• amrita h 7
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I have a lightning component with 9 div boxes in it. By clicking on these divs, it should the content inside it in another component or another different div box. Is there anyway to do this? I am very new to lightning, so i am not aware of the functionality available in it. Please help me on this.
Code sample is here.
    <div onclick="{!c.fire}" id="div1"> 
	<p>Section 1 Content</p>
	<div onclick="{!c.fire}" id="div2"> 
	<p>Section 2 Content</p>
	<div id="content">
	Display the content here depending on the Click happens on the above divs. If div 1 clicks it should show section 1 Content. If div 2 clicks it should show section 2 Content.
	(If this div content is possible to show in different component also fine.)


Question in detail : I have 20 Users {U1, U2, U3....}
and 5 Regions {R1, R2, R3, R4, R5}
and Ammount__C custom field on User.
Now those users are distributed among those regions. So i want to give them Rank(Rank__c) depends on the amount they have. for Greater the amount rank will be first. And it should be region wise. Should not consider all users at once. If One region has 6 users, then they should be ranked from 1 to 6. same thing for the next region again. Hope i am clear here.

How to achieve this?
I have a lightning component with aura iteration. i want to dspaly only up to 5 records in the boxes.
variable 'FslFromBox' is having around 70 records here. and i am displaying this in one single div box. In this box, i want only 5 records to be shown. rest of the records(after 5 iterations) should not be shown on the box.
how to achieve this?

Code is below.
<aura:attribute name="FslFromBox" type="list"/>
<div style="background-color:#1589ee" class="slds-col slds-size_3-of-12 fslContainer">
                <div class="userName">
                    <aura:iteration items="{!v.FslFromBox}" var="FslFromBox" indexVar="int">

                            <aura:if isTrue="{!and((FslFromBox.ASQ_12MM__c ge 30),(FslFromBox.ASQ_Close_Rate__c ge 0),(FslFromBox.ASQ_Close_Rate__c lt 10))}">
                             <div class="demo-only">
                                        <lightning:formattedText value="{!FslFromBox.User__r.Name}"/></span>    

I have one basic question which i'm struggling to get it sorted out. Please help out with your inputs. I have a custom profile, and the profile has all access to create, edit, and delete the event records. But still when i try editing the details of the event i am not getting Standard Save button on the page. i am seriously wondering how is it possible even.Can anyone please help to find out What must be the reason for this?

Save button is missing
I have a lightning component with aura iteration. i want to dspaly only up to 5 records in the boxes.
variable 'FslFromBox' is having around 70 records here. and i am displaying this in one single div box. In this box, i want only 5 records to be shown. rest of the records(after 5 iterations) should not be shown on the box.
how to achieve this?

Code is below.
<aura:attribute name="FslFromBox" type="list"/>
<div style="background-color:#1589ee" class="slds-col slds-size_3-of-12 fslContainer">
                <div class="userName">
                    <aura:iteration items="{!v.FslFromBox}" var="FslFromBox" indexVar="int">

                            <aura:if isTrue="{!and((FslFromBox.ASQ_12MM__c ge 30),(FslFromBox.ASQ_Close_Rate__c ge 0),(FslFromBox.ASQ_Close_Rate__c lt 10))}">
                             <div class="demo-only">
                                        <lightning:formattedText value="{!FslFromBox.User__r.Name}"/></span>    

Hi All,
I am trying to create the pdf form for using  Quote/any object details in salesforce.for this i am using lightning components.I am new to the lightning components.can any one provide the lightning material to learn lightning components perfectly.can provide the some sample code to create the lighting components to generate the Pdf for Quote object.
thanks in advance
Hi All,

I have a VF page built on Lightning Design system (LDS) framework. When I add the renderAs="PDF" attribute, pdf does not show the content with LDS CSS/Style.
Reference Link: https://github.com/salesforce-ux/design-system/issues/341

Note1: apex:page tag has all the usual attributes which is required for pdf (showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false" docType="html-5.0" applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false")

Note2: Salesforce supports external stylesheet. That is, CSS file stored in Static resource. URL for example:https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Creating_Professional_PDF_Documents_with_CSS_and_Visualforce

I also copied the whole css content from the LDS CSS file (Path: 'assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-vf.min.css') and applied as inline CSS in VF page. But still, there is no luck.

My styleSheet is referred in VF page as below
apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.SLDS221, 'assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-vf.min.css')}"

Page works absolutely fine if it is not rendered as PDF.
Also questioned in Stack Exchange: https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/178572/visualforce-renderas-pdf-not-supporting-slds-css

Any suggestions guys??
I am trying to create a PDF version of an existing visualforce page using Bootstrap.

The visualforce page looks great until I add the renderAs="pdf" attribute to the page, which causes me to receive the following error:

"PDF generation failed. Check the page markup is valid."

When I comment out the following line of code, the pdf generates(without styling obviously)
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstrap, 'css/bootstrap.min.css')}" />

Has anyone come across this issue before?
  • September 30, 2015
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