• Wade Jones
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I have a lightning component that displays a list of contacts with a show more button.However i want to have the lazy loading functionality for it the same as we can have for visualforce. Is this possible. 

If yes can anybody share some relevant content.

Amit Visapurkar
Hi ,

I am doing sorting at the client side in helper class in lightning datatable using the below code. However, I am receiving null values in few columns and that is impacting the sorting of my data. How can I handle the null values to show at the last in the sorted table?

 sortData: function (cmp, fieldName, sortDirection) {
        var data = cmp.get("v.mydata");
        var reverse = sortDirection !== 'asc';
        data.sort(this.sortBy(fieldName, reverse))
        cmp.set("v.mydata", data);
    sortBy: function (field, reverse, primer) {
        var key = primer ?
            function(x) {return primer(x[field])} :
            function(x) {return x[field]};
        reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
        return function (a, b) {
            return a = key(a), b = key(b), reverse * ((a > b) - (b > a));