• Pruthiviraj Gane
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Is there a way I can use a lightning-card in LWC using a custom icon?
<lightning-card title="Related JIRA Issues" icon-name="standard:lightning_component">

Hi all,

I created an visualforce page for bulk send sms.

User-added image
    I want to insert custom object field names in the message log how        can i achieve it any suggestions

My code:
<apex:page standardController="Campaign" extensions="Campaignbulk"  showHeader="true" sidebar="true">
    <apex:form >        
        <apex:pageBlock id="ThePage">                       
            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" rendered="{!firstPanel}">                
                <apex:outputText label="Campaign Name :">
                <apex:outputText label="Count :">
                <apex:inputTextarea value="{!smsText }" label="Text :" html-maxLength="160" rows="5" cols="40" required="true" style="resize:none;"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="send" action="{!sendbulk}"/>
            <apex:pageBlockSection rendered="{!secondPanel}" >                   
                  "Total {!cnt} Message in queue".

Thanks inadvance......
  • March 04, 2020
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Is there a way I can use a lightning-card in LWC using a custom icon?
<lightning-card title="Related JIRA Issues" icon-name="standard:lightning_component">

I am new to Salesforce Ecosystem.Can anybody help me solving this :

Contact has a multi select custom field called Role__c which can have values (Surgeon;Nurse;First Assist;Admin;CSR).
Account has a custom field called Total_Score__c which is a number field.
Mapping table Role_Score__c looks like this
Role__c         Score__c
Surgeon         10
Nurse           5
First Assist    10
Admin           0
CSR             20
When a contact is created/updated, get total score of all the UNIQUE roles that exist on all the contacts of the account.
Ex: Account 1
Contact 1 with roles Surgeon;Admin
Contact 2 with roles CSR:Admin
On Account 1 we should store the value as (10 + 0 + 20 = 30) because we only have 3 unique roles

I need with proper explanation :  
Hi Experts,

Can anyone help me how to write test class for the below method.

public override void onCommit(){
        OM_ManageService manageRemittanceSVC = (OM_ManageRService)this.svc;
        String accJSON = OM_WorkService.getJSONAttribute(manageRemittanceSVC.jsonString, 'AccountInfo');
        Map<String, List<SObject>> accObjects =  OM_WorkService.getSObjects(accJSON);
        Account acc = (Account)accObjects.get('Account')[0];
        if(acc!= null){
            upsert acc;
        Below is the OM_WorkService.getJSONAttribut    
             public static String getJSONAttribute(String jsonStr, String attr){
        Map<String, Object> m = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(jsonStr);
            return (String)m.get(attr);
        return null;

Please provide the API for fetching metadata types and components. 

Thanks and Regards,
Diwakar G