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https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/components/datepickers/#contenti am able to see the datepicker on the page, however when i click  on date it doesn't work .

Hey guys!

For our development, we are using a dev org and are deploying a managed package to three different production orgs. As of yesterday, we are unable to open the package. When clicking on the name of the package, we receive the following error:

An internal server error has occurred
Error ID: 1247250381-61982 (-1365490992)

This now means we are unable to roll-out what has been build during our sprint. As you can understand, this is quite a problem.

Is there anyone who can advice me on what to do?
Thank you in advance for your response.


In my Dev Org, I downloaded a static resource (as zip), changed the css in it  and upload back the static resource successfully. All I did was change value of a "max-height" style attribute from X value to Y.

Post I upload the updated static resource file, the updated style value is NOT applied immediately. Using Developer Toolbar, when I check the style, it still shows the old value for the style attribute.
In Chrome, the .scss file  (I guess generated dynamically from .css file) does not have updated style value. Is there any SFDC background job/process that converts .css file to .scss file? If so, how do we make it take this updated style immediately?
To reflect the change, sometimes it takes a day . Sometimes its 15-20 minutes. Sometimes it does not get applied at all. This behavior is shown across Chrome, FireFox, Edge, IE and on Android phone.

 What step am I missing here ?


I have deployed this Apex Testing class in production that messed up my whole production org; it got to a point where I'm not able to deploy anything on production nor able to delete it (the Apex class that's causing the issue). 

Here what I did to delete test class:

1. I download Eclipse and insalled the Foce.com IDE.
2. Then I created Foce.com two projects; one includes all my master production org components and one includes all of my sandbox components.
3. After that I went to sandbox project and altered my class file.xml to "Deleted" and changed four of my triggers (tied to the class, not needed anymore) to "Inactive"
4. I attempted to deploy the five components (referenced above) to production in order to delete trigger and deactive class but I failed. Got this error message and coverage results:
*** Deployment Log ***
Result: FAILED
Date: October 17, 2017 5:35:32 PM PDT

# Deployed From:
   Project name: Inbody_replacing
   Username: mahmoud@enarahealth.com.sandbox
   Endpoint: test.salesforce.com

# Deployed To:
   Username: mahmoud@enarahealth.com
   Endpoint: login.salesforce.com

# Deploy Results:
   File Name:    classes/InsertInbodyData_TestClass.cls
   Full Name:  InsertInbodyData_TestClass
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    package.xml
   Full Name:  package.xml
   Action:  UPDATED
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    triggers/GetInitialPBFValue.trigger
   Full Name:  GetInitialPBFValue
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    triggers/GetInitialSMMValue.trigger
   Full Name:  GetInitialSMMValue
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    triggers/GetLatestPBFValue.trigger
   Full Name:  GetLatestPBFValue
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

   File Name:    triggers/GetLatestSMMValue.trigger
   Full Name:  GetLatestSMMValue
   Action:  NO ACTION
   Result:  SUCCESS
   Problem: n/a

# Test Results:

Run Failures:
  InsertInbodyData_TestClass.UpdateBIA System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a076100000HLRd3AAH; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, invalid cross reference id: []
Deployement coverage results:

User-added image

Here is the code for Apex class (InsertInbodyData_TestClass) and one of the triggers (GetInitialPBFValue) (The triggers logic is identical across all four triggers).
Trigger GetInitialPBFValue on Inbody__c(after insert, after update) {
    Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();

    for (Inbody__c inbdy : trigger.new) {

    //Elimnate the the accounts that don't have IDs for

    //SOQL query that returns that latest weight value 
    if (!accountIds.isEmpty()) {
        List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
        for (Account account : [
            Select Id,
                    SELECT Test_Date_Time__c, Percent_Body_Fat__c
                    FROM Inbody__r
                    WHERE Percent_Body_Fat__c != NULL
                    ORDER by Test_Date_Time__c asc
                    Limit 1
            From Account
            Where Id in :accountIds
        ]) {
            //Declare a decimal variable to store latest weight value 
            Decimal IPBF = NULL;
            // Get(0) to return the first element in the list value
            if (!account.Inbody__r.isEmpty()) {
                IPBF = account.Inbody__r.get(0).Percent_Body_Fat__c;

            accountsToUpdate.add(new Account(
                Id = account.Id,
                initial_PBF_Value__c = IPBF
        Update accountsToUpdate;

GetInitialPBFValue Trigger:
Private class InsertInbodyData_TestClass {

    @isTest static void InsertInbody() {
        Account accnts = new Account();
        Inbody__c BIA = new Inbody__c();
        RecordType rt = [SELECT ID,Name FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType='Account' and Name='Patients' Limit 1];
        accnts.name = 'afagas';
        accnts.RecordTypeID = rt.id;
        insert accnts;
        BIA.Skeletal_Muscle_Mass__c = 200;
        BIA.Percent_Body_Fat__c = 160;
        BIA.Test_Date_Time__c = Date.today();
        BIA.patient__c = accnts.id;
        insert BIA;
    @isTest static void UpdateBIA() {
        Inbody__c BIA = new Inbody__c();
        BIA.id = 'a076100000HLRd3';
        BIA.weight__c = 100;
        BIA.Test_Date_Time__c = date.today();
        BIA.patient__c = '0016100000V5qTw';
        update BIA;   
This issue had became a HUGE bottleneck in my development process, any input would be greatly appreciated!
Hello there,

I have encountered a strange issue which is not allowing to complete my study about sObject clone method. Following is my code which is working fine on one of my instance and giving system limit exception of Heap size while executing. Please, note that I am executing this code in Anonymous window
List<Attachment> lstAttachments = new List<Attachment>();
Attachment clonedAttachment;
for( Attachment attachment : [SELECT  SystemModstamp, ParentId, OwnerId, Name, 
            LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById, IsPrivate, IsDeleted, 
            Id, Description, CreatedDate, CreatedById, 
            ContentType, BodyLength, Body FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId = '003A000001zbugAIAQ' LIMIT 1] )
	clonedAttachment = attachment.clone(false,false);
	clonedAttachment.ParentId = '006A000000ZGmbd';
insert lstAttachments;

Thanks in advance.
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https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/components/datepickers/#contenti am able to see the datepicker on the page, however when i click  on date it doesn't work .