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It always stay on Null.

this is my code:

 public String selectedReason {get; set;}


<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="OptionReason"/>
        <apex:outputLabel value="{!$ObjectType.Case.fields.Reason.Label}"/>           
        <apex:selectList id="OptionReason" value="{!selectedReason}" multiselect="false" size="1">
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!reasonOptions}"/>

I can't get the value of my SelectedList, I can show the values but I can't get the picked one.

SelectOptions is working well.

<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="OptionReason"/>
        <apex:selectList id="OptionReason" value="{!selectedReason}" multiselect="false" size="1">
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!reasonOptions}"/>

This is my code:

Case cse = [Select id, status, reason
                    From Case  
                    Where id = :this.target.Id
                    limit 1];
        cse.status = status;
        cse.reason = selectedReason;
        update cse;

I can get the values of the Case but when I update it does nothing

 How does one customize the "log email" pane in the Lightning for Outlook app?
Our org is using Lightning for Outlook and we want to modify some things in. I can't find any section to do it.

As the title said, I'm trying to link Salesforce and Outlook but I can't see the option to do it in Lightning.

Also, I can't log in Salesforce for Outlook in my sandbox account, It throws an error saying that I didn't write the correct email or password wich is not true.

It just stopped working after retrieve all data from org.
I want to know how can I show more than 1 record of my list without getting an error.
This is my actual code:
this.AccountList = [Select  Owner.name
                                From Account
            this.target = this.AccountList.get(0);
<apex:pageBlockSection title="" collapsible="false" columns="2" rendered="{!target.Name != ''}">
<apex:outputText value="{!target.Name}"/> 

I want to know how can I show more than 1 object without getting an error.

This is my actual code:


this.AccountList = [Select  Owner.name
                                From Account
            this.target = this.AccountList.get(0);


<apex:pageBlockSection title="" collapsible="false" columns="2" rendered="{!target.Name != ''}">

<apex:outputText value="{!target.Name}"/> 


How can I use custom links on custom visualforce pages? 

I want to use custom links that I already created on my custom visualforce page and I dont know how.

I also have a home component with Link as type. 

How can I use custom links or home link component on my custom visualforce page?

I want to know how can I hide visualforce components using filters, when I try to do something I get an error when I try to save it:

Component 'Visualforce' has an invalid value for property 'Visualforce Page Name'.


I'm ussing a trigger to set that:

trigger SetUserPreferencesLightning on User (before insert, before update) {
  string url = Apexpages.currentPage().getUrl();
    for(User user : Trigger.new) {
        user.UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred = true;

This works for my admin profile but is not working for another users. (those users are not switched to lightning as default page but they can switch to lightning)

After migrating everything to lightning, I had some issues, on the first week, I was able to switch my user and another one without problems but now, I can't switch anybody.

This is the error that I got

I migrated from classic to lightning, I want to maintain both. I'm adding lightningStylesheets=true to some vf pages that are not changing their style to lightning. It doesn't work with every page. Why?

I can't get the value of my SelectedList, I can show the values but I can't get the picked one.

SelectOptions is working well.

<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="OptionReason"/>
        <apex:selectList id="OptionReason" value="{!selectedReason}" multiselect="false" size="1">
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!reasonOptions}"/>

This is my code:

Case cse = [Select id, status, reason
                    From Case  
                    Where id = :this.target.Id
                    limit 1];
        cse.status = status;
        cse.reason = selectedReason;
        update cse;

I can get the values of the Case but when I update it does nothing

It just stopped working after retrieve all data from org.
I want to know how can I show more than 1 record of my list without getting an error.
This is my actual code:
this.AccountList = [Select  Owner.name
                                From Account
            this.target = this.AccountList.get(0);
<apex:pageBlockSection title="" collapsible="false" columns="2" rendered="{!target.Name != ''}">
<apex:outputText value="{!target.Name}"/> 

I want to know how can I show more than 1 object without getting an error.

This is my actual code:


this.AccountList = [Select  Owner.name
                                From Account
            this.target = this.AccountList.get(0);


<apex:pageBlockSection title="" collapsible="false" columns="2" rendered="{!target.Name != ''}">

<apex:outputText value="{!target.Name}"/> 


How can I use custom links on custom visualforce pages? 

I want to use custom links that I already created on my custom visualforce page and I dont know how.

I also have a home component with Link as type. 

How can I use custom links or home link component on my custom visualforce page?

I want to know how can I hide visualforce components using filters, when I try to do something I get an error when I try to save it:

Component 'Visualforce' has an invalid value for property 'Visualforce Page Name'.


I'm ussing a trigger to set that:

trigger SetUserPreferencesLightning on User (before insert, before update) {
  string url = Apexpages.currentPage().getUrl();
    for(User user : Trigger.new) {
        user.UserPreferencesLightningExperiencePreferred = true;

This works for my admin profile but is not working for another users. (those users are not switched to lightning as default page but they can switch to lightning)

After migrating everything to lightning, I had some issues, on the first week, I was able to switch my user and another one without problems but now, I can't switch anybody.

This is the error that I got

I migrated from classic to lightning, I want to maintain both. I'm adding lightningStylesheets=true to some vf pages that are not changing their style to lightning. It doesn't work with every page. Why?