• Kiyana Dunlock
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I have custom metadata where the labels are the names of the Account.
I want a formula field on the Account object that returns the prelog agency feld value associated with the custom metadata with the Account name label

Case_Legal_Media is the name of an account and the name of the custom metadata label. I want to insert this dynamically such as !{Account.Name} but unsure of syntax.
I have two fields on the Account -
Account Name and Account Alias

I have a list of Account names and their Aliases that I would like to be able to store in salesforce somewhere to reference.

I want a formula field check box that checks these values against the list.

I want the formula to find the Account Name Field in the Account Name keys from the list and check if the value = the Alias field and if so return true.

I am trying to create a formula field checkbox that checks if a value in a field on the record and on the parent record(master) is a part of the list.

Master Record Child Name Field - 'A'
Child Record Name Field - 'B'

UniqueCases List ex.
master record chld name.      child recod name 
              'A'                                          'B'

Example formula

AND(masterRecordChildName != childRecodName , !Contains(UniqueCases.masterRecordChildName,  MasterRecordChildNameField), !Contains(UniqueCases.childRecodName,  ChildRecodNameField))
Hi Team!!

Currently the first SOQL is working but when I update the dates and click submit I still see the same list of schedules even though they are not in the range.  Was trying to get the start week working in my code first but I need both start and end. 
VF Page
<apex:page standardController="Schedules__c" extensions="WeeklyComparisonController">
function toggleContacts(className){
    elem = document.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];
    if(elem.style.display == 'none')
        elem.style.display = 'block';
        elem.style.display = 'none';
<apex:form >
<apex:panelGrid columns="5" id="dates1">
    <b>Start Date: </b><apex:inputfield value="{!firstRangeWeek.Week__c}"/>
    <b>End Date: </b><apex:inputfield value="{!Schedules__c.Week__c}"/>
    <apex:commandButton value="Submit" rerender="dates1, case"/>

<apex:outputPanel id="test">  
    <apex:repeat value="{!sched}" var="s" id="scheds">
        <apex:pageBlock title="{!s.Name} {!s.Week__c} ({!s.ID})">

public class WeeklyComparisonController {
    public Schedules__c firstRangeWeek{get; set;}

    public WeeklyComparisonController(ApexPages.StandardController sc){
        firstRangeWeek = new Schedules__c(Week__c = date.today().toStartofWeek().AddDays(-6));
    public Schedules__c[] sched { 	
        get {
            return [
                    SELECT Id, Name, Week__c 
                    FROM Schedules__c
                    WHERE DealProgram__c = 'ION Television'
                    AND Week__c >= :date.valueOf(firstRangeWeek.Week__c)

I know I need an action with the Submit but Im not sure how to set it up. I tries this and recieved numerous erros:

User-added imageUser-added image
Hi I need help creaating a test class for a visula force page controller, below is the code:

VF Page:
<apex:page controller="AvailabilityReportSyndication" title="Syndication Availability Report">
    <apex:form id="frm">
        <apex:actionStatus id="status1" startText="Saving..." startStyle="font-size:18px"/>
        <apex:sectionHeader title="Availability Report Syndication"/>
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" reRender="frm" status="status1"/>
                    <h2><td width = "300px" bgcolor="grey"><B>Program: Program </B></td>
                    <td width = "100px" bgcolor="grey"><B>Units Available </B></td>
                    <td width = "100px" bgcolor="grey"><B>Schedule </B></td></h2>
                <apex:repeat value="{!programTeams}" var="obj">
                        <td colspan="3" bgcolor="{!if(obj.team == 'Blue','Sky Blue',obj.team)}"><B>Program: Team: </B>{!obj.team}<B> ({!obj.tCount} Records)</B></td>
                        <apex:repeat value="{!obj.weeks}" var="w">
                                <td colspan="3" bgcolor="cyan"><B>Week: </B>
                                    <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM/dd/yyyy}">
                                        <apex:param value="{!w.week}"/>
                                    <B>({!w.wCount} Records)</B>
                                <apex:repeat value="{!w.schList}" var="s">
                                        <td><apex:outputField value="{!s.DealProgram__c}"/></td>
                                        <td align="center"><apex:inputField value="{!s.Units_Available__c}" style="width:50px" /></td>
                                        <td align="center">
                                            <a href="/{!s.id}" target="_blank">
                                                <apex:outputField value="{!s.Name}"/>
                    <td colspan="3" bgcolor="grey"><B>Grand Totals ({!grand} Records)</B></td>


public class AvailabilityReportSyndication 
    public List<schedules__c> schedules;
    public List<programTeamModel> programTeams{get;set;}
    public Integer grand{get;set;}
    //Constructor definition
    public AvailabilityReportSyndication ()
    private void getRecords() 
    	programTeams = new List<programTeamModel>();
        schedules = [SELECT 
                        id, name, Week__c, Units_Available__c, Rate__c, DealProgram__c, Deal_Parent__c, 
                        Deal_Parent__r.Program__r.Team__c, DealBrand__c, Deal_Parent__r.Program__r.Cable_Synd__c 
                        FROM Schedules__c
                        WHERE Week__c >= LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND DealBrand__c = 'Availability' AND Deal_Parent__r.Program__r.Cable_Synd__c = 'Syndication' 
                        AND Deal_Parent__r.Program__r.Fixed_Inventory__c = false ORDER BY week__c LIMIT 1000
        System.debug('######Records found==>'+schedules.size()+'###'+schedules);

        Map<String, Map<Date, List<Schedules__c>>> teamMap = new Map<String, Map<Date, List<Schedules__c>>>();
        for(Schedules__c sch: schedules)
            if(sch.Deal_Parent__r.Program__r.Team__c != null)
                Map<Date, List<Schedules__c>> weekMap = teamMap.get(sch.Deal_Parent__r.Program__r.Team__c);
                if(weekMap != null)
                    List<Schedules__c> scheds = weekMap.get(sch.Week__c);
                    if(scheds != null)
                        weekMap.put(sch.Week__c, new List<Schedules__c>{sch});
                    weekMap = new Map<Date, List<Schedules__c>>();
                    weekMap.put(sch.Week__c, new List<Schedules__c>{sch});
                    teamMap.put(sch.Deal_Parent__r.Program__r.Team__c, weekMap);
        grand = 0;
        for(String t : teamMap.keySet())
            programTeamModel ptm = new programTeamModel();
            ptm.team = t;
            Map<Date, List<Schedules__c>> wMap = teamMap.get(t);
            List<Date> lstDates = new List<Date>();
            List<weekModel> wModelList = new List<weekModel>();
            integer i=0;
            for(Date d : lstDates)
              	weekModel wModel = new weekModel();
                List<Schedules__c> s = wMap.get(d);
                wModel.week = d;
                wModel.schList = s;
                wModel.wCount = s.size();
                i += wModel.wCount;
            ptm.weeks = wModelList;
            ptm.tCount = i;
            grand += ptm.tCount;
    public void save() 
        Set<Schedules__c> updatedSch = new Set<Schedules__c>();
        List<Schedules__c> updatedSchList = new List<Schedules__c>();
        for(programTeamModel p : programTeams)
            List<weekModel> weekList = p.weeks;
            for(weekmodel w : weekList)
                List<schedules__c> sList = w.schList;
                for(Schedules__c s : sList)
        for(Schedules__c s:updatedSch)
        upsert updatedSchList;
        system.debug('@@@@@@ Records saved####');
    class weekModel 
        public integer wCount{get;set;}
        public Date week {get;set;}
        public List<Schedules__c> schList {get;set;}
        public weekModel()
            schList = new List<Schedules__c>();
    class programTeamModel 
        public Integer tCount{get;set;}
        public String team {set;get;}
        public List<weekModel> weeks {get;set;}
        public programTeamModel()
            weeks = new List<weekModel>();

Please help thank you!
I have two fields on the Account -
Account Name and Account Alias

I have a list of Account names and their Aliases that I would like to be able to store in salesforce somewhere to reference.

I want a formula field check box that checks these values against the list.

I want the formula to find the Account Name Field in the Account Name keys from the list and check if the value = the Alias field and if so return true.