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The BGC agency will reply to an email address set in salesforce with BGC status and based on the status in the email, BGC status should be set either as "Cleared" or "Failed" .
User should be able to raise a case (link it with a position) if a position is a high priority position and hasn't got closed with a suitable profile in 30 days. Based on the case Title ("High priority Position not closed in 30 days"), case should be auto assigned to HR head (a user in the system).

i need a trigger for this question and i am not having any idea
can any one help me how to start this.
Create an insert/update trigger on Opportunity such that if the opportunity is Primary, then make all other opportunities for that account as non-primary.

I am new to sfdc. i want the implementation of trigger logic in apex class. i have tried by writing logic which is shown below. iam getting error of creating apex class. can anyone help me.
Apex class:
public class Oppurtunity{
    public static void display()
 List<Id> accID = new List<Id>();
    for(Oppurtunity opp : trigger.new)
        if(opp.accountId != null){

    List<account> acc = [select id, (select id, IsPrimary__c FROM Opportunity where IsPrimary__c = true) from Account WHERE Id In: accID];
 Map<id, boolean> bool = new map<id,boolean>();
    for(account a : acc){
        bool.put(a.id, a.Oppurtunities.size()>0 ? true : false);

    for(Oppurtunity opp : trigger.new)
        if(bool.get(opp.AccountId) == true)
            c.addError('no more primary Oppurtunities');


trigger checkaccount1 on Opportunity(before insert, before update)
A mechanism which will update Hiring manager to a default Hiring manager (a generic contact) in case a position is created without any hiring manager
 User should be able to raise a case (link it with a position) if a position is a high priority position and hasn't got closed with a suitable profile in 30 days. Based on the case Title ("High priority Position not closed in 30 days"), case should be auto assigned to  HR head (a user in the system).
The BGC agency will reply to an email address set in salesforce with BGC status and based on the status in the email, BGC status should be set either as "Cleared" or "Failed" .  Custom buttons on Candidate page layouts to either pass BGC or Fail BGC (will be used if email service is down )
A visualforce search page where the user can perform wild card search for candidates using their location and or skill set
Universal Containers requires budget approval for all campaigns. Budgeted costs under 25,000 USD require approval from the VP of Marketing. Costs over 25,000 USD require approval from the VP of Finance and from the CEO
i am new to visual force . i need some help 
Q)The user can search for positions using,
1. Position Title
2. Functional Area
3. >= Min Pay    (Validate for number using JavaScript)
4. <= Max Pay    (Validate for number using JavaScript)

The search can be either a closed search or an open search. Use a checkbox to capture this from the user. By default it should be a closed search. For closed searches, query the positions that matches all the criteria. For open searches, include all results that matches any of the criteria.

After the user clicks “Search” button, display the results in a table. The table can include all the important Position fields. Display the Position Title as a link and on click of that link, popup the Standard Detail page of that position record. Show an edit button next to each row. Once they click the edit button, popup a new window where they are redirected to Standard Edit page of that Position record.
Create an insert/update trigger on Opportunity such that when the Opportunity Stage = ‘Qualification’, check if the corresponding Account field IsActive status = true. If IsActive=false then update IsActive=true.
Note: ‘IsActive’ is not a standard field. Create a custom checkbox field named ‘IsActive’ on Account before proceeding with the trigger
1)Opportunity and Training Session are related objects.
2)Training Session should have following fields:
a)Opt-options (Picklist with values yes/no)
b)Country Picklist (India/Japan/UK/Singapore)
c)Primary-interest Picklist (Reading/Writing/Drawing/Music)
d)Secondary-interest Multi-valued Picklist (Fantasy/fiction/management/modern art/paint/crayon/pencil shading/classical/rock/pop)

e)Area of Interest (Rich Text Area)

f)Number Of Training Days

4)Display secondary fields’ crayon/paint/modern art if primary-interest field Drawing is selected.
5)Display secondary fields’ classical/rock/pop if primary-interest field Music is selected
6)Display secondary fields Fantasy/fiction/Management if primary-interest field Reading/Writing is selected
7)Ability to have a new field on Opportunity that shows the total number of training days which is a total from the “Number of Training Days” field on the related Training Session records.

8)If selected Opt-option is “Yes”, then user must provide a value for “Number of Training Days”.
i need solution for 7th question
i want to relate Oppurtunity and Training session objects and the field No of Training Days in Training session record should be auto populated on No of training days field on oppurtunity standard object
The BGC agency will reply to an email address set in salesforce with BGC status and based on the status in the email, BGC status should be set either as "Cleared" or "Failed" .
User should be able to raise a case (link it with a position) if a position is a high priority position and hasn't got closed with a suitable profile in 30 days. Based on the case Title ("High priority Position not closed in 30 days"), case should be auto assigned to HR head (a user in the system).

i need a trigger for this question and i am not having any idea
can any one help me how to start this.
A mechanism which will update Hiring manager to a default Hiring manager (a generic contact) in case a position is created without any hiring manager
A visualforce search page where the user can perform wild card search for candidates using their location and or skill set
Create an insert/update trigger on Opportunity such that when the Opportunity Stage = ‘Qualification’, check if the corresponding Account field IsActive status = true. If IsActive=false then update IsActive=true.
Note: ‘IsActive’ is not a standard field. Create a custom checkbox field named ‘IsActive’ on Account before proceeding with the trigger
i want to relate Oppurtunity and Training session objects and the field No of Training Days in Training session record should be auto populated on No of training days field on oppurtunity standard object