• Kartez T.
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One of our clients uses Internet Explorer for business. We created a custom visualforce page for their Price Request custom object. In this page we are calling in the standard "Combined attachments" related list.

When a user attempts to upload documents using the "Notes and Attachments" related list with either Chrome or Firefox, there are no issues.

When users attempt to upload documents using Internet Explorer, the following happens:
1) A popup appears for the user to select a document from their machine
2) Once the user selects a document the screen freezes on the upload screen. The user is able to interact with the box, but cannot close it nor cancel the upload. The upload does not complete, no matter how long the user waits.

I have tried it in IE on a few different machines myself and get the same results. I can't figure out why this is happening or how to fix it. Any Ideas??? The entire VF page is pasted below.

<apex:page standardController="Price_Request__c" extensions="PriceRequestPageController" showHeader="true" tabStyle="Price_Request__c">
<c:PriceRequestPage priceReq="{!priceReq}" retURL="{!retURL}" type="internal" acctFixed="{!acctFixed}" viewRecord="true"/>
<apex:relatedList subject="{!priceReq}" list="CombinedAttachments" id="attachments" />