• Chellappa Nagarajan
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Hello all,

I followed the directions in the Trailhead module and clicked https://localhost:8443. I received the below error.

This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

I have internet connection, there is no proxy, and I turned off the firewall. I saw documentation that suggested checking for missing "listen:443". I found it in the nginx.conf file. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I need a way to see a description and list of affected components from an ant deployment like you can with a change set. One developer at our location prefers using ant. I'd be fine with that, but by using change sets I have immediate access to know what was changed with each deployment and ant doesn't provide any of that. Seems like at a minimum it should provide the list of items referenced by the manifest and a meaningful name and description of what the deployment was for.
How the Javascript will be there in the HYPERLINK function. Please give an example for this. What is the solution for this.
Please share an example of HYPERLINK in which Javascript is used.
Thanks in advance
Hi Friends,
How to get all accounts and recpective contacts in JSON format? Also I need to return Product name from a custom object and this product name field is a text field and its containing products name. But problem I m facing is its returning all duplicate products also but I need unique one. Suppose I have hundred records so product name can be multiple time. Please check the code and let me know the changes i need in code
 public static string AccountContactProductList(){
        SalesAIRecommendations.Response item = new SalesAIRecommendations.Response();
                    item.status = 'SUCCESS';
                    item.code = 1000;
                    item.message = 'SUCCESS';
                    item.mappingId = 0;
                    item.sessionToken = null;
                    item.userType = null;
                    item.name = null;
                    item.emailId = null;
                    item.data1 = new List<SalesAIRecommendations.Data1>();
        SalesAIRecommendations.Data1 data1 = new SalesAIRecommendations.Data1();
        data1.Accounts = new List<SalesAIRecommendations.Accounts>();
        set<Id> accountids= new set<Id>();
        List<Account> accountlist= [select Id,Name FROM Account];
                       for(Account a : accountlist){
       List<Contact> contactlist= [select Id,account.id, account.name, Name From contact WHERE AccountId In:accountids];
        for(contact con:contactlist ){
        SalesAIRecommendations.Accounts Accounts = new SalesAIRecommendations.Accounts();
                                Accounts.accountId = con.account.id;
                                Accounts.accountName = con.account.name;
        data1.Contacts = new List<SalesAIRecommendations.Contacts>();
        for(contact con:contactlist ){
        SalesAIRecommendations.Contacts Contacts = new SalesAIRecommendations.Contacts();
                                Contacts.contactId = con.Id;
                                Contacts.contactName = con.Name;
        data1.Recommendation = new Set<SalesAIRecommendations.Recommendation>();
        Set<Recommendation__c> Product_RecommendationList = new Set<Recommendation__c>([SELECT Product_Recommendation__c FROM Recommendation__c ORDER BY Product_Recommendation__c ASC]);
        system.debug('ProductsList#######:' +Product_RecommendationList);
        for (Recommendation__c PR :Product_RecommendationList){
        SalesAIRecommendations.Recommendation Product_Recom = new SalesAIRecommendations.Recommendation();
                            Product_Recom.Product_Recommendation = PR.Product_Recommendation__c;
        system.debug('{"Account_Contact_List":' + JSON.serialize(item) + '}');
        return '{"Account_Contact_List":' + JSON.serialize(item) + '}';
  • September 13, 2017
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I would like to automatially populate lookup fields on the child object which reflect the same lookup values of the parent object (Opportunity object).
How can I achieve this? I have looked into this and I have found a link below which is helpful to a point, it only shows how to auto populate a text field but not a lookup field.

  • September 13, 2017
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Hi Guys,

We have a before Update Trigger on Lead which fires on Lead conversion to check some mandatory values and just add error using Apex.adderror() method to display the error message to the user. This trigger is not firing for some users instead of trigger's error message they are getting an error message which is the result of a process builder which tries to update an Opportunity name when an Oporutnity is created. When I(system admin) login as them and try it is displaying the trigger's error message. 

I am not sure what is happening.

Does any one have any idea or had the same issue?

Hi, we have account information, want to add the new account to salesforce, which web api or web service should we use?
The document is too large, it's hard to figure it out. We just want the web api url or web service wsdl methods.
Hi All,

I am developing partner wsdl java applicartion. from CSV file i am getting the date field value as  '09/12/2017'. how should i convert that date format to salesforce date format in using partner wsdl java application.

SObject so = new SObject();
so.setField("Effective_Date__c",   ? what is the way to convert this  '09/12/2017' date to saelsforce date format in my java application );
Is there a way to see what the SF API wsdl looks like? We want to see what data element are required on the request to SF.
  • September 12, 2017
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