• Venkatesh
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Hi Team,

We have Using window.onload() to call a javascript function in salesforce classic. This works fine in classic. Now we have to migrate to lightning.
lightning won't support the window.onload(). Is there any alternative solution to fix this issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you. 
I am getting this error at the time of running test class at the below line .

ProducList = (List<jsonvalue>) System.JSON.deserialize(ProductDetails , List<jsonvalue>.class);

ProducList is the value for pageblocktable.any help can be appreciable.Thank you.
I have a input text field. If user changes the value there something like dialog box to inform that the value has been changed.for this i have used "onkeyup" in the inputtext as shown below 
<apex:inputText value="{!Qty}"  onkeyup="unitPriceValidation();"/>  
and this is the method that am calling .
public void unitPriceValidation(){
         System.debug('inside unitPriceValidation');
         for(jsonvalue wrapper : ProducList){
             String unitQuantity;
             String Price;
             unitQuantity = wrapper.Qty;
             Price = wrapper.UnitPrice;
             System.debug('Quanity :' +unitQuantity);
             System.debug('Price :' +Price);
 But am unable to see the debug log . I think the function is not calling .
Where is the mistake .
Hi ,
I have a visualforce page(vf1) which have a standard controller as account .It has button and a inputtext as a field .There is a another visualforce page(vf2) which has standard controller Opportunity and a inputtextfield. When a user enter a value in inputtext of vf1 and hit submit button it should redirect to a visualforce page(vf2) and a value should of vf1 should display in vf2. How is it possible.? 

I am new to lightning, I am trying to create a lightning app which have to do action(replaceing URL hacking).
when i am trying to execute the application it showing an error as shown below.

"This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. Assertion Failed!: Unable to get value for key 'AIO.doInit'. No value provider was found for 'AIO'. : false Failing descriptor: {AIO:myFirstURLHACKApp}"

Here AIO is my name space.
Hi ,
I have ran into an error. where I have successfully quired the account names into look-up field.But  i am unable to select the account name which contain single quotatoin(').

Below is an explanation , 
The Account field has a Lookup filter to select only names. If there is a apostorphe  (example name : Kings's Empire ) in the Account name. I was unable to select it . 
Can anybody plese help to fix it.

Hi All,
I have a Object A,VF page and a controller on Object A. There are few fields in Object A including custom field abc__c.
In VF page i have a fied xyz  and two buttons save , cancel .when i click save button it should redirect to Object A creation page and insert the value xyz. how it is possible.
Thank you.
Hi all,

I have two objects A and B.A is master and B is detail object.In object A,I have a record, when I open that record and scroll down, in related list we have list of child objects and a new button.when I create a new child record from Object A  related list by clicking new button it will redirect to VF page.I have controller for this VF page.So my recruitment is to get the Object A record id to controller.Can any one help me .
Hi Team,

We have Using window.onload() to call a javascript function in salesforce classic. This works fine in classic. Now we have to migrate to lightning.
lightning won't support the window.onload(). Is there any alternative solution to fix this issue.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you. 

I am new to lightning, I am trying to create a lightning app which have to do action(replaceing URL hacking).
when i am trying to execute the application it showing an error as shown below.

"This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. Assertion Failed!: Unable to get value for key 'AIO.doInit'. No value provider was found for 'AIO'. : false Failing descriptor: {AIO:myFirstURLHACKApp}"

Here AIO is my name space.
Hi ,
I have ran into an error. where I have successfully quired the account names into look-up field.But  i am unable to select the account name which contain single quotatoin(').

Below is an explanation , 
The Account field has a Lookup filter to select only names. If there is a apostorphe  (example name : Kings's Empire ) in the Account name. I was unable to select it . 
Can anybody plese help to fix it.

can any one help me in giving brief description of sales cloud, service cloud and marketing cloud ? 

thank you,
Hello All,
     I'm stuck in the middle of this problem I don't know how check from which source user page extrated. If I open user page first in salesforce classic and after I switch it to Lightning.
Thanks to all of you in advance

Taresh Pandey


1)Should have hands on experience in Requirement analysis, Design and development 
2) Should have hands on experience in SFDC (Salesforce.com) Development 
3) Should have hands on experience in Apex/Visual Force 
4) Should have hands on experience in Salesforce.com configuration/Work flow

  • January 04, 2012
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Hi all

  I have created Visualforce page for PDF usage. I have listed some Rich text values from controller class like given below

<page  standardController="Shipment_Header__c">

<apex:outputText value="{!PackingSlipSignature}"/>



The 'packingSlipSignature'  Return some company address from controller class. This i want dispaly one by one but this  display as given below

CompanyName<br> RK Salai<br> chennai<br> <br>


What can i do for this.