• Rahul Luthra 1
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Hello,  Kindly help me to understand how can we achieve the below scenario via flow?
I have a custom object DD which is currently associated with the account object using Master-Detail Relationship where we can have multiple DD's against each account.
Now, when a user creates a new opportunity and associates it to the account (using lookup), DD's data like date and status should be auto-populated on the opportunity custom fields from the latest DD's record created.
Hi Folks,

Need help with the below formula. I have picklist field name "Case Description Category" on cases which validates the description field for certain words and update the picklist value. I want this to be run for a specific record type. So this should be like:
(Record type = A) AND (Contains x, y, z)
AND([Case].RecordType.DeveloperName  = "CS Case" OR (
CONTAINS(Lower([Case].Description) ,"seb"),
CONTAINS(Lower([Case].Description) ,"browser issue"), CONTAINS(Lower([Case].Description) ,"error"),
CONTAINS(Lower([Case].Description) ,"listening audio"),
CONTAINS(Lower([Case].Description) ,"invigilator password"),
CONTAINS(Lower([Case].Description) ,"readiness check"),
CONTAINS(Lower([Case].Description) ,"network issues") ) ))

However, I am getting an error - "
The formula expression is invalid: Syntax error"

I am trying to calculate wait time of a chat in a queue. I know there is standard field which Salesforce offers but it is showing a wired result.

I have written a below formula to calculate the wait time in a custom field, still no luck.

IF( NOT(ISBLANK( StartTime )) && NOT(ISBLANK( EndTime )) 
, (EndTime - StartTime) *24*60 

Kindly suggest.

User-added imageRegards,
Hi Experts,

We are sending an email from cases object (Email-2-Case) to third party organization which has recently changed thier policy and now we are unable to send emails. As per thier policy, they accept emails only if "The address of “Return-Path (domian)”  match the address of “From (Domain)”, emails.
 Example: If from address is "abc@mydomian.com" and salesforce sends the email to outside organization using domian "salesforce.com" (return path), which means domain of "from" address is different from "Return path". This contradicts their policy.

I would like to understand, what other option do we have to achieve the above requirement where we can make from adress domain same as Returnpath domain.

Does, setting DKIM key will achieve the above requirement ?
Also, we are not in favour of setting Email Relay.


Hi Experts,

I am trying to track suspicious user activities via Transaction history policy. Can someone please guide me in achieving the below scenario. I didn’t find the option to achieve this via available/predefined events.

Repeated Logins - Notify user upon n of login attempts in 24 hours. 

Hi Experts,

Below is the formula which flags the field based on the given condition but it is not working as expected. Could someone pls take a look and help to make the corrections.

In nutshell requirement is:
update the flag to white whenever the status is set to Closed
2. Set the flag green if status is “In progress” or “Unread” and Created date time < 24 hrs
3. Set the flag green if status is “In Progress - Awaiting customer reply” or “Status ,"In Progress - Transferred off SF” or In Progress - Customer Replied
4. Set the flag red if status is “In progress” or “Unread” and Created date time > 24 hrs
5. when status “Reopened” and field Case_Age_including_re_open__c < 24hr, flag green and > 24 flag red.

//This will update the flag to white whenever the status is set to Closed

(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"Closed - Resolved")) || 
(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"Closed - Spam")) || 
(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"Closed - Withdrawn")) || 
(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"Closed - Transferred off SF")) ,IMAGE("s.gif", "white", 15, 15), 

//Set the flag green if status is “In progress” or “Unread” and Created date time < 24 hrs
OR((ISPICKVAL( Status ,"In Progress")), 
(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"Unread"))) && 
(FLOOR((NOW() - CreatedDate)*24) < 24), IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_green.gif", "green", 15, 15), 

// Set the flag green if status is “In Progress - Awaiting customer reply” or “Status ,"In Progress - Transferred off SF” or In Progress - Customer Replied
OR((ISPICKVAL( Status ,"In Progress - Awaiting customer reply")), 
(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"In Progress - Transferred off SF")), 
(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"In Progress - Customer Replied"))), IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_green.gif", "green", 15, 15), 

// Set the flag red if status is “In progress” or “Unread” and Created date time > 24 hrs
OR((ISPICKVAL( Status ,"In Progress")), 
(ISPICKVAL( Status ,"Unread"))) && 
(FLOOR((NOW() - CreatedDate)) > 24), IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_red.gif", "red", 15, 15), 

//when status “Reopened” and field Case_Age_including_re_open__c < 24hr, flag green
IF( (ISPICKVAL (Status, "Reopened"))&& 
(Case_Age_including_re_open__c)<24, IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_green.gif", "green", 15, 15), 

// when status “Reopened” and field Case_Age_including_re_open__c > 24hr, flag red
IF( (ISPICKVAL (Status, "Reopened"))&& 

(Case_Age_including_re_open__c)>24, IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_red.gif", "red", 15, 15), 

Hi Team,

There is a field which flag the case to green till 24 hours from creation date and flag red after 24 hours.I want to update the formaul so that the flag turns to white once the case status change to close - Resolved.

As per my understanding this requires multiple IF statement. Could someone please guide in modifying the below formula:


IF((FLOOR((NOW() - CreatedDate)*24) < 24) && ISPICKVAL($User.User_Country__c,"India") ,"/img/samples/flag_green.gif", "/img/samples/flag_red.gif"), "", 15,15)

Hi Experts,

I have created VF page which displays announcement on Home Page. I have successfully added it on the home page. However, facing a challenge while adding the same on the bottom of the console page. 

We want to display the same message which is on our home page to the console bottom page. 

Home Page Message:
Home Page message - working Fine

Console Page
Console Page - Display the Same at the bottomI have added the VF to the custom console component and in the app of serivce console but still no luck.

Below is the VF Page:
<apex:page controller="announcementclass">
<apex:form >
   <div style= "border:0px solid blue; position: middle" >
      <font color="black">

<marquee align="middle" bgcolor="white" align="center" width="100%" height="20px" direction="LEFT" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<apex:outputLabel escape="false" value="{!message1}" />

<marquee align="middle" bgcolor="white" color="white" width="100%" height="20px" direction="LEFT" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<apex:outputLabel escape="false" value="{!message}" />

<marquee align="middle" bgcolor="white" width="100%" height="20px" direction="LEFT" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<apex:outputLabel escape="false" value="{!message2}" />

Hi Expert,
Can someone please help me with the below mentioned scenario-

I want to display a ticker message on home page based on the below requirement:
I have a custom object name- Ticker which includes 4 fields-
B2B Message
B2C Message

I want to display the value from the mentioned field on VF page (using marque tag) which can then be added to Home page component. We have 2 profiles based on which messgae should display. If user with profile B2B is logged in, message from field B2B should populate and if user with profile b2c login, message from b2c field should populate.

Attached is the screenshot what I am trying to achieve.

User-added image


Hi All,

We have a multiselect field "Team data set" on Account with almost 15 values. Our requirement is :
  1. Not allow a user to ADD any of the values that begin with ‘ X Admin’ in the field ‘team data set’ on the account page, AND
  2. Not allow a user to REMOVE (already exist) any of the values that begin with ‘ X Admin’ in the field ‘team data set’ on the account page.
In short, we don't want a user to tag value starting from 'X - Admin' and if the values already exist we don't want a user to untag it.



I want to display an announcment flashing right to left on home page with a url embedded in the text which we will dispaly. I tried it using marquee tag but URL is not working properly and as per the blogs it seems marquee tag is discarded and no longer supported.

Please guide how can I achieve this requirement.  

Hi Team,

There is a field which flag the case to green till 24 hours from creation date and flag red after 24 hours.I want to update the formaul so that the flag turns to white once the case status change to close - Resolved.

As per my understanding this requires multiple IF statement. Could someone please guide in modifying the below formula:


IF((FLOOR((NOW() - CreatedDate)*24) < 24) && ISPICKVAL($User.User_Country__c,"India") ,"/img/samples/flag_green.gif", "/img/samples/flag_red.gif"), "", 15,15)

Hi Experts,

I have created VF page which displays announcement on Home Page. I have successfully added it on the home page. However, facing a challenge while adding the same on the bottom of the console page. 

We want to display the same message which is on our home page to the console bottom page. 

Home Page Message:
Home Page message - working Fine

Console Page
Console Page - Display the Same at the bottomI have added the VF to the custom console component and in the app of serivce console but still no luck.

Below is the VF Page:
<apex:page controller="announcementclass">
<apex:form >
   <div style= "border:0px solid blue; position: middle" >
      <font color="black">

<marquee align="middle" bgcolor="white" align="center" width="100%" height="20px" direction="LEFT" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<apex:outputLabel escape="false" value="{!message1}" />

<marquee align="middle" bgcolor="white" color="white" width="100%" height="20px" direction="LEFT" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<apex:outputLabel escape="false" value="{!message}" />

<marquee align="middle" bgcolor="white" width="100%" height="20px" direction="LEFT" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">
<apex:outputLabel escape="false" value="{!message2}" />


I want to display an announcment flashing right to left on home page with a url embedded in the text which we will dispaly. I tried it using marquee tag but URL is not working properly and as per the blogs it seems marquee tag is discarded and no longer supported.

Please guide how can I achieve this requirement.  
