• Amal Dominic
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Is it possible to store an email signature somewhere that would update the signature across all templates.

Looking to avoid updating 50 templates for one link change
  • March 10, 2017
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Hi All,
I am from Payment/Payroll agent tools. There are many workflows supported by Case 360 for maintaing the case life cyle for any request. I wanted to understand what type of workflows salesforce support and How extensive is it ?
Please somebody help me in this regard.
Thanks & Regards

I'm trying to create a workflow to email a record owner.  We have a custom object with project records and these project records are date sensitive. We need a workflow email to fire 1 day before Bid Date to the record owner. So if the Bid Date is 7-23-14 and the date is 7-22-14 an email is sent to the record owner. I have created the email. I just can't wrap my mind around this workflow.

Any help or ideas??  

Thanks so much,
I am looking for a visualforce page solution that would allow me to do a few things on one visualforce page:

1) show campaign members currently signed up for any campaign I specify
2) allow me, on that same page, to add campaign members quickly by simply entering their info into fields
3) allow me to create contacts when they do not exist and then do #2
4) through another app or other solution (I'm looking at EZsign), add an electronic signature field

I would want this page to be easily viewable on an iPad. I have already looked at EchoSign and DocuSign and having info that flows directly into the Campaign Member object appears to be problematic. I also need to come up with a cost effective solution.  Also, I have searched in the Code Cookbook and came up empty handed. 

One use case (the main use case) is for events in which campaign members plant trees. They need to be able to sign in OR be very quickly added as a contact (if not in Salesforce) and campaign member and then sign in. We need the signature field because they need to give us the OK to take their picture and understand that they must report any injuries received to a staff member immediately. The form needs to be very easy to quickly complete because people will be showing up to volunteer within limited time and we cannot spend too much time just signing them in.

How can I create this? Does anyone have similar code examples? I hope someone can help and look forward to your responses.



How would I create a workflow when a picklist value only changes when 3 monthes has pasted. And either creates a task or an email.


Any helps?




  • December 11, 2013
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Hello all,

We have two users user1 and user2, both are administrators. I have logged in as user1 and have email signature belongs to user1, one of the email which sent to contact using scheduler from the salesforce have the user2 email signature. Dont know why?
I have checked the email settings, email footer, Default Workflow user, Ran the scheduler code once again and i got the correct Email signature that is User1 Email signature.

Seeking for an immediate help......



Hi All


My requriment is to display signature in PDF, so i have used canvas in html5 to capture the signature and display in UI. In UI it is working perfectly but when i convert the VF into PDF the image is not displayed. the image URL will start like this "data:image/png;base64,", when i searched in google there is an idea posted stating that the URL "data:image/png;base64," is not supported in PDF.


is there any alternate way to display the image in PDF, please let me know.


Thanks in advance!!!!

  • November 23, 2012
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Hi all,


I have a workflow which creates two tasks when ever a record is created. To create a record I have 4 fields.



3)Project Manager



Now my question is when ever I create a record, My tasks which would be created should be assigned to the project manager dynamically. 


So we are looking at some 100 records where say may be 10 diffrent project managers are owning each 10 records.


So example 


If the project manager field is filled with the name Thomas then the work flow should trigger creating two tasks assigning them to thomas.


Similarly for Robin, kayla etc.


So I would insert 100 records with a dataloader and all records should be created with two tasks each assigned to respective PM .


If the task is always assigned to a single person, I'm able to do that but dynamically changing is what im faceing trouble.


Could some one help me in this. Can it be performed using wokflows or it needs to be coded?

Hi all,


Under Workflow, why we can't add "Time-Dependent Workflow Actions" when we have opted “Every time a record is created or Edited" under “Evaluation Criteria”?




  • January 17, 2012
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I am trying to create a workflow rule with 3 objects.for example I have 3 objects,they are Customer,CustomerInfo,SurveyResponse.Customer is a parent,In Customer object I have 3 fields,are AccountNumber,Description and MRR,and in CustomerInfo I have 2 fields(Description and MRRMonthly),and I have 1 field(NPSScore) in SurveyResponse...Now I am trying to give a workflow rule for email alert when the condition is satisfied. condition is

condition:we should not have a relationship b/w CustomerInfo and SurveyResponse





Has anyone knew if it's possible to integrate a DIgital signature within an approval process? 


Thanks in advance.. :smileyhappy:




  • September 20, 2010
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Is there any limits on number of workflows can fire in day? or is it unlimited? Each workflow can have a field update which may call a trigger to fire also. So if 10000 workflows fire at a time, how salesforce handles that? any idea or suggestions?



Bhaskar Roy

  • May 31, 2010
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I need to setup a worflow rule based on a checkbox. When a certain checkbox is selected, the workflow rule should trigger an outbound  message. I am not sure configure this in the worflow rule section ( fieldname equals ?? )
I have two custom objects,
1) PO
2) IR

in both custom objects i have one custom field namely "Status", the Field Type of this custom field is "PickList".

When IR's field "Status" get changed then i would like to change the "Status" field of PO
i want to do this operation through workflow.

Please guide me to create proper workflow for this task.


I know that's it's not possible to trigger a worklow by a field update done by another workflow. 

My question is : If My fiest workflow updates a record that will fire my apex trigger and this apex trigger fires a worlfow. Do you think this will work ?


If not, do you know if it's possible to enable this functionnality ?


 ( a guy here says that he thinks it's possible, how can I do it ? )


Thanks a lot for all your answers.





  • February 25, 2009
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I m trying to use the Workflow as an work around to send email of the contact which was recently modified.

I figured I could use the workflow to send an email to the Contact Owner if modified or created . Is there any way to send it to the email associated to the contact??




  • August 11, 2005
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