Start - Lead Rating calculation*/
        if( ld.Program__c == 'EMBA' ) {
            if(ld.Work_Experience__c=='3 + years'){
            }if(ld.LeadSource=='Walk In'||ld.LeadSource=='Incomming Call'||ld.LeadSource=='Chat'){
            }if(ld.Info_session_Attended__c =='Yes'){
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'Cyber Security' || ld.Program__c == 'Machine Learning' || ld.Program__c == 'Virtual Reality') {
            if(ld.Work_Experience__c=='3 + years'){
            }if(ld.Qualification__c!='Undergraduate'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Graduate'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Post Graduate Diploma'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Masters Degree'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Undergraduate or postgraduate degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, B.Sc, B.Pharma, BBA, Economics or Commerce'){
            }if(ld.Lead_City__c=='Mumbai'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Bengaluru' ||ld.Lead_City__c=='Pune'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Chennai'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Trivandrum'){
            }if(ld.LeadSource=='Walk In'||ld.LeadSource=='Incomming Call'||ld.LeadSource=='Chat'){
            }if(ld.Info_session_Attended__c =='Yes'){
    system.debug('Value of value variable:' + val);
        if( ld.Program__c == 'EMBA' ) {
            ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'DMM'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='PT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'DMM'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='FT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BDAP'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='PT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BDAP'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='FT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'MGB') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'GMBA') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'GFMB') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'MgLuxM') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'Cyber Security' || ld.Program__c == 'Machine Learning' || ld.Program__c == 'Virtual Reality') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/11;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BBA'|| ld.Program__c == 'BBC' || ld.Program__c == 'BEC') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
      /*Start Lead status update to Not Contacted when Lead goes from TCC to RM*/
       if( Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate ){
       Lead OldLead = Trigger.oldMap.get(ld.Id);
         for (GroupMember qm :queueMembers  ) {
           if( (OldLead.Ownerid == qm.UserOrGroupId) && ld.ownerid != queue.Id && string.valueOf(ld.OwnerId).startsWith('00G') ) {
                 ld.Status = 'Not Contacted';
      /*Start - Updating custom fields for mapping with account*/
       if(ld.Status != null){
           ld.Hidden_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
       if(ld.LeadSource != null){
           ld.Hidden_Lead_Source__c = ld.LeadSource;
           ld.Hidden_Do_Not_Call__c = ld.DoNotCall;
           ld.Hidden_Partial_Application__c = ld.Partial_Application__c;
    } // End  of Before trigger
     /*Start - After trigger for Lead Duplication*/
     if(trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert){
       for(Lead Ele : Exleads){
              if(( (ld.email != null && ld.email == Ele.email) && (ld.Program__c != null && ld.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) ) || ( (ld.MobilePhone != null && ld.MobilePhone == ELe.MobilePhone) && (ld.Program__c != null && ld.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) )){
              Duplicate_Lead__c DPLead = new Duplicate_Lead__c();
              DPLead.Name                = 'Duplicate Of'+' '+ Ele.Name;
              DPLead.Lead_Name__c        = ld.FirstName+ ' '+ld.LastName ;
              DPLead.Email__c            = ld.Email;
              DPLead.Mobile__c           = ld.MobilePhone;
              DPLead.Lead_Status__c      = ld.Status;
              DPLead.Lead_Source__c      = ld.LeadSource;
              DPLead.Work_Experience__c  = ld.Work_Experience__c;
              DPLead.program__c          = ld.Program__c;
              DPLead.Lead_City__c        = ld.Lead_City__c;
              DPLead.Lead_State__c       = ld.Lead_State__c;
              DPLead.Lead_Country__c     = ld.Lead_Country__c;
              Ele.Duplicacy__c = true;
              Lead leadDel = new Lead(Id=ld.Id);

      update result;
      update dupLeadsUpdate;
        Insert DupLeads;
         Delete dupLeadsDelete;

Thanks in advance!
Hello All,

Here is my scenario: I have a queue (West-1-MGB) with 2 members in it. both of these users have same role (Regional Manager West 1 - MGB) .
I have a sharing rule in place which shares a record owned by member of (West-1-MGB) queue with users of role Regional Manager West 1 - MGB.
User-added image


User-added image

But still one member of this queue can not see record owned by other memeber of this queue. Also i have recalculated the sharing rules...still doesn't work.    Any suggestions why it's not working.?
Hello Everybody,

I have a custom object Raw_Lead__c with 3 custom fields namely: First_Name__c, Last_Name__c and Email__c . I have created a custom button on Raw_Lead object with URL:

/00Q/e?retURL=/{!Lead.Id}&{!Lead.FirstName}={!Raw_Lead__c.First_Name__c} & {!Lead.LastName}={!Raw_Lead__c.Last_Name__c}&{!Lead.Email}={!Raw_Lead__c.Email__c}&cancelURL=/{!Raw_Lead__c.Id}

I am trying to pass these 3 custom fields into lead fields.But when i click on the button of any Raw_Lead obj record it redirect me to Create page of Lead with all 3 lead values blank.
that times URL is :https://cs31.salesforce.com/00Q/e?retURL=/&=Ramesh%20&=rameshkend%40gmail.com&%20=Kendre&cancelURL=/a09p0000003jP5B
User-added image
User-added image
Can anyOne have any clue what am i doning wrong!

I was trying to get the number of Lead records with XYZ picklist values equals particular values i.e. a table with

       coloumn 1                                  coloumn 2
row1 : ABC              ABC (i.e. count of lead records where field XYZ = A or B or C)
row2 : ACD              ACD (i.e. count of lead records where field XYZ = A or C or D)
row3 : BCD              BCD (i.e. count of lead records where field XYZ = B or C or D)

I tried to acheive this using bucketing in report but couldn't because of salesforce some limitations on bucket fields. So i  am trying to create a vf page table. Any suggestions?

Thanks a Ton! for any help.

Hi All,

I am trying to check if Lead to insert is duplicate and if it is then store it in separate custom object(Duplicate_Lead__c). but in query it is returning the record i am inserting i.e. for every lead i insert this trigger is matching its fields with itself and creating duplicate record in custom object.
How to avoid this? Also i want to update a checkbox on duplicate Lead record, is it possible in same after trigger?

trigger LeadDuplicateTrigger on Lead(after insert) {
List Exleads = [Select id, name, email, MobilePhone, Program__c From Lead];
List DupLeads = new List ();
for(Lead l : Trigger.new){
for(Lead Ele : Exleads){
if(( (l.email == Ele.email) && (l.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) ) || ( (l.MobilePhone == ELe.MobilePhone) && (l.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) )){
Duplicate_Lead__c DPLead = new Duplicate_Lead__c();
DPLead.Name = ‘Duplicate Of’+’ ‘+ Ele.Name;
DPLead.Admission_Stage__c = l.Admission_Stage__c;
DPLead.Admission_Status__c = l.Admission_Status__c;
DPLead.Agency__c = l.Agency__c;
DPLead.Initial_Owner__c = l.Initial_Owner__c;
DPLead.Initial_program__c = l.Initial_program__c;
DPLead.Program__c = l.Program__c;
DPLead.Lead_State__c = l.Lead_State__c;
DPLead.Test_Score__c = l.Test_Score__c;
Insert DupLeads;

I am trying to set the default value of "RelatedTo" field on activity to a custom object. In classic we can simply use URL hacking & custom button to set it. But in lightning i haven't figured out any solution.By default Related To has defaulted to Accounts...Also I know there is an Idea Pending with salesforce, But i was wondering what is current workaround.

User-added image

So if anyone know ANY way to set "Related TO" field on Activity please let me know. Is visualforce page to replicate the whole Activity section ..the only option?

Thanks for your time:)
In my class i have a method: (Bold-Italic lines are not covered)
public PageReference sendBulkSMSToLeads(){
        //debug = leadStatus + ':' + intakeMonth + ':' + intakeYear + ':' + message;
        List<Lead> matchingLeadsList = [Select MobilePhone from Lead where Status =:leadStatus and Intake_Month__c =:intakeMonth
                                        and Intake_Year__c =:intakeYear];
        Set<String> uniquePhoneNumberList = new Set<String>();                                
        if(matchingLeadsList != null && matchingLeadsList.size() > 0){
            String commaSeparatedMobileNumbers = '';
            for(Lead lead : matchingLeadsList){
                if(lead.MobilePhone != null && lead.MobilePhone != ''){
                        commaSeparatedMobileNumbers = commaSeparatedMobileNumbers + ',' + lead.MobilePhone;
            if(commaSeparatedMobileNumbers.length() > 0){
                commaSeparatedMobileNumbers = commaSeparatedMobileNumbers.substring(1, commaSeparatedMobileNumbers.length());
            //debug = commaSeparatedMobileNumbers;
            String payLoad = 'username=global&password=muzztech&mobile=' +commaSeparatedMobileNumbers + '&sendername=SPJAIN&message='+message;
            Http h = new Http();
            HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
            HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
            ApexPages.Message myMsg = new  ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Bulk SMS initiated for ' + matchingLeadsList.size() + ' leads');
            ApexPages.Message myMsg = new  ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'No matching leads found to send SMS');
        return null;
For which i have written this test class method:
      global class SMSControllerTest {
      global class MockHttpResponseGenerator implements HttpCalloutMock
          global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req) {
            // Optionally, only send a mock response for a specific endpoint and method.
            System.assertEquals('http://priority.muzztech.in/sms_api/sendsms.php', req.getEndpoint());
            System.assertEquals('POST', req.getMethod());
            HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
            res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
            res.setBody('{"username":"global","password":"muzztech","mobile":"7854945777","message":"test message"}');//add your fake JSON here
            return res;
        static testMethod void sendBulkSMSToLeadsTest() {
          Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGenerator());
          SMSController ctrl = new SMSController();        
          ctrl.leadStatus = 'Hot';
          ctrl.intakeMonth = 'January';
          ctrl.intakeYear = '2017';
          //Assert the response here
How can i increase the code coverage of this method? Thanks a ton for suggestions!

I have a trigger to do lots of actions before and after DML's. but in my test class i am getting erro: System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101. I have followed best practises for test classes such as not using query or DML in for loops but still i am getting this error.  Can sombody locate cause of this error.
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (before insert, before update, after insert) {
    Group queue                    = [SELECT Id, name FROM Group WHERE type='Queue' and Name='TCC Counsellors' Limit 1];
    List<GroupMember> queueMembers = [SELECT Group.Name, UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE GroupId =: queue.Id ];
    integer val = 0;
    List<Lead> Exleads = [SELECT Id, name, email, MobilePhone, Program__c FROM Lead WHERE Id NOT IN : Trigger.new ];
    List<Duplicate_Lead__c> DupLeads = new List <Duplicate_Lead__c>();
    List<Lead> dupLeadsUpdate = new List<Lead>();
    List<Lead> dupLeadsDelete = new List<Lead>();
    List<Lead> LeadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();
    Set<Lead> myset = new Set<Lead>();
    List<Lead> result = new List<Lead>();

    for( Lead ld : Trigger.new ) {
    if(Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
       /*Remove Company field value*/    
       if(ld.Company != null){
          ld.Company = null;  
      /*Start - Set Assigned_to_Sales_Team value  */
       for( Group q : [SELECT Id, name FROM Group WHERE type='Queue' And name != 'TCC Counsellors']){
          if(ld.OwnerId == q.Id && ld.Assigned_to_Sales_Team__c == false){  
           ld.Assigned_to_Sales_Team__c = true;
     /*Start - FetchIntake */
       for( Calender__c cal : [SELECT Id, Start_Date__c, End_Date__c, Program__c, Intake_Month__c, Intake_Year__c FROM Calender__c WHERE Start_Date__c <= :System.Today() and End_Date__c >= :System.Today() ]) {
           if(Trigger.isInsert && ld.Program__c == cal.Program__c) {          
              ld.Intake__c        = cal.id;
              ld.Intake_Month__c  = cal.Intake_Month__c;
              ld.Intake_Year__c   = cal.Intake_Year__c;           

        /*Start - FetchTccValues*/
        for (GroupMember qm :queueMembers  ) {
             if( ld.ownerid == queue.Id ) {
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Owner__c  = qm.Group.Name;
             } else if( ld.ownerid == qm.UserOrGroupId ) {
                 User us               = [SELECT Id,name FROM User where id =: qm.UserOrGroupId];
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Owner__c  = us.name;
        /*Start - Lead Rating calculation*/
        if( ld.Program__c == 'EMBA' ) {
            if(ld.Work_Experience__c=='3 + years'){
            }if(ld.LeadSource=='Walk In'||ld.LeadSource=='Incomming Call'||ld.LeadSource=='Chat'){
            }if(ld.Info_session_Attended__c =='Yes'){
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'Cyber Security' || ld.Program__c == 'Machine Learning' || ld.Program__c == 'Virtual Reality') {
            if(ld.Work_Experience__c=='3 + years'){
            }if(ld.Qualification__c!='Undergraduate'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Graduate'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Post Graduate Diploma'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Masters Degree'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Undergraduate or postgraduate degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, B.Sc, B.Pharma, BBA, Economics or Commerce'){
            }if(ld.Lead_City__c=='Mumbai'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Bengaluru' ||ld.Lead_City__c=='Pune'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Chennai'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Trivandrum'){
            }if(ld.LeadSource=='Walk In'||ld.LeadSource=='Incomming Call'||ld.LeadSource=='Chat'){
            }if(ld.Info_session_Attended__c =='Yes'){
    system.debug('Value of value variable:' + val);
        if( ld.Program__c == 'EMBA' ) {
            ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'DMM'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='PT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'DMM'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='FT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BDAP'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='PT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BDAP'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='FT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'MGB') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'GMBA') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'GFMB') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'MgLuxM') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'Cyber Security' || ld.Program__c == 'Machine Learning' || ld.Program__c == 'Virtual Reality') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/11;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BBA'|| ld.Program__c == 'BBC' || ld.Program__c == 'BEC') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
      /*Start Lead status update to Not Contacted when Lead goes from TCC to RM*/
       if( Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate ){
       Lead OldLead = Trigger.oldMap.get(ld.Id);
         for (GroupMember qm :queueMembers  ) {
           if( (OldLead.Ownerid == qm.UserOrGroupId) && ld.ownerid != queue.Id && string.valueOf(ld.OwnerId).startsWith('00G') ) {
                 ld.Status = 'Not Contacted';
      /*Start - Updating custom fields for mapping with account*/
       if(ld.Status != null){
           ld.Hidden_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
       if(ld.LeadSource != null){
           ld.Hidden_Lead_Source__c = ld.LeadSource;
           ld.Hidden_Do_Not_Call__c = ld.DoNotCall;
           ld.Hidden_Partial_Application__c = ld.Partial_Application__c;
    } // End  of Before trigger
     /*Start - After trigger for Lead Duplication*/
     if(trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert){
       for(Lead Ele : Exleads){
              if(( (ld.email != null && ld.email == Ele.email) && (ld.Program__c != null && ld.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) ) || ( (ld.MobilePhone != null && ld.MobilePhone == ELe.MobilePhone) && (ld.Program__c != null && ld.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) )){
              Duplicate_Lead__c DPLead = new Duplicate_Lead__c();
              DPLead.Name                = 'Duplicate Of'+' '+ Ele.Name;
              DPLead.Lead_Name__c        = ld.FirstName+ ' '+ld.LastName ;
              DPLead.Email__c            = ld.Email;
              DPLead.Mobile__c           = ld.MobilePhone;
              DPLead.Lead_Status__c      = ld.Status;
              DPLead.Lead_Source__c      = ld.LeadSource;
              DPLead.Work_Experience__c  = ld.Work_Experience__c;
              DPLead.program__c          = ld.Program__c;
              DPLead.Lead_City__c        = ld.Lead_City__c;
              DPLead.Lead_State__c       = ld.Lead_State__c;
              DPLead.Lead_Country__c     = ld.Lead_Country__c;
              Ele.Duplicacy__c = true;
              Lead leadDel = new Lead(Id=ld.Id);

      update result;
      update dupLeadsUpdate;
        Insert DupLeads;
         Delete dupLeadsDelete;

Thanks in advance!
Hello Everybody,

I have a custom object Raw_Lead__c with 3 custom fields namely: First_Name__c, Last_Name__c and Email__c . I have created a custom button on Raw_Lead object with URL:

/00Q/e?retURL=/{!Lead.Id}&{!Lead.FirstName}={!Raw_Lead__c.First_Name__c} & {!Lead.LastName}={!Raw_Lead__c.Last_Name__c}&{!Lead.Email}={!Raw_Lead__c.Email__c}&cancelURL=/{!Raw_Lead__c.Id}

I am trying to pass these 3 custom fields into lead fields.But when i click on the button of any Raw_Lead obj record it redirect me to Create page of Lead with all 3 lead values blank.
that times URL is :https://cs31.salesforce.com/00Q/e?retURL=/&=Ramesh%20&=rameshkend%40gmail.com&%20=Kendre&cancelURL=/a09p0000003jP5B
User-added image
User-added image
Can anyOne have any clue what am i doning wrong!

I was trying to get the number of Lead records with XYZ picklist values equals particular values i.e. a table with

       coloumn 1                                  coloumn 2
row1 : ABC              ABC (i.e. count of lead records where field XYZ = A or B or C)
row2 : ACD              ACD (i.e. count of lead records where field XYZ = A or C or D)
row3 : BCD              BCD (i.e. count of lead records where field XYZ = B or C or D)

I tried to acheive this using bucketing in report but couldn't because of salesforce some limitations on bucket fields. So i  am trying to create a vf page table. Any suggestions?

Thanks a Ton! for any help.

Hi All,

I am trying to check if Lead to insert is duplicate and if it is then store it in separate custom object(Duplicate_Lead__c). but in query it is returning the record i am inserting i.e. for every lead i insert this trigger is matching its fields with itself and creating duplicate record in custom object.
How to avoid this? Also i want to update a checkbox on duplicate Lead record, is it possible in same after trigger?

trigger LeadDuplicateTrigger on Lead(after insert) {
List Exleads = [Select id, name, email, MobilePhone, Program__c From Lead];
List DupLeads = new List ();
for(Lead l : Trigger.new){
for(Lead Ele : Exleads){
if(( (l.email == Ele.email) && (l.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) ) || ( (l.MobilePhone == ELe.MobilePhone) && (l.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) )){
Duplicate_Lead__c DPLead = new Duplicate_Lead__c();
DPLead.Name = ‘Duplicate Of’+’ ‘+ Ele.Name;
DPLead.Admission_Stage__c = l.Admission_Stage__c;
DPLead.Admission_Status__c = l.Admission_Status__c;
DPLead.Agency__c = l.Agency__c;
DPLead.Initial_Owner__c = l.Initial_Owner__c;
DPLead.Initial_program__c = l.Initial_program__c;
DPLead.Program__c = l.Program__c;
DPLead.Lead_State__c = l.Lead_State__c;
DPLead.Test_Score__c = l.Test_Score__c;
Insert DupLeads;
Is anyone having problems using static resources with non-Firefox browsers, specifically IE7 and Safari? I'm finding that 9 times out of 10, URLs in a static resource refuse to load in these browsers. It results in missing stylesheets and images in my VF page.

Static resources are very convenient, but if they are not supported across browsers I'll have to go back to using Documents.