• Dan123
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Hi All,


We have a requirement to integrate UPS with Salesforce.com. The requirement is to automate below two processes:


         1.  to send the information of confirming shipment and get the shipping label from UPS

         2.  to have the tracking information updated in SF from UPS


 I have researched on it and found below points:


  1. The WSDL provided by UPS cannot be directly consumed in SF.com, it throws an error 'Found schema import from location UPSSecurity.xsd. External schema import not supported'.
  2. I am also in touch with UPS to confirm if we can integrate it using HTTP request/response. For it I’ll require their webservice URL on which I can POST data using HTTP callout and get response back in XML. BUT before proceeding in that, I would like to confirm that Can we make HTTP callouts from a trigger or scheduled APEX? As our requirement is to automate the shipping so most probably we’ll be doing HTTP callouts from a trigger (calling Future class) or may be batch Apex. I found the below post on discussion boards related to it which states that there can be some issues:



3. There are some applications on AppExchange like ExactShip (ShipCRM) but those don’t meet the requirements as they are manually driven.

4. There are some third-party products like AIVEA (eShip), who provide webservices to integrate with UPS but their WSDL could not be consumed too (Error: Failed to parse wsdl: Unable to find schema for element; {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema. None of their clients have earlier integrated their webservices with SF.com. I am working on integrating their webservices using HTTP request/response but would like to get any detailed documentation on HTTPS callouts (to pass parameters to webservice and parse the XML response). Kindly let me know where I can find details about it.


It would be really great if I can get any help on this.


Thanks !


  • April 28, 2010
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Following in what I am experiencing:


1. Bind a visual page  action with an method in Apex controler to trigger it when page load.


2. In the that Apex method, I call an outside webservice. But it always end with time out when run in first time, it will work well after that. 


3. I've already set the timeout_x =12000


Notes: Actually, in the first time, the web service was called successfully but the code after the Webservice call will not be excuted due to time out


Anyone have the similar experience? any advise or discussion will be appreciated!  




When our app makes a callout to an external webservice over SSL, we get the following Exception:


System.CalloutException: IO Exception: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


 This doesn't happen with regular http callout. our certificate is NOT expired on the target server and everything seems to be normal. no alert or anything from the browser.

 any idea?




P.S We need to resolve this for security review.







Message Edited by Bms270 on 05-14-2009 07:17 PM
Message Edited by Bms270 on 05-14-2009 07:19 PM