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Is there a way to access default tab for an app through apex?
I want to access the default tab set for an app so that I can automatically redirect the user there. I have checked DescribeTabSetResult class: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_class_schema_describetabsetresult.htm
But it does not have any method to get the default tab.
Thank you!
But it does not have any method to get the default tab.
Thank you!
- Samruddhi Gokhale 11
- May 18, 2017
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test class for response in dom parse
Trigger ...................................................... trigger paymentinfo on Opportunity (after update) { for (Opportunity op : Trigger.new) { if ((op.CC__c != null) || (op.Routing_Number__c != null)) { if (paymentinfoTriggerHandler.ShowRun == true) { paymentinfoTriggerHandler handler = new paymentinfoTriggerHandler(); handler.sendCardToTPro(op); } } } } --------------------------------------------------------------- handler public class paymentinfoTriggerHandler { public paymentinfoTriggerHandler () {} Public Static boolean ShowRun = true; public void sendCardToTPro(Opportunity op) { if (op.TPro_Success__c != 'true') { //if( ! System.isBatch() && ! System.isFuture() ) paymentinfoTriggerHandler .send(op.Id); } } @future(callout=true) STATIC public void send(String opid) { ShowRun = false; Opportunity op = [SELECT Id,Card_Holder_s_Name__c,CC__c,CC_Expiration_Date__c,Account.IntacctID__c, Org_Name__c,Card_Holder_s_Street__c,Card_Holder_s_Street_2__c,Card_Holder_s_City__c,Card_Holder_s_State__c,Card_Holder_s_Zip__c, Account.Organization_Email_Address__c, Account.Primary_Contact_Email__c,Event_Code__c,Routing_Number__c,Accounting_Number__c,TPro_Success__c,TPro_AuthID__c,TPro_CC_StoredAccountID__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :opid]; op.TPro_Success__c = null; op.TPro_CC_StoredAccountID__c = null; HttpRequest authRequest = new HttpRequest(); authRequest.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); authRequest.setEndpoint('URL'); authRequest.setMethod('POST'); string xml = ''; xml += '<request>'; xml += ' <authentication>'; xml += ' <user>'; xml += ' <gateway></gateway>'; xml += ' <emailaddress></emailaddress>'; xml += ' <password></password>'; xml += ' <application>Salesforce</application>'; xml += ' <version>1.0.0</version>'; xml += ' </user>'; xml += ' </authentication>'; xml += ' <content continueonfailure="true">'; xml += ' <update>'; xml += ' <customer refname="customer">'; xml += ' <name>' + op.Account.IntacctID__c + '</name>'; xml += ' <displayname>' + op.Org_Name__c + '</displayname>'; xml += ' </customer>'; xml += ' </update>'; xml += ' <if condition="{!customer.responsestatus!} != \'success\'">'; xml += ' <create>'; xml += ' <customer refname="customer">'; xml += ' <name>' + op.Account.IntacctID__c + '</name>'; xml += ' <displayname>' + op.Org_Name__c + '</displayname>'; xml += ' </customer>'; xml += ' </create>'; xml += ' </if>'; xml += ' <if condition="{!customer.responsestatus!} = \'success\'">'; xml += ' <update>'; xml += ' <contact refname="contact">'; xml += ' <name>B_{!customer.name!}</name>'; xml += ' <customer>{!customer.id!}</customer>'; xml += ' <contacttype>billing</contacttype>'; if (op.Org_Name__c != null) xml += ' <companyname>' + op.Org_Name__c + '</companyname>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c != null) { xml += ' <firstname>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</firstname>'; xml += ' <lastname>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</lastname>'; } if (op.Card_Holder_s_Street__c != null) xml += ' <address1>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Street__c + '</address1>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Street_2__c != null) xml += ' <address2>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Street_2__c + '</address2>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_City__c != null) xml += ' <city>' + op.Card_Holder_s_City__c + '</city>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_State__c != null) xml += ' <state>' + op.Card_Holder_s_State__c + '</state>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Zip__c != null) xml += ' <zipcode>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Zip__c + '</zipcode>'; xml += ' <country>United States</country>'; if (op.Account.Organization_Email_Address__c != null) xml += ' <email1>' + op.Account.Organization_Email_Address__c + '</email1>'; xml += ' </contact>'; xml += ' </update>'; xml += ' </if>'; xml += ' <if condition="{!contact.responsestatus!} != \'success\'">'; xml += ' <create>'; xml += ' <contact refname="contact">'; xml += ' <name>B_{!customer.name!}</name>'; xml += ' <customer>{!customer.id!}</customer>'; xml += ' <contacttype>billing</contacttype>'; if (op.Org_Name__c != null) xml += ' <companyname>' + op.Org_Name__c + '</companyname>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c != null) { xml += ' <firstname>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</firstname>'; xml += ' <lastname>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</lastname>'; } if (op.Card_Holder_s_Street__c != null) xml += ' <address1>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Street__c + '</address1>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Street_2__c != null) xml += ' <address2>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Street_2__c + '</address2>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_City__c != null) xml += ' <city>' + op.Card_Holder_s_City__c + '</city>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_State__c != null) xml += ' <state>' + op.Card_Holder_s_State__c + '</state>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Zip__c != null) xml += ' <zipcode>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Zip__c + '</zipcode>'; xml += ' <country>United States</country>'; if (op.Account.Organization_Email_Address__c != null) xml += ' <email1>' + op.Account.Organization_Email_Address__c + '</email1>'; xml += ' </contact>'; xml += ' </create>'; xml += ' </if>'; if ((op.CC__c != null) && (op.CC__c.trim().length() > 0) && (op.CC_Expiration_Date__c != null) && (op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.trim().length() > 0)) { xml += ' <if condition="{!contact.responsestatus!} = \'success\'">'; xml += ' <update>'; xml += ' <storedaccount refname="cc">'; xml += ' <name>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_CC</name>'; xml += ' <displayname>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_CC</displayname>'; xml += ' <customer>{!customer.id!}</customer>'; xml += ' <contact>{!contact.id!}</contact>'; xml += ' <creditcard>'; xml += ' <keyed>'; if (op.CC__c != null) xml += ' <cardholdernumber>' + op.CC__c + '</cardholdernumber>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c != null) xml += ' <cardholdername>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</cardholdername>'; if (op.CC_Expiration_Date__c != null) { xml += ' <expiresmonth>' + op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.substring(0, 2) + '</expiresmonth>'; xml += ' <expiresyear>' + '20' + op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.substring(op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.length() - 2, op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.length()) + '</expiresyear>'; } xml += ' </keyed>'; xml += ' </creditcard>'; xml += ' </storedaccount>'; xml += ' </update>'; xml += ' </if>'; xml += ' <if condition="{!cc.responsestatus!} != \'success\'">'; xml += ' <create>'; xml += ' <storedaccount refname="cc">'; xml += ' <name>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_CC</name>'; xml += ' <displayname>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_CC</displayname>'; xml += ' <customer>{!customer.id!}</customer>'; xml += ' <contact>{!contact.id!}</contact>'; xml += ' <creditcard>'; xml += ' <keyed>'; if (op.CC__c != null) xml += ' <cardholdernumber>' + op.CC__c + '</cardholdernumber>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c != null) xml += ' <cardholdername>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</cardholdername>'; if (op.CC_Expiration_Date__c != null) { xml += ' <expiresmonth>' + op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.substring(0, 2) + '</expiresmonth>'; xml += ' <expiresyear>' + '20' + op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.substring(op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.length() - 2, op.CC_Expiration_Date__c.length()) + '</expiresyear>'; } xml += ' </keyed>'; xml += ' </creditcard>'; xml += ' </storedaccount>'; xml += ' </create>'; xml += ' </if>'; } if ((op.Accounting_Number__c != null) && (op.Accounting_Number__c.trim().length() > 0) && (op.Routing_Number__c != null) && (op.Routing_Number__c.trim().length() > 0)) { xml += ' <if condition="{!contact.responsestatus!} = \'success\'">'; xml += ' <update>'; xml += ' <storedaccount refname="ach">'; xml += ' <name>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_ACH</name>'; xml += ' <displayname>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_ACH</displayname>'; xml += ' <customer>{!customer.id!}</customer>'; xml += ' <contact>{!contact.id!}</contact>'; xml += ' <ach>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c != null) xml += ' <AccountHolder>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</AccountHolder>'; if (op.Accounting_Number__c != null) xml += ' <AccountNumber>' + op.Accounting_Number__c + '</AccountNumber>'; xml += ' <PaymentType>Single</PaymentType>'; if (op.Routing_Number__c != null) xml += ' <RoutingNumber>' + op.Routing_Number__c + '</RoutingNumber>'; xml += ' <SecCode>CCD</SecCode>'; xml += ' </ach>'; xml += ' </storedaccount>'; xml += ' </update>'; xml += ' </if>'; xml += ' <if condition="{!ach.responsestatus!} != \'success\'">'; xml += ' <create>'; xml += ' <storedaccount refname="ach">'; xml += ' <name>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_ACH</name>'; xml += ' <displayname>' + op.Event_Code__c + '_ACH</displayname>'; xml += ' <customer>{!customer.id!}</customer>'; xml += ' <contact>{!contact.id!}</contact>'; xml += ' <ach>'; if (op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c != null) xml += ' <AccountHolder>' + op.Card_Holder_s_Name__c + '</AccountHolder>'; if (op.Accounting_Number__c != null) xml += ' <AccountNumber>' + op.Accounting_Number__c + '</AccountNumber>'; xml += ' <PaymentType>Single</PaymentType>'; if (op.Routing_Number__c != null) xml += ' <RoutingNumber>' + op.Routing_Number__c + '</RoutingNumber>'; xml += ' <SecCode>CCD</SecCode>'; xml += ' </ach>'; xml += ' </storedaccount>'; xml += ' </create>'; xml += ' </if>'; } xml += ' </content>'; xml += '</request>'; authRequest.setBody(xml); //authRequest.setCompressed(true); Http http = new Http(); HttpResponse res = http.send(authRequest); DOM.Document authResponse = res.getBodyDocument(); for(DOM.XmlNode node :authResponse.getRootElement().getChildElements()){ if(node.getName() == 'authentication'){ if (node.getAttributeValue('responsestatus', '') != 'success') { processError(op, node); } } else if(node.getName() == 'content'){ if (processUpdateCreate(op, 'customer','customer',node) == true) { if (processUpdateCreate(op, 'contact','contact',node) == true) { processUpdateCreate(op, 'storedaccount','cc',node); processUpdateCreate(op, 'storedaccount','ach',node); } } } } update op; } STATIC public void processError(Opportunity op, DOM.XmlNode errorNode) { for(DOM.XmlNode node :errorNode.getChildElements()){ if (node.getName() == 'errors') { for(DOM.XmlNode enode :node.getChildElements()){ if (enode.getName() == 'error') { string enumber = ''; string edescription = ''; for(DOM.XmlNode enode2 :enode.getChildElements()){ if (enode2.getName() == 'number') enumber = enode2.getText(); else if (enode2.getName() == 'description') edescription = enode2.getText(); } if (op.TPro_Success__c == null) op.TPro_Success__c = edescription + ' (' + enumber + ')'; else op.TPro_Success__c = op.TPro_Success__c + ',' + edescription + ' (' + enumber + ')'; } } } } } STATIC public Boolean processUpdateCreate(Opportunity op, string nodename, string refname, DOM.XmlNode ucNode) { Boolean isUpdated = false; Boolean isCreated = false; DOM.XmlNode tempCreated = null; DOM.XmlNode tempUpdated = null; for(DOM.XmlNode subnode :ucnode.getChildElements()){ if (subnode.getName() == 'update') { for(DOM.XmlNode updatenode :subnode.getChildElements()){ if (nodename == updatenode.getName()) { tempUpdated = updatenode; if ((updatenode.getAttributeValue('responsestatus', '') == 'success') && (updatenode.getAttributeValue('refname', '') == refname)) { isUpdated = true; if (refname == 'cc') { for(DOM.XmlNode idnode :updatenode.getChildElements()){ if (idnode.getName() == 'id') { op.TPro_CC_StoredAccountID__c = idnode.getText(); } } } } } } } else if (subnode.getName() == 'create') { for(DOM.XmlNode createnode :subnode.getChildElements()){ if (nodename == createnode.getName()) { tempCreated = createnode; if ((createnode.getAttributeValue('responsestatus', '') == 'success') && (createnode.getAttributeValue('refname', '') == refname)) { isCreated = true; if (refname == 'cc') { for(DOM.XmlNode idnode :createnode.getChildElements()){ if (idnode.getName() == 'id') { op.TPro_CC_StoredAccountID__c = idnode.getText(); } } } } } } } } if ((isUpdated == false) && (isCreated == false)) { if (tempCreated != null) processError(op, tempCreated); else if (tempUpdated != null) processError(op, tempUpdated); return (false); } string tempstatus = ''; if (isUpdated == true) tempstatus = 'Updated'; else if (isCreated == true) tempstatus = 'Created'; if (op.TPro_Success__c == null) op.TPro_Success__c = 'Successfully ' + tempstatus + ': ' + refname; else op.TPro_Success__c = op.TPro_Success__c + ',Successfully ' + tempstatus + ': ' + refname; update op; return (true); } }
hi...m new to sf.. can i get the code to test the rest api callout ...its urgent to delicer...thanks a lot !!!
- sflearning
- May 18, 2017
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