• Yaroslav Pro
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  • Member since 2018

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Have a SAML integration between Salesforce and AC that followed this guide, and the AC CCP softphone only opens in a separate browser popup (for both the SAML authentication and after for usage) instead of returning to the utility tab designated for the CCP. Any CTI or Salesforce settings that cause this? How can the CCP exist within the utility tab? Many thanks for your input.User-added image
Hi everyone I have used for creating records next script and run next command
sfdx force:data:tree:import -p data\\import-Data-plan.json -u org

The issue is I want to create records with Date__c = current date,
How I can solve this using script for creating records, now date is hardcode and it's wrong, Let me know!

"records": [
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef1"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-01",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 400
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef2"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-02",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 200
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef3"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-03",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 200
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef4"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-04",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 300
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef5"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-05",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 185
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef6"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-06",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 195
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef7"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-07",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 140
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef8"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-08",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 300
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef9"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-09",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 250
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef10"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-10",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 500
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef11"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-11",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 300
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef12"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-12",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 200
        "attributes": {
            "type": "TC_UserTimePick__c",
            "referenceId": "TC_TimesheetGroup__cRef13"
            "Date__c": "2019-10-13",
            "Activity__c": "@TC_ActivityGroupAssignment__cRef1",
            "Minutes__c": 120

Step not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'New Job App' button is not automatically assigning the correct stage value of 'new'.
- Error in CustomField component 'Product2.CanUseRevenueSchedule': Could not resolve standard field's name.
- Error in CustomField component 'Product2.NumberOfRevenueInstallments': Could not resolve standard field's name.
- Error in CustomField component 'Product2.RevenueInstallmentPeriod': Could not resolve standard field's name.
- Error in CustomField component 'Product2.RevenueScheduleType': Could not resolve standard field's name.
- Error in CustomField component 'Product2.Unit_of_mesurement__c': Control field value 'Software' not found, valid values are [None]
- Error in Profile component 'Admin': Unknown user permission: ManageTranslation
- Error in Profile component 'Iddink Product User': In field: field - no CustomField named Product2.CanUseRevenueSchedule found
- Error in Profile component 'Iddink Sales Manager': In field: field - no CustomField named Product2.CanUseRevenueSchedule found
- Error in Profile component 'Iddink Sales User': In field: field - no CustomField named Product2.CanUseRevenueSchedule found
- Error in Profile component 'Iddink Service User': Permission Read All Screenshot__c depends on permission(s): Read All Case
- Error in Profile component 'Iddink Super User': In field: field - no CustomField named Product2.CanUseRevenueSchedule found
- Error in PermissionSet component 'Sales_Manager': In field: field - no CustomField named Product2.CanUseRevenueSchedule found

I have this mistakes
and i try to solve this
if I need add something in package xml, please help me
Let me know
Hello everyone
Coud somebody help me
I have bitbucket-pipelines.yml

image: atlassian/default-image:2

     - step:
          - npm install --global force-dev-tool
          - force-dev-tool remote add mydev user pass --default
          - force-dev-tool login mydev 
     - step:
          name: test
          deployment: test
           - npm install --global force-dev-tool
           - force-dev-tool deploy --checkOnly sandbox          
     - step:
          name: deploy
          deployment: production
          - npm install --global force-dev-tool
          - force-dev-tool deploy feature-branch

and mistake ->
+ force-dev-tool deploy --checkOnly sandboxError: Could not determine remote `sandbox`

maybe somebody made the same mistake?
let me know
I cant solve this, maybe someone can help me

System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0066E000004pfWbQAI; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, In the stage Demo, you need to fill in the fields "Scope Test Determined", Testperiod In Salesforce" and Order Task Sent to Salesforce".: []

static testMethod void testClosedWonUpdate_positive_03(){
List<Opportunity> oppList = [SELECT Id, StageName,End_Date_Test_Phase__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Name LIKE 'Test%' LIMIT 1];
Opportunity opp = oppList.get(0);
opp.StageName = 'Test';
Date d = date.today();
opp.End_Date_Test_Phase__c = d.addDays(40);
update opp;
System.debug(' 632 ====> ' + opp);
List<Account> aList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE 'Test%' LIMIT 1];
Account a = aList.get(0);
System.debug(' 636 ====> ' + a);
List<Asset> assets = [SELECT Id, Price_Agreements__c, Price, Status, Product2Id, Test_Asset__c, IsCompetitorProduct
FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :a.Id];
System.debug(' 640 ====> ' + assets);
System.assertEquals('In test', assets[0].Status);
opp.StageName = 'Closed Won';
update opp;
OpportunityLineItem ol = [SELECT OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Name LIKE 'Test%'];
List<Asset> assets1 = [SELECT Id, Price_Agreements__c, Price, Product2Id, Test_Asset__c, IsCompetitorProduct
FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :a.Id];
List<OpportunityLineItem> oliList = [select Id, Asset__c from OpportunityLineItem where Id =: ol.Id LIMIT 1];
System.assertEquals(1, assets1.size());
System.debug(' 657 ====> ' + assets1);
System.assertEquals(false, assets1[0].Test_Asset__c);
System.assertEquals(false, assets1[0].IsCompetitorProduct);
System.assertEquals(oliList[0].Asset__c, assets1[0].Id);

Let me know

Have a SAML integration between Salesforce and AC that followed this guide, and the AC CCP softphone only opens in a separate browser popup (for both the SAML authentication and after for usage) instead of returning to the utility tab designated for the CCP. Any CTI or Salesforce settings that cause this? How can the CCP exist within the utility tab? Many thanks for your input.User-added image
Hi All,
my controller is given below:-
public class SocialCasePushTopicController {
    public static void createPushTopic(){
        PushTopic pushTopic = new PushTopic();
        pushTopic.Name = 'CaseUpdates1';
        pushTopic.Query = 'SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Status FROM Case WHERE recordTypeId = \'01241000001USrEAAW\'';
        pushTopic.ApiVersion = 36.0;
        pushTopic.NotifyForOperationCreate = true;
        pushTopic.NotifyForOperationUpdate = true;
        pushTopic.NotifyForOperationUndelete = true;
        pushTopic.NotifyForOperationDelete = true;
        pushTopic.NotifyForFields = 'Referenced';
        insert pushTopic;
when i write the test class its showing me this error:-System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, A PushTopic with this name already exists. Please choose a different name.: []
my test class is given below:-
private class SocialCasePushTopicControllerTest {
   static Testmethod void createPushTopicTest(){
Aany suggestions?
Hi All,
        how to write the test class for the given class:-
public class SocialCaseNotificationsController {        
    public SocialCaseNotificationsController() {
    public List<Case> getlistAccount() {
        Id userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        return [SELECT Id, CaseNumber, 
                FROM Case 
                WHERE (Status = 'Subsq Reopened – Biz Hours' 
                       OR Status = 'Subsq Reopened – Non-Biz Hours')  
                AND OwnerId =: userId 
                ORDER By lastModifiedDate DESC];
    public PageReference refresh() {
        return null;
Any suggestions?
Hello everyone
Coud somebody help me
I have bitbucket-pipelines.yml

image: atlassian/default-image:2

     - step:
          - npm install --global force-dev-tool
          - force-dev-tool remote add mydev user pass --default
          - force-dev-tool login mydev 
     - step:
          name: test
          deployment: test
           - npm install --global force-dev-tool
           - force-dev-tool deploy --checkOnly sandbox          
     - step:
          name: deploy
          deployment: production
          - npm install --global force-dev-tool
          - force-dev-tool deploy feature-branch

and mistake ->
+ force-dev-tool deploy --checkOnly sandboxError: Could not determine remote `sandbox`

maybe somebody made the same mistake?
let me know
I cant solve this, maybe someone can help me

System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 0066E000004pfWbQAI; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, In the stage Demo, you need to fill in the fields &quot;Scope Test Determined&quot;, Testperiod In Salesforce&quot; and Order Task Sent to Salesforce&quot;.: []

static testMethod void testClosedWonUpdate_positive_03(){
List<Opportunity> oppList = [SELECT Id, StageName,End_Date_Test_Phase__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Name LIKE 'Test%' LIMIT 1];
Opportunity opp = oppList.get(0);
opp.StageName = 'Test';
Date d = date.today();
opp.End_Date_Test_Phase__c = d.addDays(40);
update opp;
System.debug(' 632 ====> ' + opp);
List<Account> aList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE 'Test%' LIMIT 1];
Account a = aList.get(0);
System.debug(' 636 ====> ' + a);
List<Asset> assets = [SELECT Id, Price_Agreements__c, Price, Status, Product2Id, Test_Asset__c, IsCompetitorProduct
FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :a.Id];
System.debug(' 640 ====> ' + assets);
System.assertEquals('In test', assets[0].Status);
opp.StageName = 'Closed Won';
update opp;
OpportunityLineItem ol = [SELECT OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Name LIKE 'Test%'];
List<Asset> assets1 = [SELECT Id, Price_Agreements__c, Price, Product2Id, Test_Asset__c, IsCompetitorProduct
FROM Asset WHERE AccountId = :a.Id];
List<OpportunityLineItem> oliList = [select Id, Asset__c from OpportunityLineItem where Id =: ol.Id LIMIT 1];
System.assertEquals(1, assets1.size());
System.debug(' 657 ====> ' + assets1);
System.assertEquals(false, assets1[0].Test_Asset__c);
System.assertEquals(false, assets1[0].IsCompetitorProduct);
System.assertEquals(oliList[0].Asset__c, assets1[0].Id);

Let me know

I'm currently stuck on the "Learn Standard Open Redirect Preventions" challenge of the "App Logic Vulnerability Prevention" module.

The challenge is to submit a valid open redirect attack starting from the Standard Redirect Protections Challenge tab.

However, the links on this page are all to standard record pages, where the hack (e.g changing retURL to returl) won't work (it only works on VF pages).

Even if I attempt this and check the challenge, the error I get states: "It doesn't appear that you've successfully redirected to an external website using the Visualforce page. Please try again." - so it implies that it expects me executing this from a custom VF page.

Can anyone give me some advice on where I'm missing something on the challenge?