• Filip Poverud 4
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  • Senior Consultant
  • Albatross IT Consultants AS

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Build a Conference Management App --> Create an Aura Component

I have tried to Copy/Paste using CTRL+C and CTRL+V, using the mouse copy/paste functions and also writing the code manually but all attempts fail. Are there any other ways of copying the text so I can complete this challenge ?

Challenge not yet complete in DreamHouse
The page does not have the 'showHeader' attribute set to false

If we look at the note in this module:

Beyond the Basics
Note that both the sidebar and showHeader attribute have no effect in Lightning Experience, and that there’s no way to suppress the Lightning Experience header. Although the default value of showHeader is true, it has no effect in Lightning Experience.
The page still includes some Salesforce style sheets, which let you match Salesforce choices for fonts, size, and so on. To suppress all Salesforce output, add standardStylesheets="false" to remove the styles as well.

We see that showHeader is obsolete and there is no reason to add it.

In the challenge it is specified that the standard SalesForce header should not be displayed:

It must NOT display the standard Salesforce header

I assume the module was created for Classic or did I miss something basic regarding this attribute in LE ? I'm currently on SU19.

with Regards
Filip Poverud
I'm doing the Apex Integration Services  - Apex Web Service module and when I try the curl step I receive a Content Length: 0

It is working from WorkBench.

This is the WorkBench output:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 10:00:54 GMT
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536002; includeSubDomains
Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only: pin-sha256="9n0izTnSRF+W4W4JTq51avSXkWhQB8duS2bxVLfzXsY="; pin-sha256="5kJvNEMw0KjrCAu7eXY5HZdvyCS13BbA0VJG1RSP91w="; pin-sha256="njN4rRG+22dNXAi+yb8e3UMypgzPUPHlv4+foULwl1g="; max-age=86400; includeSubDomains; report-uri="https://a.forcesslreports.com/hpkp-report/00D2o000000ZPp5m";
Expect-CT: max-age=86400, report-uri="https://a.forcesslreports.com/Expect-CT-report/00D2o000000ZPp5m"
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Robots-Tag: none
Cache-Control: no-cache,must-revalidate,max-age=0,no-store,private
Set-Cookie: BrowserId=18HBvu_7EemEy3_5EA2TOw;Path=/;Domain=.salesforce.com;Expires=Sun, 15-Dec-2019 10:00:54 GMT;Max-Age=5184000
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

  "attributes" : {
    "type" : "Case",
    "url" : "/services/data/v47.0/sobjects/Case/5002o00002FmtZdAAJ"
  "CaseNumber" : "00001027",
  "Subject" : "Bigfoot Sighting!",
  "Status" : "New",
  "Origin" : "Phone",
  "Priority" : "Low",
  "Id" : "5002o00002FmtZdAAJ"

And this is the curl output:
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 10:31:43 GMT
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536001; includeSubDomains
Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only: pin-sha256="9n0izTnSRF+W4W4JTq51avSXkWhQB8duS2bxVLfzXsY="; pin-sha256="5kJvNEMw0KjrCAu7eXY5HZdvyCS13BbA0VJG1RSP91w="; pin-sha256="njN4rRG+22dNXAi+yb8e3UMypgzPUPHlv4+foULwl1g="; max-age=86400; includeSubDomains; report-uri="https://a.forcesslreports.com/hpkp-report/nullm";
Expect-CT: max-age=86400, report-uri="https://a.forcesslreports.com/Expect-CT-report/nullm"
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests
X-Robots-Tag: none
Cache-Control: no-cache,must-revalidate,max-age=0,no-store,private
Set-Cookie: BrowserId=JZY92fAAEemaOueQZln3uA;Path=/;Domain=.force.com;Expires=Sun, 15-Dec-2019 10:31:43 GMT;Max-Age=5184000
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Location: https://poverud-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/Cases/5002o00002FmtZdAAJ
Content-Length: 0

I'm not sure where it goes wrong, any input is appreciated.

with Regards
Filip Poverud
Build a Conference Management App --> Create an Aura Component

I have tried to Copy/Paste using CTRL+C and CTRL+V, using the mouse copy/paste functions and also writing the code manually but all attempts fail. Are there any other ways of copying the text so I can complete this challenge ?
Disclaimer: I am relatively new to Salesforce and although I have admin. experience (1 year), I am quite new to the Salesforce development space. I'm certainly up for learning by doing and am not afraid to jump in to a problem, but if you could breakdown any response into small, digestible pieces so I can troubleshoot myself, I would be very appreciative. 
My users are encountering an error in a Flow that is a component on a Lightning Record Page for a custom object that has worked in the past, but now is not working even though no changes have been made in Flow Designer.

Here is the error message I am receiving:

Error element Update_first_and_last_Dates (FlowAssignment).
The flow failed to access the value for oClassScheduleTemplate.Starting_Date__c because it hasn't been set or assigned.
Flow Details
Flow API Name: Convert_Plan_to_Class
Type: Screen Flow
Version: 42
Status: Active
Org: Common Threads (00D1I000000lJRt)
Flow Interview Details
Interview Label: Convert Plan to Class 10/20/2019 3:27 PM
Current User: Patrick McDermott (0051I000002GUR2)
Start time: 10/20/2019 3:27 PM
Duration: 20 seconds
How the Interview Started
Patrick McDermott (0051I000002GUR2) started the flow interview.
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
plannerId = a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF
FAST LOOKUP: Get_Planner_for_validation_Check
Find all Progam_Planning__c records where:
Id Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!ProgramPlanner}.
Save these field values in the variable: State__c, How_do_you_plan_to_facilitate__c, How_many_student_groups_will_be_doing_Sm__c, How_will_the_Small_Bites_be_scheduled__c, Application__c, Organization__c, Main_Contact__c
Successfully found records.
SCREEN: Not_Ready_For_Conversion
Display Text: notReadyText
Value at run time:

Click Next to start creating classes from this Planning form.

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
GET RECORDS: Get_Partner_User_Id
Find one User record where:
ContactId Equals {!ProgramPlanner.Main_Contact__c} (0031I00000vbREvQAM)
Successfully found record.
{!partnerUserId} = 0051I0000056QmTQAU
FAST LOOKUP: GetEducators
Find all Program_Educator__c records where:
Program_Plan__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oEducators}.
Save these field values in the variable: Id, Contact__c
Successfully found records.
FAST LOOKUP: GetSchedules
Find all Planning_Schedule__c records where:
Progam_Planning__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oSchedules}.
Save these field values in the variable: Program_Educator__c, Starting_Date__c, End_Date__c, Date_8__c, Date_1__c, Date_2__c, Date_3__c, Date_4__c, Date_5__c, Date_6__c, Date_7__c
Successfully found records.
LOOP: loopEducators
Loop Through: [a0x1I000002QP8FQAW,a0x1I000002QP8KQAW]
Iteration: 0
Current value of {!oEducator}: a0x1I000002QP8FQAW
FAST LOOKUP: Cet_Contact
Find all Contact records where:
Id Equals {!oEducator.Contact__c} (0031I00000bOuC8QAK)
Store those records in {!oContact}.
Save these field values in the variable: FirstName, Id, LastName, Email
Successfully found records.
ASSIGNMENT: Add_Contaqct_To_Collection
{!oEducatorContacts} Add {!oContact}
{!oEducatorContacts} = "[Contact (0031I00000bOuC8QAK)]"
LOOP: loopEducators
Loop Through: [a0x1I000002QP8FQAW,a0x1I000002QP8KQAW]
Iteration: 1
Current value of {!oEducator}: a0x1I000002QP8KQAW
FAST LOOKUP: Cet_Contact
Find all Contact records where:
Id Equals {!oEducator.Contact__c} (0031I00000wSNnUQAW)
Store those records in {!oContact}.
Save these field values in the variable: FirstName, Id, LastName, Email
Successfully found records.
ASSIGNMENT: Add_Contaqct_To_Collection
{!oEducatorContacts} Add {!oContact}
{!oEducatorContacts} = "[Contact (0031I00000bOuC8QAK),Contact (0031I00000wSNnUQAW)]"
LOOP: loopEducators
End Loop.
SCREEN: Create_ClassSummary
Number: Number_of_Classes
Label: Number of Classes to Create
Value at run time: 8

Display Text: PlannerSummaryDetails
Value at run time:

Multiple educators will deliver in self-contained classrooms
Over a set period of time

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
ASSIGNMENT: Set_Total_Classesto_create
{!ClassesToCreateRemaining} Equals {!Number_of_Classes}
{!ClassesToCreateRemaining} = "8.00"
ASSIGNMENT: SetNumberOfLessons
{!iNumberOfLessons} Equals 8
{!iNumberOfLessons} = "8"
SCREEN: Select_Educator
Display Text: educatorSelectText
Value at run time: For Class 1 of 8 please select which Planning Educator will be the instructor.

Dropdown List: InstructorSelect
Label: Instructor
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: Mary Austin (choiceEducatorChoices)
Choice value: 0031I00000bOuC8QAK

Dropdown List: ProgramToImplement
Label: Program
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: After School Small Bites - School Partner (chPrograms)
Choice value: a0q1I000001WgW1QAK

Dropdown List: Level
Label: Level
Data Type: Text
Choices selected at runtime:
Choice selected at runtime: Pre-Kindergarten (GradeLevelChoices)
Choice value: Pre-Kindergarten

Number: Adult_Count
Label: Adult Count
Value at run time:

Number: Student_Count
Label: Student Count
Value at run time:

Selected Navigation Button: NEXT
FAST LOOKUP: Get_Educator
Find all Program_Educator__c records where:
Contact__c Equals {!InstructorSelect} (Mary Austin)
Program_Plan__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oEducator}.
Save these field values in the variable: Name, Id, Contact__c, Program_Plan__c, Contact_Name__c
Successfully found records.
DECISION: What_Schedule_To_Use
Outcome executed: one_date_range
Outcome conditions:
{!ProgramPlanner.How_will_the_Small_Bites_be_scheduled__c} (Over a set period of time) Equals Over a set period of time
FAST LOOKUP: get_singleSchedule_0
Find all Planning_Schedule__c records where:
Progam_Planning__c Equals {!plannerId} (a0v1I00000BmGh3QAF)
Store those records in {!oClassScheduleTemplate}.
Save these field values in the variable: Date_1__c, Date_2__c, Date_3__c, Date_4__c, Date_5__c, Date_6__c, Date_7__c, Date_8__c
Successfully found records.
Salesforce Error ID: 1136234990-294355 (-1423371545)

From my cursory, and albeit novice reading of the error message, I can't determine what needs to be fixed to resolve the error. Any help would be much appreciated. 

Thank you! 
Build a Conference Management App --> Create an Aura Component

I have tried to Copy/Paste using CTRL+C and CTRL+V, using the mouse copy/paste functions and also writing the code manually but all attempts fail. Are there any other ways of copying the text so I can complete this challenge ?
I am stuck on the Atttributes and Expressions challenge of the lightening component basics:

I get the following message: The Name field is not being displayed using an expression.

I'm really not 100% sure how the display component is meant to work for Name and Packed status - as there seems to be no "<lightening: /> formatting markup available. 

Here is my code:


    <aura:attribute name="item" type="Camping_Item__c" required="true" />

    <aura:attribute name="expense" type="Expense__c"/>
        <lightning:String value="{!v.item.Name__c}" style="Text"/>
        <lightning:formattedNumber value="{!v.item.Price__c}" style="Currency"/>
        <lightning:formattedNumber value="{!v.item.Quantity__c}" style="Number"/>
    <p>Packed Status:
        <lightning:Checkbox value="{!v.item.Packed__c}" style="Toggle"/>


Thanks for your assistance in advance.
I keep getting an error on Item #4 "The custom set of fields that are highlighted on account records must be assigned to the required profile."

The requirement is asking for having highlights based on profiles, but as we know compact layouts are applied to the whole system not by profile.

I am not sure how to fix this, any help is appreciated.
please explain me this

This approval process, called Approval for Package Deal, is available whenever the opportunity stage is Awaiting Approval, and it assigns approvals back to the opportunity owner. If the opportunity owner approves the discount, the opportunity record’s stage is set to Scheduled. Otherwise, set the stage to Negotiation Rejected.

i am stuck here for last 24hrs ...

here is what i understood
opportunity state is equal to   awaiting approval

I cannot for the life of me, figure out what could be wrong with my campingList component markup for the "Create a Simple Camping List Lightning Component" challenge.  This is the markup for campingList.cmp:

        <li>Bug Spray</li>
        <li>Bear Repellant</li>
        <li>Goat Food</li>

Please help me figure out why I am getting the error.  Thank you, Susan

Hi - when doing the challenge "Bulk Apex Trigger" in Trailhead I get the error message :"Executing against the trigger does not work as expected."

I have checked the name of the class, task name as mentioned in the challenge description.

I have copied the code below :

trigger ClosedOpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
  List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();

    //If an opportunity is inserted or updated with a stage of 'Closed Won'
    // add a task created with the subject 'Follow Up Test Task'.
    for (Opportunity opp : [SELECT Id,Name FROM Opportunity
                     WHERE Id IN :Trigger.new AND StageName = 'Closed Won']) {
       //add a task with subject 'Follow Up Test Task'.
       taskList.add(new Task(Subject='Follow Up Test Task', WhatId = opp.id ));                
    if (taskList.size() > 0) {
        insert taskList;

Thank you