• wchristny
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I am trying to create a report based upon the report type: Account with Custom object1 with Custom Object2. Custom object 1 is having look up to Accounts and Custom object 2 is having Master detail to Custom object1. Now, I want to include Account fields in the report but, standard filters should be based upon . With this report type, Account fields are achievable but Standard filters are based on Accounts ( View Filters). Another option I tried is, by creating report type Custom Object 1 with Custom Object 2 but here I am not able to extract account fields though standard filters are having views from Custom object 1.


 Is there any way I can create a report where I can include Account fields as well as Standard filters from Custom Object1

I am trying add custom field to OpportunityLineItem obj, But I dont see it in setup>customize ....All I see is accounts, leads, opportunity kind of objects, but i dont see iOpportunityLineItem here.

Hi there,


I have a custom object called Flight_Cost. That object is linked to Opportunity object with master details relationship. On the Flight_Cost, I have a formula field call cost (currency).  I am trying to create a roll up summary of the cost field but that field is not available when the SUM option is selected. Am I doing something wrong?


I had Advanced Currency Management feature turned up. It doesn't work when I turned the feature off as well.


Please advise.



  • March 22, 2010
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I am trying to get the content that is my 'Account Record Type' Field to populate at the contact level for every contact under that particular account.  I have tried mapping, workflow, and formulas and am at a loss.  Doesn't see like it should be this hard.  I appreciate any help with this.


I am trying to create a report based upon the report type: Account with Custom object1 with Custom Object2. Custom object 1 is having look up to Accounts and Custom object 2 is having Master detail to Custom object1. Now, I want to include Account fields in the report but, standard filters should be based upon . With this report type, Account fields are achievable but Standard filters are based on Accounts ( View Filters). Another option I tried is, by creating report type Custom Object 1 with Custom Object 2 but here I am not able to extract account fields though standard filters are having views from Custom object 1.


 Is there any way I can create a report where I can include Account fields as well as Standard filters from Custom Object1



I am new to salesforce.  I have few questions regarding to add new Task and Event.

Basically, I am looking for an option to create task or event and assign it to a queue (not to individual).   I also would like to capture the Start and End time, and currently Task does not have Start/End time option. 


I know that Task has assign to "Multiple Users", which I can assign specific role, but it will show up in everyone screen if they have a same role.   Also Event does not have this option.



1. Is there a way to insert two more fields (Start Time and End Time) in Task, so I can capture the time?

2. Is there a way to assign task to a queue?

3. Or is there a way to assign Event to a queue?


Thanks in advance,




i written a apex class to generate a manual reference number and this code will execute while before insert and before update


but while runnig unit test i am getting code coverage is 63%


public class AP04
     public static void addNiceRef(Opportunity[] oppObj)  
            String OppDivisionCode;
            Integer refCountValue = 1000 ;
            for (Opportunity getoppObj1:oppObj)
              OppDivisionCode = getoppObj1.Division_Code__c ;
           if(OppDivisionCode != null)
           //   sObject[] groupedResults =
              for (sObject ar : [select Max(RefNumCount__c) refnum, Division_Code__c from Opportunity where Division_Code__c  = :OppDivisionCode group by Division_Code__c limit 1]) 
               if (String.valueOf(ar.get('refnum')) != null)
                  refCountValue = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(ar.get('refnum')));
            for (Opportunity getoppObj2:oppObj)
               getoppObj2.RefNumCount__c = refCountValue + 1;
               getoppObj2.OLDNICENBR__C = OppDivisionCode + '' + getoppObj2.RefNumCount__c ;

     public static void updateNiceRef(Opportunity[] oppObj)  
             String OpporunityID;            
             String OppDivisionCode;            
             Integer refCountValue = 1000 ; 
             Integer RecordCount = 0; 
             for (Opportunity getoppObj1:oppObj)
                OppDivisionCode = getoppObj1.Division_Code__c ;
                OpporunityID = getoppObj1.ID;
           if(OppDivisionCode != null)
            for (sObject ar : [select Max(RefNumCount__c) refnum,Division_Code__c from Opportunity where  Division_Code__c =:OppDivisionCode group by Division_Code__c limit 1]) 
                     if (String.valueOf(ar.get('refnum')) != null)
                         refCountValue = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(ar.get('refnum')));
            for (Opportunity getoppObj2:oppObj)
               If(OppDivisionCode == null)
                  getoppObj2.OLDNICENBR__C = null;
                  getoppObj2.RefNumCount__c = 0;
                 getoppObj2.RefNumCount__c = refCountValue + 1;
                 getoppObj2.OLDNICENBR__C =  OppDivisionCode + '' + getoppObj2.RefNumCount__c ;



test code for my apex class 


private class Test_AP04_AP05 {

 private static testMethod void TestAP04_5(){
    List<Opportunity> myOpportunityList1=new List<Opportunity>(); 
     Account a = new account();
    a.Name = 'Test';
    a.RecordTypeId = '012200000001RhOAAU';
    a.KeyAccount__c = 'No';
    insert a;
   for(Integer i=0;i<5;i++)
         myOpportunityList1.add(new Opportunity(RecordTypeId = '012200000001RetAAE',name='Testing'+ i ,
         CloseDate=date.today(),AccountId=a.Id,Division_Code__c = 'UKTY2',Market_Community__c ='Latin_America',
         Trading_Plan__c='No' ));   
         myOpportunityList1.add(new Opportunity(RecordTypeId = '012200000001RetAAE',name='Testing'+ i ,
         CloseDate=date.today(),AccountId=a.Id,Division_Code__c = 'UKTY2',Market_Community__c ='Other',
         Trading_Plan__c='Yes' )); 
         myOpportunityList1.add(new Opportunity(RecordTypeId = '012200000001RetAAE',name='Testing'+ i ,
         CloseDate=date.today(),AccountId=a.Id,Division_Code__c = '',Market_Community__c ='',
         Trading_Plan__c='' ));  
         myOpportunityList1.add(new Opportunity(RecordTypeId = '012200000001RetAAE',name='Testing'+ i ,
         CloseDate=date.today(),AccountId=a.Id,Division_Code__c = '',Market_Community__c ='Latin_America',
         Trading_Plan__c='No' ));     
     insert myOpportunityList1;  



if i am increaing for lopp size it is showing tomany soql quaries

please any body help me on this

We are currently asking our agents to capture the Contact Name in the Oppty Name field because our interest is at the Contact level rather than the Account level.


Here's the problem:

When creating a workflow rule to send an internal email based on the installation date, we can only include Oppty fields in the content of the email. Related Contact data will not generate.


Proposed solution from SFDC:

Create a Contact relationship lookup field on the Oppty. However, now our agents would have to enter the same info in two fields. Is it possible to create a workflow rule that would "copy & paste" from the Contact relationship lookup field to the standard Oppty Name field?


Second problem:

Does anyone know how to create cross object formulas so that I can duplicate some of the data from the Contact to the Oppty?


Thank you!

This should be easy but...


I have 2 custom objects – "Product" and "Related Product".


"Product" has fields that include Price, Category, Description, etc..

"Related Product" only has a single field – master-detail back against "Product".
Also it has an Auto Number field for the Name – I did this so that the user would only have to select a related product and not have to type some other data in.


On the tab "Product" I get a related list of "Related Products" but the listview only shows
the auto number (ie: RP-0001). I want to add more fields to the listview on the "Product" tab but when I go to the Page Layout on the "Product" object and click the wrench on the related list I have no other field that would be meaningful to include.


OK – so I go back to "Related Product" object and add a Formula field and indeed this formula field shows up on the "Product" tab – page layout – "Related Product" related list - wrench area.


The issue is creating the formula field – nothing I select (fields to include) allows me to get the name of the product the user selected (on the "Related Product". Its always a cryptic ID or the Product name of the parent or something else.


Any ideas?


Thanks - Dave

I am trying add custom field to OpportunityLineItem obj, But I dont see it in setup>customize ....All I see is accounts, leads, opportunity kind of objects, but i dont see iOpportunityLineItem here.



How do you combine a CASE function with BEGINS for certain characters in a picklist field?

Below is the formula that is working now: 

CASE( Industry_Size_Tier__c , "1_Tier 5", -1 , "2_Tier 4", 0, "3_Tier 1/3_Tier 2/3_Tier 3",1,0)


basicaly it returns:

If "1_Tier 5" selected, it will return number -1.

If "2_Tier 4" is selected, it will return number 0.

If "3_Tier 1/3_Tier 2/3_Tier 3", it will return number 1.


I'd like to simplify and possibly reduce the compile characters if I could just use the "BEGINS" function using the common characters which BEGINS with "3_" strings instead of spelling out all the "3_Tier 1/3_Tier 2/3_Tier 3"strings for the last expression above.


Please HELP.





  • March 08, 2010
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1. Anyone know why some custom fields are available for mail merge and others are not. We have a number of our custom objects not appearing as an option to merge into a document.


2. Has anyone been successful in merging data from three seperate objects simultaneously, i.e. Account, Contact and Custom Object (that is a look up to the Account).  Trying to pull data into our contracts via mail merge. Need to pull some account and contact info as well as a listing of products (custom object).



  • March 05, 2010
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I have the following formula used to convert a value to EURO:

"EUR " & IF(  NOT(CONTAINS(TEXT(CurrencyIsoCode), "EUR")),  TEXT(Amount*CASE(TEXT(CurrencyIsoCode), "USD", 0.677354 , "CHF", 0.9, 1)),TEXT(Amount))


I would like the returned result to be formatted with a comma for the thousands separator.

For example: 25,000


Changing the return type of the formula as currency does not work. I get the following error message:

Error: Invalid Data.

Formula result is data type (Text), incompatible with expected data type (Currency).


Any ideas?

What is the soql statement used to generate the account hierarchy view?  For example, I'd like to run a soql statement that traverses forward and backward to return a resultset of the entire account hierarchy for the account...i.e the child accounts and the parent acount and potentially, the parent of the parent, etc., because the hierarchy can be 3 or 4 levels deep.


How would I construct a soql statement to return the entire account hierarchy view?



 Has anyone used  the Lightbox Visualforce component provided by force.com labs to call a visualforce page


The link for the App on Appexchage is 




 This is a free app which has a visual force component <c:lightbox>


I want to show some visuaforce code in it. 


