• Raquel Riemer
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I tried to use the Lightning Experience Configuration Converter to convert a java button to a lightning Component (Full) yet everytime (I am live in Production), i get this error "We were unable to deploy some metadata to your org due a timeout" Since i can preview the component and the controller code I believe i can simply copy that to a sandbox and then push. 
I am getting errors when creating the component (copied the code-Developer Console-New Lightning component) and I got other errors when creating the Controller - New-Apex Class.. 
Can Someone assist? I have inserted a images of the code supplied by the converter and the original (the component, the controller and the original)
It was meant to assign a unique order number to an inscription on click.

This is the component

This is the controller

This is the original java button

the converter tool is not deploying, it gets stuck on metadata, so I need to convert my java button myself.. I see it has a component and a controller piece. I am not fully confident that i will do this correctly


Should I simply go to sandbox, developer console and paste the controller code? 

Then how do you create the new component?

When running one of our $$ batch processes we encountered the error "STRING_TOO_LONG".

I see the field that is the issue - it is text 255

I see the trigger that is reference the field and causing the subject line Cannot change field type of a custom field referenced in Apex class or trigger when I try to make the field text area or long text

I cannot simply comment out the field as it is reference throughout the trigger. The error says Trigger.DonationDesignations: line 55, column 1: []  but this is all that is in that line  updatedOppList.add(Opp);

Any ideas what I can do here

I have a picklist field that i want to select if it is one of two choices in an Apex Class that I am using to render a VF page

WHERE (OR(BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Accepted',BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Registered for AMHSI') )) 

I got this error
Error: Compile Error: Unexpected token 'OR'. at line 6 column 147

so I tried

WHERE (BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Accepted' || BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Registered for AMHSI' )) 

and I got this error

Error: Compile Error: Expecting ')' but was: '||' at line 6 column 186
I am just trying to replace a field in a controller extension

There is quite a bit of code which is attached to a custom button that generates a report. 

No matter how i put the field in __c __r I am getting an error

I am ultimately trying to create a visual force page on a parent object that shows a field from a child object as well as using a lookup field to the contact on the child object to get a contact related list.. 

Parent object is Travel
Child Object is tour interest
lookup field to contact on child object is Contact
Related list on contact is recognition.. 

I have attached an image of where I am so far.. I eventually want it all in table format but I just keep getting stuck on the last piece.. 

I have started to create a custom controller though I have never done that beforeUser-added image

I am somewhat new to this to this area of salesforce so please be patient.

I want to create a table using visual force that can be accessed from a button residing Travel__c

I want the following fields in the table that are either directly or indirectly related to that specific Travel__c

Field 1 is from Tour__Interests__r (which is a child of master/detail with Travel__c)  Contact__c which is a (lookup to the contact) First Name and then Last Name

Field 2 would take the same path as above and then pick up a related list to the contact called Recognitions__c and the fields I want from there are Amount, Date, Name
And if there are no Recognitions either that Tour Interest Record can be skipped or the recognition fields can be null

I have tried multiple ways to get the related list fields but cannot get there. I believe I need to build a custom controller as the error seems to be it does not recognize any of the Travel Interests fields.


I am trying to put the name of the contact within a lookup field to a vis form

The field is assigned to but I cannot seem to get the right syntax for it to be the name instead of the id

<!-- START MDUNCAN C-00220820 02.13.2018 - Added VIS Mager -->VIS Manager: {!relatedTo.cv__Contact__r.
Solicitor__c} <!-- END MDUNCAN C-00220820 02.13.2018 -->

I tried to add Name but that did not work either

We send people to school abroad for different sessions through the year. We can have multiple sessions running at the same time. We house the students within 4 dorms, multiple room and floor for each dorm. We try to place those from a specific session together as well as place genders in the same vicinity. We want to at any given time see the capacity of every room or dorm, which student and what session of students are located where. Thoughts below.

We have an object called Experience which is the "parent" of those "registered" for that particular experience. Those registered for that experience are housed in an object called "Registration". Note: The Experience object has no master detail relationship with the Registration object, it is simply a related list (i believe).

Every experience has a start date and an end date. Every Registration should list a dorm and a room.

I was thinking of creating two new objects Dorms which would have a master detail relationship with Rooms and Experiences possibly a master detail relationship with Dorms?

When a registrant is assigned a room it will be a separate object. In this object will be a start and end date field. You need to choose a start and end date to be able to make any other choices. I would need the new button to also auto-populate the session name.
Once chosen the available rooms would show for that time frame with the current counts per room. You could then choose a dorm and a room. There will also be a field for gender which will be mandatory.
The dorm object would simply be four dorm records listing the room numbers and the total beds per room as well as gender fields (note bed number needs to be accessible as sometimes they squeeze one in.) Basically the dorm object would house all the rollup totals for any given day for any room within that dorm. I would a field to choose a date, and every room count would update, with a capacity field yellow when close to capacity and red at capacity. The gender fields would also populate per room. You could see everything going on in that dorm at that date.
When you go to the experience I would have rollup fields as well to the dorms object. There would be the four dorm fields and for each gender fields that would simply count the sleeping arrangements for everyone in that session.

I know this was long. But am I on the right path here?
I have a custom object Travel with two record types and layouts.
Under Travel, there are Travel Interests where would connect all the contacts interested in that particular travel. These also have two record types and layouts.
What I want is to modify the New button (or create a different one) so that when creating a new travel interest it first looks at the record type of the Travel it is attached to, to decide which travel interest record type/layout to use
I have a picklist field that i want to select if it is one of two choices in an Apex Class that I am using to render a VF page

WHERE (OR(BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Accepted',BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Registered for AMHSI') )) 

I got this error
Error: Compile Error: Unexpected token 'OR'. at line 6 column 147

so I tried

WHERE (BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Accepted' || BL_Registration_Status__c = 'Registered for AMHSI' )) 

and I got this error

Error: Compile Error: Expecting ')' but was: '||' at line 6 column 186
I am just trying to replace a field in a controller extension

There is quite a bit of code which is attached to a custom button that generates a report. 

No matter how i put the field in __c __r I am getting an error

I am ultimately trying to create a visual force page on a parent object that shows a field from a child object as well as using a lookup field to the contact on the child object to get a contact related list.. 

Parent object is Travel
Child Object is tour interest
lookup field to contact on child object is Contact
Related list on contact is recognition.. 

I have attached an image of where I am so far.. I eventually want it all in table format but I just keep getting stuck on the last piece.. 

I have started to create a custom controller though I have never done that beforeUser-added image

I am somewhat new to this to this area of salesforce so please be patient.

I want to create a table using visual force that can be accessed from a button residing Travel__c

I want the following fields in the table that are either directly or indirectly related to that specific Travel__c

Field 1 is from Tour__Interests__r (which is a child of master/detail with Travel__c)  Contact__c which is a (lookup to the contact) First Name and then Last Name

Field 2 would take the same path as above and then pick up a related list to the contact called Recognitions__c and the fields I want from there are Amount, Date, Name
And if there are no Recognitions either that Tour Interest Record can be skipped or the recognition fields can be null

I have tried multiple ways to get the related list fields but cannot get there. I believe I need to build a custom controller as the error seems to be it does not recognize any of the Travel Interests fields.
