• Ted Jokovich
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I have this on my VF page and code to update a related field when an onchange event occurs. Every so often, it fails to respond to the change event for that field. Any ideas?

<apex:inputField value="{!batch.Bank_Date__c}"  >
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="  {!myPaymentMethod}" rerender="BankRef1,BankRef2,recInfo" />
Hi Friends,
Let me know if there is any way to convert Custom Object to Standard Object.

Let me know your comments


How does everyone feel about being a developer in the Salesforce stack? I am about to graduate from University and head to a company where my team will be working exclusively with Salesforce and I am not sure exactly what to make of that fact.
Dear all,

We're looking at the various options of using Salesforce mobile (Salesforce1 application, SF1 Browser, Salesforce Classic in the browser) and are finding limitations with each:

Salesforce 1
  • Overriding the "View" action on an SObject appears to have no effect at all in SF1 and the standard page is displayed
  • The lack of ability to override the Edit action and then return to the normal edit page if the override logic requires it
What have people done to fix their existing overrides when they move to SF1?
Salesforce Classic in Mobile
  • If you direct to the full Salesforce classic site in mobile (i.e. switching off the "Enable the Salesforce1 mobile browser app" setting), the UIThemeDisplayed variable still seems to think that the user is in SF1
Lightning Experience
  • With Lightning Experience switched on and "Enable the Salesforce1 mobile browser app" switched off, the user cannot log-in on mobile
  • With Lightning Experience switched on and "Enable the Salesforce1 mobile browser app" switched on, the user is directed to SF1, despite Lightning Experience being responsive to different screen sizes, etc.
Does anybody have any advice, answers or workarounds to these questions? It makes mobile development very difficult when the navigation behaviours/capabilities in the desktop and mobile version differ so wildly.

With thanks,



I am following the book "Developement with the Force.com platform" by JasonOuelette.

When creating the Custom Objects, I did not check the box to be visible in a tab, and so I could not add this object to the Custom App I was creating. Now I have a created fields and relationships in the custom object. How do I add this Object to the Custom App?




  • September 27, 2010
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