• Kirtesh_Jain
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Does anyone know whether there is any prerequisite to the Force.com Advanced Developer exams?
Do I need to posses the Force.com Developer exam before I can sign for the Force.com Advanced Developer exam?


I am unable to write Test Class for Trigger.


here is my trigger


this trigger fire after record inserted into Contact Object and also insert record to

CustomerContactDetails custom object. can anybody help me.



trigger insertIntoCustomerContactDetail on Contact (after update)



for (Contact a : Trigger.new)


CustomerContactDetail__c ccd = new CustomerContactDetail__c


Contact__c = a.id,

First_Name__c =a.firstName,


Date_Of_Birth__c = a.Birthdate,

Mobile_No__c = a.MobilePhone,

Email__c = a.Email


insert ccd ;




Thanks in advance


I am trying to "copy" a custom object and four related lists into another custom object and four similar related lists.  Not all of the fields would be copied; only a select few.


Does anyone have any sample code that they can offer which will serve as a starting point?


The use case would be as such:


On the Tab for Object_A, there will be a command button to initiate the "Copy" process.  Object_A.Name and several fields would be used to create a new record in Object_B.  Object_A has a related list for which all the records need to be copied to a related list for Object_B (there are actually four of these related lists).



  • October 27, 2009
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Hi Guys,


I have 2 picklists on Account. One is "Industry" -- controlling field, the other is "Sector" -- dependent field.

For example,


When I choose "IT" for Industry, the Sector will show Database, CRM sys, NetWork etc.

When I choose "Education" for Industry, the Sector will show something .....

all those above are set up in field definition in Setup.


I wonder whether there is a way to get their relationship. I mean I hope Apex can help  show which picklist value in industry controlls which values in Sector.





Any idea will be goooooooooooooooooooood!!



I wrote test class for apex class, when i run that test class it shows '0' lines not tested, 100% covered.


Apex class is:


public with sharing class CustomerRetirement

public CustomerRetirement(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
      this.retirement= (Customer_Retirement_Detail__c)controller.getRecord();
      updateRetirementDetails = getCustomerRetirement();
      public CustomerRetirement(){}
      List<Customer_Retirement_Detail__c> customerRetirementDetails;
      private final List<Customer_Retirement_Detail__c> updateRetirementDetails;
      private String educationGoalId;
      private String customerId;
      private String message=null;
    public String getCustomerId()
      return customerId;
    public void setCustomerId(String customerId)
   public boolean isCustomerIdExit()
        boolean isCustomerId=false;
        List<Customer_Retirement_Detail__c> duplicateRetirementId=[select Customer_Id__c
      from Customer_Retirement_Detail__c where Customer_ID__c = :retirement.Customer_Id__c];
      for(Customer_Retirement_Detail__c retirement1:duplicateRetirementId)
      if(retirement1.Customer_Id__c == retirement.Customer_Id__c)
     return isCustomerId;
   public PageReference cancelRecord()
   PageReference page=null;
      page = new PageReference('/apex/LifeInsuranceTab');
      return page;
   public PageReference save()
     Integer p = 0;
     ApexPages.Message myMsg=null;
      String insuredPartyId=null;
      boolean isCustomerId = isCustomerIdExit();
      List<CustomerFinancialDetail__c> insuranceId =[select id from CustomerFinancialDetail__c
      where Customer_Id__c =: retirement.Customer_Id__c];
      for(CustomerFinancialDetail__c cfd : insuranceId)
       insuredPartyId = cfd.id;
       system.debug('******** Insured Party Id **********'+insuredPartyId);
      if(isCustomerId == true)
       message='Customer ID already in use';
       myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Customer ID already in use','');
      retirement.Financial_Detail__c = insuredPartyId;
      retirement.Currency__c = retirement.Currency__c;
      insert retirement;
      catch(Exception e)
       message='Record Inserted Sucessfully';
       myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.CONFIRM,'Record Inserted Sucessfully','');
      return null;
     public PageReference updateRecord()
        ApexPages.Message myMsg=null;
        Database.SaveResult[] sr = Database.update(updateRetirementDetails);
        for(Database.SaveResult sr1 : sr)
          myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.CONFIRM,'Record Saved Sucessfully','');
     catch(DmlException ex)
      return null;
   public List<Customer_Retirement_Detail__c> getUpdateRetirementDetails()
       return updateRetirementDetails;
      public List<Customer_Retirement_Detail__c> getCustomerRetirement()
        this.customerId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('customerId');
        customerRetirementDetails=[select Financial_Detail__c,
     from Customer_Retirement_Detail__c where Customer_ID__c = :customerId];
        return customerRetirementDetails;
    private final Customer_Retirement_Detail__c retirement;



I wrote test class is like this,


private class CustomerRetirementTest

    static testMethod void myUnitTest()
    public static testmethod void testIsCustomerIdExit()
     String duplicateRetirementId1='a0680000005zYu8';
     List<Customer_Retirement_Detail__c> duplicateRetirementId=[select Customer_Id__c
     from Customer_Retirement_Detail__c where Customer_ID__c = :duplicateRetirementId1];
     for(Customer_Retirement_Detail__c retirement1:duplicateRetirementId)
    public static testmethod void testCancelRecord()
    String page='/apex/LifeInsuranceTab';
   public static testmethod void testSave()
    Customer_Retirement_Detail__c crd=new Customer_Retirement_Detail__c();


Can any one help me, excpected code for line coverage and code coverage of 75%?


Thanks in Advance,



Thanks and Regards,


Srinivas Chittela

  • October 13, 2009
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I've created a VF page with a standardcontroller (User) and 1 extension

the extension is doing a pagereference after an action to move to another page.

            pagereference MyPage=  new PageReference('http://www.google.com');
            return MyPage;


this VF page is inside the Page layout and it only works inside the iframe.

I would like to redirect the full frame to my page.


Any idea?


I want to read a CSV file using Apex/Visualforce. Can we read a CSV file using Apex/Visual force? Any code sample would be helpful.



Thanks in advance!!!




  • June 17, 2009
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My client wants to have a quote with items sub-divided by product family.  How would I access the values in the ProductFamily picklist using Apex?  The questions I have seen on this were before the Summer '09 release.  Has anything been updated?

Hi ,


I found that required attribute doesn't work with <apex:inputFile />.


I want to put error Message for it to User. I dont want to use javascript as on page other 

fields are also with required attribute. I want to Sync all Error Messages on Page when submitting 

Submit button. 


Other way is to use Apex function to show Message.But I think it is not solution which i want.


Your help will be most appreciated.






Hi ,
 On some Viasualforce Pages ,helpText are not displaying as we hover on Image. Otherwise on other pages its appearing to
 work . What May be Issue ?
 Help would be Appriciate
Thanks ,
I have a visualforce page for Case .  accessing from portal , there is contact lookup .I am not able to update the value of that Contact (able to select from lookup but not updating).   while for internal user , it's being fine .I have given access rights for portal user .What may be reason.
help will be appericiate.
Does anyone know whether there is any prerequisite to the Force.com Advanced Developer exams?
Do I need to posses the Force.com Developer exam before I can sign for the Force.com Advanced Developer exam?

well i'm trying to do the test class for my trigger but it is give me System.DmlException when update.

private class aiu_IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
        List<Account> Auxacc = new List<Account>();
		List<Account> ListAcc = [Select a.TipoLimite__c, a.LimiteCredito__c, a.C_digo_do_Cliente__c From Account a];
			Account acc = new Account(
				C_digo_do_Cliente__c = 5,
				LimiteCredito__c = 100,
				Tipo_do_Cliente__c = '50'
			update acc;

trigger aiu_IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario on IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario__c (after insert, after update) {
		List<Account> Auxacc = new List<Account>();
		List<Account> ListAcc = [Select id,a.TipoLimite__c, a.LimiteCredito__c, a.C_digo_do_Cliente__c From Account a];
		for(IfaceLimiteCreditoDiario__c iface : Trigger.new){
		for(Account acc : ListAcc){
			if(String.valueOf(acc.C_digo_do_Cliente__c) == iface.CustomerNumber__c){
				Account accs  = acc;
				accs.LimiteCredito__c = iface.LimiteCredito__c;
				accs.TipoLimite__c = iface.TipoLimite__c;
				Auxacc.add (accs);
		update Auxacc;



I have List of List of String.


List<List<String>> with below 4 list<String>. I want to show that in a visualforce page, so that, all the string at position 0 have color1, and on position1 have color2


Ex: Result should be like this.


test0 <displayed in red color>

test1 <displayed in green color>

test2 <displayed in blue color>

test3 <displayed in green color>



How should i navigate it in the visual force page ?




(test0, null, null, null), 
(null, null , test1, null), 
(null, test2 , null, null), 
(null, null, test3, null]




I have a pageblock component.



   <apex:pageBlock >       

        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!group3}" var="a">

            <apex:column value="{!a}"/>




Group3 is a list of String. It has a mixture of Group1 and Group2 List of string.

I want to show Group3 on a page, with String belongs to group1 as color Red, and string belong to group2 as green.

I can show Group1 and Group2 seperately with specified colors, but i want to show in the order they occur in Group3. How should i specify group1 and group2 strings in group3?


How should i do that?








trigger updatetotalapps on Appointment__c(after update)
public list<appointment__c> apps {get;set;}  
public list<appointment__c> apps5 {get;set;} 
apps5 = new list<appointment__c>();
apps = new list<appointment__c>();
for(Appointment__c o:Trigger.old )

if (Trigger.isUpdate)
appointment__c  app1 =[select ID,Account__c,Name,Branch__c,Doctor__c,Appt_Date__c from appointment__c where id=:o.id];
appointment__c[]  app =[select ID,Account__c,Name,Branch__c,Doctor__c,Appt_Date__c from appointment__c where Appointment__c=:app1.id];
for(appointment__c ap:app)
}update apps;

 this is the triiger i have written for updating of records but after certain records updaTED ITS THROWING 101 SOQL ERROR PLZ REWRITE MY CODE SO THAT I CAN AVOID THE ERROR

How to get the name of a product in stead of the ID. Out of range issues. Query works fine in SOQL Explorer.


Is it possible to schedule a report rendered by a class and VF page daily and send it to gp. of people? The reports has 2 classes and vf running in background( one to choose date range for which you want the report to render and next conating all fields).

How can I send coded report everyday to gp. of people.

any ideas are appreciated.


  • July 16, 2011
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Created a new visualforce page from fore.com IDE and its saved to server. The project is deployed in server. But still don't see this page in the UI when I want to display through a custom link



I just got into a requirement where i need to pull lov of a field based on the record type , so that i do not need to change the code , if in future more lov's are added to the record type. I know the record type and dependencies will induce into VFP by default, but as per my requirement the standard controller object and the one for which i wanted to retrieve the lovs are different.


Let me know if there is any way to do this using global describe or any thing.

I have a picklist field with values 'Yes', 'No'

On the web portal if a user uploads a document, I want the picklist value to change from 'No' to 'yes'.

If the value is already 'Yes', keep it as 'Yes'.

Can someone please shed light on how I can achieve this?

Thanks in advance.



Is there is any option in informatica dataloader for importing data from salesforce to salesforce.




Was using Group Edition earlier now want import all the data with activities  from Group edtition to Professional edition.


If yes can anyone guide:


This is Urgent!!


  • July 15, 2011
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Hi All, 


I need to do changes for "ViewCase" functionality  in "Self Service Portal", I didn't find any way to customize the functionality using VF. 

Any help would be greatly appreicaited.  Please have a look into this. 


When user clicks on view suggested solutions, then I need to navigate him to my own page. 




Hi ,


I found that required attribute doesn't work with <apex:inputFile />.


I want to put error Message for it to User. I dont want to use javascript as on page other 

fields are also with required attribute. I want to Sync all Error Messages on Page when submitting 

Submit button. 


Other way is to use Apex function to show Message.But I think it is not solution which i want.


Your help will be most appreciated.






I am unable to write Test Class for Trigger.


here is my trigger


this trigger fire after record inserted into Contact Object and also insert record to

CustomerContactDetails custom object. can anybody help me.



trigger insertIntoCustomerContactDetail on Contact (after update)



for (Contact a : Trigger.new)


CustomerContactDetail__c ccd = new CustomerContactDetail__c


Contact__c = a.id,

First_Name__c =a.firstName,


Date_Of_Birth__c = a.Birthdate,

Mobile_No__c = a.MobilePhone,

Email__c = a.Email


insert ccd ;




Thanks in advance


Hi all,


I am new in Apex and Salesforce. 

I have seen some posts to that issue.

But is there also a simple way (for example copy and paste) to migrate my trigger from Sandbox to production environment?



I am trying to "copy" a custom object and four related lists into another custom object and four similar related lists.  Not all of the fields would be copied; only a select few.


Does anyone have any sample code that they can offer which will serve as a starting point?


The use case would be as such:


On the Tab for Object_A, there will be a command button to initiate the "Copy" process.  Object_A.Name and several fields would be used to create a new record in Object_B.  Object_A has a related list for which all the records need to be copied to a related list for Object_B (there are actually four of these related lists).



  • October 27, 2009
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Hi Guys,


I have 2 picklists on Account. One is "Industry" -- controlling field, the other is "Sector" -- dependent field.

For example,


When I choose "IT" for Industry, the Sector will show Database, CRM sys, NetWork etc.

When I choose "Education" for Industry, the Sector will show something .....

all those above are set up in field definition in Setup.


I wonder whether there is a way to get their relationship. I mean I hope Apex can help  show which picklist value in industry controlls which values in Sector.





Any idea will be goooooooooooooooooooood!!

We are creating our first VF email template and are having issues with bringing in the customer billing address.  We've followed all the rules that work with other fields but the address just won't come through.


We've tried:








Can anyone help?



Hi I have developed a following VF page
<apex:page sidebar="false"  controller="BES_exportCasesToCSVController" contentType="application/vnd.ms-excel#Cases.xls">
<apex:PageBlock >
<apex:PageBlockTable value="{!cases}" var="case" rowClasses="odd,even" styleClass="tableClass" >
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Practice Name</apex:facet>
<apex:outputText value="{!case.Practice_Name__r.Name}"/>

This gives me excel file for the pageBlockTable contents when I execute this in Firefox
or Google Chrome browser,but when I run this in IE 7 an error box pops up displaying following
Windows Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer cannot download exportCasesToCSV from c.cs2.visual.force.com.

Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.

I need this working in IE because client uses IE7. Pls tell me any workarounf for this. I am ready to go for SControl
also if there is no way in VisualForce