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How to bulk convert Leads through anonymous window
Hello all,
I wrote the below trigger code for converting bulk leads into accounts through a trigger handler. I have a unique id field on both Account and Lead objects, which is a combination of Site ID+Email. If there is a existing account with the same UniqueID, just copy the data into empty fields. If no existing account is found, create a new one. The below Trigger code works totally fine,but I need to do the same through anonymous window. Suppose say there are 100 Leads in my org. I need to convert them all into accounts. If found existing accounts, just copy the data or if not, create a new account.
I wrote the below trigger code for converting bulk leads into accounts through a trigger handler. I have a unique id field on both Account and Lead objects, which is a combination of Site ID+Email. If there is a existing account with the same UniqueID, just copy the data into empty fields. If no existing account is found, create a new one. The below Trigger code works totally fine,but I need to do the same through anonymous window. Suppose say there are 100 Leads in my org. I need to convert them all into accounts. If found existing accounts, just copy the data or if not, create a new account.
public class LeadInsertTriggerHandler { public static void AfterInsert(List<Lead> lstLeads) { LeadStatus convertStatus = [select MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted = true limit 1]; List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConverts = new List<Database.LeadConvert>(); //Code for bulkifying Map<String, List<Account>> mapAccounts = new Map<String, List<Account>>(); Set<String> setEmails = new Set<String>(); for(Lead objLead : lstLeads) { setEmails.add(objLead.Email_and_SiteID__c); system.debug('Set Emails' + setEmails); } if(!setEmails.isEmpty()) { for(Account objAccount : [select id, Email_and_SiteID__c from account where Email_and_SiteID__c In: setEmails]) { if(mapAccounts.containsKey(objAccount.Email_and_SiteID__c)) { mapAccounts.get(objAccount.Email_and_SiteID__c).add(objAccount); } else { mapAccounts.put(objAccount.Email_and_SiteID__c, new List<Account>{objAccount}); } } } for (Lead lead: lstLeads) { if (!lead.isConverted) { Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(lead.Id); lc.setConvertedStatus(convertStatus.MasterLabel); lc.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); //bulkifying here if(mapAccounts.size()>0 && mapAccounts.containsKey(lead.Email_and_SiteID__c)) { lc.setAccountId(mapAccounts.get(lead.Email_and_SiteID__c)[0].id); } leadConverts.add(lc); } if (!leadConverts.isEmpty()) { List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(leadConverts); } } } }
- Rajbharath
- August 27, 2018
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Need help in solving System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001 error
Hello all,
I wrote a trigger which performs the following operation. Whenever data is uploaded into Customer object, it checks for existing records, and if found any, updates the fields with new record. In Production, I need to upload around 400,00 records. Now when I am trying to load the data, It's throwing me the following error "System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001".
My trigger handler class:
My Trigger:
Debug log:
Please help with me some pointers in resolving the issue
I wrote a trigger which performs the following operation. Whenever data is uploaded into Customer object, it checks for existing records, and if found any, updates the fields with new record. In Production, I need to upload around 400,00 records. Now when I am trying to load the data, It's throwing me the following error "System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001".
My trigger handler class:
public class AccountInsertTriggerHandler { private List<Account> trgOldList = new List<Account> (); private List<Account> trgNewList = new List<Account> (); private Map<id,Account> trgOldMap = new Map<id,Account>(); private Map<id,Account> trgNewMap = new Map<id,Account>(); public Map<String,Account> leadsMap = new Map<String,Account>(); private List<String> LeadList = new List<String> (); public AccountInsertTriggerHandler(List<Account> trgOldList,List<Account> trgNewList,Map<id,Account> trgOldMap,Map<id,Account> trgNewMap){ this.trgOldList = trgOldList; this.trgNewList = trgNewList; this.trgOldMap = trgOldMap; this.trgNewMap = trgNewMap; for(Account acct: trgNewList){ String UniqueCustID = acct.Region__pc + '-' + acct.PersonEmail; LeadList.add(UniqueCustID); } List<Account> allLeads = [select AP_21_Per_IDX__c, AP21_perIDx__pc, AP21_Code__pc, Salutation, AP21_Initials__pc, FirstName, LastName, Gender__pc, PersonBirthdate, AP21_StartDate__pc, PersonTitle, AP21_Password__pc, AP21_UpdateTimestamp__pc, AP21_Privacy__pc, AP21_Reference_Sales_rep__pc, BillingStreet, AP21_Billing_AddressLine2__pc, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingPostalCode, BillingCountry, ShippingStreet, ShippingCity, ShippingState, ShippingPostalCode, ShippingCountry, PersonEmail, Home_Phone__pc, PersonMobilePhone, Business_Phone__pc, AP21_Loyalty_ID__pc, AP21_LoyaltyTypeID__pc, AP21_LoyaltyType__pc, AP21_Loyalty_CardNo__pc, AP21_Loyalty_CardExpiry__pc, AP21_Loyalty_Balance__pc, AP21_Loyalty_CreditStatus__pc, AP21_Loyalty_Message__pc, AP21_Loyalty_JoinDate__pc, AP21_LoyaltyStatusID__pc, AP21_Loyalty_Currency__pc, AP21_Loyalty_Code__pc, AP21_Loyalty_Format__pc, Store__pc, Region__pc from Account where AP_21_Per_IDX__c = null and UniqueID__pc IN : LeadList limit 50000]; for (Account accLeads: allLeads){ String UniqueLeadsID = accLeads.Region__pc + '-' + accLeads.PersonEmail; leadsMap.put(UniqueLeadsId,accLeads); // System.debug(leadsMap); } } public void OnAfterInsert(){ CompareCustomersToLeads(trgNewList,null); } /*public void OnBeforeInsert(){ CompareCustomersToLeads(trgNewList,null); }*/ public void CompareCustomersToLeads(List<Account> trgNewList,Map<id,Account> trgOldMap){ //Add to map using Region and emailAddress as Key and Account record as value.Only add records from Flow User ////Retrieve all leads (where PerIdx is blank and created by not Flow) and create map ////compare similiar records in the maps i.e for each customer record in customer map, find lead record //compare values and update lead with PerIdx and other values Map<String,Account> customerMap = new Map<String,Account>(); // Map<String,Account> leadsMap = new Map<String,Account>(); List<Account> leadsToUpdate = new List<Account>(); List<Account> customersToDelete = new List<Account>(); for(Account acc: trgNewList){ String UniqueID = acc.Region__pc + '-' + acc.PersonEmail; if(leadsMap.containsKey(UniqueID)){ customerMap.put(UniqueID,acc); //acc.addError('No Match to Lead hence cannot Insert'); } //System.debug(customerMap); } for(String key:customerMap.keySet()){ // System.debug('********KEY ' + key); if(leadsMap.containsKey(key)){ Account customerRecord = customerMap.get(key); Account leadsRecord = leadsMap.get(key); // System.debug(customerRecord); // System.debug(leadsRecord); if(customerRecord.AP_21_Per_IDX__c!=null &&leadsRecord.AP_21_Per_IDX__c==null){ // System.debug('*********** Met Conditions'); leadsRecord.AP_21_Per_IDX__c = customerRecord.AP_21_Per_IDX__c; leadsRecord.AP21_perIDx__pc = customerRecord.AP21_perIDx__pc; leadsRecord.FirstName = customerRecord.FirstName; leadsRecord.LastName = customerRecord.LastName; leadsRecord.PersonMobilePhone = customerRecord.PersonMobilePhone; if(leadsRecord.Gender__pc==null) leadsRecord.Gender__pc = customerRecord.Gender__pc; if(leadsRecord.PersonBirthdate==null) leadsRecord.PersonBirthdate = customerRecord.PersonBirthdate; if(leadsRecord.Store__pc==null) leadsRecord.Store__pc = customerRecord.Store__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Code__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Code__pc; leadsRecord.Salutation = customerRecord.Salutation; leadsRecord.AP21_Initials__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Initials__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_StartDate__pc = customerRecord.AP21_StartDate__pc; leadsRecord.PersonTitle = customerRecord.PersonTitle; leadsRecord.AP21_Password__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Password__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_UpdateTimestamp__pc = customerRecord.AP21_UpdateTimestamp__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Privacy__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Privacy__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Reference_Sales_rep__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Reference_Sales_rep__pc; leadsRecord.BillingStreet = customerRecord.BillingStreet; leadsRecord.AP21_Billing_AddressLine2__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Billing_AddressLine2__pc; leadsRecord.BillingCity = customerRecord.BillingCity; leadsRecord.BillingState = customerRecord.BillingState; leadsRecord.BillingPostalCode = customerRecord.BillingPostalCode; leadsRecord.BillingCountry = customerRecord.BillingCountry; leadsRecord.ShippingStreet = customerRecord.ShippingStreet; leadsRecord.ShippingCity = customerRecord.ShippingCity; leadsRecord.ShippingState = customerRecord.ShippingState; leadsRecord.ShippingPostalCode = customerRecord.ShippingPostalCode; leadsRecord.ShippingCountry = customerRecord.ShippingCountry; leadsRecord.PersonEmail = customerRecord.PersonEmail; if(leadsRecord.Home_Phone__pc==null) leadsRecord.Home_Phone__pc = customerRecord.Home_Phone__pc; if(leadsRecord.PersonMobilePhone==null) leadsRecord.PersonMobilePhone = customerRecord.PersonMobilePhone; if(leadsRecord.Business_Phone__pc==null) leadsRecord.Business_Phone__pc = customerRecord.Business_Phone__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_ID__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_ID__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_LoyaltyTypeID__pc = customerRecord.AP21_LoyaltyTypeID__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_LoyaltyType__pc = customerRecord.AP21_LoyaltyType__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_CardNo__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_CardNo__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_CardExpiry__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_CardExpiry__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Balance__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Balance__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_CreditStatus__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_CreditStatus__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Message__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Message__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_JoinDate__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_JoinDate__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_LoyaltyStatusID__pc = customerRecord.AP21_LoyaltyStatusID__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Currency__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Currency__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Code__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Code__pc; leadsRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Format__pc = customerRecord.AP21_Loyalty_Format__pc; leadsRecord.Region__pc = customerRecord.Region__pc; leadsToUpdate.add(leadsRecord); customersToDelete.add(customerRecord); } } } update leadsToUpdate; List<Account> deleteCustomers = [select id from Account where id IN: customersToDelete limit 50000]; delete deleteCustomers; }
My Trigger:
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (after insert) { AccountInsertTriggerHandler accInsTriggerHandler = new AccountInsertTriggerHandler(Trigger.old,Trigger.new,Trigger.oldmap,Trigger.newmap); if(Trigger.isInsert) accInsTriggerHandler.OnAfterInsert(); //if(Trigger.isInsert) //accInsTriggerHandler.OnBeforeInsert(); }
Debug log:
10:09:58.714 (18562455772)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[152]|Aggregations:0|SELECT id FROM Account WHERE id IN :tmpVar1 LIMIT 50000 10:09:58.714 (18569696442)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[152]|Rows:1 10:09:58.714 (18569734502)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[152]|System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001 10:09:58.714 (18569853312)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[152]|Bytes:30 10:09:58.714 (18569880194)|METHOD_EXIT|[47]|01p7F00000O4xqM|AccountInsertTriggerHandler.CompareCustomersToLeads(List<Account>, Map<Id,Account>) 10:09:58.714 (18569890597)|METHOD_EXIT|[4]|01p7F00000O4xqM|AccountInsertTriggerHandler.OnAfterInsert() 10:09:58.714 (18569947597)|FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001 Class.AccountInsertTriggerHandler.CompareCustomersToLeads: line 152, column 1 Class.AccountInsertTriggerHandler.OnAfterInsert: line 47, column 1 Trigger.AccountTrigger: line 4, column 1 10:09:58.714 (18569960836)|FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001 Class.AccountInsertTriggerHandler.CompareCustomersToLeads: line 152, column 1 Class.AccountInsertTriggerHandler.OnAfterInsert: line 47, column 1 Trigger.AccountTrigger: line 4, column 1 10:09:59.570 (18570083066)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE 10:09:59.570 (18570083066)|LIMIT_USAGE_FOR_NS|(default)| Number of SOQL queries: 2 out of 100 Number of query rows: 50001 out of 50000 ******* CLOSE TO LIMIT Number of SOSL queries: 0 out of 20 Number of DML statements: 1 out of 150 Number of DML rows: 3 out of 10000 Maximum CPU time: 5296 out of 10000 ******* CLOSE TO LIMIT Maximum heap size: 0 out of 6000000 Number of callouts: 0 out of 100 Number of Email Invocations: 0 out of 10 Number of future calls: 0 out of 50 Number of queueable jobs added to the queue: 0 out of 50 Number of Mobile Apex push calls: 0 out of 10 10:09:59.570 (18570083066)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE_END 10:09:58.714 (18571196926)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|AccountTrigger on Account trigger event AfterInsert|__sfdc_trigger/AccountTrigger 10:09:58.714 (18572303315)|EXECUTION_FINISHED
Please help with me some pointers in resolving the issue
- Rajbharath
- August 20, 2018
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Need help in bulkifying this code
I wrote the following code for Lead conversion, but I know that it is not properly bulkified. I have tried to bulkify it, but facing some issues. Please guide me on how to bulkify this code, so that I can use it as reference in the future.
public class LeadInsertTriggerHandler { public static void AfterInsert(List<Lead> lstLeads) { LeadStatus convertStatus = [select MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted = true limit 1]; List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConverts = new List<Database.LeadConvert>(); for (Lead lead: lstLeads) { if (!lead.isConverted) { Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(lead.Id); lc.setConvertedStatus(convertStatus.MasterLabel); lc.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); List<account> obj_account = [select id from account where Email_and_SiteID__c= :lead.Email_and_SiteID__c]; if(obj_account.size()>0) { lc.setAccountId(obj_account[0].id); } leadConverts.add(lc); } } if (!leadConverts.isEmpty()) { List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(leadConverts); } } }
- Rajbharath
- August 13, 2018
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Need Apex Test Class
Hello all, I am new to Apex development. I need a sample test class for the below code:
public with sharing class CalloutAssistantController { public Integer maxRounds { get; set; } public String teamToAdd { get; set; } public RoundWrapper roundToAdd { get; set; } public Integer fixturePositionToAdd { get; set; } public String playedRoundsBody { get; set; } public String rawResponseText { get; set; } public List<TeamWrapper> teamList { get; set; } public List<RoundWrapper> roundList { get; set; } public FixtureResponse fixtureResponse { get; set; } public String debugString { get; set; } public CalloutAssistantController() { maxRounds = 0; teamToAdd = ''; fixturePositionToAdd = null; playedRoundsBody = ''; teamList = new List<TeamWrapper>(); roundList = new List<RoundWrapper>(); rawResponseText = 'Please submit request'; debugString = ''; } public void addTeam() { teamList.add(new teamWrapper(teamToAdd, fixturePositionToAdd)); debugString = JSON.serializePretty(new FixtureRequest(maxRounds, teamList, roundList)); teamToAdd = ''; fixturePositionToAdd = null; } public void cleanList() { teamList = new List<TeamWrapper>(); } public void submitRequest() { FixtureRequest request = new FixtureRequest(maxRounds, teamList, roundList); fixtureResponse = new FixtureResponse(request); fixtureResponse.submitRequest(); } public class FixtureRequest { public Integer maxRounds { get; set; } public Map<String, Integer> teams { get; set; } public List<RoundWrapper> playedRounds { get; set; } public FixtureRequest() { this.maxRounds = null; this.teams = new Map<String, Integer>(); this.playedRounds = new List<RoundWrapper>(); } public FixtureRequest(Integer maxRounds, List<TeamWrapper> submittedTeams, List<RoundWrapper> playedRounds) { this.maxRounds = maxRounds; this.teams = new Map<String, Integer>(); for (TeamWrapper team : submittedTeams) { this.teams.put(team.teamName, team.fixturePosition); } this.playedRounds = playedRounds; } } public class FixtureResponse { public Boolean success { get; set; } public String errorString { get; set; } public String requestString { get; set; } public String rawResponseText { get; set; } public List<FixtureWrapper> fixtureList { get; set; } public FixtureResponse(FixtureRequest newRequest) { this.requestString = JSON.serialize(newRequest); fixtureList = new List<FixtureWrapper>(); } public void submitRequest() { try { HttpResponse response = HTTPCallout.sendRequest('http://perl-fixture-equalisation.herokuapp.com/fixture', 'POST', requestString, 'fixtureGeneration'); rawResponseText = response.getBody(); parseResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { HTTPCallout.apiCallLogEntry.ResponseBody__c = e.getMessage(); HTTPCallout.insertLogs(); } HTTPCallout.insertLogs(); } public void parseResponse() { Map<String, Object> root = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(rawResponseText); success = (String) root.get('status') == 'success'; if (!success) { errorString = (String) root.get('error'); } else { List<Object> fixtures = (List<Object>) root.get('rounds'); for (Object fixtureObject : fixtures) { Map<String, Object> fixtureMap = (Map<String, Object>) fixtureObject; FixtureWrapper fixture = new FixtureWrapper(); fixture.name = (String) fixtureMap.get('name'); List <Object> matches = (List<Object>) fixtureMap.get('matches'); for (Object matchObject : matches) { Map<String, Object> matchMap = (Map<String, Object>) matchObject; fixture.matches.add(new MatchWrapper((String) matchMap.get('home'), (String) matchMap.get('away'))); } fixtureList.add(fixture); } } } } public class FixtureWrapper { public String name { get; set; } public List<MatchWrapper> matches { get; set; } public FixtureWrapper() { this.name = ''; this.matches = new List<MatchWrapper>(); } } public class MatchWrapper { public String home { get; set; } public String away { get; set; } public MatchWrapper(String home, String away) { this.home = home; this.away = away; } } public class TeamWrapper { public String teamName { get; set; } public Integer fixturePosition { get; set; } public TeamWrapper(String teamName, Integer fixturePosition) { this.teamName = teamName; this.fixturePosition = fixturePosition; } } public class RoundWrapper { public List<MatchWrapper> matches { get; set; } public List<String> name { get; set; } public RoundWrapper(List<MatchWrapper> matches) { this.matches = matches; this.name = null; } } }
- Rajbharath
- May 23, 2018
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How to bulk convert Leads through anonymous window
Hello all,
I wrote the below trigger code for converting bulk leads into accounts through a trigger handler. I have a unique id field on both Account and Lead objects, which is a combination of Site ID+Email. If there is a existing account with the same UniqueID, just copy the data into empty fields. If no existing account is found, create a new one. The below Trigger code works totally fine,but I need to do the same through anonymous window. Suppose say there are 100 Leads in my org. I need to convert them all into accounts. If found existing accounts, just copy the data or if not, create a new account.
I wrote the below trigger code for converting bulk leads into accounts through a trigger handler. I have a unique id field on both Account and Lead objects, which is a combination of Site ID+Email. If there is a existing account with the same UniqueID, just copy the data into empty fields. If no existing account is found, create a new one. The below Trigger code works totally fine,but I need to do the same through anonymous window. Suppose say there are 100 Leads in my org. I need to convert them all into accounts. If found existing accounts, just copy the data or if not, create a new account.
public class LeadInsertTriggerHandler { public static void AfterInsert(List<Lead> lstLeads) { LeadStatus convertStatus = [select MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted = true limit 1]; List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConverts = new List<Database.LeadConvert>(); //Code for bulkifying Map<String, List<Account>> mapAccounts = new Map<String, List<Account>>(); Set<String> setEmails = new Set<String>(); for(Lead objLead : lstLeads) { setEmails.add(objLead.Email_and_SiteID__c); system.debug('Set Emails' + setEmails); } if(!setEmails.isEmpty()) { for(Account objAccount : [select id, Email_and_SiteID__c from account where Email_and_SiteID__c In: setEmails]) { if(mapAccounts.containsKey(objAccount.Email_and_SiteID__c)) { mapAccounts.get(objAccount.Email_and_SiteID__c).add(objAccount); } else { mapAccounts.put(objAccount.Email_and_SiteID__c, new List<Account>{objAccount}); } } } for (Lead lead: lstLeads) { if (!lead.isConverted) { Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(lead.Id); lc.setConvertedStatus(convertStatus.MasterLabel); lc.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); //bulkifying here if(mapAccounts.size()>0 && mapAccounts.containsKey(lead.Email_and_SiteID__c)) { lc.setAccountId(mapAccounts.get(lead.Email_and_SiteID__c)[0].id); } leadConverts.add(lc); } if (!leadConverts.isEmpty()) { List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(leadConverts); } } } }
- Rajbharath
- August 27, 2018
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Need help in bulkifying this code
I wrote the following code for Lead conversion, but I know that it is not properly bulkified. I have tried to bulkify it, but facing some issues. Please guide me on how to bulkify this code, so that I can use it as reference in the future.
public class LeadInsertTriggerHandler { public static void AfterInsert(List<Lead> lstLeads) { LeadStatus convertStatus = [select MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted = true limit 1]; List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConverts = new List<Database.LeadConvert>(); for (Lead lead: lstLeads) { if (!lead.isConverted) { Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(lead.Id); lc.setConvertedStatus(convertStatus.MasterLabel); lc.setDoNotCreateOpportunity(TRUE); List<account> obj_account = [select id from account where Email_and_SiteID__c= :lead.Email_and_SiteID__c]; if(obj_account.size()>0) { lc.setAccountId(obj_account[0].id); } leadConverts.add(lc); } } if (!leadConverts.isEmpty()) { List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(leadConverts); } } }
- Rajbharath
- August 13, 2018
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Need Apex Test Class
Hello all, I am new to Apex development. I need a sample test class for the below code:
public with sharing class CalloutAssistantController { public Integer maxRounds { get; set; } public String teamToAdd { get; set; } public RoundWrapper roundToAdd { get; set; } public Integer fixturePositionToAdd { get; set; } public String playedRoundsBody { get; set; } public String rawResponseText { get; set; } public List<TeamWrapper> teamList { get; set; } public List<RoundWrapper> roundList { get; set; } public FixtureResponse fixtureResponse { get; set; } public String debugString { get; set; } public CalloutAssistantController() { maxRounds = 0; teamToAdd = ''; fixturePositionToAdd = null; playedRoundsBody = ''; teamList = new List<TeamWrapper>(); roundList = new List<RoundWrapper>(); rawResponseText = 'Please submit request'; debugString = ''; } public void addTeam() { teamList.add(new teamWrapper(teamToAdd, fixturePositionToAdd)); debugString = JSON.serializePretty(new FixtureRequest(maxRounds, teamList, roundList)); teamToAdd = ''; fixturePositionToAdd = null; } public void cleanList() { teamList = new List<TeamWrapper>(); } public void submitRequest() { FixtureRequest request = new FixtureRequest(maxRounds, teamList, roundList); fixtureResponse = new FixtureResponse(request); fixtureResponse.submitRequest(); } public class FixtureRequest { public Integer maxRounds { get; set; } public Map<String, Integer> teams { get; set; } public List<RoundWrapper> playedRounds { get; set; } public FixtureRequest() { this.maxRounds = null; this.teams = new Map<String, Integer>(); this.playedRounds = new List<RoundWrapper>(); } public FixtureRequest(Integer maxRounds, List<TeamWrapper> submittedTeams, List<RoundWrapper> playedRounds) { this.maxRounds = maxRounds; this.teams = new Map<String, Integer>(); for (TeamWrapper team : submittedTeams) { this.teams.put(team.teamName, team.fixturePosition); } this.playedRounds = playedRounds; } } public class FixtureResponse { public Boolean success { get; set; } public String errorString { get; set; } public String requestString { get; set; } public String rawResponseText { get; set; } public List<FixtureWrapper> fixtureList { get; set; } public FixtureResponse(FixtureRequest newRequest) { this.requestString = JSON.serialize(newRequest); fixtureList = new List<FixtureWrapper>(); } public void submitRequest() { try { HttpResponse response = HTTPCallout.sendRequest('http://perl-fixture-equalisation.herokuapp.com/fixture', 'POST', requestString, 'fixtureGeneration'); rawResponseText = response.getBody(); parseResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { HTTPCallout.apiCallLogEntry.ResponseBody__c = e.getMessage(); HTTPCallout.insertLogs(); } HTTPCallout.insertLogs(); } public void parseResponse() { Map<String, Object> root = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(rawResponseText); success = (String) root.get('status') == 'success'; if (!success) { errorString = (String) root.get('error'); } else { List<Object> fixtures = (List<Object>) root.get('rounds'); for (Object fixtureObject : fixtures) { Map<String, Object> fixtureMap = (Map<String, Object>) fixtureObject; FixtureWrapper fixture = new FixtureWrapper(); fixture.name = (String) fixtureMap.get('name'); List <Object> matches = (List<Object>) fixtureMap.get('matches'); for (Object matchObject : matches) { Map<String, Object> matchMap = (Map<String, Object>) matchObject; fixture.matches.add(new MatchWrapper((String) matchMap.get('home'), (String) matchMap.get('away'))); } fixtureList.add(fixture); } } } } public class FixtureWrapper { public String name { get; set; } public List<MatchWrapper> matches { get; set; } public FixtureWrapper() { this.name = ''; this.matches = new List<MatchWrapper>(); } } public class MatchWrapper { public String home { get; set; } public String away { get; set; } public MatchWrapper(String home, String away) { this.home = home; this.away = away; } } public class TeamWrapper { public String teamName { get; set; } public Integer fixturePosition { get; set; } public TeamWrapper(String teamName, Integer fixturePosition) { this.teamName = teamName; this.fixturePosition = fixturePosition; } } public class RoundWrapper { public List<MatchWrapper> matches { get; set; } public List<String> name { get; set; } public RoundWrapper(List<MatchWrapper> matches) { this.matches = matches; this.name = null; } } }
- Rajbharath
- May 23, 2018
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