• jit chak
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Here is my code for a separate section and a column.I need to 2 two columns as i have many field to show on that section of layout.
Can anyone help how to divide a section in two columns by apex.I am using Metadata API currently.
            layout.layoutSections = new List<MetadataService.LayoutSection>();
        MetadataService.LayoutSection newLayoutSection = new MetadataService.LayoutSection();
        newLayoutSection.customLabel = true;
        newLayoutSection.detailHeading = true;
        newLayoutSection.editHeading = true;
        newLayoutSection.label = 'Keyword fields';
        newLayoutSection.style = 'TwoColumnsLeftToRight';}




We have a 3rd party webserivce that send leads from our site to SF with Lead Owner already assigned based on some coded rules. We now want to add a level of lead assignment above what this can handle, so I wrote a lead assignment rule and have activated it.


The rules seem to be completley ignored as leads are coming in, but work if a lead is edited and saved ticking the "use active assignmnet rules" checkbox. (i.e the lead assignment crieria works, but its not being triggered)


So I thought a trigger to re-run lead assignment directly after a lead has been created would be the only solution, issue is I have no coding experience (aside from one easy update trigger some guys on here helped with!)


Can anyone help? Or if another solution exists that woudl be great too!

