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I'm using Data Loader 15 and Developer Edition.

I read Data Loader developer's Guide.

But I couldn't understand what server host I should use.


And my company uses proxy servers. The port digit is 5.

But Data Loader Settings allows 4 digit :smileysad:


Can anyone help me?




On a standard Salesforce edit page, when the save button is clicked, the button immediately grays out and prevents the user from clicking the button multiple times.  I'm trying to get the same effect on a VFP but I am having no luck.  Has anybody already done this?  I don't know if it's pertinent, but my save button is calling a method called Save in a custom controller.



<apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save" id="saveBtn" /> </apex:pageBlockButtons>




  • March 02, 2009
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I'm using the visualforce flash tag:


<apex:flash src="{!$Resource.FlashApplication}"
         width="100%" height="100%"
         flashvars="session_id={!$Api.Session_ID}&server_url={!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_90}" />



However when loading the visualforce page the prompt "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items." appears.  When the  <apex:flash is commented out, the page loads without the prompt.


Any ideas?

I have a Visualforce page that contains a javascript function:
       function reportSuccessOrFail()
          try {
                 var success = sforce.apex.execute("ReadResult","GetResult",{});
                if(success ==true)
                    alert('Salesforce data successfully updated');
                    alert('There was an error with the update');
            } catch (e) {
                alert(e.name + ' ' + e.message);

This uses the following apex class:

global class ReadResult{
    webservice static boolean GetResult()
        boolean returnresult = false;
        DateTime timefrom = DateTime.now();
        DatabaseRequest__c[] dbr = [select Result__c from DatabaseRequest__c order by Time__c desc];
            returnresult  = dbr[0].Result__c;
        return returnresult;

When I run it I get the error: INVALID_SESSION_ID: Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session
How do I fix this?

Message Edited by Praetorian65 on 01-07-2009 06:05 AM
I have a tab called "Networks". Is it possible to build a visualforce page that has perhaps a small bit of custom content at the top and then load the network list view, or would I have to build my own view from scratch?
(If you hadn't guessed im brand new to this).
Thanks in advance.
Edit - Solved - found the listviews in the reference.

Message Edited by Praetorian65 on 01-07-2009 02:19 AM
I am trying to simply call on a javascript to edit the display for a set within a dataTable.

function Currency(Double field){
return "hello";
var CurrencyLook = "";
var tempField=field;
if(field<0){tempfield = -field; CurrencyLook += "("; }
CurrencyLook += "$"+tempfield;
var CurrencyIndex = CurrencyLook.indexOf(".");
if(CurrencyIndex!=-1 && CurrencyIndex!=null){
if(CurrencyIndex + 3 != CurrencyLook.length() ) CurrencyLook += CurrencyLook+"0";
if(field<0){CurrencyLook += ")";}
return CurrencyLook;

<apex:outputText rendered="{!ProductGSize>0}">
<apex:repeat value="{!productG}" var="prodG">
<tr><td class="regText" width="">{!prodG.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name}</td>
<td class="regText" width="">{!prodG.Quantity}</td>
<td class="regText" width="">({!prodG.UnitPrice})</td>
<td class="regText" width="">Currency({!prodG.TotalPrice})</td>

 Obviously it doesnt invoke the javascript that I have written. Instead it displays the text as is... 

Any ideas how to get it to run the script and return the modified string value??   Hopefully simple answer. Couldnt get it to work in the controller either cause I have to use <apex:repeat>


Hi everyone -

I'm trying to use the example of a VisualForce Email Template on Accounts with related Cases to create an email for one custom object and its related list items.  Referencing the first object is straightforward, but I haven't been able to figure out how to reference the related list.

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="A foo is required for this case; Do not reply to this email." recipientType="User" relatedToType="foo__c">
<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >

   Case/foo Number: {!relatedTo.Case_Number__c}
   Subject: {!relatedTo.Subject__c}
   // Here's where the trouble occurs, where foo_item__c is an individual
   // item in a related list
   <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.foo_Line_Item}">
       {!cx.Detail_Number__c} - {!cx.Replacement_Component__c}

   // whether I use foo_Line_Item__c, foo_Line_Items, foo_Line_Item__cs - nothing seems to apply

Looking at the schema, the foo__c child object name is foo_Line_Item__c.


<apex:pageBlock title="Lost Opportunites">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!LostOpportunities}" var="aOpportunity" width="100%" >
                <apex:column headervalue="Opportunity Name" value="{!aOpportunity.Name}"/>
                <apex:column headervalue="Stage" value="{!aOpportunity.Stagename}"/>
                <apex:column headerdir="RTL" headervalue="Net Revenue" dir="RTL" value="{!aOpportunity.Sum_Net_Revenue__c}"/>
    </apex:pageBlockTable >

 This code results in the last column having the header left justified and the value right justified.  I want both header and value to be right justified (RTL).  Have I done this wrong or is it a bug?


Message Edited by GerhardNewman2 on 06-06-2008 12:35 AM
Dear Fellows,
Can a SControl execute APEX code or SalesForce query language?
I wish to render all the Leads and Tasks of the currently logged in user into a SControl

Message Edited by Farrukh_5 on 04-17-2008 02:56 AM
Hi All,
    I have a flex app in a scontrol using the flex toolkit.  I get the error message below from IE.  It is not consinstant but only seems to happen in IE.  Also, it only seems to just started happening.  Help Please!

fault from operation: (mx.rpc::Fault)#0
  errorID = 0
  faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"
  faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: https://na1.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/10.0/111400D300000001JdX"
  faultString = "HTTP request error"
  message = "faultCode:Server.Error.Request faultString:'HTTP request error' faultDetail:'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: https://na1.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/10.0/111400D300000001JdX'"
  name = "Error"
  rootCause = (flash.events::IOErrorEvent)#1
    bubbles = false
    cancelable = false
    currentTarget = (flash.net::URLLoader)#2
      bytesLoaded = 0
      bytesTotal = 0
      data = (null)
      dataFormat = "text"
    eventPhase = 2
    target = (flash.net::URLLoader)#2
    text = "Error #2032"
    type = "ioError"

Downloading and running the latest sample code using as3salesforce.swc I get the following error when logging in (I have obscured my username and password below)...

Login failed:
  bubbles = false
  cancelable = true
  context = (null)
  currentTarget = (null)
  eventPhase = 2
  fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#1
    errorID = 0
    faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"
    faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/11.0"
    faultString = "HTTP request error"
    message = "faultCode:Server.Error.Request faultString:'HTTP request error' faultDetail:'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/11.0'"
    name = "Error"
    rootCause = (flash.events::IOErrorEvent)#2
      bubbles = false
      cancelable = false
      currentTarget = (flash.net::URLLoader)#3
        bytesLoaded = 0
        bytesTotal = 0
        data = (null)
        dataFormat = "text"
      eventPhase = 2
      target = (flash.net::URLLoader)#3
      text = "Error #2032"
      type = "ioError"
  message = (mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#4
    body = (Object)#5
    clientId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"
    correlationId = "62A2E11E-D3C1-3091-D22B-10D45BCBB415"
    destination = ""
    extendedData = (null)
    faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"
    faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/11.0"
    faultString = "HTTP request error"
    headers = (Object)#6
    messageId = "4837C6BD-A819-0A93-BEAB-10D4619844CC"
    rootCause = (flash.events::IOErrorEvent)#2
    timestamp = 0
    timeToLive = 0
  messageId = "4837C6BD-A819-0A93-BEAB-10D4619844CC"
  target = (null)
  token = (mx.rpc::AsyncToken)#7
    message = (mx.messaging.messages::HTTPRequestMessage)#8
      body = "<se:Envelope xmlns:se="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><se:Header xmlns:sfns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com"/><se:Body><login xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com" xmlns:ns1="sobject.partner.soap.sforce.com"><username>XXXXX</username><password>XXXX</password></login></se:Body></se:Envelope>"
      clientId = (null)
      contentType = "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"
      destination = "DefaultHTTP"
      headers = (Object)#9
        DSEndpoint = "direct_http_channel"
      httpHeaders = (Object)#10
        Accept = "text/xml"
        SOAPAction = """"
        X-Salesforce-No-500-SC = "true"
      messageId = "62A2E11E-D3C1-3091-D22B-10D45BCBB415"
      method = "POST"
      recordHeaders = false
      timestamp = 0
      timeToLive = 0
      url = "https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/11.0"
    responders = (Array)#11
      [0] (::SalesForceResponder)#12
    result = (null)
  type = "fault"

I followed the instructions and am running my flex app locally under a JBoss server rather than embedding into Salesforce.com as an scontrol.  My username and password are the same ones I use to log in to my developer account so I know they are correct.

Anyone have any idea why?  I am stalled behind ths problem.
