• gtsnowd
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We have been using the EE version of the excel connector agains a PE version of Salesforce.  It has been working ok.  Is there something we should be aware of?
The reason we have done this is because the PE version of the connector does not allow us to look at the VBA code.  It is password protected.
When I try to enter the following formula into a cell I get an error
sflookup (Account, "AAA Company")
When I enter this in a cell and hit enter I get the following error
Salesforce:  soql query()
invalid Range, missing data type, or other error:
Type mismatch
Does anybody know why?
I would like to create a button in excel that will basically run Query Table Data from the sforce connector toolbar.  I tried to record a macro, but the record does not pick up anything from the sforce menu.  I also looked at the VB editor, but everything in there related to the connector is password protected.
I am having a problem inserting a new opportuntiy.  Here is the error message I get
Salesforce:  Create()
invalid Range, missing datatype, or other error
type is :  Opportunity
Value out of range
I have narrowed down the problem to two custom fields I am trying to load.  Both are percent fields.  When I just type a value into the cells for those fields the insert works just fine.  When I put a cell reference in there for the value, I get the error mentioned above.
When I click on any item under the sforce Connector toolbar, I get an error message that says "The file cannot be accessed".  Any ideas?
I would like to be able to record an excel macro to execute the query on the sf connector.
I'm sure there's a whole VBA routine, but if I'm honest, I'd be way out of my depth.
Hence looking to see if anyones been abel to do this with recorded macros.
Anyone got any advice or pointers
When I click on any item under the sforce Connector toolbar, I get an error message that says "The file cannot be accessed".  Any ideas?

I have salesforce enterprise and am using Excel Sforce connector. I have tried loggin in to the visual basic code as instructed in the instructions by pressing alt F11. This works but when I try to view the sforce_connector code it prompts for a sforce_connector password. I have tried using my salesforce password but that doesnt work. What is the password I should be using?

  • October 07, 2008
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I have tried to create a simple macro by using "Record New Macro" to Launch the Connector. It doesn't work. Does anyone know a simple way to create a macro that will launch the connector and even run a query? I am not a VB Programmer, so I would prefer to keep it simple.
  • September 15, 2006
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What code would I write in my VBA module to have my macro automatically step into the "Run each query on all sheets" menu item from the connector?
I have written some VBA code to handle the preceding and subsequent steps, and now just need to call that connector function to complete the macro.
Thanks in advance.