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Is it possible to add an event to a public calendar via apex or the API in general?  I could try it myself, but it's much quicker to ask.

Once I've added an event to a public calendar via the standard UI, I can pull up the record in Apex Explorer etc. and see that it's put in the public calendar ID as the OwnerID, but don't know if apex will let me write that value directly.  (I've noticed that one quirk of the standard UI is that while I can create an event in the public calendar if I start from that calendar, I can't take an existing event and move it to a public calendar by typing the name of the calendar in the Assigned To field (which I assume corresponds to OwnerID.)   I want to make sure there aren't similar limitations on edits for apex.

And is there any way to pull up a list of public calendars and their ID's?  I don't see the object anywhere in the scema explorer.

Thanks much!

  • November 14, 2007
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