• John Bowen 12
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This morning I have been trying to complete several modules in Trailhead. Every time I hit the Check Challenge button, the system just swirls and never completes. Is there some sort of system-wide glitch happening right now?
I can't locate EPB in my Developer Org. I believe that I have signed up for the appropriate org as I was able to complete the modules just prior to this one. 
Trying to complete this module, but unlike every other module that has a challenge rather than a quiz, this module has no link to Launch my dev org and complete the challenge. It's not even clear what the challenge is. If the challenge is following along with the tasks in the module, I already did that, but it doesn't recognize that I've completed the module so I'm thinking there's something missing. Please advise as this is the only module I have left to complete in the beginner admin trail.
This morning I have been trying to complete several modules in Trailhead. Every time I hit the Check Challenge button, the system just swirls and never completes. Is there some sort of system-wide glitch happening right now?
Trying to complete this module, but unlike every other module that has a challenge rather than a quiz, this module has no link to Launch my dev org and complete the challenge. It's not even clear what the challenge is. If the challenge is following along with the tasks in the module, I already did that, but it doesn't recognize that I've completed the module so I'm thinking there's something missing. Please advise as this is the only module I have left to complete in the beginner admin trail.
This morning I have been trying to complete several modules in Trailhead. Every time I hit the Check Challenge button, the system just swirls and never completes. Is there some sort of system-wide glitch happening right now?