• Alap Mistry
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Good afternoon everyone, I am currently running in an issue with an Apex Class. In my case, the custom delete button for the opportunity object is not working on any profile outside of Sys Admin. I've checked the Apex Class Security and all is good there, as well as the API enabled for other profiles but nothing seems to allow it to work under any other profile. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be prohibiting this from functioning?

Thank you
Hi Team,

Am facing to include the contact firstname and last name on below statement.

Your request to grant new partner user access to the traditional partner portal has been provided.
We wants to be display like ":  Your request to grant new user access to the traditional partner portal for ContactFirstName ContactLastName has been provided."
I have tried below statement which is not working.

body=body+'Your request to grant new partner user access to the traditional partner portal for +u.FirstName+', '+u.LastName+ has been provided.<br/><br/>'; 

Can any one please help us for this issue.


Hi, I am having problems in undertaking one project, that's problem is mass edit record in custom object.
not selected edit, How can I mass edit all record for Related Custom object?
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Hi all,

I spotted 2 issues with Trailhead "Build a Suggestion Box App" badge.

The first one I managed to sort out but will post it here just in case someone gets into same issue:
- Step: "Modify the User Experience"
- Got error an while veryfing the challenge
- Managed to find (using Debug Log) that challenge verification process is looking for a "test" pick list value which isn't on the picklist challenge wants us to build
- This one was solved.
The second one I believe is a little bit trickier...
- Step: "Adding Business Logic"
- Create formula field "Number of Days Open" as requested
- Got error when verifying challenge: 
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Number of Days Open' custom formula field does not exist. Tip: check for typos in the field name.

But everything seems to be OK on configuration size...

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Hello dear community!

Im stuck at the Build Your Branding, Button, and Deployment module in Trailhead with the following error:
"Chat Button is not setup properly. Please follow instructions carefully."
I absolutely do not understand what part is wrong so if someone could help me out that would be fantastic!
My Chat Button is as following:

Type  Chat Button
Name  Chat Button
Developer Name  Chat_Button
Site for Resources  BruxistPlayground
Online Image  ChatWindow

Greetings from a newbie

I am attempting Trailhead Extend Reports with Dashboards and Apps
with a brand new DE and seeing this error- reference error id: SFFNFRMO
I don't know what I am doing wrong. I've been working on the Animal Locator exercise in trailhead having to do with REST API Callouts and just can not get the result I'm working on to pass the 'Challenge'. My code is 100% tested, and it seems to meet all the criteria, but I keep getting the following message: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Executing the 'getAnimalNameById' method on 'AnimalLocator' failed. Make sure the method exists with the name 'getAnimalNameById', is public and static, accepts an Integer and returns a String."

Below is my code:

AnimalLocator.apxc (Class)

public class AnimalLocator {
    public static string getAnimalNameById(integer numSubmitted) {
        Http http = new Http();
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setEndpoint('https://th-apex-http-callout.herokuapp.com/animals/' + numSubmitted);
        HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
        string replyName = 'None returned';
        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
         replyName = response.getBody();
            return replyName;


private class AnimalLocatorTest {
    @isTest static  void  testGetCallout() {
    // Set mock callout class
    Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new AnimalLocatorMock());
    // This causes a fake response to be sent
    // from the class that implements HttpCalloutMock.
    String animalname = AnimalLocator.getAnimalNameById(2);
    // Verify that the response received contains fake values       
    String expectedValue = 'Charles H Bones Esquire';
    System.assertEquals(animalname, expectedValue);


global class AnimalLocatorMock implements HttpCalloutMock {
    //Implement this interface method
    global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest request) {
        // Create a fake response
        HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
        response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        response.setBody('Charles H Bones Esquire');
        return response;

My code is saved and closed out of and the challenge still fails. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I am having trouble with what I am to do with this trailhead module.  I am at this stage and have installed lightning component quickcontact.
I am not a dev so this is hard for me.

Create a Lightning Action
To complete this challenge, you need to add a Lightning component to your org. Then use that component to create a Lightning action on the Account object. When the action’s button is clicked, it creates a new contact based on form input. To get started, install this package that contains the component bundle that you'll need to modify.
The Lightning component must be named quickContact. (Does this name need to include the capital C in contact? It is loaded as all lowercase) 
Add the appropriate interfaces to the quickContact component. (Hint: there are two.) What does this mean?  Is this referring to editing the code?
Create a new action with Label Quick Contact and Name Quick_Contact on the Account object that invokes the quickContact component.
Add the action to the Account Layout page layout.
Having trouble installing your app? Read this article for help.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
  • April 12, 2017
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My code is given below. It displays error to me:
Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [Schema.DescribeFieldResult].isCreatable() at line 44 column 25
public with sharing class CRUD_FLS_Create_Challenge{

    public Id newUser {get;set;}
    public List<Personnel__c> getUnReg() {
        unregisteredUsers = new List<Personnel__c>();
       List<Jouster__c> currentParticipants = [ select Participant_Name__r.Name from Jouster__c ];
       List<Personnel__c> currentPersonnel = [ select Id, Name, Favorite_Color__c, Castle__r.Name from Personnel__c limit 15];
       Boolean reg;
       for( Personnel__c p : currentPersonnel)
           reg = false;
           for(Jouster__c j : currentParticipants)
               if(j.Participant_Name__r.Name == p.Name) {
                   reg = true;
           if(reg == false)
       return unregisteredUsers;

    public Jouster__c newParticipant {get;set;}
    public List<Personnel__c> unregisteredUsers;
    public void register(){
        Personnel__c p = [select Name, Favorite_Color__c, Castle__r.Name from Personnel__c where Id =: newUser]; 
        if (!Schema.sObjectType.Jouster__c.fields.Participant_Name__c.isCreatable()) {
            if (!Schema.sObjectType.Jouster__c.fields.Color__c.isCreatable()) {
                if(!Schema.sObjectType.Jouster__c.fields.Favorite_Color__c.isCreatable()) {  
                    if(!Schema.sObjectType.Jouster__c.fields.Castle__c.isCreatable()) {   
                        ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Error: Insufficient Access'));                 
        if([select id from Jouster__c where Participant_Name__r.Name =: p.Name] != null)
            insert new Jouster__c(Participant_Name__c=newUser, Color__c=p.Favorite_Color__c, Castle__c=p.Castle__c);
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Error: Jouster already entered in Tournament'));
    public string[] getPermSets(){
        String[] permSetArray = new List<string>();
        PermSetArray.add('User with Read ONLY Access to the Jousters object'); // description of the needed permission set
        return permSetArray;


A Create a Record action for the Closed Won criteria node isn’t properly configured. Make sure that it creates a task and uses the same field settings as the ‘Follow up on new contract’ task action. Make sure that Due Date Only is set by using a formula.
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Hep me for this Problem!
A Create a Record action for the Closed Won criteria node isn’t properly configured. Make sure that it creates a task and uses the same field settings as the ‘Follow up on new contract’ task action. Make sure that Due Date Only is set by using a formula.
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Hep me for this Problem!

Curently doing the App Development with Salesforce DX / Convert and Deploy an Existing App.

I have the following error when performing the final deployment task :

Error  mdapioutput/applications/DreamInvest.app        DreamInvest    In field: tab - no CustomTab named Fund_Explorer found
Error  mdapioutput/flexipages/Fund_Explorer.flexipage  Fund_Explorer  You must have My Domain deployed to use component c:FundTileList.
Error  mdapioutput/tabs/Fund_Explorer.tab              Fund_Explorer  In field: flexiPage - no FlexiPage named Fund_Explorer found

Do you know why ?

I installed Developer Hub Trial Org 64-bit Windows option.
I created a trial project with: 
     sfdx force:project:create -n geolocation

But, when I try to create the scratch org with:
      sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a GeoAppScratch
I get this:
     ERROR running force:org:create: You do  not have access to the [scratchorgiinfo] object

I've tried several suggested fixes that I found when I searched for the above error. None has resolved the issue for me.
I'm unable to check step 2: Automate Accounts because I'm receiving this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: ZKCVFIZH

While attempting trailhead App Development with Salesforce DX, I am trying to create a project using SFDX command as shown below:
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But I am getting a message which says the command is not available. Please help.

Shyam Nair
Good afternoon everyone, I am currently running in an issue with an Apex Class. In my case, the custom delete button for the opportunity object is not working on any profile outside of Sys Admin. I've checked the Apex Class Security and all is good there, as well as the API enabled for other profiles but nothing seems to allow it to work under any other profile. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be prohibiting this from functioning?

Thank you

Was trying to finish the last module in this trail. I already had the package installed from a previous module. Except when I click 'Check Challenge,' I get an error: "There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.QueryException: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject."

I'm confused because 1) I'm still learning Salesforce and 2) Besides doing each module like I am asked, I'm not sure where this error could be coming from. 

I did just complete the Process Automation Modules. 

Any suggestions for what this could be from? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you.
When I try to verify the Subscribe to a Platform Event step I am getting the error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'cometd' static resource was not found. Check for typos.

The thing is, I am getting the bear watch notifications.  Any idea as to why this error is occurring?

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It looks like after the Summer '17 Release, a module that I completed, Data Management, has changed and I am now trying to re-take.  I'm having difficulty clearing the first module which is importing data with the Wizard.  I am attaching the screen shots of where I am getting stuck - I'm not sure what or if I am doing something wrong (the system doesn't let me map the fields).  Any advice would be appreciated!

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when i tried to request this using my app,
i got this error
[{u'errorCode': u'INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS', u'message': u'You do not have permission to execute that operation.'}]
could you guys help me out for solve this?

There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: SWIHLQEM
I am unable to complete the hands-on challenge "Create a lens that shows which industry is buying the most laptops" I continue to receive the following error even after multiple attempts.

"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Top Laptop Industry' lens does not appear to have the correct query. Please check the requirements and ensure everything is setup correctly."
Hi Team,

Am facing to include the contact firstname and last name on below statement.

Your request to grant new partner user access to the traditional partner portal has been provided.
We wants to be display like ":  Your request to grant new user access to the traditional partner portal for ContactFirstName ContactLastName has been provided."
I have tried below statement which is not working.

body=body+'Your request to grant new partner user access to the traditional partner portal for +u.FirstName+', '+u.LastName+ has been provided.<br/><br/>'; 

Can any one please help us for this issue.


Hi i get on 2 modules error... in the beginning creating object models:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Could not find an app named 'Lemonade Stand'

And on Report and Dashboard: The 'Pending Orders by Queue' report does not appear to be using the correct filter of 'Status = Placed'.

Any advice for me? Thanks a bunch in advanced
Receving error that notification isn't on the dashboard, although it's present and active.
Why won't this challenge clear me?