• koenny jone
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Hello guys

I need some help with the following business case:

Users create an opportunity with the estimated amount and close date when starting a project. Details on the actual payment amounts and dates are added in the product schedules once the project moves forward.
We need a report that shows all opportunity cashflows on a timeline, combining opportunities with and without schedules and using whatever date and amount is available. For opportunities without a product schedule this would be closedate and amount, for opportunites with a scheduleDate and revenue.

Here is screenshot of the given datat and the expected outcome:

Best regards,
I followed all process of linking to trailhead, trailhead account is verified but badges are not showing there.
Please help on this.
Hi All!

I've got a Live Agent question:

We have a use case where we want to have chats started from a couple pages on our site to route to a different team, while the majority of chats on the site goes to the general chat queue. This part we were able to achieve with deploying a different chat button on those pages which routes to that other team. On that front, everything works well.

The issue we're finding though is some of our customers are moving from page-to-page while in a chat. If they go from a page where we have this secondary chat button deployed to one with the primary chat button, we lose connection with that customer.

I guess the question is: is there any way that we can maintain the chat when users navigate to a primary chat page? Maybe some way to deploy the secondary chat on a primary page so that it's hidden, but will allow customers coming from a secondary chat page to maintain their current chat?