• Diane Royer
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  • Member since 2019

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Is there a way to convert all Word Doc Salesforce Attachments to PDF files instead of DOC?  We are looking at Document Generation software, but it only securely generates Word files.  We would like to attach Word documents to Salesforce Records and then have some sort of code or process that would take that attachment and convert it to PDF.  Is that possible?
Is there a way to reference a FormAssembly field value in a SOQL query for a Dynamic Picklist?  I'm trying to set up a Dynamic Picklist in FormAssembly that will show Contact records related to an Account ID.  The Account ID is populated on the form by a prefill connector.  Is there a way to get that ID in the SOQL query so that the Dynamic Picklist will be filtered to just show that Account ID?
Is there any way in a Screen Flow to have a button on the screen that will launch a subflow?  I would like to have subflows set up and then have the user be able to call the subflow by just clicking a button on a screen.  Is that possible?
Is there anyway in a Screen Flow to display all Calendar Events for a specific Contact on a specific day.  I am trying to set up a screen flow that will allow a visit coordinator to schedule different events during the visit for each contact.  I would really like the coordinator to be able to view all of the events that have already been created for that contact.  Is that possible?
Is there a way to have a pdf file generated of an event registration?  We currently have events set up that use FormAssembly forms for the vast majority of the registration and then there are a couple custom questions specific to the event.  We are able to generate pdf copies of the FormAssembly piece of the registration.  Unfortunately, that does not include the event the person is registering for or the event specific questions.  Is there any way to either pass that information to FormAssembly or another way to generate a pdf version of the complete registration that the person fills out?

I ask, because our Registrar is asking for this kind of documentation and I am not sure how to get it for him.  He needs it for students permanent records.
I have an logo saved as a Static Resource and I have the Cache Control set to Public.  However, when I try to use that logo outside of Salesforce, I am presented with a screen to log in.  How can I have a Logo that is saved in Salesforce that is truely available to a public site without the requirement of a log in?
I've seen a couple things about "accordian sections" in Lightning.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find too much information about it.  I tried clicking on the "Edit Page" and adding an accordian section, but that won't let me add fields to the section.  My page layout currently has several sections and I was wondering if there is a way to just make those sections collapsed when the page is first loaded.  This would allow the page to load faster and the users who still want to see that information can expand the section.  Is this possible?
I have another SOQL question.  I am now trying to set up a query that will join a Standard Object to a Custom Object.  There is a relationship between the two (on a lookup field on the custom object).  The child relationship name is Contact_Schedule.  I've rewritten the query several times, but nothing seems to work.  Below is the last thing I've tried.

SELECT TargetX_Eventsb__Contact__c, TargetX_Eventsb__event_end_date__c, TargetX_Eventsb__custom_field_1__c,
(SELECT Contact.Id FROM TargetX_Eventsb__ContactScheduleItem__c.Contact_Schedule__r)

FROM TargetX_Eventsb__ContactScheduleItem__c

WHERE TargetX_Eventsb__Contact__c= '0034M000020OgliQAC'

What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to write an SOQL query that will pull information from the Contact object and the Event Object.  When I tried to use Event as the child object, I received an error message that Event could not be the child, so I switched the query around to this:
SELECT Event.whoid, Event.StartDateTime, Event.Subject, (select contact.id, contact.firstname, contact.lastname, contact.MailingStreet, contact.MailingCity, contact.MailingState, contact.MailingPostalCode from Contact)
from Event
Where Event.whoid = '0034M000020OgliQAC'

Unfortunately, it still isn't working.  It tells me "Didn't understand relationship 'Contact' in FROM part of query call.".  What am I doing wrong?

In SQL, the query would look like this:
Select Event.Whoid, Event.StartDateTime, Event.Subject, Contact.firstname, contact.lastname, contact.MailingStreet, Contact.MailingCity, contact.MailingState, contact.MailingPostalCode
from Event
Join Contact on Event.Whoid = Contact.id
where event.whoid = '0034M000020OgliQAC'

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to use a formula to create a custom url in a Flow that will email the custom URL to a contact's email address.  Unfortunately, I can't get the formula to work.  I either get an error message that says it doesn't recognize '/' or it just tells me it is incorrect syntax.  This is the last formula I tried:  HYPERLINK("https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/eventedit?text="&{!URLENCODE({!EmployeeEventName})}'+'"&details="&{!URLENCODE({!AdmissionsEmailBody})}'+'"&location="'+'{!URLENCODE({!Admissions_Location})}'+'"&dates= "'+'{!Admissions_Time}'+'"/"'+'{!Admissions_Time})

Any ideas how to get this to work?
We currently have an elaborate flow set up that our users can utilize when scheduling a campus visit for a student. We would like to add a step to this flow that would generate a Salesforce file and save it in the ContentDocument object that would contain the student's schedule for the day that the person leading the visit would be able to print out. Is this possible? If so, could you give me some pointers on how to accomplish it?

I'm trying to run a flow in my sandbox and I keep getting an error message that says:
An error has occurred while processing your request. The salesforce.com support team has been notified of the problem. If you believe you have additional information that may be of help in reproducing or correcting the error, please contact Salesforce Support. Please indicate the URL of the page you were requesting, any error id shown on this page as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using salesforce.com!
Error ID: 1377633348-62554 (1555125420)

It doesn't tell me what caused the error or even what the error is.  Does anyone know what this error means or how to correct it?
I recently set up an elaborate flow in our organization's sandbox. The flow is a screen flow and I am using Record Choice Sets for some of the drop downs on the screen element. In the sandbox, everything works great. However, when I move it to Production, suddenly the record choice sets are blank. I used the same criteria I used in the sandbox and I checked to make sure that records do match that criteria. The main difference is that the number of records in the set is going from 3 to about 40. I have no idea why it isn't working, let alone how to fix it. Does anyone have any ideas?
Someone suggested it might have something to do with the fact that our sandbox is on the Summer 20 release of Salesforce and our production instance will not get Summer 20 until mid-July.
I am working on a flow that includes a screen component.  On that screen component, I need the user to select a date and time that is later than the time of an event.  I've tried a couple different validation rules.  However, each time I try to debug the flow and put in a time prior to the start of the event it accepts it.  What am I doing wrong?

The formulas I have tried are:
{Faculty Time!}>{Org_event_Start_Date_Time}
{Faculty Time!}-{Org_event_Start_Date_Time} >0

My event starts at 8:00AM and I want to prevent my users from inadvertently selecting a time prior to that.  How can I do that?
The number of API calls seems to be increasing and I can't figure out why. I ran the Administrative report for API calls in the last 7 days. However, that does not tell me what process is using the API calls. The user with the highest number of calls is the user we have assigned to all of our automated processes. Is there a way to see what process is using the most API calls?
What object houses the weekly data export during the 48 hours the files are available?
I ask, because I'm trying to find a secure way to download those files automatically without having to go out every week and click the download button four times.
 I have created a flow in Salesforce that will complete one task and create another task. I'm trying to test the flow from a test Chatter Only (Chatter +) account. In the Chatter+ account, I can complete tasks and create new tasks manually, but it is not allowing me to run the flow that I set up. It says that the account has insufficient privileges. When the account can to these steps manually, why can't it run the flow? Is there something I can do so that the flow will run on the Chatter+ account?  The flow is a screen flow.  Could that be the problem?  Can Chatter+ accounts not see the screens?  If so, is there a way to grant them access to see the screen?
I am working on a Flow in Salesforce.  The flow worked perfectly in the Sandbox, but it is failing in Production.  I’m afraid I don’t understand the error it is giving me “Too many SOQL queries: 101”.  I’m not running SQL queries, I’m trying to run a flow.  I have run the flow a few times and get the same error each time.  I checked to make sure I am not running at the same time another task is running, so I am certain it is not because too many things are running at once.  Granted, the flow picked up a lot more records in Production than it did in my sandbox, but I don’t understand why that would be a problem.  The flow has been run as an administrator and a non-administrator.  I checked and there is a workflow rule involving some of the same fields that are in the Flow.  Could that be the problem?  If it could be, I don’t understand why the flow did not fail in the Sandbox (it has the same rules).  Something else that I noticed while working with these flows, is that in the Sandbox I now have Flow Builder and in Production I still have Cloud Flow Designer.  I don’t know if that has anything to do with the issues or not.   If it could, could you let me know what I need to do to get the Flow Builder in Production?  I do have two loops in my flow because there are two objects that need to be updated by flow and I don't know how else to accomplish this.  Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. 

I am very new to setting up work flows in Salesforce.  I have worked my way through a text book about the flows, but am having difficulty setting one up.  I want to set up a work flow that I can schedule and have it update all of the records where a major is requested to be changed.  We have a field called Program that houses the student's major and a field that is Change Major To if the student changes his or her mind before applying.  I need the work flow to update the Program field to the value that is in the Change Major To field and then change the Program field in all corresponding Stage Histories.  I got the flow to loop through all of the students, but I can't seem to get it to go through a second loop to update all of the students' stages.  I have attached a snapshot of the flow for you to see. 
Any help would be appreciated.
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Is there a way to reference a FormAssembly field value in a SOQL query for a Dynamic Picklist?  I'm trying to set up a Dynamic Picklist in FormAssembly that will show Contact records related to an Account ID.  The Account ID is populated on the form by a prefill connector.  Is there a way to get that ID in the SOQL query so that the Dynamic Picklist will be filtered to just show that Account ID?
I have another SOQL question.  I am now trying to set up a query that will join a Standard Object to a Custom Object.  There is a relationship between the two (on a lookup field on the custom object).  The child relationship name is Contact_Schedule.  I've rewritten the query several times, but nothing seems to work.  Below is the last thing I've tried.

SELECT TargetX_Eventsb__Contact__c, TargetX_Eventsb__event_end_date__c, TargetX_Eventsb__custom_field_1__c,
(SELECT Contact.Id FROM TargetX_Eventsb__ContactScheduleItem__c.Contact_Schedule__r)

FROM TargetX_Eventsb__ContactScheduleItem__c

WHERE TargetX_Eventsb__Contact__c= '0034M000020OgliQAC'

What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to write an SOQL query that will pull information from the Contact object and the Event Object.  When I tried to use Event as the child object, I received an error message that Event could not be the child, so I switched the query around to this:
SELECT Event.whoid, Event.StartDateTime, Event.Subject, (select contact.id, contact.firstname, contact.lastname, contact.MailingStreet, contact.MailingCity, contact.MailingState, contact.MailingPostalCode from Contact)
from Event
Where Event.whoid = '0034M000020OgliQAC'

Unfortunately, it still isn't working.  It tells me "Didn't understand relationship 'Contact' in FROM part of query call.".  What am I doing wrong?

In SQL, the query would look like this:
Select Event.Whoid, Event.StartDateTime, Event.Subject, Contact.firstname, contact.lastname, contact.MailingStreet, Contact.MailingCity, contact.MailingState, contact.MailingPostalCode
from Event
Join Contact on Event.Whoid = Contact.id
where event.whoid = '0034M000020OgliQAC'

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I recently set up an elaborate flow in our organization's sandbox. The flow is a screen flow and I am using Record Choice Sets for some of the drop downs on the screen element. In the sandbox, everything works great. However, when I move it to Production, suddenly the record choice sets are blank. I used the same criteria I used in the sandbox and I checked to make sure that records do match that criteria. The main difference is that the number of records in the set is going from 3 to about 40. I have no idea why it isn't working, let alone how to fix it. Does anyone have any ideas?
Someone suggested it might have something to do with the fact that our sandbox is on the Summer 20 release of Salesforce and our production instance will not get Summer 20 until mid-July.
I am working on a flow that includes a screen component.  On that screen component, I need the user to select a date and time that is later than the time of an event.  I've tried a couple different validation rules.  However, each time I try to debug the flow and put in a time prior to the start of the event it accepts it.  What am I doing wrong?

The formulas I have tried are:
{Faculty Time!}>{Org_event_Start_Date_Time}
{Faculty Time!}-{Org_event_Start_Date_Time} >0

My event starts at 8:00AM and I want to prevent my users from inadvertently selecting a time prior to that.  How can I do that?
The number of API calls seems to be increasing and I can't figure out why. I ran the Administrative report for API calls in the last 7 days. However, that does not tell me what process is using the API calls. The user with the highest number of calls is the user we have assigned to all of our automated processes. Is there a way to see what process is using the most API calls?
 I have created a flow in Salesforce that will complete one task and create another task. I'm trying to test the flow from a test Chatter Only (Chatter +) account. In the Chatter+ account, I can complete tasks and create new tasks manually, but it is not allowing me to run the flow that I set up. It says that the account has insufficient privileges. When the account can to these steps manually, why can't it run the flow? Is there something I can do so that the flow will run on the Chatter+ account?  The flow is a screen flow.  Could that be the problem?  Can Chatter+ accounts not see the screens?  If so, is there a way to grant them access to see the screen?
I am working on a Flow in Salesforce.  The flow worked perfectly in the Sandbox, but it is failing in Production.  I’m afraid I don’t understand the error it is giving me “Too many SOQL queries: 101”.  I’m not running SQL queries, I’m trying to run a flow.  I have run the flow a few times and get the same error each time.  I checked to make sure I am not running at the same time another task is running, so I am certain it is not because too many things are running at once.  Granted, the flow picked up a lot more records in Production than it did in my sandbox, but I don’t understand why that would be a problem.  The flow has been run as an administrator and a non-administrator.  I checked and there is a workflow rule involving some of the same fields that are in the Flow.  Could that be the problem?  If it could be, I don’t understand why the flow did not fail in the Sandbox (it has the same rules).  Something else that I noticed while working with these flows, is that in the Sandbox I now have Flow Builder and in Production I still have Cloud Flow Designer.  I don’t know if that has anything to do with the issues or not.   If it could, could you let me know what I need to do to get the Flow Builder in Production?  I do have two loops in my flow because there are two objects that need to be updated by flow and I don't know how else to accomplish this.  Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. 

I am very new to setting up work flows in Salesforce.  I have worked my way through a text book about the flows, but am having difficulty setting one up.  I want to set up a work flow that I can schedule and have it update all of the records where a major is requested to be changed.  We have a field called Program that houses the student's major and a field that is Change Major To if the student changes his or her mind before applying.  I need the work flow to update the Program field to the value that is in the Change Major To field and then change the Program field in all corresponding Stage Histories.  I got the flow to loop through all of the students, but I can't seem to get it to go through a second loop to update all of the students' stages.  I have attached a snapshot of the flow for you to see. 
Any help would be appreciated.
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