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I'm trying to use the below in a text formula to display the text in a field if a case is logged between certain hours (so i can create an assignment rule to push the case to the correct queue)

IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 00  &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 10, "USA", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 10 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 22, "Europe", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) <= 22 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 24, "Asia", "Europe"))

 At the moment the field is always stating "Asia" and i am not sure why this is




I am checking SOQL execution and how batchSize works. I refereed link below...



it tells that the default batchSize is 500, and max is 2000. Surprisingly my API call is returning 2000 records even though I didn't mention the batchSize. 


Could anyone tell me why my API call is returning 2000 records in one batch by default?


Default batch size returned by the API is 500or 2000 records?


I can't figure out why I am getting an Extra comma message referring to the comma after (ISPICKVAL(Status__c,"Done Not Reviewed"))))



(AND(Question_Group__c = "A",Answer__c = "Yes"),
(AND(Question_Group__c = "C",Answer__c = "No")),
(AND(Question_Group__c = "B",Answer__c <> " "))),
(ISPICKVAL(Status__c,"Done Not Reviewed")))),"https://c.cs2.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015R00000001kLA",


I'm trying to use the below in a text formula to display the text in a field if a case is logged between certain hours (so i can create an assignment rule to push the case to the correct queue)

IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 00  &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 10, "USA", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2))  <= 10 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 22, "Europe", 
IF( VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) <= 22 &&  VALUE(MID(TEXT(CreatedDate), 12, 2)) < 24, "Asia", "Europe"))

 At the moment the field is always stating "Asia" and i am not sure why this is


Hi Everyone,


                    I have a requirement and getting some confusion to slove this.


I have a custom object  'A', having two fileds 1 and 2 .

 1--> picklist type

My rquirement is to make a field 2 as look up field on case object field 'priority'

Based on the pick list value of the filed 1, i have to look up on case object's different fields.

Note: the objects A and Case dont have any relationship






I will greatly appreciate if you can help me with the challenges below.  SFDC Support people cannot provide assistance with formulae through basic support.



Case 1:

I would like to create a functioning workflow rule on a custom object where it will be activated when the related contact role ( a custom field ) is either one of the two options and if the "Contract Ext for New Physician Months" ( another custom field ) is not equal to zero. I created the formula below:


and(or(ISPICKVAL(Contact__r.Role__c, "Add-on Physician"), ISPICKVAL(Contact__r.Role__c,"Income Stabilization Physician")), NOT(ispickval( Contract_Ext_for_new_Physician_months__c , "0")))


The formula above is linked to a workflow action where a user will be notified by email. I checked the formula syntax and it's OK but for some reason, the email notification never gets activated.




Case 2:

I would like to create a new field with a formula data type where it will count the number of related contacts with a particular title. For example, in the Account page I have five contacts and three of them have the title "Lead Physician". I would like to have a field that it will automatically count the total number of contacts that have that title which is 3. 




Thank you in advance!










I am facing a problem when retrieving contact records based on phone number. I am unable to retrieve the record if it has the phone number in different format (Ex: 123-123-1234, (123)123-1234, 1231231234, 1-(123)123-1234....etc). I am using SOQL query to retrieve the data.


I want to retrieve records even the phone number format is different. Any solutions?



  • August 17, 2010
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I am checking SOQL execution and how batchSize works. I refereed link below...



it tells that the default batchSize is 500, and max is 2000. Surprisingly my API call is returning 2000 records even though I didn't mention the batchSize. 


Could anyone tell me why my API call is returning 2000 records in one batch by default?


Default batch size returned by the API is 500or 2000 records?