• JenniferArnold
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I am working with the Red Cross Bay Area to launch an emergency preparedness network (www.PrepareBayArea.org). We need to pass form data from our PHP application to a Salesforce.com account. Web-to-Lead (straight HTML form) might work, but my preference would be to do this via a function call. We are looking for someone with a lot of experience connecting to Salesforce from a PHP application who can help us navigate the possible solutions. Even better is someone who can help with the implementation. If interested, please email me at dale.mcgrew@golightly.com
I would like to know if it's possible to guarantee the uniqueness of a lead in SalesForce. I need to use something like SSN as the key. The situation is as follows: A user expresses interest in a car loan and provides his/her SSN to see if they qualify for a special rate. This lead would be inserted into SForce via "Web2Lead". If they qualify, I would then send them to a custom page that would extract their info from SF and update it with additional information (credit app fields). Obviously I only want to create one application per SSN so I have to be sure it's unique.

Has anyone done anything like this or have an idea as to how it can be done.


Hi all,

I've scoured through the boards to the best of my ability and cannot find a topic that addresses my question.

Basically, I just want to know if it is possible through Web to Lead or some other Salesforce post action to update an existing lead, rather than inserting a new lead, provided I have the existing lead's ID.

I know it is possible through the API, but unfortunately, the company for whom I'm trying to get this to work does not have an Enterprise account. 

While I realize that this level of capability is why the API exists to begin with, it seems like it would be a logical step in the post action of the Web to Lead form to look for an incoming ID value, and if one exists, do an update instead of an insert. 

So, if anyone has a definitive answer, that would help tremendously.


I am currently building an HR app using custom objects and multiforce. I have created an object called Employee Review that is associated to the object Employee. Basically I want a webform (like web2lead) that will collect information from each employee relating to this object. For example year end goals, other accomplishments, etc. I would like them to hit an internal website, and fill out a form with the information. Then I want this data to be placed as a new review object under their Employee record (based on email address and password although I havent figured out the password piece yet). Has anyone done anything like this before?? If so any ideas as to what I should do?




  • June 22, 2005
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I'm trying to get the web 2 leads working and the leads are never showing up in salesforce. Also, instead of returning the user to the page that I specified, it returns the user to the same page that the form was on. I am relatively certain that the form is being submitted to salesforce, but I'm not sure what the problem is.

My form looks like this (might be hard to read). You'll notice the submit button does a little bit of 'magic' to get the form to submit to the correct page (darn ASP.NET).

  <form name="Form" method="post" action="/Contact/tabid/58/Default.aspx" id="Form" enctype="multipart/form-data" style="height:100%;">
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" value="" />

 <span id="dnn_ctr470_HtmlModule_HtmlHolder" class="Normal"><INPUT type=hidden value=00D300000000cPN name=oid> <INPUT type=hidden value=http://www.3pointoh.com name=retURL> Salutation: <SELECT id=salutation name=salutation><OPTION value="" selected>--None--<OPTION value=Mr.>Mr.</OPTION> <OPTION value=Ms.>Ms.</OPTION> <OPTION value=Mrs.>Mrs.</OPTION> <OPTION value=Dr.>Dr.</OPTION> <OPTION value=Prof.>Prof.</OPTION></SELECT><BR>First Name: <INPUT id=first_name maxLength=40 name=first_name><BR>Last Name: <INPUT id=last_name maxLength=40 name=last_name><BR>Title: <INPUT id=title maxLength=80 name=title><BR>Company: <INPUT id=company maxLength=80 name=company><BR>Website: <INPUT id=URL maxLength=80 name=URL><BR>Email: <INPUT id=email maxLength=80 name=email><BR>Phone: <INPUT id=phone maxLength=40 name=phone><BR>Fax: <INPUT id=fax maxLength=40 name=fax><BR>Mobile Phone: <INPUT id=mobile maxLength=40 name=mobile><BR>Description: <TEXTAREA name=description></TEXTAREA><BR>Address: <TEXTAREA name=street></TEXTAREA><BR>City: <INPUT id=city maxLength=40 name=city><BR>State/Province: <INPUT id=state maxLength=20 name=state><BR>Zip: <INPUT id=zip maxLength=20 name=zip><BR>Country: <INPUT id=country maxLength=40 name=country><BR>Lead Source: <SELECT id=lead_source name=lead_source><OPTION value="" selected>--None--<OPTION value=Web>Web</OPTION> <OPTION value="Phone Inquiry">Phone Inquiry</OPTION> <OPTION value="Partner Referral">Partner Referral</OPTION> <OPTION value="Purchased List">Purchased List</OPTION> <OPTION value=Other>Other</OPTION></SELECT><BR>Industry: <SELECT id=industry name=industry><OPTION value="" selected>--None--<OPTION value=Agriculture>Agriculture</OPTION> <OPTION value=Apparel>Apparel</OPTION> <OPTION value=Banking>Banking</OPTION> <OPTION value=Biotechnology>Biotechnology</OPTION> <OPTION value=Chemicals>Chemicals</OPTION> <OPTION value=Communications>Communications</OPTION> <OPTION value=Construction>Construction</OPTION> <OPTION value=Consulting>Consulting</OPTION> <OPTION value=Education>Education</OPTION> <OPTION value=Electronics>Electronics</OPTION> <OPTION value=Energy>Energy</OPTION> <OPTION value=Engineering>Engineering</OPTION> <OPTION value=Entertainment>Entertainment</OPTION> <OPTION value=Environmental>Environmental</OPTION> <OPTION value=Finance>Finance</OPTION> <OPTION value="Food &amp; Beverage">Food &amp; Beverage</OPTION> <OPTION value=Government>Government</OPTION> <OPTION value=Healthcare>Healthcare</OPTION> <OPTION value=Hospitality>Hospitality</OPTION> <OPTION value=Insurance>Insurance</OPTION> <OPTION value=Machinery>Machinery</OPTION> <OPTION value=Manufacturing>Manufacturing</OPTION> <OPTION value=Media>Media</OPTION> <OPTION value="Not For Profit">Not For Profit</OPTION> <OPTION value=Recreation>Recreation</OPTION> <OPTION value=Retail>Retail</OPTION> <OPTION value=Shipping>Shipping</OPTION> <OPTION value=Technology>Technology</OPTION> <OPTION value=Telecommunications>Telecommunications</OPTION> <OPTION value=Transportation>Transportation</OPTION> <OPTION value=Utilities>Utilities</OPTION> <OPTION value=Other>Other</OPTION></SELECT><BR>Annual Revenue: <INPUT id=revenue name=revenue><BR>Employees: <INPUT id=employees name=employees><BR>Campaign: <SELECT id=Campaign_ID name=Campaign_ID><OPTION value="" selected>--None--<OPTION value=7013000000015p1>Greenville Magazine Ad</OPTION> <OPTION value=7013000000018gS>Yellow Pages</OPTION> <OPTION value=7013000000019dd>BBB</OPTION> <OPTION value=7013000000019cG>Ricky Ray</OPTION> <OPTION value=701300000001DqI>Internet Search</OPTION></SELECT><BR><INPUT id=member_status type=hidden name=member_status> Email Opt Out: <INPUT id=emailOptOut type=checkbox value=1 name=emailOptOut><BR>Fax Opt Out: <INPUT id=faxOptOut type=checkbox value=1 name=faxOptOut><BR>Do Not Call: <INPUT id=doNotCall type=checkbox value=1 name=doNotCall><BR>Request Sample Materials: <INPUT id=00N30000000nr2r type=checkbox value=1 name=00N30000000nr2r><BR>Product Interest: <SELECT id=00N30000000laQe multiple name=00N30000000laQe><OPTION value="Media Conversion (eg. VHS to DVD)">Media Conversion (eg. VHS to DVD)</OPTION> <OPTION value="Media Duplication">Media Duplication</OPTION> <OPTION value="Multimedia CDs">Multimedia CDs</OPTION> <OPTION value="Video Production">Video Production</OPTION> <OPTION value=Websites>Websites</OPTION></SELECT><BR><INPUT onclick="document.getElementById('Form').action='http://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToLead?encoding=UTF-8';" type=submit value="Contact Sales"></span>


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