• bill hayhow
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This SQL works fine with Office Toolkit v3, but not v4:


select * from Billing_CCPayment__c
WHERE Status__c = 'Unsuccessful'
AND Payment_Process_Date__c >= 2009-04-03
AND Payment_Process_Date__c <= 2009-04-03T23:59:59-05:00


In v4, I get this error:


SForceOfficeToolkit4.SForceSession4.1 (0x80004005)
INVALID_FIELD: Status__c = 'Unsuccessful' AND Payment_Process_Date__c >= 2009-04-03 ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:373 value of filter criterion for field 'Payment_Process_Date__c' must be of type dateTime and should not be enclosed in quotes


It appears that my dates/times are formatted as per the v4 documentation.  Payment_Process_Date__c is specified as a date/time field in Salesforce. 


Has something changed with the 'where clause' syntax - or with date formatting syntax?


Thanks for helping.

Currently, the 'from address' on the email auto-response appears to be that of the 'author', although I'm not sure of this.  We would prefer that the email be 'from' the company rather than a person.  I have been unable to locate a page or property to allow this to be changed.  Can this be done?  If so, please let me know where/how.
Thank you for your help.
Bill Hayhow
Direct Knowledge

Where can I get version 4 of the Office Toolkit?

It has been discussed within the forums for over a year and a half:




Based on forum entries, it was originally due to be released in the spring of 2007. It would appear that it is now available. Where can we get a copy?


Bill Hayhow

Message Edited by bill hayhow on 05-02-2008 12:31 PM

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 with Classic ASP.  I started running a working Salesforce application on a new conputer and I'm getting an error that I don't get on either the server or on other computers. 

When looping through a queryresult, I get an 'unknown exception' error when I reach record number 100.  My code looks something like this:

Set sf_queryresult = SforceApi.Query("select Name, ID from account", False)
if sf_queryresult.size > 0 then
 x = 0
 For Each sf_record In sf_queryresult
  x = x + 1
  'do something with sf_record
end if

The 'unknown exception' occurs on the 'next' statement with the value of x equal to 100.

Is there a configuration setting somewhere that limits a query to 100 records?  I've checked the documentation, and the limits appear to be much higher than this.

I would appreciate any help that I can get on this.  Thank you.

In Visual Studio 2005, with classic ASP, I'm getting an error that does not occur either on my server or on other machines. 
When looping through a queryresult, I'm getting an 'unknown exception' at the 100th record.  Sample code looks like this:

Set sf_queryresult = SforceApi.Query("select Name, ID from account", False)
if sf_queryresult.size > 0 then
x = 0

For Each sf_record In sf_queryresult

x = x + 1

if x > ubound(saAccountList, 2) then

redim preserve saAccountList(2, ubound(saAccountList, 2) + 500)

end if

saAccountList(1, x) = sf_record("Name")

saAccountList(2, x) = sf_record("ID")


redim preserve saAccountList(2, x)

end if

In Visual Studio 2005, with classic ASP, I'm getting an error that does not occur either on my server or on other machines. 
When looping through a queryresult, I'm getting an 'unknown exception' at the 100th record.  Sample code looks like this:

Set sf_queryresult = SforceApi.Query("select Name, ID from account", False)
if sf_queryresult.size > 0 then
x = 0

For Each sf_record In sf_queryresult

x = x + 1

if x > ubound(saAccountList, 2) then

redim preserve saAccountList(2, ubound(saAccountList, 2) + 500)

end if

saAccountList(1, x) = sf_record("Name")

saAccountList(2, x) = sf_record("ID")


redim preserve saAccountList(2, x)

end if

I've been using the Office Toolkit with ASP for quite some time.  Previously, I was using Visual Interdev.  Now, I have upgraded to Visual Studio 2005. 
When I first started using VS2005, my application worked fine.  Now, my application hangs on the login command:

Set SforceApi = server.CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit3.SForceSession3.1")
if not SforceApi.Login("myid","mypassword") then

The create object command works fine, but the login command hangs. 

I can stop the application, but then I can no longer run the application at all, until after a reboot.  I can run other applications without rebooting, but not this one.  So it would seem that the IIS/application is hung. 

I would appreciate any assistance regarding what may have caused this problem and how to fix it. 

Thank you,

Bill Hayhow

This SQL works fine with Office Toolkit v3, but not v4:


select * from Billing_CCPayment__c
WHERE Status__c = 'Unsuccessful'
AND Payment_Process_Date__c >= 2009-04-03
AND Payment_Process_Date__c <= 2009-04-03T23:59:59-05:00


In v4, I get this error:


SForceOfficeToolkit4.SForceSession4.1 (0x80004005)
INVALID_FIELD: Status__c = 'Unsuccessful' AND Payment_Process_Date__c >= 2009-04-03 ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:373 value of filter criterion for field 'Payment_Process_Date__c' must be of type dateTime and should not be enclosed in quotes


It appears that my dates/times are formatted as per the v4 documentation.  Payment_Process_Date__c is specified as a date/time field in Salesforce. 


Has something changed with the 'where clause' syntax - or with date formatting syntax?


Thanks for helping.

I have an application running fine under Win2k with the Office toolkit and classic ASP.  We're trying to move the app to a 2003 server and get the following error when a simple login test is run:

The code:

set sfApi = Server.CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit3.SForceSession3.1")
sfApi.SetServerUrl "https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/6.0"

result = sfApi.Login("--------","-------")

response.write "Login Result: " & result & "<br>"
response.write sfApi.ErrorMessage 

The output:

Login Result: False
Unable to send request to server. Access is denied.

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

Message Edited by stvjohnsn on 02-27-2008 04:38 PM

Message Edited by stvjohnsn on 02-27-2008 04:39 PM

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 with Classic ASP.  I started running a working Salesforce application on a new conputer and I'm getting an error that I don't get on either the server or on other computers. 

When looping through a queryresult, I get an 'unknown exception' error when I reach record number 100.  My code looks something like this:

Set sf_queryresult = SforceApi.Query("select Name, ID from account", False)
if sf_queryresult.size > 0 then
 x = 0
 For Each sf_record In sf_queryresult
  x = x + 1
  'do something with sf_record
end if

The 'unknown exception' occurs on the 'next' statement with the value of x equal to 100.

Is there a configuration setting somewhere that limits a query to 100 records?  I've checked the documentation, and the limits appear to be much higher than this.

I would appreciate any help that I can get on this.  Thank you.